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Jan-Feb 2012

Case Studies in Predictive Astrology


Continuing the Chapter of Cuspal Sub-Lord Interlink Theory, we have seen what is
Inter Link of Cuspal Sub-Lords, how to find out the fate of Bhavas in the previous
Part III of this chapter. There are two types of method in Baskara Astrology. (i)
Prediction though Cuspal position of zodiac and the other (ii) Prediction through
the Planetary positions. In both the cases, we are to see the favourable or
unfavourable Bhavas counted from the Bhava/cuspal position of the concerned
Planet. E.g. if the planet Venus is CSL of 2nd Bhava, its star lord is CSL of 9 and
its sub lord is CSL of 1. In this case the star lord is 9th. Counted from 2nd (the
Bhava which we are examining), it is 8th. This position is bad.

Again the Sub lord of the 2nd CSL Planet of Venus is posited in 1 (Lagna). As it is
coming as 12th counted from 2nd, it is bad. So in this case the fate of 2nd Bhava is
very bad and will not give the results of 2nd Bhava. Please see the following Table
for such results of Good or bad or neutral.

Bhava Favourable Bhavas. Neutral Bhavas Unfavourable/evil Bhavas.

1st 1, 3, 5,9,11 2, 6,7,10 4,8,12
2nd 2,4,6,10,12 3, 7,8,11 5, 9, 1
3rd 3, 5, 7,11,1 4, 8,9,12 6,10,2
4th 4, 6, 8,12,2 5, 9,10,1 7,11,3
5th 5, 7,9,1,3 6, 10,11,2 8, 12.4
6th 6, 8, 10, 2, 4 7.11,12,3 9, 1, 5
7th 7, 9, 11, 3, 5 8, 12, 1, 4 10, 2, 6
8th 8,10,12,4,6 9,1,2,5 11, 3, 7
9th 9, 11,1,5,7 10,2,3,6 12, 4, 8
10th 10, 12,2,6,8 11,3,4,7 1, 5, 9
11th 11, 1,3,7,9 12,4,5,8 2,6,10
12th 12, 2, 4,8,10 1,5,6,9 3,7,11
For example:
(1) If a native’s 5th Bhava gets effective interlink through its star lord and sub lord,
favourable Bhavas 5,7,9,1 or 3, he is sure to get a child at appropriate time.

(2) If a native’s 2nd Bhava is interlinked effective with favourable Bhavas of 2.4.6,
10.12 through its star lord and Sub lord, he is sure to prosper in financial matters.
On money, land, income through service/profession and investing capacity in
various capital assets.

(3) If one is favourably getting effective interlink of 10, 12,2,6,8, he will prosper in
his profession/service. Like this others. Unfavourable and evil Bhavas’ link will
spoil the concerned Bhava’s results and will not fetch any good results other than
(4) Neutral Bhavas will change to good or bad as it is connected with majority of
concerned Bhavas.

There are 4 types of Interlinks in Baskara Astrology. They are:

(1) Internal Effects: There are two types of internal effects basically. (i) Bhava
Cuspal Sub-Lord is solely responsible and empowered for the function of the
Bhava. (ii) A particular Planet who is going to give the result of it is empowered to
give such results only from its star lord and sub-lord. (If the same star lord and sub-
lord, if they are inter-linked with other Bhavas, the results of those Bhavas too will
be given by that planet.)

A model chart is given below to describe all the 4 kinds of inter-links.

Scorpio Lagna native.

(1) Internal effects of Inter-link: (Example for first kind of Inter link.)

Bhava House Star lord Sub Lord Sub-sub Planet Star Sub Sub-Sub
Lord lord Lord Lord Lord
1st Mars Satun Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Venus Satun
2nd Juptr. Ketu Rahu Mars Moon Satn. Rahu Rahu
3rd Satn. Sun Venus Moon Mars Mars Satun Moon
4th Satn, Rahu Satun. Satun. Mrury Rahu Venus Sun
5th Juptr. Satn. Moon Satn. Juptr. Sun Rahu Satussn
6 Mars Ketu Satun. Mars Venus Moon Venus Venus
7th Venus Sun Venus Satun. Satn Sun Rahu Satn
8th Merc, Rahu Rahu Satun. Rahu Juptr. Rahu Sun
9th Moon Satun Venus Venus Ketu Sun Juptr. Rahu
10th Sun Ketu Satun Sun -----------------------------------------
11th Merc. Moon Mars Satun.
12th Venu Rahu Satun Satun
Example: We want to examine the 5th Bhava’s fate: 5th Bhava’s star lord (scorpio
Lagna native). Sign lord is Jupiter-Star lord is Saturn-Sub lord is Moon-Sub-sub
lord is Saturn.
For finding the fate of the Bhava we are to take the Sub-Lord Moon only and
examine its favourability or otherwise through its star lord and sub-lord. Here
Moon is the only planet having its own sub-lord for the 5th bhava, responsible to
give its results as per Sl.(1) above. Moon’s star lord is Saturn. He is having his own
CSLs for (4)(6)(10)(12)

