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1/31/2020 Reading

This reading is stricly dedicated and confidential for :

Leon Leandre
Born in March, 13th 1998


My dear Leon Leandre, welcome to this brand-new year! 2020 is finally here and
now, you have the power to shape it in any way you would want it to be. There
are so many things that’ll happen in 2020, Leon Leandre.

I did my best effort to organize this reading in the easiest way possible. So that
you can understand everything. There is a ton of information here. I hope you’ll
make the most of it, Leon Leandre!

Because 2020 is a mirror year, it makes it an especially powerful one. This year
will be an important part of your life, one that you’ll look back on in the many
years to come. Which is why it’s important that you focus and take the time to
read what I made for you. Don’t ever hesitate to come back to it and read it
again. 1/283
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So here is what we’ll do with this reading. This is a complete forecast of this new
year. Not only we’ll go in all that’ll happen, we’ll also go over big subjects, for
you to be ready to face all of the various challenges that 2020 has in the store
for you, Leon Leandre.

So to help you through this year, I will first help you better understand yourself,
by giving you your astral portrait. That means that I will tell you how the position
of the planets on the day you were born has an influence over your personality.
With this you will understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to
improve in the future.

Then we will talk about your love life. There are key moments that you will need
to face in 2020: moments when your relationship will be particular favored and
other periods that will be more delicate. I will tell you all about these transits
and give you indication, guidelines to help advance your relationship.

After a detailed analysis of your love life in 2020, we will have a look at your
Career; because this is going to be a very important year professionally
speaking. There are certain transits that will have a specific influence on your
career, and they will lead you to some decisions you will have to make. I will give
you all the tools you need to accomplish this year successfully.

To complete the study of your professional year, I have also included a separate
study that will show you where you should go to obtain the best possible
opportunities for your career; and another analysis of your finances, with advice
on how to improve your income this year.

And then lastly, I will tell you about the administrative and legal problems I
mentioned in my email.

All of this will greatly help you throughout this new year. Without any further
ado, Leon Leandre, let’s get started with all of this. 2/283
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1. Know Yourself

Your sky is very busy and favorable this year, and the planets will bring you
messages and lessons that you can take with you in your life. The planets bring
indications, guidelines, but they are not you Leon Leandre. This year is about
you, your feelings, your desires, your goals and your perspective; and that’s why
to really be ready with everything that comes and to accept what the planets
offer you, you have to be ready for it; because the planets influence you, but
they don’t take decisions or make changes for you. So my dear, let’s get you
ready for the special year to come!

And Leon Leandre, to really be ready, you have to know yourself and trust who
you are. You have to be confident about yourself and what you are capable of, of
what you are capable of changing.

There is something quite scary about change, about the unknown. And that’s
why people often stay in what they know, even if it’s bad for them. By truly
knowing yourself, and understanding all the unknown parts of yourself, you will
be able to embrace yourself and know your place.

You’re the key in all this Leon Leandre, it starts with you!

Astral Portrait

That’s what you have to understand my dear, every change begins with you. The
planets give you tendencies, the people around you give you a helping hand,
but everything starts and ends with you. That’s why it’s so important that you
have a real clear image of yourself, the REAL picture.

I am going to give you your astral portrait, so to speak. An analysis of your

personality as the planets show me, and their insight is valuable Leon Leandre,
but in the end what really matters is not what they tell you, it’s what you see and 3/283
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what you feel; and that’s something you have to see for yourself.

So before I give you your portrait, I would like you to take a piece of paper or a
journal, break it down into five parts and write your own portrait: “Strengths”
“Weaknesses” “Abilities” “Improvements” and “Desires”. Fill in the lines as you
see them, as you know yourself to be.

Now, an astral portrait means that I study the position of your planets on the day
you were born and during your life; this gives me your zodiac sign, Pisces, but
also the position of your planets in the different houses. I won’t go into technical
details my dear, as it involves a lot of math, but I will tell you what it means, and
what it tells me about your personality.

You are a very persevering person Leon Leandre, you have proven that over and
over, and it’s a very dominant feature of your sky. There are times that are hard
but you don’t give up, you fight; and even if you let go from time to time, you
always come back. You have hope for the future, and sometimes that hope is
clouded, but deep inside it’s always there. More than just seeing these aspects
in your chart my dear, it’s something I know to be true, something I have
experienced with you. You are deeply ruled by Mars, and that planet gives you
your drive, your desire. You know what you want in life, and even if you don’t
know how to get it, you know where you want to go.

But that desire is clouded by another planet, that during your life has not always
been favorable: Uranus. Uranus rules the way that you stand out, what makes
you different from others. And during the course of your life, Uranus has not
always been in a good position, and that means that you’ve been subjected to
outside pressure, and you have been influenced by others.

By this I mean that you conform yourself to what others think, or to what you’d
like others to think. How others perceive you matters; not necessarily everyone,
but there are people in your life that you are influenced by. And while this is not
always a bad thing, in your case it means that you have set aside some decisions
in favor of someone else, you have changed your plans and your way of thinking.
You may not realize that that hasn’t always been beneficial to you. 4/283
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However, I can also see that you have a strong clarity about yourself Leon
Leandre; I am probably not telling you anything you don’t already know. And so,
you know these weaknesses, and I see that you have a desire for change. You
can see within yourself, and your drive and ambition tell you where you want to
see changes applied, and which direction you want to take. The big problem
here, is your confidence, and your faith in your decisions.

In your natal chart, Saturn is in a position that tells me that decisions making has
always been a problem, and for different reasons. Whether you were influenced
by others, you didn’t see the solutions, you didn’t dare take it, or you were
simply waiting; one way or another, you have been blocked in your decisions.
Now, Saturn is a slow planet Leon Leandre, that’s why it’s influence in your life is
so big; but if you turn it around, and use Saturn’s power instead of succumbing
to its pressure, you can unlock a huge potential!

Because at the moment, I see that the way you think, and thus take decisions, is
flawed. You have a tendency to overthink and over analyze little elements. This
is also a strength Leon Leandre, it’s what has led you to that clarity I mentioned,
and it has given you your strength of mind, your ability to see what others don’t.
It has given you your intellectual abilities, but it has also blocked your decision
making because you question your choices. You come back on the choices you
have made, wondering “Should I have done that?” or “I should have gone the
other way”; and you look at the choices in front of you and think about them so
much, that in the end you don’t really take a decision.

In the end, when there is a decision, or you have to project yourself into a
situation, you build up expectations. The angle made between Saturn and
Neptune (the planet of dreams, projections, imagination) in your natal chart
gives me an indication of the way you project yourself into the future and into
given situation; and it tells me that you either have unrealistic expectations or
that you envision failure. Now, I know this may sound bad my dear, it isn’t that
much. It shows that you lack confidence, and you give yourself overly bad
expectations to avoid being disappointed, or you picture an outcome that is
unrealistically good as a form of compensation as to how you feel about
yourself. And that’s why you envision failure, because it protects you from
disappointment. It’s normal Leon Leandre, I understand that, it’s not a failing; it’s 5/283
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simply a thought mechanism, and it makes sense; but if you want to succeed you
have to be realistic with yourself, and you have to understand that you have
what it takes to succeed.

And lastly, I didn’t need planets to tell me this, but I have the confirmation right
here in your chart: Leon Leandre, you are strong. You are so much stronger than
you realize, and more than you care to admit. You hold a power within you that
has always amazed me. It’s linked to your perseverance, the fact that you keep
standing up, even if the world tries to push you down. And even when things get
bad, you stay and you try. You dare ask for help when it’s needed, because you
are strong and you know that you don’t have to do it alone. You have the
strength to change and to seize the day. I know it doesn’t always feel like that
my dear, but you have to know that that strength never leaves you. No matter
how you feel, no matter what life throws at you, no matter what happens, that
strength is always there within you, and you can always rely on yourself. You just
have to have some confidence in yourself.

Hidden talents and gifts

Within the study of your chart, and within the portrait I have given you, there are
your hidden talents Leon Leandre. The planets have had an influence on you
since the day you were born, and you have developed some of the abilities they
have endowed you with, but not all of them. Specifically, your moon rules
everything that is hidden or out of sight. And your moon has a very specific
conformation with Neptune, the ruler of spirituality.

This tells me that you have a spiritual talent, that you use but not to its full
ability. You have a good intuition Leon Leandre, you instinctively know when
something or someone is good for you; and intuition is deeply linked to psychic
abilities. What I’m trying to say my dear, is that within you, you have psychic
abilities that you are not using to their full power; but that if developed could
unlock many opportunities for you. 6/283
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This same conformation between your moon and your Neptune, also tells me
that you have a powerful imagination, one that allows you to project yourself,
and to envision scenarios. If you let this imagination grow, and you express it
fully, you will quickly see that you be able to picture the correct solutions; and if
that picture feels right my dear, then it probably is.

And lastly my dear, I see that you are particularly gifted when it comes to others.
You don’t see the full implication of what I mean right now because you are still
more influenced by your entourage, but I need you to realize that you also have
a powerful influence on your environment. You leave a mark on the world, and
that mark has a value because you are who you are, and you have an ability
within you, that allows you to have a good influence on the people around you.

The things you say and the advice you give have a lasting impact on the people
close to you. You probably don’t see the importance that your words have on
some, so weigh them carefully. You chose what you do with your power, but
Leon Leandre, you have the potential for many great things, and you have the
ability to change people’s lives for the better; and the more you develop this
ability the more you will see that they will lift you up in return.


I have now given you your astral portrait, and in there I have showed you some
of your strengths and your weaknesses; but Leon Leandre, there are ways to
improve your weaknesses and ways to further develop your strengths!

Most of the strengths I mentioned, your perseverance, your ambition and more,
are not things you can develop, they are aspects of your personality that you
simply have and that are part of who you are. They have been developed over
the course of your life; they are within you. They can become stronger over time,
but that’s something only you can do. 7/283
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The hidden abilities I explained to you however, can be developed! Now my

dear, I know that some of these gifts aren’t a secret for you, but I believe that
their full power is still hidden.

As I told you, I believe you have psychic abilities, and specifically a strong
intuition. Now you have this intuition, but you don’t always listen to it. It’s
important that you listen to your gut Leon Leandre; if you feel queasy, or you
feel a tightening in your stomach, it means something my dear. Don’t ignore it.
When you meet someone, and you have a bad feeling in the pit of your gut,
don’t ignore it.

Also, psychic abilities often come with flashes, quick images, picture you see but
that you didn’t create. These are very important! You can call them “a-ha!”
moments; and instant where a solution comes to you very quickly. These “a-ha”s
are not insignificant and represent your hidden gift taking over your mind for a
second to give you the answer to a problem. Whenever you have one of these
flashes, write it down immediately!

As far as your talent with others Leon Leandre: this is a natural talent you have
within you that I cannot teach you to develop, but I can help you express it.
Deep down you know how to communicate and you know what to say; but my
dear, helping others is more about listening. There are a few “tricks” to being a
good listener:

Let them come to you. Don’t seek out “problems” Leon Leandre. If you
worry about someone, then start a simple conversation. If they want to
tell you what’s wrong, they will.

Be patient. Listen to what they have to say, be attentive and be sure to

only start speaking when you’re certain they are finished.

