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• OTB stands for Opportunities Towards Best it believes in bringing out only the best and
out of the box concepts and talents. We strive to live up to the expectation of people of
serving unique and best of the concepts and ideas. We are the concept creators with the
aim of giving Vadodara its own lifestyle and luxury.

• OTB is coming up with an exciting concept of re-inventing the ambience that food and
music brings in together.
• OTB’S FM, celebration of Food and Music is all about creating magic in autumn wind
because nothing can be more beautiful than a meal with friends with good music

OTB is collaborating with YUG FOUNDATION, and making the women who love to cook take a
different route from here. We take pride in our women who cook food with so much love and
affection. Some of them take this as hobby, so why not shaping this hobby into a passion!
Through our “Master Chef” competition, we want to encourage the ladies that even their day
to day routine, with some proper guidance can be turned into a Business.

As the mission of GIHM is “To nurture and engender creativity and innovation, by encouraging
its members to follow the road less traveled.” OTB would like to take one step towards and
would like to tie-up with GIHM as a sub event/Competition venue partner.
We will be conducting an online competition between women all over Vadodara where they
will post the pictures of a cuisine along with the recipe, top 10 recipe will be selected and a
competition will be held in the kitchen of GIHM and 1 winner will be selected by the
chef/professors of GIHM.
Apart from this, a press conference will be held in the premises of GIHM.
Also OTB will be glad to provide GIHM with 2 stalls in profit sharing ratio of 75 /25 so they can
show their talent. As we know that you have something unique to show us.

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