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Professione esercitata ai sensi della Legge n.

del 14 gennaio 2013, Disposizioni in materia di
professioni non organizzate in ordini o collegi

Feldenkrais Method® for musicians on Zoom

Awareness Through Movement® online live lessons

15 February - 31 May 2021

Monday 7.30 PM & Thursday 7.30 PM
Rome Time Zone

For further information and to subscribe please

send a whatsapp message to (+39) 334.1568156
or write an email to
• Classes will be taught in English
• Each lesson lasts 50 minutes
• Costs per quarter: 2 lessons per week 180 €
1 lesson per week 140 €
• Discounts for Students and Youths

Antonia Sfrangeu is a pianist, pedagogue and Feldenkrais® Practitioner.

She is a member of Ars et Labor Association, Italy, where she specialized in teaching Feldenkrais Method® for musicians,
piano, ear training and musical theory.
Born in Botosani (Romania), she began her musical studies in her hometown and then continued them at the “Dinu Lipatti”
Conservatory in Bucharest. After moving to Italy, she attended intense masterclasses with Christa Bützberger and Marina
Rossi, where she started to approach the Feldenkrais Method® and the phenomenology of music as outlined by the conductor
Sergiu Celibidache; these two disciplines together form the foundations of her thinking and, consequently, of her work as a
musician and as a teacher.
She studied chamber music with M° Franco Rossi and opera singing with Tatiana Chivarova.
She graduated in piano in 2003 at the Conservatory of Trento and in 2004 at the three-year course ARS ET LABOR. After
having studied the Feldenkrais Method® for 16 years she graduated from the Feldenkrais International Training Program
Vienna 7 (educational director Jeremy Krauss).
She gave several concerts in Italy and abroad and won prizes in national and international piano competitions.
Currently she lives in Italy where she carries out an intense teaching activity. She collaborates with many music schools
following and realizing musical and Feldenkrais® projects. During summer, she teaches Feldenkrais Method®, piano, and
music theory for children at the European Music Institute in Vienna. She performs regularly as a pianist and as a singer.

Antonia Sfrangeu: (+39) 334.1568156 -

The Method and its Benefits for Musicians
The Feldenkrais Method® was conceived by the engineer, physicist and judoka Moshe Feldenkrais. This
ingenious learning method favors evolution enabling the human being to reach his or her potential in a
more immediate and natural way, through a systematic work of unification between motor activity and
Making music is a complex act that requires complete, mature and free human beings, aware of their
potential and in full possession of their skills. Due to the sophisticated mechanisms and habits that are
established during the learning phase, this process, which should be as fluid as possible, can lead to
physical, emotional and mental tensions that prevent direct, immediate and organic access to the musical
content. The Feldenkrais Method® promotes greater unity between body and mind through a fascinating
and deep awareness work, making the approach to music simpler, more spontaneous and more creative.
Some of the benefits felt by the musicians who embraced this discipline are: rediscovery and growth of
their own potential, improved ability to adapt to new situations, greater ease in solving the most difficult
technical passages, adaptable posture according to the circumstances, trust and confidence in their own
capacities, physical and mental flexibility, inner freedom, independence, spontaneity and creativity. The
method is also a concrete support in the prevention of issues related to the musical practice such as focal
dystonia, tendinitis, tinnitus, fear deriving from performance anxiety.

Awareness Through Movement® lessons

Through classic Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons, chosen specifically for
musicians, the students will be able to regain new self-image modules enriching the knowledge of the
“Self”. The teacher will give also an overview of some fundamental principles and useful hints for
musicians in order to make them more aware and able to manage their daily practice with greater ease.
During a Feldenkrais lesson, participants are gently guided by the teacher with simple verbal instructions
through a sequence of movements. Reducing effort and fatigue, they will acquire an even greater
capacity of differentiation and better sensitivity toward themselves. The attention will be channeled on the
quality of the movement, not on the goal; body and mind will move in unison, investigating and exploring
with curiosity. The students will move at their own pace, with their own means, without imitating anyone,
as their uniqueness will be the source and the treasure that they will learn to appreciate and cherish.
© Ars et Labor
Feldenkrais® , Feldenkrais Method® , Awareness Through Movement® are registered trademarks

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