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Group Report

The members of my group look into numerous aspect of physical

enhancement such as consequences of skin bleaching ,significance of
tattoos across different culture ,body piercing across different cultures
and if other ethnic utilize bleaching cream and how prevalent is it use
.Finding the artifact was proven challenging for some of the group
members and easy for the others because physical enhancement is
known to be a wide spread topic and are usually debate on social
media , poems and also articles .The group members gathered three
artifact each making it 12 in total .The three specific artifacts that were
chosen were a poem entitled “ piercing” , an article entitled” why I’ve
use skin lightening product” and an audio entitled” bleaching mi skin”.
.The group members gathered three days prior to discuss the artifacts
that were most suitable to give relevant information about the topic .
The three specific artifacts chosen were discussed with group members
to comprise in their project. The poem ( piercing) was known to be the
first artifacts , it helps us to understand that all cultures have their
own meaning behind body piercing and persons following trends to fit
in society . In the second artifact a poem entitled “bad bleach” helps us
to understand that a girl destroyed her naturally black colour and was
later disliking herself the more she lighten her complexion .The third
artifact an article entitled why I’ve use skin lightening product manly
focus on reasons why victims use skin lightening product and how they
are carried away by the negative thoughts of others having them to lack
self-confidence about their beauty and colour. The group members
learnt that physical enhancement can be good and bad at the same

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