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Recruitment is a process where you attract the candidates towards your

organization and let them know that you are hiring. In this process, the
HR team of an organization chooses an appropriate source for hiring a
Recruitment becomes a challenge in this pandemic COVID-19 situation.
COVID-19 has certainly fundamentally changed the way we
traditionally approach recruitment. Recruitment strategies must be
flexible and dynamic in terms of work adapted to the current work
environment. Now many organizations use a recruitment marketing
strategy to capture potential candidates in this pandemic. There are some
steps for marketing successful recruitment-
 Job Advertising: Communication is the key! Through your
advertisements, candidates will know that you are hiring. Spread
your advertisement online. Use an online platform and social
media such as Bdjobs, LinkedIn, and Facebook to spread your job
advertisement. Because job advertisement is most important in the
COVID-19 situation, being as straightforward as possible about the
role, prospects, and responsibilities to be performed in the job
description will help build a good relationship and trust with the
job seekers. Flexible working hours, childcare, health insurance,
and a remote work opportunity are included to encourage
 Maintain a Rich Careers Site: The company's career site is
known as the recruitment marketing plan's nerve center. It is also a
core for all data that an applicant might need, a place for more
involvement and communication, as Microsoft recently
demonstrated.1 Microsoft announced that its career site is on the
Phenom People Platform. Phenom is an HR technology that helps

lots of candidates find their right job and expose their potential. By
implementing this, Microsoft will get a potential and interested
 Continued implementation of digital messages: During this
pandemic, the modern HR group uses programmatic advertising to
attract an employee's attention using solutions such as 1PlusX.
1PlusX turn their recruitment to new Artificial intelligence. They
use an AI data platform to give publishers new recruitment data
tools to combine recruitment ad data with their primary site
audience data.2

Using the existing Candidate pool: It is very tough to launch a

recruitment campaign with a considerable budget in this pandemic.
Because every organization is running out of profit, so the organization
can move their focus on the existing pool of candidates, who have
previously submitted their applications, they might be jobless during this

Sources of recruiting:
 Internal Sources- Organizations can recruit an employee from
their internal sources. It will help them to reduce costs.
 External Source-
 Referrals - Companies will inevitably rely on reliable references
from their employee because they can't meet new applicants.


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