Bhavas. Moon’s S/L is Rahu, who is CSL for (2)(8) Bhavas. Let us take it in the
CSL Moon (5) -- Star lord (4)(6)(10)(12) -- Sub lord Rahu (2)(8).

This is called internal effect. i.e. all links are within one planet viz.Moon.

This Internal effect of the CSL is decided by the fate of Bhavas that it holds as
CSL, Dasa Bhukthi and the position it occupies in a Bhava are examined. There are
4 types of treatment of Bhava based on mainly CSL. The above example is the first
kind of inter-link.. This type of link onl we often use in Baskara astrology. When a
Planet is not having its own CSL, we can take its Sub-Sub lord and decide. Even if
there is no Sub-Sub lord of its own, the planet’s star lord can be taken. Even if
there is no star lord of its own exists, we can take the planet’s position of Bhava in
the chart.

(2) Second kind of Inter-link.

Example. A Planet is having many other Bhavas as its inter-link. In the above
example of 1st kind of link, Saturn has 4 Bhvavas as its CSL (4)(6)(10)(12)
Bhavas. This is 2nd kind of Inter-link. When we examine 4th Bhava fate results,
the remaining (6)(10)(12), like the particular results of 4th Bhava changes, the
other Bhavas 6,10,12 also will get changes. Now in the above example, Saturn who
is CSL of (4)(6)(10)(12) is in the star of Sun who has no CSL of its own. But the
Sun is CSSL of 10th Bhava. So Saturn’s link of 10 becomes first kind of link and
all other (4)(6)(12) Bhavas as a secone type of interlink,

Example of 2nd kind: Saturn (4)(6)(10)(12) -- Star lord Sun (10)* -- S/L Rahu (2)

Star lord of Saturn is Sun and he has no CSL of his own, He is SSL of 10th Bhava.
Since the 10th Bhava link, Saturn has its own and also thro its star lord Sun. Hence
it becomes 1st kind of link and as 2nd type of link for other Bhavas of (4)(6)(12).
This shows the combined effect of inter-links.

Sometimes it may indicate two instances. When we consider the child birth (5th
Bhava), it may indicate
(i) Child birth; at the same time (ii) mother of the child’s death.
How the death of mother of the child? 5th CSL Moon is in Saturn’s star and Rahu
sub. Saturn is CSL for 6th too. Though Saturn is favourable for the birth of a child,
Saturn is CSL for 4th , 10th and 12th Bhava CSL. These are 6,8,12 to 5th Bhava, it
prevents the progeny. Rahu S/L of Moon has 2 and 8 CSLs. These are 8 and 12th
Bhava to 7th of the native. Thus these interlinks show both the incidents of (i) child
birth and (ii) its mother’s death.

(3) Third type of Inter-link:

A particular Bhava CSL is star lord of other Bhava CSL’s

The link that the particular Bhava CSL is called third kind of inter-link. For
example, in the chart referred to above for 1st and 2nd kind of inter-link, 5th CSL
is Moon is star lord for Sun and Venus. So Sun and Venus both the planets are
empowered to give child birth. During the Dasa, Bhudhhi, Anthara time. We have
seen already that 5th Bhava get first kind of inter-link 4th, 6th, 10th & 12th
Bhavas. Star lord of Saturn, being CSL of 5th, Saturn is empowered to give its
karaka results.

As Moon is star lord of Sun and Venus, it transfers her power to both Sun and
Venus to take the function of 5th Bhava.

