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Why traveling is important

(Take a Stand Essay )

“To see the world , things dangerous to come to, to see behind the wall, draw closer, to find
each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life”.

Traveling gets more and more popular each year, for sure it has tons of disadvantages
but the advantages it has are worth taking those risks, it’s a valuable lesson everyone should
experience. Everyone possesses their reasons to travel, for me traveling is about building
confidence, self-discovery, and escape from my reality.
When it comes to traveling, and I am talking about long-term travel, the first thing you
notice is that it is hard, that’s why it’s good for you. When you travel you take a risk in
experiencing hardship, you might get homesick, might not have enough funds, or even get
physically ill, but you will get through it all, and with it boost your self-confidence,
overcoming hardships is the ultimate way of building self-confidence.
Traveling is all about self-discovery, and it grows about the same rate as your self-
confidence, it is the other good side of traveling. Nothing is more educational than stepping out
of your comfort zone, many people take solo travels to just only self discover themselves and
reflect whatever issue they have in their lives, and even if it’s not the primer goal of your
adventure, it will still happen, It is impossible not to, all those experiences, people you meet
along the road, cultures you see leads you to self-discovery. Traveling is, indeed, about self-
Traveling is an escape from your reality, from whatever unpleasant issue you’re having,
whether it’s a breakup, the death of a dear person, or simply boring, sedentary life. It is a far
more effective way to escape rather than watching a movie or reading a book because you go
out and make a change, you take control of your own life. Some people may say that traveling
can be a way of running away from your problems, escaping an unpleasant situation is fine, but
hiding and running away from them is unnecessary because at the end you will need to face
your problems either way, although I know that escapism sometimes is much needed for all of
us and as long as you take responsibility at the end, you will be fine. Traveling is an escape we
all seldom need.
Behind every single beautiful story, there are risks and sacrifices no one talks about, life
itself is a risk, so why won’t you just step out of your house, sit in your car and go whatever
direction your heart tells you to, go and travel and with that build your self-confidence,
discover yourself and escape from your boring reality.

Narek Davtyan, 2nd year, group3rd. Writing skills

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