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If I could understand what dogs what dogs speak

Hello everyone. I am Samanvitha and I study in grade 4 B at orchid panathur. If I could understand
what dogs what dogs speak

Some of us might know Dogs may understand humans better than we thought,.

Your dog may speak in barks and growls, but they also may understand human language.
But what if we could understand what dogs what dogs speak. Here I tell you some funny stuff. It
would be cool right. So, I am going to tell you how it would be if we could understand dog’s
language. When I yell at my dog in anger to stop barking, my do would reply yay we are barking to
geather now. And if I gave him a piece of meat it would say you must have gave me more looking at
my plate.

We could hear the dog’s secrets and easily know why the dog’s pups are arguing about.

And since we don’t give chocolates to dogs because it spoils there health, my dog might say your
telling that because you want to eat more chocolates. And finally understand if it is barking happy
birthday to you.

Thank you.

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