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PLG 500





Question 1

 The samples is chosen randomly from the population and the scores for each of
the participants should be independent of all other participants.
 Level of measurement refers to each variable
 Related pairs refers to the pairs of variables. Each participant or observation should
have a pair of values.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Math_scores .145 30 .109 .929 30 .045

Science_Scores .144 30 .112 .929 30 .047

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov,

The p value for male is .109 (p> 0.05), hence the distribution of this data is normal.

The p value for female is .112 (p> 0.05), hence the distribution of this data is normal.

Hence, the assumption on normality is to met.

However, according to Shapiro- Wilk,

The p value for male is .045(p< 0.05), so the distribution of this data is not normal.

The p value for female is .047 (p< 0.05), hence the distribution of this data isnot normal.
Since both data is normally not distributed, the assumption on normality is not to met.

The distribution of data skewed to the left.

The distribution of data is not normal.
The distribution of data looks

The distribution of data is fairly


The distribution of data is fairly


Math_scores Science_Scores

N Valid 30 30

Missing 0 0
Mean 62.37 59.77
Std. Error of Mean 3.465 3.648
Median 64.50 60.00
Mode 40 80
Std. Deviation 18.978 19.980
Variance 360.171 399.220
Skewness .050 -.268
Std. Error of Skewness .427 .427
Kurtosis -1.044 -1.191
Std. Error of Kurtosis .833 .833
Range 60 62
Minimum 30 25
Maximum 90 87
Sum 1871 1793

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

The kurtosis for Math score is -1.044.

Meanwhile, the skewness for Math score is .427, p> 0.01.
Hence, the data is normally distributed.

The kurtosis for Math score is -1.191

Meanwhile, the skewness for Math score is.833 p> 0.01.
Hence, the data is normally distributed.

Ho There is no significant correlation between Maths scores and Science score for
Year 6 students.
H1 There is a significant correlation between Maths scores and science scores for Year
6 students.

Significance level, a = 0.01

If p < 0.01, reject Ho
If p > 0.01, fail to reject Ho

Math_scores Science_Scores

Kendall's tau_b Math_scores Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .811**

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000

N 30 30
Science_Scores Correlation Coefficient .811 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .

N 30 30
Spearman's rho Math_scores Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .885**

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000

N 30 30

Science_Scores Correlation Coefficient .885** 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Significance level for maths score is p = 0.000
Significance level for physics scores is p = 0.000
Reject Ho because p< 0.01

There is a significant and high positive correlation between Mathematics scores and
Science scores in the population, r (28) = 0.811, p< 0.01, r2 = 0.811
df = n - 2 = 30 - 2 = 28
r2 = 0.8112 = 0.657721
65.77 % of the variance in Science scores are associated with the variance in
Mathematics scores.
Or only 34.23 % of the variance in Science scores not associated with the variance in
Maths scores.

The significant correlation between mathematics scores and science scores does not
necessarily imply that high Maths scores will result in high Science scores.
Question 2 :

 The samples is chosen randomly from the population and the scores for each of
the participants should be independent of all other participants.
 Level of measurement refers to each variable
 Related pairs refers to the pairs of variables. Each participant or observation should
have a pair of values.

According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov,

The p value for male is .200(p>0.05), hence the distribution of this data is normal.

The p value for female is .200 (p>0.05), hence the distribution of this data is normal.

Hence, the assumption on normality is to met.

However, according to Shapiro- Wilk,

The p value for male is .150(p> 0.05), so the distribution of this data is normal.

The p value for female is .121 (p>0.05), hence the distribution of this data is normal.
Since only both data is normally distributed, the assumption on normality is to met.

Ho There is no significant correlation between Maths scores and Add Maths scores.
H1 There is a significant correlation between Maths scores and Add Maths scores.

p = 0.000
p < 0.05
Reject Ho because p< 0.05
The significance level according to Saphiro wilk is more than 0.005
Maths r = 0.862 ( positive strong correlation)
Add maths r = 0.862 (positive stong correlation)

There is a significant and high positive correlation between Mathematics scores and
Add Maths score in the population, r (28) = 0.862, p< 0.01, r2 = 0.7430
df = n - 2 = 30 - 2 = 28
r2 = 0.8622 = 0.7430
74.30 % of the variance in maths scores are associated with the variance in add math
Or only 25.70 % of the variance in Add Maths scores not associated with the variance
in Maths scores.

The significant correlation between mathematics scores and add maths scores does
not necessarily imply that high Maths scores will result in high Add Maths scores.

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