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ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System

- Scope of the Environmental Management System -

Scope = boundaries and applicability of

its environmental management system.

To determine the scope the following are considered:

- external and internal issues;
- compliance obligations;
- organizational units, functions and physical
- activities, products and services;
- the organization’s authority and ability to exercise
control and influence.
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
- Scope of the Environmental Management System -

Scope = maintained as documented



"Printing of paper products at location X"

"Design, execution and marketing of
online training in the field of management
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
- Scope of the Environmental Management System -
“Context of the organization” requirements

- Determine external and internal issues, including

environmental conditions that are relevant to its
purpose and that can affect its EMS

- Identify interested parties and their needs and

expectations and decide which of those become
compliance obligations and

- Determine the scope of the EMS

Compliance obligations as “legal requirements that an organization has

to comply with any other requirements that an organization has to or
chooses to comply with"

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