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Posterior Triangle

: Anteriorly
Posterior border of sternomastoid


Anterior border of Trapezius


Middle third of clavicle


Meeting of sternomastoid and trapezius


skin, superficial fascia, platysma and investing layer of deep fascia *

:pierced by*

Supraclavicular nerves which run above the clavicle

External jugular vein at its antero-inferior angle


:From above downwards *

Semispinalis capitis

Splenius capitis

Levator scapulae

Scalenus medius

Small part of scalenus anterior

covered by the prevertebral fascia *

The triangle is divided by the inferior belly of omohyoid into: occipital triangle &
subraclavicular triangle
: Contents
A ) Nerves
branches of cervical plexus _1

Great auricular

Lesser occipital

Transverse cervical

Supraclavicular nerves

spinal part of accessory nerve _2

trunks of brachial plexus emerging between scalenus anterior and medius _3

branches from roots of brachial plexus _4

Nerve to rhomboids

Nerve to serratus anterior

branches from trunks of brachial plexus _5

Suprascapular nerve

Nerve to subclavius

B) Vessels
External jugular vein ( lower part) _1

Suprascapular and transverse cervical vessels _2

Occipital artery _3

Subclavian artery and vein _4

C) Lymph nodes
A chain of lymph node along posterior border of sternomastoid muscle

D) Muscles
Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle

Stuctures in the midline of

the neck
:From above downwards

Symphysis menti

Mylohyoid raphe

Body of hyoid bone opposite the third cervical vertebra

Thyrohyoid membrane

Thyroid cartilage

Cricothyroid ligament

Cricoid cartilage opposite sixth cervical vertebra

Cricotracheal ligament

First ring of trachea

Isthmus of thyroid gland

Superior thyroid arteries

Inferior thyroid veins

Thyroida ima artery if present

Jugular arch

Suprasternal notch opposite lower border of second thoracic vertebra

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