Take your time to formulate an answer; use your own experience and
what you’ve learned.

Don’t interrogate. Anyone looking for help and advice doesn’t want the
third degree. They want to be listened to. And of course, you can ask 8/283
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questions my dear, you should! But you’re having a conversation, it’s not
an interrogation.

Your strengths are yours Leon Leandre, you will notice in time that they will
develop themselves with your experience. Your abilities are within you and will
come in handy throughout your entire life!

And there are ways to improve your weaknesses. To begin, I told you that you
tend to be influenced by others when it comes to your decisions.

The first thing you have to understand my dear, is that you live your life, no one
is living it for you; all the decisions you make are for YOUR life, and you’re the
only one that is allowed to have a say. Believe me Leon Leandre, you know what
you need and you know what you want more than anyone else ever could. And it
doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to be good enough for you. There will
always be people out there that will tell you that you’re wrong or that you
should change, but they don’t matter, okay? Their opinion is not important, yours

And that’s why it’s important that you make up your own mind. To do that, first
mull over a problem on your own, and reach a solution that is satisfying for you.
Once you know how you feel about the solution, then you can ask for opinions.
But Leon Leandre, just ask for opinions, don’t let them reach the answer for you.
It’s okay to revise your plan when you’ve talked it over, but don’t change
anything before you know why.

Are you changing your mind because they told you were wrong? Are you
changing your mind because instead of helping you, they are simply saying what
would be right for them? Always question your motivation Leon Leandre, if
you’re not doing it for you, then it’s not worth doing.

Considering your opinion and others is also one of the reasons that you
overthink decisions. You have a strong intuition my dear, the answer is
instinctively within you. I’m not saying that it’s not good to have all the fact, and 9/283
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consider all the aspects; but the more you dissect an idea or a decision, the
more you will pick out faults. If you search long enough, every idea and every
choice has problems and when they add up you can get paralyzed by these
faults and not do anything. Nothing is 100% perfect, but you just have to find
the option that works for you, that brings you satisfaction.

There will always be someone to criticize you my dear, you have to take it and
move on. To gain more confidence in your decision, imagine that you’re helping
or advising someone else, that you have an exterior view on the situation. This
will give you the clarity you need, and that you have within you, to see the
reality of a given situation.

People who want to manipulate you for their own gain generally go through
threats or a sense of urgency. People around you can withhold love, affection,
friendship if you don’t do as they want. Don’t give into this Leon Leandre. A
relationship, in love or friendly affection, is not an eye for an eye, it’s about
sharing. But we will discuss this further!

What you have to remember is that you are not defined by weaknesses or
strengths, you are not defined by labels that people stick on you. You choose
your own definition, the spot you want in the world and the way you see
yourself. Everything comes down to your choices, and they define you Leon
Leandre. Your choices put you where you are today, and they will take you to
where you will be tomorrow. You are the master of those choices, of your life.

That’s what you need to know about yourself: You are strong, persevering and
you know where you should go. You walk the road that you decide to take. Never
forget that.

Self-confidence & Overcoming determinism

My dear Leon Leandre, after reading all of this you must have come to the
realization that you are indeed much more worthy than what you keep repeating
yourself! We have a tendency to misinterpret sometimes self-confidence and 10/283
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pretension... It isn’t because one is aware of its qualities and acknowledges

them, that they are pretentious...

Far from it my dear, it simply means they understood the responsibilities they
have... towards others, but towards themselves too Leon Leandre!

So, now that you know, and even though I am certain you already did, it is time
you fully and truly become conscious of those qualities of yours! And when you
have “mastered” them, in that sense, that you know you have them and use to
their full extent, without over doing it and always for the good reasons, you will
find yourself much more at peace with yourself my dear believe me!

And guess what Leon Leandre? You will naturally undertake work on your
weaknesses, from the smaller ones, to the deepest ones... and simply try to erase
them is already a massive step towards being a better human being altogether
my dear! And this will be your immense reward my dear.

So let’s start working on that confidence of yours shall we! Let’s face those
qualities you are almost sometimes trying to hide, in order not to be having any
responsibilities or else... And believe me Leon Leandre, I say that with the
kindest spirit possible, as we all do it every now and then so please my dear;
don’t feel judged! We all have to work on something, so all things considered,
being told to work on its own qualities is rather a compliment!

The first exercise that comes to mind and is easy to do when one is trying to
build up self-confidence is listing 5 things you are proud of having done during
the day. So when you are heading to bed, you can think about them, but the best
my dear would be to actually say them aloud, or write them down...

It is one thing to think about things Leon Leandre, but it will always be more
efficient and meaningful to act on them... very much so like in real life. It is a
good start to mean well and think about good things that you could do, but it 11/283
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will never be as powerful as when you actually act on it! So don’t hesitate to
keep a journal next to your bed, and every night write down what is it that you
achieved and are proud of during the day...

Little by little you will come to realize that your days are filled with small actions
here and there that show your true personality and are proof that you should
stop diminishing yourself.

Now don’t get me wrong Leon Leandre, writing down or saying aloud what you
did right won’t make you a better person, but it will build up your self-
confidence! And if knowledge is power, knowing your true worth is really giving
you something extra my dear. It makes you realize everything you can achieve if
you apply yourself to it!

It makes that every day, you can wake up strong of that knowledge that if you
want to, you can make sure this new day isn’t going to be wasted but put to a
greater use! This is a wonderful feeling Leon Leandre, but it isn’t a one-time
thing... what I mean here my dear, is that should you manage to feel that one
day, and trust me I‘m sure you can, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will feel like
that forever.

This is something that whoever wants to feel, has to work on every day! It is
fickle Leon Leandre, and this is what makes it so precious! But once you will
have “tasted” it my dear, I am positive you will want it even more and do what it
takes to experience it again until it becomes like a second nature to you!

And with this second nature growing, your self-confidence will rise and so will
your ambition Leon Leandre, and that is when you need to set new goals my
dear! And in order to do so, you have to follow three rules: Clarity, Precision and

Clarity, means that you have to understand your own objective Leon Leandre.
You have to know the change you want to bring, and you have to be clear with
yourself that that is what you want. Mull it over, wait a little, imagine yourself 12/283
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succeeding the objective, and see how it makes you feel. If you are completely
certain, then say it out loud every morning when you wake up. You brain will
pick up and work towards the goal.

Precision, that is to say that you have to define the objective. Saying “I want to
become a better person” is not precise enough, you have to say “I want to
become a better listener” for instance. You have to use precise words to define
one clear and definite goal. This is important because a vague goal is easy to
avoid. When your objective is clear then there is also a clear outcome: success or
failure. When your goal is “be a better person”, the answer is always a gray area.

And lastly, Realistic. It’s good to have big goals and to dream Leon Leandre; I
deeply encourage that! But your objectives have to be realistic, otherwise you
are setting yourself up for failure. Making precise goals is a great step in making
it realistic, because you are forcing yourself to work in feasible criteria. When
you have a goal that seems unrealistic, break it down into smaller objectives that
individually are very realistic, and reward yourself for each goal!

Prepare yourself for these goals Leon Leandre. Imagine them fully; imagine
succeeding them and imagine failing them. Weigh the pros and the cons, the
cost and the benefice. A goal is realistic when the benefits outweigh the cost.
Before you set out to do something, examine the risk. Don’t choose a path just
because it’s risky my dear. Every goal has several ways to be achieved; if there is
an easy and safe option, consider it seriously. The outcome might be the same,
whether you take the safe or the risky road. It’s up to you to decide, but
remember that something does not have to be complicated or difficult to be

I believe you know what to do next my dear! Surely you realized while reading
those last pages how you can turn your life around if you take the matter in your
own hands, without starting defeated Leon Leandre, here is the key! Just like
everybody else, you have an astral portrait and a destiny, but that doesn’t mean
you don’t have the powers to make changes in your life if you really want to my
dear! 13/283
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It is too easy to always portray oneself as a victim as opposed to actually

standing your ground and facing whatever or whoever is in the way of your
dreams! I know it is tempting to do so Leon Leandre, as it gives us excuses for
failures... but it isn’t really satisfying at the end of the day though is it?

To fail is part of the process! It also means to learn when you think about it my
dear! Just like Nelson Mandela used to say Leon Leandre; “I never lose. Either I
win, either I learn!” So the next time you find yourself hesitating to take actions
because you might be concerned with consequences, or dreading the fact that
you might not entirely succeed what you wanted and how you wanted it my
dear... just think about it and you will see that you have everything it takes to
make all the differences you want in your life!

Do not miss the occasion to live fully on account that you are dreading to fall or
be hurt... Embrace it fully if it does happen my dear, but don’t dwell too much on
it as your fears might never become concrete... and without realizing it at first
you will have already won Leon Leandre!

2. Love

Here comes another very important part regarding your fulfilment my dear: your
love life. As I told you in my emails, I see a lot of happiness in that field Leon
Leandre! No matter how you want to live your relationship: married, engaged, in
an open relationship, or on your own, you’ll know and feel that it's the right thing
to do at that moment for you! You’ll find the balance and the satisfaction you
need in that area.

Of course, life is never a peaceful and steady adventure. You know the stars are
always sending different kind of influences, some will be very positive, but some
will also be tricky and you should pay attention to your feelings and how you
communicate them in order to avoid arguing with meaningful people. That’s why
I’m going to indicate when the positive as well as the negative periods will 14/283
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happen and how you could handle it. With my reading, you won’t have any
trouble when those times come Leon Leandre! If you get yourself ready, you’ll
have nothing to worry!

In fact, I saw a time when your love life will greatly be improved! So first, I’ll tell
you about that moment. Then, I will give you a list of all the moments that will
have an impact on your love life in 2020! Finally, I will detail a very important
period coming in the middle of the year... This period will be like a test for you.
And in each part, I’m going to give you all the keys to avoid any negativity and to
stay on the right track!

But let me insist before, those observations of your sky are not premonitions. I
see the planets, I know what influences their transits will imply, but I can’t plan
your life. I’m just giving you tendencies and what I think will come out of this. It
will only happen if you decide to make it happen. Your life only depends on you
and your environment Leon Leandre! You and the people you know are the only
one who make things happen. So if you don’t want to follow the way I indicate,
it’s only up to you! I’m just here to read, explain your sky and give you the best
advice based on this.

The positive turn of 2020

1/ What will happen:

As I said, at some point of your year, your astral chart will take a very specific
shape Leon Leandre! All the great changes and situations you were expecting
will finally have a chance to happen! But first, remember: astrology is only here
to indicate you the movement of the planets and what it means for you
especially. It doesn’t mean that the things will obviously happen this way. You
and only you have to act according to your sky in order to make your
expectations come true. So Leon Leandre, seize this chance and say what you
want to say to the person you want or do all the things you want to! Only you
can build your love life the way you see it! Your charts help and give some
explanation, but in the end, the only important factor is what you decide to do
with it! 15/283
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As you already know, Venus plays the most important role when it comes to your
love life. This planet was named after the roman goddess of love and beauty.
Astronomers decided to name her like this hundreds of years ago because this
planet was the most shiny in the sky, the most beautiful. But it can also be called
the “Evening star” or the Earth’s “twin sister”, because they’re very similar. This
means a lot about the power of Venus on your love life. As it’s the most brilliant
planet and the closest to the Earth in terms of characteristics as well as distance,
its energy is the most intense you could receive.

