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The System 

You get 3 Icon Relationship points at level 1, and an additional point at level 5 
and 8.  These are the only guaranteed points you will get.  You can earn 
additional points through roleplaying and interacting with the Icons.  Each point 
in your icon relationship represents ​something​.  You (or someone working on 
your behalf) have done something in your past that now connects you tangibly 
to the Icon.  Having 1 Positive point with the Crusader might represent two 
years of service in his army.  A conflicted point with the Archmage might be the 
result of a task you completed that had less than ideal results.  The Red 
Chancellor's daughter will never be the same thanks to your blunder.  But still … 
the Amulet of Yendor is not something that can be completely overlooked… 
Earning Icon Relationship Points 
Icon Relationship points are earned through deeds.  Points you have at level 1 
can represent things your parents, family, prophecy have set in motion, but as 
you progress as a character it is your own actions that will shine. 
For the most part, it is much easier to make someone hate you (negative 
relationship) than to make them love you (positive relationship).  Conflicted 
relationships exist somewhere in between.  At any given time, you should be 
thinking about how your actions will be viewed by the Icons, because at the end 
of each story arc, relationship points can be given according to how things 
played out. 
Spending Icon Relationship Points 
Your reputation means something, and you should have some type of tangible 
reward for your actions.  The following is a list of Icon rewards that are available 
to your character: 
Allies​ - ​"You've got a friend in me."​  When things get really bad, it's your allies 
that you can turn to for help.  These are the people you can come to when you 
need a safe place to hide from the law, someone whose shield will be right 
beside yours as you stave off a band of rampaging orcs, or even someone who 
can return your dead rogue friend to life (for a discount, of course).  In short, it's 
not what you know, it's who you know. 
(+) ​The True Friend - ​Spend a positive icon relationship point to gain an ally who 
will help you no matter what.  You've saved this guy's life, and he owes you a 
debt that he might never be able to fully repay.  If you treat him well, you'll have 
an ally that you can count on for years.  Gaining conflicted or negative points 
with the associated Icon may tarnish your reputation with the ally.  He might 
begrudgingly have to refuse your request (or might even turn you over to the 
authority) if the circumstances become dire enough.  He likes you, but he likes 
his own head the most. 
(?) ​The Reliable Acquaintance - ​Spend a conflicted icon relationship point to 
gain an ally who will help you if it is convenient.  You've done this guy a big 
favour, or there is some significant profit to be made by continuing his 
association with you.  It might be as a result in a promised share of the treasure, 
or maybe the Prince of Shadows is paying him to report everything he knows 
about you.  The more he helps you, the more he learns, and the more money he 
makes.  It's in his best interest to help you, and the odds of betrayal are slim.  If 
you gain positive relationship with the Icon, it is possible to turn this ally into a 
True Friend.  If you gain negative relationship with the icon, his services may 
become harder to obtain in the future. 
(-) ​The Enemy of My Enemy​ - Spend a negative icon relationship point to gain an 
ally who will help you, provided that you are working against a common enemy. 
 This guy has the same goals as you.  He wants to see the Icon burn for all 
eternity, and he knows that if you work together, you will never falter.  When you 
need information, money, or another sword to fight against the Icon, this man 
will be your go-to-guy.  ​Note: this ally has a connection with another Icon that he 
favours.  If you curry favour with his associated Icon, it is possible to turn him 
into a Reliable Acquaintance or even a True Friend. 
Fame ​- "As I walked through the city, the people cheered.  Small children 
danced at my feet, and the barmaid topped off my ale with a wink and no extra 
charge."  ​There are some things that money can't buy.  Sometimes you just 
need to win the hearts of the people.  In short, you want to be a celebrity. 
(+) ​Hero Worship - ​The Icon and those affiliated with him look kindly upon you. 
 When you visit a shop, a tavern, or even a public facility such as a library or city 
barracks, the inhabitants will look kindly upon you.  The more points in fame you 
spend, the more people will love you, and the more they will dote on you.  You 
might even earn an official title.  They won't give you the clothes off their back, 
but they will go out of their way to make sure that you are comfortable.  Gaining 
negative or conflicted relationship points with an Icon you have Fame with may 
reduce your fame to that of Source of Gossip. 