(4) 4th kind of Interlink. :

This type of link is not so powerful as others, we seldom use this link. When we do
not get the other kinds of links, then depending on the Bhavas. Example, in the
above chart 2nd CSL is Rahu. His star lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is not CSL of any
other Bhava. But Jupiter is posited in 10th Bhava from Lagna. We take this as link.
Dasa Bhukthi lords and the Bhava Cuspal sub lord interlinks:

(i) In the given chat, the native is running Venus Dasa. Venus is CSL of 1,3,7 & 9.
These Bhavas results only Venus is empowered to give during its dasa. Whether it
is favourable to the native? We are to see the star lord of Venus. It is Moon. So
Moon will answer to this query. Moon is 5th Bhava CSL. To 5th Bhava, 3,5,9,11
are favpourable. So this Dasa Venus will give only favourable results i.e. getting
advancement through his own self efforts, satisfaction, happy family life, business
agreement ending profitable etc.

(ii) In the chart, Sun has no CSL of its own. Sun’s star lord is Moon and sub lord is
Venus. Moon reflects 5th Bhava and Venus 1,3,7,9. So in Sun’s Dasa, 1,3,5,7,9
mastters will happen.

(iii) Example 3. Dasa lord is not CSL of any Bhava. His star lord also does not get
CSL of any Bhava. If there is sub-sub lord, then it will give that result. If there is
no link as above is not available, thn only star lord of Dasa lord, sub lord of the
Dasa lord are to be taken as significator of that Bhava/Bhavas.

Transit of Planets (Gochar) and the Bhava CSL Interlinks:

Let us assume that Dasa, Bhukthi, Antharam & Sookshma are all favourable. At
that time, Sani Sookshmam is running. In transit, Sani is in Sun’s star. Sani 8th
Bhava Sookshma (sub-sub lord) in the chart. Sun gets link with 8th Bhava. 8th is
not a good one to our expectation. But it is 10th house to 11th his friends, it will
give unexpected. Profits and favourable results to them.

Now a table of results of each Bhava, when it is involved in a question (Horary).

From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 1st Bhava, the matter related to the query
will happen to our expectation.

From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 2nd Bhava, the matter related to the query
will happen more than what we expected. (This is called Vriddhi)

From questioned Bhava, if it signifies 3rd Bhava, the matter related to the query
will happen with two results. (Doubly) (This is called Pravriddhi)

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 4th Bhava, the matter related to the
query will happen for short time, but it will remain unfinished later. (incomplete

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 5th Bhava, the related matter will take
place without any trouble or hindrance.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 6th Bhava, the related matter will take
place with the help of others or through others.
From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 7th Bhava, the related matter will happen
with competition and jealousy.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 8th Bhava, the related matter will happen
but thereafter there will be some problem of complications & trouble in that.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 9th Bhava, the related matter will
happen. Exceptionally well than what we expected.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 10th Bhava, the related matter will
remain. Incomplete at the last moment.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 11th Bhava, the related matter will end
with satisfaction.

From the questioned Bhava, if it signifies 12th Bhava, the related matter will end
with side effects, Investment, getting support of others, release from jail or from
secret activities or will not happen at all.

Like this one has to analyze each planet with its Bhava. Suppose the planet is for
5th, then you have to combine 5th with the 12 Bhavas.

Cuspal sub-lord Interlinks have been discussed so far. In the coming examples,
Readers may find clearer picture when seeing the analysis.

In Baskara Astrology, analysis is based on Sub Lords. In this there is no place of

the exaltation, debilitation, friendly sign, enemy sign etc. No yogas, no
cumbersome procedure of finding the significators, no planetary aspects.

Before closing this chapter, I wish to narrate two instances, where Mr.K.Baskaran
himself analysed and found out the results.

1st case: (This was hinted in my 1st serial of JASA).

Father of twin girls brought the charts of both the girls stating that both the girls
are ready for the marriage and he has got a good suitable prospective alliance boy.
He desired to know who of the two girls would marriage first. There was only 10
minutes difference of birth time between them. Prospective bridegroom is only one
and thee are two girls. The father of the girls, however, had brought the time and
date of the attaining their puberty (1st menses). This is the only event Sri Baskaran
could take it for verification. So Mr. Bakaran took the puberty chart first. The date
and time of the 1st girl’s 1st puberty was 22-1-1993 at 18-30 Hrs. Place was the
same as of their birth i.e. 10 deg. N-07”; 77 deg. E-23’; 2nd girl’s puberty time and
date was 24-4-1993 at 17-30 Hrs. at same place as of 1st girl.

The rule is when 5th Bhava’s sub-sub lord (Sookshma) runs, the puberty will take
place. Both the girls attained their puberty when the Sookshma lord was running
according to the above rules.