So, as you guessed, this unique moment will involve Venus, and it will happen at
the very beginning of April. It will start between the 3rd and the 4th more
precisely, and will keep going for several days. Moreover, even if the
astronomical event moves on, you’ll still be able to enjoy its influence on the
astrological aspect. And you’ll feel the consequences of this decisive turn on the
long term too!

At the beginning of that month, Venus will enter a very important constellation:
the Pleiades. This gathering of stars is very young and thus difficult to see in the
sky. They were “born” a hundred million years ago, while Venus is said to have
appeared 450 millions years ago. As you can see, those stars are really young in
comparison, and thus very difficult to see in the sky. You can only observe them
by your own eyes when Venus passes in front of them, which only happens
every 8 years.

This moment is the perfect match between the brilliance and beauty of Venus
and the youth and clarity of the Pleiades. Pay attention to the sky at that
moment of April, it will be very beautiful! As beautiful as what it means for your
love life Leon Leandre!

2/ What it means:

In fact, this rare position will greatly impact your relationships and the way you
feel. But just as it does in the sky, your love life will shine and enjoy a true
rebirth! Renewal is the key word of that period Leon Leandre! You’ll get the
perfect chance to let go of all the fights and disappointments you’d have faced 16/283
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before and enjoy a new harmony. Again, a new harmony with someone or just a
new harmony with yourself, it depends on what you’ll really want at that
moment. Only you know your desires. And I also know that good things can
happen all along the year. Here, I’m just giving you the perfect time to act and
listen to yourself, but you can also find this peace at some other periods of
2020. Your future relies on you!

But I’m sure that the beginning of April will bring fresh air in terms of love and
relationships! Because when Venus enters the Pleiades it sends a new energy on
you. And this year, it is increased by the fact that 2020 marks the beginning of a
new cycle, YOUR cycle, the beginning of the 20’s decade. So, as this new period
starts, the impact of Venus in this young constellation will be even more
powerful! And knowing your birth chart, Venus has an important role to play this

As you know, the position of the planets in our chart greatly influences our
environment and what we want to do with our life. But these planets don’t have
the same power all along our existence. At some point for example, we might
find ourselves more impacted by Mercury than by Jupiter. This year Leon
Leandre, your birth charts and the astronomical events clearly indicates that
you’ll be greatly impacted by Venus. You’ll see some changes in your love life:
the way you love the others but also the way you look at yourself.

Everything will match in April: your birth chart, Venus in the Pleiades, your
desires. Because, in fact, in April, your desires will be increased. It’s no secret
Leon Leandre, this month is also the beginning of Spring! I know it started in
March but you can really feel the impact of this season few days later: in April.
As you know, Spring means new flowers in the gardens, new leaves on the trees,
animals gathering to breed. All of this is a natural process, which means that, as
humans, we’re also impacted by this period. We want renewal, we want to gather
with people to enjoy this new beginning, our hormones rise during Spring. And
this has a strong influence on our love life! You understood it my dear: “desires”
and “new” are the words here! No matter what you’re looking for regarding your
love life, I’m sure that you’ll experience the beginning of a different and great
period! 17/283
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You could strengthen an existing relationship, or on the contrary, break up with a

person you don’t want to see by your side anymore, or even get back in touch
with a former lover. You could get out more and meet new partners, or you could
take time on your own and figure out what you really want deep inside you.
What I’m sure about Leon Leandre, is that you’ll find the solution for any
situation. Whether you want to erase the past, plan the future or enjoy the
present, Venus in the Pleiades will be the perfect time to fulfil your desires and
even discover new directions.

Your future will be as bright as this astronomical event! Brightness comes from
light, light is energy: look at the sky in this beginning of April and think about
how important this rare moment is! We only get to see it every 8 years! So as I
don’t want you to miss anything, in the next part, I will give you some directions
based on the meaning of this event for you. Of course, it’s up to you to follow

3/ What to do:

A/ Get out of the routine and be “open”:

As I said, your astral sky will bring you a lot of excitement and pleasure as far as
your love life is concerned. One thing you should do to make sure you fully
enjoy this influence is to get out of the routine. But don’t rush into it as soon as
you read this Leon Leandre! It’s safer to wait for this date, otherwise, you might
get lost in what is really happening and miss the opportunity. Getting out of the
routine can bring so many new things that you might not even realize what you
really want in April. So take your time, and enjoy those first few months to make
sure you listen to yourself. When Spring starts and nature shines again, when
Venus enters this new star cluster, it will be the right time for you to try new

With a partner or single, we take our habits, day after day. Changing them can
bring some renewal, a fresh start in our life. But even without modifying our life,
we still have the possibility to do something new, experiencing different things
from time to time. 18/283
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Don’t get me wrong Leon Leandre, I’m not saying that routine is obviously
boring. It can be very satisfying, if you love your life the way it is, routine is not a
problem. It can also be very reassuring: when something goes wrong, we feel
safer if we still have our habits to make sure life goes on.

But in a relationship, most of the time, being stuck in the routine means that we
don’t try something new. We stay at the same level: both lovers don’t learn from
each other anymore. It shouldn’t be like that. Love is not meant to stay static, but
to evolve along with the persons. Love is beautiful when it grows. But sometimes
routine means continuity and a decreasing attention. And unfortunately, when
we pay less attention to the partner, love fades away.

It’s very important indeed that in a couple you keep this little “sparkle”,
something that reminds you why you’re with this person. So doing something
new, trying a new activity can be a way to laugh, to be amazed and to improve a
skill by your lover’s side. It will really strengthen your relationship. I insist: you
don’t have to break your habits, it can be a one day activity.

The most important is that you always remember the positive aspects of your
relationship, why you’re with this person. It’s important you keep on discovering
with the one you want by your side. Being curious can be a very good quality in
that case, because it means that you want to learn about and from the other

For example, you can simply go visit a place you’ve never been to in your town,
or eat something new. Or you can also talk about a memory special to you, or
offer a gift. Any kind of new gesture is a way to get out of the routine with your
partner Leon Leandre! This also applies if you’re not in a relationship with this
person of course. It could be someone you’re trying to seduce: a new person, an
ex-lover, or even a friend! No matter who you want to see by your side, trying
new activities is a way to learn about them as well as yourself. It’s a way to reach
their heart! 19/283
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And if you want to do it on your own, it’s as simple as what I said! Even simpler
because this time you won’t have to convince the other, you’ll just have to
convince yourself that you can go out and try different things on your own! This
time too, you could just visit a new place, discover a new activity: book club,
sport, etc.

Or you can also just say “yes” every time someone ask you to do something! This
is what I mean by “being open”! Leon Leandre, I’m sure you know how fun it can
be just to go out whenever someone offers to. But I also know that sometimes
it’s more tempting to say no because you don’t feel like it, you’re not in the
mood or you’d rather stay alone. But you need to realize how many
opportunities and memories you’ll gather just by saying “yes” Leon Leandre!

Just by doing so you’ll greatly expand your social circle: you’ll meet new people
with the same interests as you! Of course, some of the people you’ll meet won’t
be important to you in the future. But others can be surprising and bond with
you! Meeting new people always increases your chance to make new friends,
build new projects, create new relationships,… If you multiply people around
you, you multiply your chances to start something new! No matter what you

So pay attention to your friends and relatives, they might lead you to some
discoveries! And don’t exclude any kind of activities or places either Leon
Leandre! Anything can bring good surprises! Of course, if you really don’t want
to do it you don’t have to force yourself. But keep in mind that you need to stay
“open"! And I say “open” because it can be applied at any level: open-minded,
open your emotions, open your psychic abilities, open yourself to the energy of
Venus in the Pleiades! It’s the key word!

Be open-minded: think about everything, pros and cons, new habits,

new clothes, new food, etc. everything that catches your attention. See
the world from a different angle, a new perspective;

Open your emotions: don’t keep it to yourself, talk to people about the
way you feel, you’ll find the guidance you need but you’ll also get to 20/283
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guide them. It’s always better to communicate rather than closing

everything down inside you;

Open your psychic abilities: listen to your intuition, it will guide you
towards what you really want and how to get it. Realign your chakras,
it’ll help you become “a whole” and understand every desire and how to
fulfil them. Combined with your intuition, you’ll know yourself better
than ever Leon Leandre! Whether you regret something from the past or
want to accomplish something in the future, you’ll solve everything!

You see now how important it is to get out of the routine and stay “open” when
we talk about your love life my dear? It could bring you so many positive
consequences! Whether you’re already in a relationship or not! New discoveries,
excitement, new people, amazement, improved skill and peace with yourself,
this is a small list of what you could experience from this! The rest is up to you
Leon Leandre!

And this lead me to another thing you should keep in mind: self-love is the
beginning of true love. If you want to really experience deep feelings in April,
you need to love yourself my dear.

B/ Self-love:

We always hear “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else”.
Well it’s true. In this part, we’re going to see why this self-love, this self-esteem,
are so important.

In fact, as soon as you start getting more confident, people see it, feel it. And
they will be more likely to trust you as well. The same happens as soon as you
start to love yourself: people will be more attracted to you, physically as well as
emotionally. 21/283
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But that’s not all, because as soon as you believe in you and love yourself, you’ll
be able to accept your flaws and mistakes. And this have huge consequences on
relationships, because we always tend to put our insecurities on our partners or
the person we desire. What’s inside us turn into blames and can ruin a good
relationship. For example, if you don’t love yourself you can be easily jealous
and blame the other while they did nothing wrong. Or if you don’t love yourself
you can ask all the time “why are you staying with me?” and in the end push the
other away.

This can be avoided if you believe in your capacities and see yourself the way
you are: a human being full of qualities and worth being loved. When you start
accepting it, your love life takes a decisive turn. You’ll develop a healthy and
strong bond with the person you’ve chosen if you know yourself and show you
the way you are. You can’t hide your flaws or problems all your life Leon
Leandre. It’s better for you and your relationship if you accept them. You’ll live
with less stress and less shame.

Of course, everybody makes mistakes. No matter who you ask. And if some of
them can live a happy love life, so can you Leon Leandre. This perfect life will
start or grow deeper in 2020! Of course I’m not telling you to only talk about
your failures, but you shouldn’t be ashamed of them. Also, you can focus on your
achievements instead, even the smallest one: you cook very well, you drive
perfectly, you know two languages, you can swim faster than anyone else, etc.
You have something special!

You need to be aware of this and repeat it every day if you need to. Say it out
loud, in front of a mirror “I believe in myself”. It’ll greatly change your state of
mind as well as your physical condition! Leon Leandre, both body and spirit are
linked. Loving yourself is the key to trigger a positive cycle: you’ll feel better on
any level, people will notice and trust you, it’ll make you gain confidence, and so

I know you’re often thinking “it’s hard to love myself”, “I do everything wrong”,
or you compare yourself to the others and think they’re more special than you
are. You don’t want to admit how special you are too. Well, Leon Leandre, you
need to get rid of this habit in 2020! You need to think in a different way, more 22/283
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positive! It’s a big change, but it’s necessary. You won’t build a beautiful house
on a dirty field. So you need to clean that field before you start the construction:
you need to get rid of negative thoughts before you fully embrace yourself.