(?) ​The Source of Gossip ​ - Everyone loves a celebrity.  But they really love a 
celebrity with a darker side.  The tabloids love spreading the news about you - 
good or bad.  If something should go wrong, these people will know about it and 
soon everyone will.  But hey, if everyone loves a bad boy, you can still expect a 
certain amount of respect and luxury thrown at you, if only so that people can 
say they met you and associated with you.  And when things go really bad, 
they'll tear you apart so fast, you won't even be able to blink.  But hey, it was an 
amazing ride while it lasted. 
(-) ​God of War ​- You've pissed off an Icon and lived to tell the tale.  The Icon, 
and everyone who knows about it will hate you and try to track you down.  On 
the flip side, that Icon has enemies, and more than one I imagine.  Everyone who 
also hates that icon will have heard about your exploits, and will treat you as a 
greatly deserved war hero.  It's like two or three points of Hero Worship all rolled 
into one, but with a sworn enemy and a price on your head.  Just don't let that 
price get too big, or you'll be spending all your time just trying to stay alive. 
Wealth ​- ​"All the adoration in the world isn't going to keep you fed, clothed, or in 
the kind of luxury that you deserve."  S ​ ometimes the best way for an Icon to 
repay you is with some type of remuneration.  A handsome sum of gold, 
precious gems, or jewellery.  Maybe you trade your services for a plot of land or 
a magic item.  In short, "show me the money!" 
(+) ​Open the City Coffers ​ - You've got a positive relationship with this icon, and 
they are going to reward you as handsomely as you deserve.  You may ask 
them for a magical item, or a sum of money that can be negotiated with the 
Game Master. 
(?) ​Your Just Desserts ​ - Conflicted points are easier to earn than positive points, 
and your reward is proportional to the effort.  You may ask for 1d6 runes/oils, or 
a sum of money that can be negotiated with the Game Master. 
(-) ​Spoils of War ​- You've made an enemy out of an Icon.  Take by force a 
magical item, or a sum of money that can be negotiated with the Game Master 
(comparable to that of a positive relationship).  But be warned, you haven't seen 
the last of the Icon​.  T
​ hey are going to try and retrieve their property one way or 
One-Time Favour ​- ​"You owe me one."​  It never hurts to have someone owe 
you a favour.  Something that you can call in at a moment's notice and that they 
will have no choice but to help you with.  It could be an ally of the Icon, or the 
Icon themselves (depending on your story).  In short, you've got a "get out of jail 
free" card. 
(+) ​You Owe Me Big Time - ​You've done an Icon a real solid.  They know what 
kind of person you are, and they won't forget their debt to you.  When it comes 
time to call in this favour, just make contact with the Icon and your wish will be 
granted.  A friend could be released from prison.  Information that is risky (or 
even illegal) to obtain will be yours.  Just remember, that once you cash this in, 
we're even. 
(?) ​As You Wish… -​ Someone owes you a significant debt, and they aren't 
happy about it.  The sooner they get this over with, the better for everyone. 
 Don't make them wait too long before cashing in this favour or else the letter 
perfect execution of your request could have some significant consequences 
that you couldn't have possibly foreseen.  Once you cash this favour in, don't 
expect a warm welcome anytime soon.  Until you've earned some more goodwill 
that is… 
(-) ​I Dare You… - ​You've made a real enemy out of someone, and you still think 
they owe you a favour?  Go ahead, ask them for help.  I dare you… ​Note: The 
Game Master assumes no liability for lost equipment, wealth, or character sheets 
as a result of selecting this Icon relationship reward.  They will however, allow 
you to use their dice when rolling up your next character... 
Something Else ​- Do you have another idea for how to tangibly represent your 
relationship with the icons?  With a good pitch, the Game Master will probably 
allow almost anything here. 
