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Portfolio in

Assessment in
Learning 1

Submitted to: Mr. Edwin Ampler

Submitted by: Richelle Rivera Catabay
Name: Richelle Rivera Catabay
Instructor: Edwin Ampler

A. Define the terms.

 Assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to
some known objective or goal.
 Evaluation is the systematic assessment of the design, implementation or
results of an initiative for the purposes of learning or decision-making.
 Measurement the term measurement means assigning a numbers or
some other symbols to the characteristics of certain objects. When
numbers are used, the researcher must have a rule for assigning a
number to an observation in a way that provides an accurate description.
 Test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or
performance in a given domain.
 Testing exercising a program under controlled conditions and verifying the
 Formative assessment is a tool teachers use to give feedback to students
and/or guide their instructions.
 Placement assessment is to determine the prerequisite skills, degree of
mastery of the course the best mode of learning.
 Diagnostic assessment it is a type of assessment given at the beginning
of the instruction. It aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
students regarding the topics to discussed.
 Summative assessment is given periodically to determine at a particular
time what students know and do not know relative to content standards.
 Traditional assessment are the conventional methods of testing which
usually produce a written document, such as quiz, exam, or paper.
Standardized tests, most state achievement test, and high school
graduation examination are also examples of traditional assessment.
 Portfolio assessment gives both teachers and students a controlled space
to document, review and analyze content leaning.
 Performance assessment refers to assessment methods focused on
teacher’s observation and judgments about student’s demonstrations of

B. Differentiate assessment, testing, measurement and evaluation.

Assessment is the act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to
understand individual students learning and needs. Testing refers to
procedures that are based on a tests. Measurement is the process of
obtaining numerical description of the degree to which an individual
possesses a particular characteristics. Measurement answers the question
“How much”. Evaluation is the process of systematic collection and analysis of
both qualitative and quantitative data for the purpose of making some
decisions and judgments.

C. Functions of assessment
1. Formative assessment
2. Placement assessment
3. Diagnostic assessment
4. Summative assessment
5. Traditional assessment
6. Portfolio assessment
7. Performance assessment

D. Kinds of Test
1. Direct Testing:
Testing is said to be direct when the student is required to perform directly the
skill which we wish to measure, e.g. we ask students to write compositions if
we want to know how well they can write compositions and we ask them to
speak if we want to know how well they can pronounce a language.
2. Indirect Testing:
Indirect testing attempts to measure the abilities which underlie the skills in
which we are interested. E.g. we test pronunciation ability by asking students
to identify pairs of words which rhyme with each other.
3. Objective Testing:
It doesn’t require judgement on the part of the scorer because scoring here is
objective. It won’t change even if the scorer has been changed. Multiple
choice test is an example of this kind of tests.
4. Subjective Testing:
It requires judgement on the part of the scorer because scoring here is
subjective. The grades in subjective testing depend on the impressions of the
scorer. These impressions are not the same among different scorers. Scoring
of a composition is an example of this kind of testing.
5. Discrete Point Testing:
It refers to the testing of one element at a time, item by item. This kind of
testing is always indirect. Each testing involves a particular item. Testing
particular grammatical structures is an example of this kind of testing.
6. Integrative Testing:
It includes many language elements in the completion of a task. It might
involve writing a composition, taking notes while listening to a text and
completing a cloze passage.
7. Norm-Referenced Testing:
This kind of testing relates one student’s performance to that of other
students. We don’t say that student is capable of doing well in the language
but we say the student gained a score that placed him/her in the top five
students who have taken the same test.
8. Criterion-Referenced Testing:
The purpose of this kind of testing is to classify students according to whether
they are able to perform some tasks satisfactorily. Who performs the tasks
satisfactorily ‘pass’, those who don’t, ‘fail’. We measure students’ progress in
relation to meaningful criteria.

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