And once you start loving yourself, you’ll feel more confident and in the mood to
go out and try new things. So it’ll help with my second point Leon Leandre: you’ll
get out of the routine without even forcing it. All the points are linked and once
you start working on one aspect of your love life, everything follows naturally,
within you or towards the others. You need to trigger the change! Only you can
do it! April is the perfect time to do so! I believe in you!

You’re the only one that can block your way towards happiness. You’re the
master of your own life so if something makes you happy, go for it! You deserve
it. As long as you respect the others and don’t hurt them on purpose nothing
should stop you. There are two kinds of obstacles you could face: external and
internal. The internal are your negative thoughts and the blockages you set
yourself (the fears, the lack of motivation, etc.). As soon as you get rid of them,
even the external obstacles you can’t control will be easier to avoid.

It’s easier to make a change in our life than trying to change the rest of world.
But if you start, people will notice and get inspired. They’ll do just like you. So be
the first to love yourself and good people will follow. They’ll love themselves
and you as well. And you won’t be just filled with love, you’ll be an example
Leon Leandre! Be proud of you!

As someone told me one day “if you have a mountain in front of you, it’s easier
to take another way rather than trying to move the mountain”. Well Leon
Leandre, people and their negativity are the mountain, and you have another
possibility to avoid them. Soon the mountain will be behind you and you’ll walk
on a perfect path!

Of course, sometimes you face failures because of these obstacles. As I said, we

all make mistakes. But you can learn from any kind of failures. They can be
related to any area of our life, they all greatly impact our self esteem. So what 23/283
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you have to do is to turn them into a positive consequence, something you’ve

learnt and won’t do again. You grow up from any experience Leon Leandre. Even
failures are worth it! So let me insist:

Get rid of negative thoughts;

Realize you have qualities and say them out loud;

Be the first to love yourself;

Learn from your failures.

April is really the perfect time for your love life! The fresh energy from Venus in
the Pleiades will greatly impact the way you see the world and people around
you! Everything you did at the beginning of this month will be very favorable
during Summer. In fact, Leon Leandre, all the positive consequences will arrive in
your life around July. Of course, you’ll feel positive results as soon as you start to
act, but you’ll measure all the changes you made few months after: in July.

It takes time to reach the love life of your dreams, especially because it often
implies other people and you need to deal with their own desires too. But
regarding your birth charts, if you seize the opportunity Venus is giving you, I’m
sure that you’ll be satisfied by your situation in July, and then, for the rest of

The main transits of 2020

Now I’m going to tell you all you need to know to greatly increase your chances
to reach the love life you deserve and improve your satisfaction and happiness.
In fact Leon Leandre, I’m going to give you a list of all the relevant transits that
will impact your love life in 2020. 24/283
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As you know, some periods are more important than others based on our natal
chart and the current Universe. This is why I study deeply your configuration and
give you only some moments of 2020. But keep in mind that they are very
powerful and that their influence on you can last for a long time. The transits
might be fast, but it can have an impact for the rest of your life depending on
what you want to do with it.

Period from February, 8th 2020 to February, 13th 2020

Venus Sex Neptune : from February, 4th 2020 to February, 13th 2020

Venus Con Mars : from February, 7th 2020 to February, 18th 2020

Venus Sex Venus : from February, 8th 2020 to February, 17th 2020

Period from April, 5th 2020 to April, 10th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from March, 28th 2020 to April, 12th 2020

Mars Sex Mercury : from April, 2th 2020 to April, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from April, 3th 2020 to April, 20th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from April, 4th 2020 to April, 18th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from April, 5th 2020 to April, 22th 2020

Period from April, 13th 2020 to April, 17th 2020 25/283
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Mars Sex Mercury : from April, 2th 2020 to April, 19th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from April, 5th 2020 to April, 22th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from April, 3th 2020 to April, 20th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from April, 4th 2020 to April, 18th 2020

Mercury Sex Venus : from April, 11th 2020 to April, 17th 2020

Period from June, 5th 2020 to June, 11th 2020

Mars Con Sun : from June, 3th 2020 to June, 27th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Period from June, 12th 2020 to June, 20th 2020

Mars Con Sun : from June, 3th 2020 to June, 27th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from June, 12th 2020 to July, 7th 2020 26/283
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Period from June, 21th 2020 to June, 27th 2020

Mars Con Sun : from June, 3th 2020 to June, 27th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from June, 12th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Sun Tri Jupiter : from June, 21th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Period from June, 28th 2020 to July, 1th 2020

Sun Tri Jupiter : from June, 21th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from June, 12th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Period from July, 2th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020 27/283
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Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Sun Tri Jupiter : from June, 21th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from June, 12th 2020 to July, 7th 2020

Sun Sex Moon : from July, 2th 2020 to July, 18th 2020

Period from July, 8th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Sun Sex Moon : from July, 2th 2020 to July, 18th 2020

Venus Opp Pluto : from June, 1th 2020 to July, 19th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Period from October, 29th 2020 to November, 2th 2020

Venus Tri Neptune : from October, 23th 2020 to November, 3th 2020

Sun Tri Jupiter : from October, 23th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from October, 27th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Venus Sex Pluto : from October, 29th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Period from November, 4th 2020 to November, 7th 2020 28/283
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Venus Sex Pluto : from October, 29th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Sun Sex Moon : from November, 3th 2020 to November, 18th 2020

Venus Tri Venus : from October, 27th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Sun Tri Jupiter : from October, 23th 2020 to November, 7th 2020

Period from December, 16th 2020 to December, 20th 2020

Venus Sex Neptune : from December, 12th 2020 to December, 20th 2020

Venus Tri Mars : from December, 15th 2020 to December, 25th 2020

Venus Sex Venus : from December, 16th 2020 to December, 24th 2020

So you should be attentive to those moments my dear. Pay attention to your

emotions, the way you feel. Don’t let your feelings take control of your actions.
As I’ll explain in a following part, you should always communicate: with the
others or with yourself. Make sure you’re aware of what’s happening inside you.
Writing your feelings or thoughts can help you understand them better.

No matter if your feelings are good or bad at some point, identify what you want
to do with them. You can also write what you want, but above all: trust your
intuition. Listen to it, it’s always the right way to figure out what are the best
solutions or the best people.

Meditation is one of the most efficient way to pay refocus on your inner self.
Your intuition guides you but you’re also calmer and thus can make the best
decisions. This way, you’ll have less unexpected impacts on your relationships.
Because remember that these are intense periods, so whether they’re positive or
negative, you might feel overwhelmed and act too suddenly. So take a deep
breath and stay focus. 29/283
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Believe in you and believe in love! Stay optimistic during those times of the year
Leon Leandre! And as I said: don’t rush! It takes time to fully share a relation, but
open yourself to the person you want by your side, make sure there’s a balanced
communication between both of you, and don’t hide your fears or passions. Be
your true self and allow great things to happen to you and your lover.

Really Leon Leandre, allow things to happen to you: be open on the world!
People have so much to offer, especially when they are close to you and share
your life. So go out, meet new people and live new experiences! The more you
expand your horizons, the more you increase your chance to find happiness.

Whether you will meet someone new or already have a special person by your
side you will definitely develop a very strong and healthy relationship the way
you want to! Once again Leon Leandre, it’s up to you! Stay confident! Look in the
mirror and repeat “I believe in myself and in the people around me. I’m will live
the love life of my dreams in 2020 and for a very long time”.

And keep that in mind for the next part my dear, because it’s a very important
one and you should pay attention to it!

Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn

1/ What happens:

My dear, Saturn started retrograding in Aquarius on May 11th, but it will really
have an impact on your love life at the beginning of July. In fact on the first day
of this month, Saturn will shift from Aquarius to Capricorn, still retrograding. As it
changes sign, it will also change its effects on you.

And you should pay attention to this transit Leon Leandre, because as Saturn is a
heavy and slow planet, it has a strong and long-lasting impact on your life. It
takes 29 years for it to make a complete cycle across all the zodiac signs. And 30/283
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that’s not all, but Saturn is also the ruling planet of Capricorn, which means that
its retrogradation will be even more significant!

In astrology, this planet has already a strong reputation: it represents lack, or

frustration and even isolation. Of course it has also positive influences, such as
discipline, patience and a strong sense of responsibilities. Whenever you want
to achieve a professional goal Saturn is a reliable ally! But in retrogradation, it
becomes a really tricky aspect of your chart. Especially when it’s linked to Venus,
you tend to think you’re alone, not love worthy, no matter if people give you
affection, you might not see it.

The aspect of Saturn are very similar to the aspect of Capricorn: a very serious
and responsible sign, but on the negative aspect, strict and self-centered.
Regarding relationships, Capricorn are very faithful, but can also turn to be
selfish: they might not listen to their partner the way the others want to.

The influence of Venus in the Pleiades led you towards new people, new places,
but now, with Saturn retrograding in Capricorn you want to be alone, you’re
more likely to be introverted. You want to keep everything to yourself: emotions
as well as activities. Because this planet also represents your ego, you won’t pay
attention to the others and possible partners and this might create a difficult
time in your relationships.

Moreover, as I said, Saturn represents discipline but if you suffer from a bad
position in your chart, this sense of structure could turn in stubborn resistance.
You'll be unwilling to change anything and you will stay stuck in the same old
habits even though they might not satisfy you. But Saturn retrograding in
Capricorn disrupt your vision and show you change as a bad thing.

You remember I told you that you’ll get to experience all the positive
consequences of the choices you made in April at the beginning of the Summer?
Well it’s also the time when Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn but don’t worry
Leon Leandre! Now that you’re aware of this transit the cards are in your hands,
you have all the chances to avoid the negativity of this period! 31/283
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This is not a coincidence Leon Leandre! As I always say, life is a test, it is made of
challenges. We always need to put ourselves and our choices into question in
order to know if it’s the right thing to do. And the astral configuration has a lot
influence on this! Planets send challenging energy from time to time. It’s up to
you to embrace it and take the best of these influences. Your life is always
greatly improved after this. And I’m here to make sure you’re aware of any of
these movements.

In April, the transit was so positive that your chart could only take a challenging
position after this. It’s a way for the Universe to make sure that you “deserve” all
those positive changes. Because you shouldn’t take anything for granted. It’s up
to you to improve your life the way you want to. Proving the Universe that you
can do it is proving you that you can do it as well. Think of it as a way to be
proud of yourself Leon Leandre! You can do it!

If you handle the retrogradation of Saturn, the positive consequences you

gained from Venus’ influence will be multiply! So here’s what you should do in
order to avoid the difficulties of such a period.

2/ What to do:

A/ Stay focus:

It may sound like a hard thing to do but it won’t be, trust me! In April, you could
start to open and love yourself, you just have to make sure you stay in that state
of mind my dear! But at this time of 2020, you’ll have to fight your former
reflexes again. You already had the chance to do that few months before if you
decided to set the changes I indicated, so you might already know the process.
You see, you’ll know the same difficulties in July, but you already know how to
handle them.

