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Robert Propst, President, H erman Miller Research Corporation, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, explores many of the psychological and physiological considerations
of workplace functions and how they affect work place design

Undoubtedly one of the most thorough tiona! management. Certainly, people

and original thinkers about the of- need strong identification. "What is
fice and furnishing systems, Robert iny authority" is one of the things
Propst, president of Herman Miller desks tend to express. However, other
Research Corp., answers questions re- critical new statements are emerging
lating to desk, design put to him by with greater consequence. An office
CONTRACT's editors. At the outset, he should tell us more; who I am; what
prefers "work station" instead of kind of work I do; what is its variety
"desk" as the name for. the office and diversity. The problem is to re-
workplace, for reasons outlined in the tain a tangible grip on a complex
article. world and to make t his all eloquently
The reader also will recognize much expressive to others. The traditional
of the philosophy and r esearch con- status symbols are not only simplistic,
ducted by Propst in his book The they are a communication hazard in
Office: A Facility B ased On Chatng e, a world requiring clearer, and at the
which delved into man's relationship same time, more complex expression.
with people and furnishings that had Editor: You advocate t he open plan-
never been examined so minutely and a modified office landscape. Yet most
incisively before. offices are still enclosed cubicles. Can
Action Office II was the outgrowth Action Office II function effectively
of that research. CONTRACT's editors, for the user within t his framework of
while recognizing t his irrevocable re- four walls, a door, and (hopefully)
lationship, have attemped to probe be- windows? If so, how?
yond it in this question and answer Propst: Action Office II can function
article. effectively within four walls, a door,
Editor: You generally avoid use of the and windows. This may, in fact, be
word "desk," preferring "work sta- what some office users still need. How-
tion" instead. Is there a difference be- ever, t his is part of a rapidly declin-
tween t he two? How would you define ing professional population, who are
each of them? aside from the exceedingly dynamic
Propst: The word "desk" has been world of typical organizational com-
used so long that it suffers from mean- How important is a "status symbol" munication structures. And, unless
ing fatigue. For most people it sim- desk to the user? T'O the visitor? they can stand excessive delay and
ply conj ures up in their m inds a styl- What are the exact psychological or cost in expressing office facilities, they
ized image with little mobility, fresh- behavioral forces at work on both the are bound to .b e frustrated with un-
ness, or relevance to their actual work visitor and user with the traditional resPQnsive facilities . We are a change-
life. We are, in fact, not very decisive desk? oriented society and we expect our
about using furniture to do work. Us- Propst: We are very interested in change desires to be accommodated.
ing the term station as a place to do status and certainly desks have be- But I would re-emphasize that it is a
office work seems like a useful direc- come part of this m~aning. The diffi- communication deprivation that is the
tion. culty we see with traditi'O nal status most .c ompelling reason for leaving
Editor: Doesn't the traditional desk, symbols is their misdirected emphasis overly containerized office concepts.
which can vary ·i n size, material, and and, in many cases, their obsolete con- Editor: The office and meth'Ods of
shape, help establish rank, 'O r status? notation in contemporary organiza- working are changing. How does this

JUN E 19 70 73
Propst: "A large desk provides
a fortress feeling of security ."

