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Session 3

What are some jobs out in the world relating to photography?

- Commercial/product photography
- Automotive photography- dealership photographer, car manufacturer photographer,
automotive event photographer (formula drift etc...)
- Director of photographer in films
- Camera operator
- Director
- Cinematography
- Videographer- music videos
- Crime scene photographer
- Medical illustrator
- Animator
- Web designer
- Insurance claims photographer
- Photography teacher/educator
- Photo editor
- Funeral photographer
- Food photographer
- Influencer photographer- Instagram
- photojournalism

Where are these jobs advertised?

- LinkedIn, indeed, and glass door.
- Companies advertise on their websites.
- Notice boards/shop windows.
- Social media.
- Job centre.
- Newspaper.

What is required for a job in photography?

What responsibilities might you have?

- Working with clients to discuss the images/ video that they want.
- Working in different locations, times, and circumstances to get the right image.
- Setting up photographic equipment.
- Taking photographs when you do a shoot.
- Editing and retouching images.
- Choosing and setting up locations.
- Reproducing and framing photographs.
- Promoting themselves and their business if self-employed.
- Researching and making contacts within the industry.
- General administration.
- Having to work out pricing if self-employed.

What qualifications do you need?

- You do not have to have qualifications in this industry but when working for other
people it can be necessary. A lot of professional photographers have taken or college
or university course to develop their skills. Some do online courses, day courses or
teach themselves everything using resources such as YouTube. To get into
photography higher education you will typically need 5 GCS’s with A-C grades
including one in maths and English and two to three A-Levels including one in art,
design, or media. You will also need an artistic portfolio.

What skills do you need?

- Problem solving- any issues on a shoot relating to different factors such as weather
must be worked around and resolved.
- Creativity.
- Technical photography skills.
- Editing skills.
- Dedication and motivation, long hard hours.
- Patience and concentration.
- Attention to detail.
- Strong networking skills.
- Team working skills.
- Working well under pressure.
- Attention to detail.
- Social skills.
- Confidence.

What is a photographer good at?

- Creativity and imagination, good people skills, an eye for detail, flexibility and
passion for their craft.

Research two photography related jobs and write about the

requirements for the job.

Automotive photographer
What responsibilities might you have?
- Discussing the client’s vision.
- Going out and setting up the equipment, arranging any thing you need. Such as for
rolling shots you would need the car you are shooting and a car to be driven by
someone else for the photos to be taken from.
- Editing and retouching the images. Quite extremely in some case, some clients may
want bumpers photoshopped on, or their cars lowered in the photos.
- Setting up the location, only applicable sometimes as some people who hire you may
have a set up already or locations in mind.
- Counteracting any issues that may arise, such as weather.

What qualifications do you need?

- You do not necessarily need qualifications; I personally am friends with a few
successful photographers (one of which is shooting for Aston martin) who graduated
from the school of YouTube. However, if you want a university degree then you
would need qualifications, the requirements to get it vary but its normally at least 5
GCSE’s A-C level and 2 or 3 A-Levels. Also depending on who you want to work for
they may not hire you unless you have a qualification or at least a good work

What skills do you need?

- Extreme attention to detail, small details on the car and the lighting. Especially if the
shot is for a business, such as a dealership or car manufacturer.
- Customer services skills need to be able to have a good relationship and
communication level with you client, this way you can produce a successful shoot.
- Editing skills, I know from my experience being a part of the car community that
editing is one of the biggest parts of automotive photography a lot of the time. The
photo must be good to start with, but the editing majorly changes the image.
- Time management skills, balancing your time effectively and not leaving it till last

How does this job relate to photography?

- This job relates to photography because it is using you photo taking skills to create an
image either for personal use or marketing/business purposes.

Automotive photographer
What responsibilities might you have?
- Recording a patient’s condition using camera or video.
- Taking photographs to monitor effectiveness of operations.
- Using specialist equipment and techniques to capture 3D images of things such as the
- Working closely with patients, doctors, nurses in the hospitals and universities.
- Providing bereavement photography for grieving patients.
- Using software to produce presentations.
- Producing photographs and work for annual reports, staff newspapers and websites.
- Copying evidence from slides and x-rays.
What qualifications do you need?
- University degree in a relevant subject such as photography, graphic design,
illustration, and art and design.
- Usually need 5 GCSEs at a C grade or above including English, Maths and Science
and 2-3 A-Levels for a degree. A-Levels that include biology and photography.
- Undergraduate degree in clinical illustration or clinical photography, or photography
or related discipline, and a postgraduate qualification in clinical photography or
clinical illustration.

What skills do you need?

- Attention to detail, as you need to photograph things in detail as that is the purpose of
- Communication skills.
- Creativity skills.
- IT skills.
- Teamwork skills.
- Time management.
- Organisation skills.

How does this job relate to photography?

- It is a job of taking photographs for medical purposes. So it is a career based off of

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