But Saturn retrograding in Capricorn brings some thoughts, some ideas that
you’ll need to fight Leon Leandre! First of all, no, you’re not trapped in a negative
cycle. I know you had to fight old habits in order to trigger some changes in your 32/283
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love life, and now that you face another challenge you think that there’s no way
out of this. But it’s not true, bad transits end eventually and if you put enough
efforts into this you'll never suffer from them. So stay focus, don’t feed negative
thinking, and you won’t even notice the impact of Saturn in your love life. You’re
not in a negative cycle, and you can overcome all the challenges of your life.

Thinking that you’re in a bad position and you won’t get any positive from this is
a way to put you in a bad position Leon Leandre. If you stop thinking this way,
you’re already taking a huge step on your way to happiness and satisfaction.
Don’t be defeated before the challenge has even started. You have all the keys
to succeed and reach the love life you really want.

So there are basically two simple things you should do in July: don’t be negative,
keep doing what you started in April. It doesn’t seem that difficult now, does it
Leon Leandre? As I already told you above, be open to any opportunities: listen
to the others as well as yourself. And about all, love yourself! Don’t doubt, I
know that if you want to reach something you can! You have great capacities and
you deserve being love, especially by you!

So stay focus Leon Leandre, don’t get back to your old reflexes and states of
mind! Be strong and persistent. This is the perfect opportunity to prove yourself
that you can do it! Also, as Saturn will rule your sky, you can still enjoy some of
its good aspects! By this I mean that you can take advantage of its sense of
discipline: it always has the same characteristics, retrogradation just makes it
slower or more negative, but if you know how to seize it you can make the best
of it! So Saturn’s discipline can help you stay focus.

Moreover, as this planet represents your ego, it will also be the perfect time to
prove yourself that you can do it: it will greatly boost your ego, at the center of
your sky at that moment!

B/ Communicate: 33/283
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Communication is at the center of relationship, that’s why I want to talk about it.
It’s essential between two or several people. When you communicate, you
exchange your ideas, your feelings, your point of view. You let the other know
what you want, and you also become aware of what they want.

Of course, no matter the communication, you decide what at you want to do

about those information. Sometimes, the others doesn’t seem to acknowledge
and respect your words. But also, with Saturn retrograding in Capricorn, you
might not really pay attention to their words either. As I said, this is a very selfish
aspect of one’s chart. So in order to be more efficient and make sure you
understand what you’re saying I’m going to give you some advice that’ll be
useful for the rest of your life!

I know it's easy to say but one of the most crucial things to do when you talk to
someone about something important is to stay calm. Getting angry will have a
negative effect on your interlocutor and this person will be less likely to follow
your words. While if you stay calm, you seem confident and sure about you’re
saying. People will more easily trust you.

Just think about two people arguing Leon Leandre, one screaming, the other
calm. The last person is clearly superior in that situation. We go along with them.
A calm person is someone who knows what they’re saying and how they're
feeling. They're the master of the situation because they're the master of herself.

So in order to communicate more efficiently in your relationship, the first step is

to know yourself Leon Leandre. If you already follow my advice to open yourself
as April started, this might be just the continuity of what you were already doing.
In any case, this will lead to a good, healthy and positive talk with anyone you
want. This is what we call the “non-violent” communication. Here’s the main
points of this method:

Observation: you’re aware of what’s happening around you, how people

act and how things go. You see clearly what kind of things and
behaviors you like or dislike; 34/283
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Feelings: you listen to your emotions. Those behaviors and actions

created something within you: sadness, joy, anger, excitement, you can
identify this feeling;

Needs: then those feelings created a need. For example, if you felt sad
you needed something or someone to cheer you up, or if you were
feeling excited about a project you needed to share it or to do
something about it;

Talk: you make sure the other one knows all those things. You put words
on what you observed, how you felt and what you needed to do to do
regarding it. Now you need this person to know about it and it’ll help

Being aware of this process makes it easier to choose the right words. And the
right words increase our chances to convince people. Of course, sometimes they
don’t want to listen. If the other one doesn’t respect your point, then you should
let go. You’re superior, this person doesn’t understand and is not worth talking
to. They’ll realize on her own at some point that they were wrong. You don’t
need this person’s negativity.

Most of the time, people react like that because they know they did or are doing
something wrong, but they won’t admit it. But thanks to the “non-violent
communication” you saw the truth. You know that they’re wrong. By staying
calm, you’re showing them you accept it, even if they get angry at first, they’ll be
more likely to adapt their behavior afterwards and catch up to you. Your own
behavior has a strong influence on your interlocutor’s behavior Leon Leandre,
even if you don’t see it at first.

Of course, this was in the worst-case scenario, but fortunately sometimes talking
is good and easy. You shouldn’t stay in a relationship if you always argue to
someone who doesn’t want to respect your points. 35/283
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But sometimes exchanging with people is so good that we don’t realize how fast
time is passing by. It’s a natural thing to talk to these people, without shame or
fear. The silence is not awkward. It feels good to exchange our ideas and share
our feelings. Whether we talk or we listen, we learn a lot thanks to these

What makes these moments unique are the intention we put in them. They are
built on good intentions. When we talk, we share our true selves. When we
listen, we really pay attention to the other. These are the keys of good and
healthy communication, and, ideally, it should be like this every time we talk to
someone we care about. And it should definitely stay like that even with a
challenging Saturn. More precisely, the main points are:

Be humble: don’t talk only about yourself and don’t overemphasize your
positive points. People notice when you’re exaggerating and don’t
appreciate when you only bring your qualities to the light without
listening to them;

Be nice, patient and respectful: the person you’re talking to is a human

being too and has feelings just like you. As I said, the way you talk
influence the way the other one talks, so if you treat them with respect,
you’ll inspire respect as well.

Be sincere: don’t try to hide anything, if you don’t like something say it.
Of course keep in mind that you’re talking with respect and patience.
But the most important is sincerity and good intentions. No matter how
hard the truth can be if it is shared with good intentions it’ll help more
than it’ll cause damages.

Leon Leandre, keep in mind that words are at the center of our life, this is why it
is so important to choose the right ones and the right tone. Words create our
world. With a simple sentence we can make someone happy or sad, hopeful or
not. Communication is the key of a healthy and balanced relationship. With this
coaching, you’ll be able to live your love life without any secrets and
misunderstandings. Saturn and Capricorn won’t be tricky at all regarding your
interactions with people, partners or others! 36/283
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3. Career

1/ What will happen:

There is still a lot to learn about your year, Leon Leandre! Here, we will focus on
another important area of your life: your career! And this year will be quite great
when it comes to it. There are a lot of very positive transits that’ll give you
everything you need to go forward and advance in your professional life, Leon

Many astral movements and transits will have great impact on your life. From
this, you’ll be able to create your own opportunities, to advance yourself in your
workplace, to complete and start personal projects.

This year will be quite special for you and your career, Leon Leandre. In it, there
will come a time when you’ll have a chance to meet someone that has the
potential to change deeply your professional life, Leon Leandre. This will happen
on two separate opportunities, while under the influence of a trine between
Mercury and Pluto. This transit will happen twice this year: on the 9th of May and
on the 1st day of September.

Those two dates will have a strong meaning for you: you will get to understand
something very important, something you were refusing to face, and that was
slowing down your ability to reach your professional goals. So, around those two
dates, you shouldn’t hesitate to start conversations Leon Leandre, and to get out
of your comfort zone. Let yourself be approachable by other people, you never
know what wonderful ideas and amazing insight some of them may inspire you:
this is how you will develop new ideas and inspirations to grow my dear! This
will allow you to realize a successful project at work, as part of a team. Don’t be
afraid to be bold Leon Leandre! 37/283
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This is why it is important for you to find the right people to be with, people that
make you feel confident and inspired. At work, you will meet like-minded
people, but also different people, that will change your perspective on things.
And you will eventually meet that special someone I mentioned above. The
conversations you’ll have and the idea you’ll entertain will change it all for you,
that’s why it is important for you to keep in touch with the persons around you
at work in 2020!

And that’s not all, there will be several moments in your year where great things
will have the potential to happen, when influenced by the right energies and
making the right steps you’ll be able to improve your career, to reach for a higher
position and accomplish daunting tasks.

You see, I told you about some intense periods in your love life, but there are
also similar periods this year for your career. During certain periods you will
have several transits that will all have an effect at the same time, making it
intense and important times to seize.

So now, it’s time to talk about everything you need to know to be able to
improve the way you approach your professional life and your personal projects.
There are many transits that’ll happen this year and of course, some of them will
have a great impact on those aspects of your life.

Not all of the periods of your year will be made equal, Leon Leandre. The reason
why these things take so much time for me to make, is because I take the time to
gather as much information as I can to guide you and help you. Nothing is set in
stone; the future is something you have some control over. There lies the
advantage of knowing what’s coming, so you can avoid the negative and try to
focus on the best.

Remember, Leon Leandre, that I’m an astrologer, not a magician and I won’t ever
lie to you. I can’t precisely tell you the future, I can only gather trends based on
what is happening in your astral sky. From there, I make guidelines for you to
follow. Remember that you have the power to influence all that’s coming your
way. 38/283
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So, based on these astral tendencies, I can tell you that the dates that follow, will
be the best, the most intense moments of your year for your career! Which is
why you’ll have to particularly attentive to everything happening on those days,
ready to jump on any opportunities, to take on any good ideas.

Period from April, 6th 2020 to April, 18th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from April, 4th 2020 to April, 18th 2020

Venus Sex Mercury : from April, 6th 2020 to April, 20th 2020

Period from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Venus Sex Mercury : from June, 3th 2020 to July, 17th 2020

Venus Sex Mars : from June, 5th 2020 to July, 15th 2020

Period from August, 3th 2020 to August, 7th 2020

Sun Tri Mercury : from July, 22th 2020 to August, 7th 2020

Sun Tri Saturn : from August, 3th 2020 to August, 19th 2020

Period from December, 3th 2020 to December, 6th 2020

Sun Tri Mercury : from November, 21th 2020 to December, 6th 2020

Sun Tri Saturn : from December, 3th 2020 to December, 17th 2020 39/283
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Period from December, 18th 2020 to December, 22th 2020

Venus Con Pluto : from December, 16th 2020 to December, 26th 2020

Venus Sex Venus : from December, 16th 2020 to December, 24th 2020

On those days, clear your mind of any preconceived idea of how your day
should go and just follow your instincts. Because it’s in those moments that your
year will shine, Leon Leandre. You will be filled and surrounded by energies.
Your judgement will be as close to flawless as it can be and all of your decisions
will be the correct ones.

If there is a moment for you to try and go reach for a promotion, a higher place
in your company, it will be now, Leon Leandre, your influence will at an all-time

With a little faith in yourself and by applying all of the advice you will read later,
the impossible won’t exist and there will only be possibilities for you to
consider. It will be the best time possible for you to accomplish with ease all of
the tasks that you’ve always pushed to later.