affect t he desk or work station and part ly a cult ural inheritance from the
its configurations ? days wh en being near w indows was
Propst: Office work has become more part of get t ing enou gh li ght and n
complex, tasks overlap each other in reasonable whiff of fresh air. Interior
time, and we are discovering that spans were short. We are just dis ·
"work" in offices has important struc- covering wh at interior viewing is all
tural qualities. A traditi'Onal desk abo ut.
comes from a departing era of simpler Editor: You cla im that the traditional
tasks, conducted in sequence and of desk encour ages a sedentary work po-
short time duration. T his kind of sition. Does the stand-up desk reall?J
work is rap idly disappearing into ma- solve this pr oblem ? F or psychological
chines, especially the computer. We and physiological reas'Ons, what about
see that tasks are generated, that they an exercise room where an employee
become mental meaning structures can, say, ease a tense moment by tak-
that properly should be maintained, ing jabs at a punching bag, or by just
sometimes for days or weeks. We see reclining on a cot?
that our complex affairs may require Propst: I don't believe in encouraging
places f'Or numerous simultaneous a life style of physical work that is .
task structures. We also can see that so bad that we have to go through
conversations across our sensitive per- constant recovery activit ies t'O escape
sonal paper work structures are not the dehabilitating consequences. Dr.
very satisfactory. Within this context, Cooper of Aerobics fame makes it
I think you can see why we tend to clear that mild physical activity helps
think in terms of multiple surfaces maintain our capacities better than
and a very different kind of office sh or t time h igh st ress exercise. Nap
geography. taking, on t h e oth er hand, is a great always in sight. Why is this more ac- Wl
Editor: Some people like to face \vin- idea and would do wonders for us if ceptable than the conventional desk ten
d'Ows, others the door. Psychologically, we fin d a way to allow it in offices. I drawer , file cabinet, or compartmen- sur
how does the user react to the position have a pad t hat hangs on a wall. When talized credenza? Or simply several wh
of the desk within an office? I want a ten minute nap, I throw it stacks on a large work surface? arc
Propst: I like to face windo·w s or on the floor and I don't need a bed Propst: One of the clearest things that Pre
doors if they have the right meaning in my office. emerges for our research and the in-
ingredients. Psychologically they have Editor: Based on your research, what formation management research of obs
the potential to keep us tuned to an types of components should a desk or others is t h e disastrous consequences goc
outside world and more important, in wor k station have? of information sent into files and hid- fac
tight office situations, to give us a Propst: Surfaces for work gener ation, den storage. E xpensively generated era
distant vision relief from too much open storage fm tangible information information dies and t h en we pay rent big
close vision surroundings. assembly, roundish clear tables for to keep the body around. we
It is gradually being · discovered conver sation, perhaps cover s for some Wor k in meaningful a r ray, if it has ing
that spacious interior open space has kinds of work in process, and a mini- the right supportive tools, h as a work
more meaning potential than windows . mum of drawer storage. Working esthetic that can have a beauty of its is c
A vista across an attractive and rele- with th is kind of vocabulary, a tre- own. T his is the m eaning of what I tha
vant space that is a part of our im- mendous variety of 'Offices · can be es- am doing. It is interesting and I can ten
medite organizational family wins tablished. Everycne has different needs control it. We have to place this for
hands down as a choice of what we and some of us obviously need much against the vapid blankness of too pie
might want to see beyond our ovnl mor e elaborate work areas than many offices. We need to recover from intE
immediate turf. This has to be defi- others. Equally important, some of us the idea that the only good looking I thi~
nitely part of a planning s+.rategy. need simpler offices t h at are very office is the one in which all work and I Ed i
which gives everyone some distance good at self purging. individuality are missing . ( divi
vista potential. Editor: Action Office II keeps most Editor: Action Office II provides rela- virc
Our preoccupation with windows is papers out in the open where they are tively little work surface in one spot.
[ pon

Action Office II in executive private
office combines wall-hung rolltop work
surface, file bin with cover and lock,
shelves and display shelves. A round
table is used for conferences.

Propst: The idea of what will domi-

nate needs to be turned around. The
need for high quality human mental
performance is beginning to dominate
the office. As your question suggests,
we need to apply mon~ attention to our
human performers. Unfortunately, not
enough has or is being done .
Editor: We understand you have de-
siined new accessories for the com-
puter-related office and work stati~m.
Are these "add-on" accessories to the
existing Action Office II line, or is new
furniture needed?
Propst: The computer-related compo-
nents we have developed are system
extensions of Action Office II.
Editor: If you were not bound by the
constraints of price, marketing, and
development of a specific product line,
what would you incorporate in a desk
or work station that does not now
Propst: I don't see pricing, marketing,
or development as particular con-
What are the advantages of this sys- provision? Does it not create a prob- straints. The real constraint is the
k tem as opposed t'O a continuous, large still substantial lack of understanding
lem for the office manager, who may
surface, perhaps a U-shape desk find an employee asking for more com- of the office environment. When we
where the user can simply swivel ponents than he really needs? really understand the problem dimen-
around within the slot? Propst: Survey of the levels of equip- sion, the product programs can be
t logically implemented.
Propst: Action Office II is designed in ment accumulation were part of our
.- capacity to fit the work structures we long periods of test installation study Looking at new concept implemen-
f tation from another direction, mana-
observe as natural. This is based a for Action Office II. We were con-
s good deal on straight forward human · cerned that people would gather gers are finding that it is the effective
factoring. We are inclined to give sev- equipment as a new kind of status support of their human inventory that
j really counts. In this context, it is be-
eral smaller stations, instead of one game. We found that in the begin-
t coming exceedingly pound foolish to
big one, to all'Ow task separation. And ning there is a mild tendency to pull
we are also quite interested in avoid- in more than needed. But this is fol- under facilitate office workers.
s ing the "Mussolini effect" achieved lowed by a very interesting purging But this doesn't necessarily mean
when we sit behind huge desks. This back out of. extra equipment. From we need costly elaborate furnishings.
is a heavy-handed authority statement then on, equipment levels tend to be What all of us are most interested in
that shuts off good conversational in- quite appropriate to actual work is maintaining an open option posi-
terchange. A large desk provides a needs. tion . In other words, as new demands
fortress feeling 'Of security and peo- Editor: The computer and other elec- in performance or new discipline un-
ple who tend to be insecure or overly tronic equipment are fast dominating derstanding comes along, we want to
interested in d'Ominating others seek the office. The computer demands- have the options to pick up the new
this effect. and gets- a highly controlled environ- advantages. This is far more impor-
Editor: With Action Office II, the in- ment 'Or it will simply quit. What has tant than over-specialized office design
dividual can alter his own work en- been done for the employee so that he which can be pretty gruesome to set
vironment by selecting different com- can function as effectively and com- aside when we want to grow or to
ponents. Just how important is this fo.rtably as the computer he operates? change our mind. Ill

JUN E 1970 75

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