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Voting- All citizens that are 18 years old and older are legally allowed to vote.

They can vote on

issues, bills, and government officals. There are elections held every 2 years and presidential
elections held every 4 years.
Pay taxes- Any citizen that has a job and makes an income has to pay their taxes. These taxes
go to the government and society to make it run properly.
Sign up for selective service- Any male born citizen of the united states is legally required to
sign up for the selective service. They must sign up when they are 18. However, the draft picks
men between the ages of 18 and 26. The draft is used in times of war.
Obey the law- All citizens of the united states must obey the law. If they have committed a crime
they will be punished for it. No matter the age of the citizen, the laws that are set in place in the
country must be upheld at all times.
Attentive to public issues- All citizens must pay attention to the issues that are taking place in
their community. This is so the issues can be solved in a timely manner. Citizens are apart of
the community so therefore they need to be aware of the issues
Serving as a juror- All citizens 18 years of age and older can be summoned for jury duty. They
could be chosen to be part of a jury that will decide the outcome of a court case. This is so all
citzens have an unbiased outcome to their court cases.
Holding political leaders and gov accountable- All citzens should hold the government
accountable. This is so the leaders that they follow do not become corrupt and dont look out for
the countries best interests.
Performing public service- All citizens can before a public service. This is an act that benefits
the public in some way. This is so the comminutes stay clean and good and the way that people
want them too.

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