It’s on those moments that your year will be made, Leon Leandre. You must give
it all you have. Don’t hesitate to meditate on all the advice you will read later
before those transits happen. You will shine, Leon Leandre, people around you
couldn’t help but follow you as the natural leader you are. And with that, you will
gain the respect you deserve. It will be a perfect time for you to ask for a raise,
to propose change, to expose your ideas.All of this will also be the perfect time
to get a look on your most cherished and important personal projects, as
fantastic new ideas may arise or an epiphany may come to you, giving you what
you need to finish what you started and look back on it with great pride. 40/283
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And that’s it Leon Leandre. Remember: Nothing is written, only you have that
power. You can make what you want to happen a reality. What ends up in your
story is what you write in it.

In what’s coming, I’ll explain to you how to get the best out of everything that
you just saw, no matter how good or bad it sounds, you can always get a lot out
of it. It’s already great quite frankly, but why stop there? I will help you to get the
most out of everything I told about.

2/ What to do:

A/ Be the most valuable person at your work place:

We’ll now go over how to be the most valuable person in your workplace, Leon
Leandre. To do so, you must have to be recognized as the valuable asset that you
are. You can do this by becoming a problem solver, when you see a problem see
it as an opportunity for you to show off your skill set. If you don’t end up solving
the problem, it is still okay my dear: but it is crucial for you to genuinely try to
found a solution, and to show concern over the problems at work.

You can do this subtly by changing your language and ways of speaking, for
example instead of saying “there is nothing we can do” say “let’s look at
alternatives”. By becoming known as the solution finder you will find that your
status will grow greatly, and it will boost your relationship with your colleagues.

You must also trust your instinct and your decision making. Which is why, you
must NEVER go in half-heartedly, you must always do your best. There is no in-
between in acting or not acting. You must trust yourself; you can already be sure
that I have faith in you and your abilities. If you truly believe in this plan you
made, then go ahead. Present it to your coworkers and give it your all when it
comes to explain it. Let yourself be filled with passion for this idea of yours. It’s
your plan, your idea, introduce it in a way that reflects its greatness: explain to 41/283
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them why it is a good idea, why the timing is good right now, and what are its
unexpected advantages (for example, ask yourself if your solution could
indirectly solve another problem at work!).

Try to push for more research when it comes to who your company is trying to
satisfy. To find a niche. People have specific needs that aren’t taken care of,
that’s where you could come in. Expose your ideas to the higher up, show just
how invested you are. Study what your competition is doing and try to learn
from it. A weakness you can expose about your competition, is one you may be
able to find in your own company and therefore, one you’ll be able to fix.

There will, of course, be times when that doesn’t work as planned. But don’t let
that stop you, Leon Leandre. I want you to see failure as a way to learn, not as
something to be discouraged by: ask yourself what you could have done
differently, and realize what you learned from this mistake.

B/ The importance of your Alone Time:

For you to be able to accomplish all of that, working won’t be enough. You’ll also
have to work on yourself, Leon Leandre.

First, here is something that I strongly believe. You should always be good by
yourself, to be better with your coworkers. It is important for you to learn to love
your solitude Leon Leandre; it is the condition for you to also enjoy time with
people around you at work. Solitude isn’t always something negative my dear,
far from it: it is a time of reflection, when you can focus on yourself only. If there
are tasks you can tackle on your own, use that as your alone time.

Always keep in mind that you’re the only person you will have to deal with
during your whole life. We live in a time with a lot of competitiveness, where
everything goes so fast that sometimes, you feel lost, not sure of what is
happening. You have to learn to consider yourself as you, as an individual that
isn’t constantly in competition with other people my dear. 42/283
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Don’t isolate yourself all the time though, your coworkers are that, coworkers,
and therefore, you must work with them. Alone time is a necessity, it’s some self-
love for you to keep your self-confidence high. Call it the power of silence, Leon
Leandre: alone time is great for a break and for rest. When it’s not forced on you,
solitude is what will help you heal your mind and your soul in the most efficient

Alone time is when you can be yourself the most, and you need to have
moments like this my dear, filled with slowness and honesty: because, when
you’re alone, there is no competition, no need to perform or to succeed. It is all
about your inner-light and inner-peace, that will shine in its purest form when
you’re fully focused on yourself, in the silence and solitude.

Also, try to dedicate some of that alone time to your personal projects, Leon
Leandre. You don’t know where your creativity and all of your ideas could lead
you, there are lots of possibilities to be explored and everything that applies for
your career, can apply to those projects.

With all the energies coming soon, it’ll be a shame to use it only in your
workplace, keep some of it for some of your most important personal projects or
even to start new ones!

C/ Your social interactions at work:

Now, we will talk about social interactions in itself. I will talk about several
points, and I want to begin with the importance of being open-minded Leon

Something you need to acknowledge is that everyone has their own problems
and difficulties, and that those problems can sometimes seem trivial, or even,
ridiculously insignificant compared to yours. But, you have to go above those
initial feeling and realize that people react to different things, differently.
Ignoring other people’s feelings won’t bring you any good. It’ll make other
people ignore your feelings and you won’t receive anything from them. 43/283
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Now, I'm not saying that all problems are equals Leon Leandre; absolutely not.
Problems can be more or less complex, and more or less serious, there’s no
doubt. What I'm saying though, is that not everyone has the same definition of
what is a “serious” problem. What’s difficult for them, maybe easy for you... but
at the same time, something you struggle with, can be trivial to that same

Also, try to not get too caught up in hierarchies. You can learn from anybody, and
should be able to share your opinions with anybody, as long as it’s done in a
respectful way. A great idea can come out of the most unexpected of places, for
example from coworkers you didn’t expect to find common grounds with! You
just have to be open to discussions at work, like in any others places Leon

Now, if you’re not satisfied with your current social interactions at work, chances
are it’s because you’re stuck into your comfort zone; which is something very
natural my dear, as you seek comfort and security at work. But for things to
change, getting out of your comfort zone is necessary: the only thing forbidding
you to do so Leon Leandre, is the fear of not being capable enough, or of not
being trusted enough by your colleagues.

Those fears are quite natural my dear. But fear is not always something to be
‘afraid of’, Leon Leandre, fear is useful! It protects you from danger, it’s part of
your instincts. The problem here however, is that sometimes, fears can be
irrational. This kind of fear doesn’t actually protect you from danger, it only holds
you back from getting the promotion you want, of getting the job that you want.
You must learn to go past this instinct and to, little by little, challenge yourself at

Another thing that you must overcome to fully build a career is that you can’t
always be in control of everything, Leon Leandre. Because for now, you keep
imagining bad scenarios in your head. You keep thinking that you won’t be able
to manage this task, this change of career, or that a meeting could be awkward
and so on. It’s holding you back, this fear doesn’t do you any good. It’s called
“comfort zone” for a reason, Leon Leandre. It’s made only of things you know,
but trying new things is imperative to evolve, and your career isn’t an exception. 44/283
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Don’t let yourself believe that there are only two possible outcomes to
everything, Leon Leandre. It’s not just about success and failure. There are in-
betweens! The number of possibilities is huge, and this is exactly why it is so
important for you to stay open to possibilities. The key is to focus on the
positive aspects of your fear to get out from your comfort zone: be confident in
your choices and take the responsibility of your actions Leon Leandre!

Avoiding your fears only maintains their existences, my dear, so act on it. I often
tell you about how everything depends of how and when you act my dear! Well,
it’s also true to reach your career goals. Expanding your comfort zone will open
new doors for you, and will help you get the social interactions you want. There
will be plenty of opportunities for you to get out of it this year, to expand your
horizons, to try new things!

To sum this up: getting out from your comfort zone doesn’t have to be a bad
experience. You can’t know what the outcome will be. Don’t let yourself be
frightened by this, instead, be excited to try something new at work, to not be
afraid to ask for what you want! You can learn to desire new things, new
experiences and this, will make you a better coworker but also, a better person
overall, Leon Leandre.

D/ Personal projects

I would now like to take the time to talk about specific advice regarding your
own personal projects and some of the common hurdles you will face. One of
the most common reasons why people never seem to start their projects is that
they are too perfectionist, the idea that everything has to be perfect and that if it
is not then it is not worth doing. That is wrong Leon Leandre, the important thing
is to get out and put something out there, you can worry about improving it later.

The other most common mistake when starting a personal project is to be to

overly ambitious and make something way too complex. Ambition is good but it
is better to keep your projects initially simple and let them evolve slowly over
time. The trick is to observe the market or domain you wish to go in and to take
notes in every single detail. Look at what your competitors are doing, see what 45/283
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works for them and look at areas where they underperform and exploit it. By
exploiting their weakness, you are creating yourself a niche that distinguishes
yourself from the competitors, which will make it more likely to satisfy the
demands of your client and thus get more clients. Once you have done so all you
have to do is figure out a way of getting your clients to comeback, this can be
achieved through a developing a good rapport with the client, to offering
incentives for repeat use of your services, the trick is to work outside the box
and find something that works for your clientele.

And that’s it, Leon Leandre. You can learn from all of this and by applying all of
this advice and accepting the influence of the transits, you’ll learn even more
just by yourself. So, go out there and make yourself proud, Leon Leandre. With
time, you’ll see things will greatly improve regarding your career choices.

Many successes await you, Leon Leandre, and there is something else I want to
give you to help with your career!

4. Relocation Career

I know you’re looking for the most complete guidance regarding your career for
2020 Leon Leandre, so I will give you even more information about it! Because,
there is another useful tool I can give you to help you in your professional life: it
is to search for you which places hold your best career opportunities. Something
special is waiting for you, somewhere else; because, right now, I know you’re
feeling stuck.

So, I studied deeply your astral sky, and I calculated where in the world were
your most beneficial places regarding your vocation and career. Now, be careful
my dear, I'm not saying that simply going to one of those places will
miraculously solve your professional problems, no, because astrology is not
magic: but what you must understand is that in those places, you will be met by
career opportunities you’ve been wanting. And that, as always, the results will
depend of your decisions, and of your abilities to seize those opportunities Leon 46/283
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Leandre. I am aware that being able to travel depends of a lot of different

factors, that’s why I'm not forcing you into anything; but I had to share with you
that there are beautiful professional events waiting for you somewhere else my

Going to the places below will help you be more open-minded, and will help
you get out from your narrow dimension that you feel stuck into: be curious, and
be willing to meet new people, to learn new things! Even if you’re traveling to
one of those places for just a few days! What matters is what you will bring with
you from this travel my dear, what you will learn about yourself and about your

So here it is, you will find below the results of my calculations my dear: the three
places that holds the most career opportunities for you and that are the most
beneficial for your professional goals!

Top 3 Places for Vocation and Career

1: 659 Fairbanks, Alaska (64N50'16" 147W42'59")
2: 651 Birch Creek, Alaska (69N00 147W22)
3: 634 Beaver, Alaska (66N21'34" 147W23'47")

5. Money

Leon Leandre, as you know by now 2020 is a transformative year for you but you
might not be aware to what extent your financial life is going to be radically
transformed for the better! I have consulted your natal chart, your zodiac sign
Pisces, your personal numbers and all everything else relating to you and your
astral chart and what I found was brilliant news regarding your financial future:

2020 marks the end of a dark cycle in your financial life and your chances of
stopping all those financial blockages that have held you back are at their
highest in this new decade! 2020 is filled with powerful transits that are going to
completely change your financial life in a very positive way. Jupiter will conjunct 47/283
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with Saturn, this only happens every 20 years and its presence in your life has
great importance for it marks a rebirth and renewal of yourself especially when
it comes to your money! But that is not at all there will also be an astral
configuration regarding Saturn and Pluto that won’t happen again for another 36
years! It is interesting to note that Pluto represents money and fortune, a good
sign to say the least.

