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Friends play a very important role in everyone’s life, not to mention best friends.

They are persons that are

always around you, persons on who you can rely on, persons who will always tell you the truth, no matter how
good or bad it is. And certainly this last point makes the difference between a good or bad friend. Good ones
will never hide something from you, if you did something stupid they would tell you, if look bad or have bad
habits they will tell you in private, so no one will hear but you will understand all your mistakes in order not to
be ashamed. They will always give you this constructive feedback that is so important for self-development.
And moreover they will not laugh at you because of this, they will understand and help you to improve and get
yourself on the right way. This is an act of care, attention and love and even if they can hurt in a way, they do
this all because they wish you all the best. As a final point I can say that only this kind of friends can be called
real ones and having such a friend has a paramount importance for personal happiness and self-development.

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