Now coming to the issue of marriage, it was the first time for to analyze the case of
twins for Mr.Baskaran. He requested the father of the girls to come next day for the
result. The whole night he was restless without sleep and was thinking how to
arrive at the correct decision, which girl will marry first. At late night, he got the
flash in mind to use the linkage of cuspal sub lord with the current Dasa Bhukthi.

(1) 1st of twin Girl’s date of birth was DOB 24-2-1980 TOB 4-40 PM POB :
Longitude 10 deg,(N)07’;Longitude 77 deg,(E) 23’

Lagna: Cancer : Moon – Saturn - Jupiter -- Venus SS

5th cusp Scorpio: Mars -- Mercury -- Mercury - Rahu SS
7th cusp Capric. Saturn - Moon -- Saturn - Mars SS

(5) 2nd of twin girl. DOB 24-2-1980 TOB 4-50 PM PB same as for 1st girl.
Lagna : Cancer: Moon -- Mercury -- Mercury -- Saturn SS
5tth: Scorpio Mars -- Mercury -- Venus -- Rahu SS
7th : Saturn Saturn -- Moon -- Mercury - Venus

Both the girls were running same Dasa and same Bhukthi I,e, Rahu Dasa and
Venus Bhukthi.

Now 7th Bhava of both the girls were examined. 1st girl’s 7th sub lord is Saturn,
while 2nd girl’s 7th Bhava Sub lord is Mercury. Current Dasa Bhuddhi was
examined. It was Venus Bhukthi. Venus is in th star of Mercury and Moon sub lord.
Current Bhukthi is Mercury. Only the 2nd girl fulfills the requirement of 7th lord
Sub is Mercury for her, which is the current Bhukthi. So Sri Baskaran decided only
the 2nd girl will marry first. The 1st girl’s 7th CSL is Saturn, in the star of Sun. So
the 1st girl will get married in Sun Bhuddhi. It happened exactly so,

2nd case: Sri Baskaran’s client along with his friend signed an agreement for doing
joint business on 11-10-2002 at 10-17 AM at Madurai. He told the time to Sri
Baskaran. He worked out the Bhava and planetary position for that time. It was
Vrischika Lagna (Scorpio) and Jyeshta star. Lagna: Mars-Mercury-Moon-Mars
upto SS. Sub lord Moon is in Vrischika Rasi-Jyeshta star. Moon= Mars-Mercury-
Satn.-Venus upto SS. Mercury is CSL of (4)(6)(10)(12). 4 and 10 Bhava indicates
joint business. 6 and 12 indicates the breakdown of the joint business. 7th Bhava
indicates his partner. 7th Bhava CSL is Venus in Jupiter’s star and Jupiter’s sub.

Jupiter is (2) (5) (8) (11) CSLs. 2-8 indicates buying and selling. 5-11 indicates
social relationship. All these indicate that his friend & partner will get separated
because of the querist himself and not his friend is responsible. To this he enquired
when the separation will take place. Sri Baskaran told him that the matter or
Sambhav where it is emanated there itself all about it will be known. 6-12 CSL is
Mercury. In his star, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu three planets are there. When the
Dasa, Bhukthi, Antharam run, this event of separation will happen. At the time of
signing the partnership deed,
Balance of Saturn Dasa balance was 1 year 7 months and 12 days. Saturn has no
gets 6-12 CSL links. From 13-5-2004 Ketu Dasa is beginning. Ketu get 6-12
Bhava links. So Ketu Dasa and Ketu Bhukthi is not favourable. According to
Baskara Astrology, Moon when it gets change in Dasa, Moon becomes Ketu. Moon
is favourable. Jupiter gets 6-12 CS: links. So in Ketu Dasa Ketu or Jupiter Bhukthi
and Anthara, you will get your partnership business broken. On the day of breaking
the Moon will transit either in Mercury’s str or Moon’s stars, as Mercury and Moon
are found in the Lagna at the time of signing the partnership. As per Sri Baskaran’s
prediction, the partnership broke on 27-6-2008. Just a month before this date both
had severe misunderstandings. On the day of breaking partnership it was Mercury
Dasa, Moon Bhuddhi and Mars Antharam. This tallies with the Lagna at the time
of entering into the Agreement and the breading of partnership day. Thus
Mr.Baskaran’s prediction came very correct.

In my next article, I will take up Baskara Astrology theory in respect of (1) Lagna
dependent and Nonlagna dependent; (2) soul dependent and material dependent;
(3) Whether it relates to single person or two persons; and many other matters.

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