I hope I have made my point that 2020 is going to be hugely beneficial to your
financial life but the power of the universe can only favor your actions, you will
have to still act and be able to avoid pitfalls. That is why I would now like to take
the time to show you what you can expect in this reading:

How you obtain more money

How to avoid financial difficulties and preserve your money

The lucky times you can expect regarding your finances

So without further ado let’s get started!

1/ How to obtain more money:

A/ Financial minimalist:

Money makes the world go around at least that is how the old saying goes but
how do you actually get more? Now I am not a financial consultant, I am an
astrologer but I can guide you on the steps you can take and ways you can
change your mindset to improve your chances of getting money. Of course, a lot
of this will be tied with your career which is such a huge topic that it will have to
be its own part. 48/283
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Now you may have the saying to be X you must act like X, and for the most part
this saying has been true, if you want to be more confident than you need to
start acting like you have confidence but when it comes to being rich you have
to do the opposite! What do I mean by this? I mean you have to minimize your
cost and save as much as humanly possible. This is called being a financial
minimalist, by optimizing your cost and learning to budget you are
accomplishing two important things:

Firstly, you are learning to be more content with less, which is the bedrock of
spiritual development so I cannot recommend this enough.

Secondly, by saving all this money through optimization you are gaining
something truly special: financial independence, which gives you more flexibility
in your life by having some spare funds you are more prepared for any curve
balls that life will throw at you.

Which brings me to my next important lesson:

B/ Developing your wealth:

I am now going to let you in on a little secret that is the foundation of every
wealthy person and that is: Let your money work for you. You see while most
people are paying off interest, the rich and knowledgeable are gaining interest
on their money. Basically, you need to invest that money and let it gain value
otherwise it will be simply losing its value thanks to inflation. A good practice to
adopt is to at very least is to invest 10% of your income every month if you are
able invest much more, but if you are uncomfortable with investing, I would
recommend sticking with 10% for now. Of course, I highly recommend you do
your own research when it comes to what you should invest into but try
consulting your bank consultant and more importantly make sure that you invest
in something that matches your risk tolerance. 49/283
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If you decide to follow this advice, I can guarantee that your financial situation
will improve for the better! Now let’s see what you can do to avoid any potential
obstacles regarding your finances!

2/ How to avoid financial difficulties and preserve your money:

As you gain more wealth you may find yourself encountering some new
problems and new obstacles to surpass. With this segment of the reading, it is
my hope that I can identify these potential difficulties and more importantly
explain what you can do to surpass them.

The first one is to minimize spending as stated in the first point, a good
technique that I find very useful is before buying something wait a couple of
days before doing so, this is a great way to eliminate any impulse purchases.
Another important thing to do is avoiding bad debt and if you must take any
debt make sure it is worthwhile or “good debt”. The thing to keep in mind is to
avoid taking a loan out for something that will not hold its value or decrease, a
good rule of thumb is that if you are to take on debt make sure that it is for
something that will retain its value or increase with time. For example let's say
you take a loan out for a car and you invest in the latest trendiest car after a year
it will no longer be considered “trendy” and will lose its value, a good debt
would be on a reliable car that will retain its value that you can sell afterwards
thus recuperating the cost. See what I mean Leon Leandre?

Secondly is probably one of the most destructive problems you may encounter
and that is people who wish to leech off of you. The first step to combating such
a problem is to identify some behavior they are likely to display is: they will only
contact you if they need something, they will never return the favor, they expect
you to pay for everything, if you put your foot down or stop paying for them they
will start to lose interest in you, they hardly ever pay and if so they do so
infrequently that it doesn’t matter. If you suspect someone of being a money
leech a good thing to do is to stop giving them financial support and see how
they react. If they continue your relationship that they were not a money leech,
but if they lose interest in you or seem insistent about money regardless of what
you have told them than they may be a leech and you should cut such toxic 50/283
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people out of your life. Do not fall into the trap of surrounding yourself with
people who appreciate you only for your wealth and not who you are as a

And now we can get to the final point I would like to mention before we move on
to the next part of the reading and that is your relationship when it comes to
money. You only have to take a look at the self-destructive behavior that people
embrace when they win the lottery to know that a bad relationship with money
can spell disaster. But do not worry my dear I will help you improve this
relationship by sharing these couples of tips. The first and most important is that
you recognize it for what it truly is: a means to an end. It should not hold any
emotional power, if you feel yourself getting anxious or angry towards the idea
of money then take a step back and ask yourself why?

Knowing why you wish to have money may seem like an obvious thing but you
will be surprised how many people neglect to ask themselves this simple
question. Do you seek it for security, to purchase something you desire, to
please other people?

Once you have discovered the nature of your relationship then we can move on
to what I think is the most important lessons when it comes to finances:

You see money breeds more money, but for that you need to learn to optimize
your living. And that means only spending money on what truly matters and not
wasting it on temporary pleasures, think of it as a finite resource that you are
trying to maximize the value out of! Don’t get me wrong my dear I am not saying
that you should never take advantage or enjoy the occasional little expensive
pleasure. But it all goes back to our original point. It has to be a conscious
decision on your own part, not just you satisfying a desire. Follow these
guidelines and I know that your career will greatly benefit!

3/ Lucky times: 51/283
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As you may remember I told you that you would encounter some lucky times
regarding your finances. I think that finally it is now time that we take a look at
this in more depth.

First of all my dear, I simply can’t say it enough, but all astrology can do is point
at periods that are either favorable for a particular topic, or that in the contrary
might be problematic for that topic or another...

However, no matter how favorable can this period be, it is still, and always will
be, up to us to take actions to secure actual improvements in our lives Leon

Now, having said that (again!), here are the best periods for you to make some
moves financially speaking my dear! There will be several during the year, and
even more than the ones I will mention here, but those are really the most
favorable ones for you my dear... I have been telling what to do before, it is
about time I am telling you when to do it Leon Leandre.

The first intense period of your year, as far as finances are concerned, is
the first half of March. Indeed, two very important transits will happen
and have important repercussions on them. First, Venus will conjunct
Uranus on the 8th, and that my dear is a very unique transit! It will bring
change and excitement, and your urge to improve your finances will
stimulate you to take risks after of course having thought them through
thoroughly Leon Leandre.

Only just 3 days later, on March 11th, the Sun will sextile Jupiter. And on
and around this date, you will feel very optimistic and inclined to trust
this also very powerful transit that might be, mind you my dear, the
most fortunate transits in Astrology! So following its call, you will rely
on your positive thinking and acting to attract yourself a lot of good
fortune, and by extension, many financial opportunities! It is the perfect
time to benefit from the growth and expansion of Jupiter... (This will be
the first out of the two times that this transit will take place in 2020. The
second time being November 15th). 52/283
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The sun will act again on your finances behalf on May 17th with another
very powerful transit, whose effects you should be able to feel for a
couple of days before, and like a week or so after Leon Leandre. Indeed
my dear, on May 17th, the Sun will trine Jupiter, and this is one of the
best solar transit. You will without a doubt feel highly spirited around
that day, and should use your enthusiasm to create and follow all the
opportunities rising in front of you... especially the ones concerning
your finances!

About 2 months later, on July 14th, the Sun (him again) will this time
opposite Jupiter. This will literally be a glorious day where everything
seems to be falling into place without much effort! You would better
make the most out of this momentum my dear, as this could simply be
one of your, if not the best day of the year, as far as financial
opportunities are concerned.

The second half of your year will be a bit slower, looking at transits
concerning your finances Leon Leandre, this is why it is so important
not to miss any and to always be prepared! On November 15th, as we
have seen before, the Sun will sextile Jupiter. By then, having witnessed
it the first time, you should be able to benefit even more from it my
dear. And after that, on December 21st, Jupiter will conjunct Saturn. This
is again a time of opportunity and growth for your finances! However, it
doesn’t bear the positive energy of the transits I have mentioned
before. This one is rather more introspective really and will help you get
a better and clearer idea of what exactly is it that you want to achieve
as far as money is concerned. What are your real expectations and why
are they so... Best time of the year to realize that materialism is rarely
the best way towards happiness my dear.

If you follow all these teachings and advice that I have given you then you won’t
have to worry about money again in 2020 Leon Leandre!

Be a financial minimalist

Seize your lucky times 53/283
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Invest about 10% or more of your income

Avoid bad debts

Avoid and identify money leeches

6. Administrative and juridical procedures

Now, my dear Leon Leandre, as promised, I will tell you more about the
administrative and juridical procedure that you’ll have to face in 2020. Because I
know you have some projects in mind, some you already started and some
others that are still just an idea but will soon become real!

And, as you know, every time you try to undertake a new project, you bump into
new administrative and juridical difficulties. Whether you want to buy
something, move somewhere, apply for a social benefit or figure out your taxes,
there are always more forms to fill, more papers to sign and more people to
contact. And those blockages can greatly slow down your projects Leon Leandre.

I’ve seen some of those problems coming in 2020, some misunderstandings

blocking your progression at some specific period of the year. But thanks to my
study of your astral chart Leon Leandre, right now I’m able to tell you precisely
when and why you shouldn’t carry out some projects. Because at some point of
the year, the influence of the planets won’t be good enough to support you on
the administrative perspective. Things will get slow, tricky and you’ll feel more
stressed and angry because of this.

While, on the other hand, if you know the right time to act, all your projects will
come to term very easily! So, once I‘ll have told you about the bad periods, you’ll
be able to carry out any ideas you had in mind, apply for any service you wanted
and understand everything! You’ll find the help of the right people and nothing
will get in your way! No blockages, no questions, no anxiety, this is how it will be
if you get into action the right way at the right time! 54/283
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So Leon Leandre, in what follows, I will first indicate you the times when you
should avoid any administrative matters, because your astral influence won’t be
as helpful as it should be. And in a second part, I will give you the right advice to
make it even more easy for you any time you’ll go through administrative and
juridical matters. Because I’m sure that in 2020 you’ll accomplish a lot of
projects and reach many goals! I want to make sure you have all the keys to act
and get the reward you’re expecting!

1/ Times to avoid:

You already know my dear that the influence of the planets comes and goes.
Sometimes, your astral chart provides you a strong and positive energy,
sometimes it’s better to avoid some situations. In this part of your reading I’m
going to list the moments you should pay attention to in 2020 regarding your
projects because it won’t be the right time to undertake administrative

Of course, it doesn't mean that nothing good will happen. It means that it won’t
be the ideal moment and that you shouldn’t be surprised if some blockages
come your way. But if you follow what I’m showing you, you’ll be able to avoid
them. And again, here I’m talking about the administrative and juridical topics, I
know sometimes it can be linked to other aspects of your life, but regarding love,
finances and other subjects, these moments might not have the same influence.
All the details about that are in the other parts Leon Leandre!

The first thing you should be aware of are retrogrades. As you already know,
retrogrades happen when planets slow down and seem to “take a step back” in
your sky. Just as they do, you might take a step back as well in your life if you
don’t know how to cope with this influence. But if you pay enough attention and
act the right way, then everything will go well for you.

