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Factors that increase Vata Dosha

If you want to talk about disease prevention and longevity, Ayurveda would suggest you first
turn towards Vata, making sure that Vata is managed and kept in a reasonable state of balance.

Factors that increase Vata Dosha:

Foods or substances which are pungent (spicy), bitter and astringent (in decreasing order of
importance). Very small amounts of foods with these tastes are appropriate for everyone. But for
Vata, these tastes must only be used in very small amounts.

Foods or substances which have a cooling energy (attenuate metabolism). 

Foods or substances that are drying in nature. This includes diuretic items, like tea, coffee,
dandelion leafs, as well as more obvious things like alcohol, or dry items like rice cakes, crackers

Foods or substances which are light in nature (digest very quickly). Especially fruits,
vegetables (especially the lighter ones, like cabbage family). These foods need to be seen as
supplementary to a base of more nourishing foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, perhaps some
animal produce like ghee, milk, meat etc..

Eating too little food. Sufficient nourishment is required. Skipping meals for example, will
strongly increase Vata Dosha. Note, however, that overeating will also overwhelm the Agni of a
Vata-type and cause Vata to increase!

Improper eating habits. Such as not chewing your food properly, eating while standing,
walking, driving a car, or talking excessively. Skipping meals, eating at irregular times of day,

Fasting or under-eating. Only in relatively small doses is fasting a useful tool for Vata. In fact,
a total fast (no food or drink) is never used for Vata. Fasting generally serves to increase Vata.

Vata begins to increase as the food we have eaten leaves our stomach, passes through our small
intestine and enters the colon, some 4-6 hours after a meal. Basically, as hunger begins to
increase, Vata will be accumulating. Neglecting to eat will increase both Vata and Pitta.

Heavy or prolonged exercise (such as long hikes). Vata has to be very attentive so as not to
overexert (a se extenua) themselves in all manner (in toate felurile) of physical activities. Only
the mildest forms of gentle exercise are advised.

Most forms of transport. The more vibration, or speed, the more Vata increases. Today, air
travel is the worse. But even ground transport can do a good job of increasing Vata Dosha.
Loss of tissues (tesuturi) (through under-nourishment, for example, or loss of blood).

Insufficient sleep (sleep pacifies Vata).

Excess loss of sexual fluid.

Suppression of natural urges (urination, passing wind {gaze intestinale}, defecation etc.).

Excess cleansing therapies such as colonics.

Excess worry, grief or fear. These are cold, dry emotions. But in general, any highly emotional
state will also upset Vata.

That time of day ! Vata will naturally undergo {a suferi} some increase at certain times of day
and night i.e. early morning (midnight through to {pana la}sunrise), late afternoon (especially
sunset), the moment of sunrise and sunset.

Changes of the seasons and the weather. Especially the transition between summer and

During the cold, dry seasons, i.e. autumn and late winter.

During cloudy weather. {vreme innorata}

Strong winds drive Vata nuts. 

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