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1. J.S. Mill is the founder of utilitarianism.

2. Utilitarianism is a sort of egoistic hedonism. (F)
3. Bentham gave a deontological theory of ethics. (F)
4. According to Mill utilitarianism is a universal hedonism. (T)
5. For Bentham only quantity of pleasure should be ensured. (T)
6. Fallacy means the error of a statement. (F)
7. G.E. Moore is the author of 'Utilitarianism". (F)
8. According to utilitarianism, Pleasure should be maximized for all
the people in a country. (T)
9. Moore objected that Bentham commits the fallacy of
equivocation. (F)
10. For Moore, the word 'desirable ‘has two meanings. (T)

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