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Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a

new understanding of yourself or others

State dance 2020 was a very big realization and understanding of how much hard work

pays off. Not only that but what you can do if you put your mind to it. Thinking about state, the

time and effort we put in to make it is one of my biggest accomplishments. Going back all the

way to when I was three years old and going to my first practice. I don’t remember that but

knowing that’s where it all started and finally the thirteen years of dance went somewhere. I

realized that putting in the effort to play this sport that I love was not for nothing.

The 2020 dance season was the hardest of any sport season I have completed. The season

was hard because of the extra dance classes, team bonding, and other activities that our coaches

set up for us. Every Saturday we had a competition for 3 months straight and then during the

week after school we had practice until 6. On Tuesday’s we had ballet after practice and we

wouldn’t get home until 10. It was very stressful at times but I loved everything about it and the

memories from ballet and the competitions and practices will be remembered for a very long

time. I still go back to my photos and find the videos and remember those memories that we had


Our team was so close and they felt like my family for over the four months the season

went on. Every friday night we had team meals and we did team bonding activities. My favorite

was Just Dance and cards against humanity. There are also memories from the dance bus rides

and getting ready in our locker rooms.

During the season when I was at my lowest and thought I had no one there for me I realized all

of the support systems that were there for me. My family, friends, coaches, and teammates were

always there and looking back on it they are the ones who kept pushing me through to make it to
state. Before state when we got to walk the halls and the big pepfest they had for us to send us

off was another big realization of how we had the community's support.

One thing that will forever be in my heart is all of the younger kids that looked up to our

team and how they look at us as role models. Hopefully they see the potential in themselves to

make their dreams happen as well. Knowing that we got an opportunity that not many athletes in

a small town got, makes me grateful for who I am and what I have done.

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