Taran Dynamite is a 4th level Human Wizard, although his character sheet 
reflects the statistics of Titan, his Earth Elemental bodyguard who does most of 
the heavy lifting for him.  He has led a colourful life up to now, and has made his 
fair share of friends and enemies.  They affectionally refer to themselves as ​TNT, 
and are an explosive duo. 
These are his level 1 relationship points: 
1 Conflicted Point with the Archmage 
1 Positive Point with the Crusader 
1 Negative Point with The Three 
He spent his Conflicted Point with the Archmage on ​Allies​.  Taran spent his 
youth studying magic in Horizon.  His former master was forever frustrated with 
Taran, who refused to focus on the kind of magic his master wanted him to 
learn.  Taran dreamed of being a fighter, a Gladiator!  He thought of all the fame, 
the wealth, and the glory that was to be won in the Grand Coliseum in 
Drakkenhall.  At the age of 17, he befriended Titan and left his master's service 
to join Count Dezorko's team of prized fighters.  He fought solo bouts (with Titan 
of course), and as part of a Tag-Team with another wizard, Jarred.  Jarred was a 
fire mage of incredible skill, and with Taran's earthshaping, the two were 
unstoppable.  After Taran was forced to flee a sizeable amount of gambling 
debts, their team was dissolved.  Jarred returned to Horizon where he now 
serves as a Senior Advisor to the Red Chancellor.  He'll always remember Taran 
fondly, and tries to keep in touch the best he can, but deep down, he'll also 
remember having to bail Taran out of Drakkenhall.  When things get bad 
enough, Jarred will be there to dig Taran out of trouble again, and again.  That's 
what friends are for. 
He spent his Positive Point with the Crusader on ​Wealth​.  After having to flee 
Drakkenhall, Taran went looking for a fight.  Pretty much any fight he could find. 
 He would spend most of his nights drunk in a bar, picking fights with people he 
couldn't possibly win (and most places have a strict, no magical beings policy. 
 Your elemental, we don't serve their kind here).  With his pockets emptied and 
most of his bones broken, Taran wouldn't make it another night on his own. 
 Just when things were so bad that even Titan was about to leave him, Taran 
met Ehren Stormbound, a faithful servant of the Crusader.  He inspired Taran, 
and gave him a purpose in life.  He spent two years fighting alongside the 
Crusader's men, and he found a purpose in life again.  Taran and Titan became 
celebrated warriors and for his service, Taran was awarded a magical staff that 
would empower his own spells, and Titan's fists, with the power of the Hellholes 
they'd fought so hard to claim. 
Lastly, he spent his Negative Point with the Three on ​Fame​.  Two years of 
keeping his nose clean apparently wasn't enough.  When Taran showed up in 
Axis on leave with some of his companions, he found himself hunted by one of 
The Black's assassins.  His gambling debts were not forgiven or forgotten 
simply because he fled the city.  A bounty had sprung up on Taran's head, and 
not an easy thing to deal with.  After dispatching the assassin, Taran returned to 
Drakkenhall to find the mobster he owed money to.  His time with the crusader 
had provided him with more than enough coin to repay his debt, but the 
Half-Orc gangster refused to live up to their agreement.  Taran had paid his 
debt, with interest, but the Half-Orc wanted more.  He sent more agents after 
Taran.  An assassin to end Taran's life, and a sorcerer with the power to bind 
Titan against his will.  He recognized how foolish he'd been in the past, and he 
was okay with assassins coming after him.  He wouldn't stand for them going 
after Titan.  He incinerated the the Half-Orc and then turned his wrath on the 
Three.  He took down one of the most profitable racketeering schemes the 
Black had been running, and created a real enemy for himself.  The bounty on 
his head is through the roof now, but it's worth it now when strangers in 
Concord or New Port cheer him and buy him a drink.  Agents of both the Elf 
Queen and the Great Gold Wyrm make themselves known to Taran.  He is not 
alone in this fight. 
At 5th Level, Taran will earn another Icon Relationship point, and will have to 
decide if he wants to spend it on the good work he and Titan have been doing 
to help the Elf Queen (they have some secret research they are doing thanks to 
the Elf Queen's imprisonment of The White) or if he wants to spend another 
point on the Crusader.

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