So during the following periods, you shouldn’t deal with very important
administrative business because you’ll face some blockages. I see that different
events and people will get in your way and slow the process. It doesn’t 55/283
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necessary mean your projects will fail, it means that they won’t happen the way
you want them to, or in time. And this could be the cause of a great pressure for
you Leon Leandre.

In order to avoid that, you should be particularly attentive at the beginning of

September! In fact, at that time of the year, four powerful planets will be
retrograding! Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars! This period will be quite intense it’s
true. This is why I’m warning you right now! You don’t have to worry, you have a
lot of time to prepare! But let me be more specific.

The first three planets will start their retrogrades earlier in 2020: Saturn, Jupiter
and Pluto will be retrograding in May. But as they’re slow planets, you won’t find
it difficult to deal with their energy. Your projects won’t be as strongly impacted
as they could be in September. Because at that moment, those three planets will
all be retrograding in the same sign: Capricorn. This sign represents patience,
discipline and responsibilities. So if it suffers from a negative influence, things
could get messy regarding the administration Leon Leandre.

And as I said, during the first fifteen days of September, Mars will join their
forces and retrograde as well. And it’s definitely the strength and passion of this
planet that will make this moment a very important one! Be careful regarding
papers and signatures my dear. The beginning of September might not be the
right time to undertake important projects.

Furthermore, at the end of the year, Mercury will go through difficult transit. It
might be more complicated for you to make plans or deal with business people.
In fact, on November 11th and December 13th, it will opposite Uranus and then,
square Pluto. The first one can bring tension and anxiety while you try to make
important decisions. And when Mercury square Pluto, you can feel lost, and miss
some points in the organization of your projects. This transit increases your
desire to control everything, but regarding administration, you can never control
all the process. You need to wait for other people to approve your demands. And
this might be a source of conflict at that moment. 56/283
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But their energy won’t last so it won’t paralyze your accomplishments Leon
Leandre. And of course, you have the rest of the year to enjoy a better influence
coming from your astral sky! And in order to make it the more efficient possible,
even when your planets haven’t the perfect shape, let me show you how you
could deal with the administrative and juridical aspects of your life! And of
course Leon Leandre, with those advice and the astral alignment of the rest of
the year, nothing will stop you!

2/ How to deal with administrative blockages:

No need to point at that my dear, most of the blockages you face regarding the
administration are coming from other people or processes. You can’t carry out
your projects because there is always something missing: a paper, a signature, an
appointment, or, worst case, money.

Or even when you have everything to make sure your demand will be approved
on time, the people you’re talking to don’t seem to understand what you really
want. It can be really frustrating and slow you down. They give you the wrong
indications, or maybe their own rules go against your ideas. It’s true that the
situation might be absurd sometimes. And I also know Leon Leandre, that some
people block your projects on purpose. They don’t want you to succeed so they
do everything they can to make sure you won’t be more successful than them!

In order to avoid those difficulties, you’ll have to do simple things my dear. First
of all, make sure you write everything down: all the steps, all the things you
need (files, documents, information, etc.) to complete your case. Write it, and
keep it updated whenever there’s a change. This way, you won’t forget anything.
That’s a really important thing to do Leon Leandre. Keep it clear and organized!

Moreover, make sure you also keep every document and that everything is
signed as it should be. If you do so, whenever you’ll face a problem, a blockage
you’ll be able to show the appropriate justification to prove that you did
everything the right way. Because when you have to battle with administration
or people getting in your way, what you need is a proof. Something that proves
that everything is organized and legal. No one should contradict you! 57/283
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But most important, be realistic! There are some projects you couldn’t achieve. It
can be due to a lack of money, of time, of help, be aware that you can’t plan
everything and anything Leon Leandre. Realize this before you start, you will
avoid stress and disappointment. And those unrealistic projects won’t slow down
all the others you could accomplish! You’ll get more satisfaction in the end!

This leads to a second aspect of this part my dear. Because some blockages you
faced and will face in 2020 are also coming from you. Your own fears and
misunderstandings are your own blockages sometimes.

In fact Leon Leandre, don’t try to make it more complicated than what it is.
Administration can be tricky, but fortunately, sometimes the solution is just right
there, in front of you! But you put some barriers between you and the answer to
your problems because you think that it can never be simple. You think that if
you have a problem it's because you’re in a complicated situation, so you’re
looking for a far-fetched solution. Well my dear, the best solution to all your
questions and blockages is always the most simple one. Don’t look too far, just
take the things the way they are and solve them one by one, step by step.

But I see another problem too Leon Leandre. I know that sometimes, you hide
behind those administrative blockages, while you now there could be a way to
avoid them. I understand, it’s easier to say that the process is slow, that you can’t
finish what you’ve started because of this. You don’t want to handle the situation
because you’re scared you might fail. Once again I understand, if you fail
because of the administration it’s easier to admit than failing when you actually

You need to put that fear away. You have to realize that you can handle your own
projects. You should be the one taking care of the situation, not people you
don’t know working on a hundred other cases. Projects and ideas always come
to term faster when you personally deal with them. Only you know what’s good
for you and how you want to do things. Of course, you need the help of the
administration, but make sure they really know and do everything you want.
You’re the master of your projects Leon Leandre! 58/283
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But you also experience some blockages because you can be afraid of the final
achievement. You’ve been battling for so long you that you wonder how it would
be when it stops. You’re so used to this that it almost become part of your life.
So when it stops, it’s like changing a habit. And it’s even harder when it’s for a
big project: buying, investing, moving, borrowing, etc. You wonder if you’ll be
able to keep it afloat. Waiting for the administration delays this situation, you
hide behind this to avoid responsibilities and the stress that it implies.

But it would be of greater satisfaction if you reach your goals Leon Leandre, you
know that! You don’t have to doubt about your abilities. If you had the idea, and
the administration approved it, then your intuition and other people are telling
you that you can do it! Administration take care of laws and finances, if they
approved your idea, it’s because they know that you respect everything and
have a strong project. Trust everything and reach for success! You can do it! You
will achieve so much in 2020 my dear! And you will keep aiming for other goals!
Administration is an important step, but with everything I told you, it won’t slow
you down or stop you anymore!


Congratulations on reading this guide to the end Leon Leandre! I'm sure you
learned a lot of things, both about yourself and about your future in 2020. As I
told you, it is going to be pretty eventful, and I feel very relieved that you have
this study to guide you through this new year. Don't hesitate to come back to
this reading whenever you feel the need to my dear, whether you seek some
astral guidance, or simply, some emotional support and comfort.

Because, helping you always makes me so happy, since I genuinely care about
you, and also because studying your astral sky is always such a pleasure: it is
complex, but always full of surprises and of great potential... Never doubt this
my dear, your sky holds an extremely high potential, one I've very rarely seen.
That's why I wish you would trust yourself and your capacities more; and I want
you to know that I deeply believe in you. I see your efforts to do good, to live a
peaceful and fulfilling life... It is something you can be proud of. Even if you feel 59/283
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like not many people recognize your efforts whenever you’re doing something
good, or at least when you’re doing your best to do good; I want you to be the
first one congratulating yourself for it. I seriously want you to do it Leon Leandre.

Be proud of your achievements, of your goals, of your dreams. Try to enjoy the
little things in life that make you happy: thinking of the future is necessary, yes,
but even more importantly, I want you to live in the present. Be aware of what
you’re doing, what you’re thinking, what you want, and who you are. And I will
gladly help you reflecting on all those questions that you have through my

The stars know who you are Leon Leandre, and I can see in them how much you
can have in your life, by seizing the right astral transits and events. I trust you to
take action towards your goals, and to see you concretizing them in 2020,
whether they are small or big. It is okay to have very ambitious dreams, but my
dear, never forget that some of the things you really want can come from the
simplest things in life. So, allow yourself to dream big, and don’t be ashamed to
seek for the simple.

Those are the last things I wanted to tell you in this reading my dear Leon
Leandre. Now, I will let you enjoy your daily forecast of 2020: it will give you all
the tendencies that you need to know to organize your year and to seize the
best of it! And as always, remember that your future is defined by your actions
and your decisions: it can feel like a big responsibility, but rest assured that I am
by your side my dear, and that I will always guide you towards the right way for

Once again, I wish you a happy new year my dear!! Love yourself, trust yourself;
listen to the whispered guidance of the stars, and you will find the answers and
guidance in life that you want; you can trust the Universe my friend.

Good luck Leon Leandre! 60/283
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Your day by day Forecast

I have already given you many points for this year, about your love life, your
career, your finances, everything; but now I will give you your forecast day by
day for a whole year. With this guide you will know exactly what influences you
will feel every day, and you will get advice and solutions to everything coming in
2020. This will be a real complete and comprehensive guide of the astrological
events that are happening in YOUR sky! Having this study, will be like having my
guidance by your side for the entire year Leon Leandre and you won’t miss a

Jan 9, 2020 (Dec 8, 2019 to Feb 8, 2020)

Plu Sxtil Sun

Subtle but profound changes within you will have a tremendous effect upon
your relationships, quite possibly totally altering significant relationships in your
life. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty
arises. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and
these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. Group work is
very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious
awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive
changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.).

Positive Potentials:

A deepening of all your relationships, an "alchemical" relationship in which both

parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits
and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more

Negative Potentials:

If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you could get
overpowered or "swept away" by another person or group of stronger
individuals. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths. 61/283
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Remedies and Suggestions:

Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative
risks, as well as personal ones. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative
change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent
in the future. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before
a crisis occurs.

Jan 11, 2020 (Jan 9, 2020 to Feb 20, 2020)

Mars 6th House

A hard-driving or competitive atmosphere at work can either inspire your

strongest efforts or create dissonance with the people you work with. Certainly
you need to be very productive and to accomplish something tangible, in order
for you to feel satisfied now. It is also best for you to be able to follow your own
initiative and to work according to your own desires and rhythms; you can get a
lot done this way.

Be proactive regarding your health now, also. Making decisions and participating
in your own health case is essential.

Jan 15, 2020 (Jan 14, 2020 to Feb 11, 2020)

Ven 9th House

You are attracted to distant places and/or people from different cultures, faith,
social customs, or vastly different life experiences from your own. A pleasure
cruise to an exotic locale, falling in love with a special teacher, enjoying
philosophy and sharing your quest for truth or enlightenment are various ways
this could be expressed. Any kind of travel or cross-cultural exchange is quite 62/283
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favorable now.

Jan 17, 2020 (Jan 16, 2020 to Feb 4, 2020)

Merc 8th House

Focus the light of understanding and honest communication on emotionally-

charged topics such as sexuality and intimacy, feelings about the power
dynamics in your partnerships, and money you share with significant others. You
can have a more objective and fair view of such things now, and could clarify
any long-standing issues related to any of this. On a practical level, it is the time
to handle joint finances, material assets or property you hold in common with
another, and matters pertaining to inheritances, taxes, or commercial interests.

Jan 21, 2020 (Jan 20, 2020 to Feb 21, 2020)

Sun 8th House

Intensifying your emotional, psychic, and energy connection to an intimate

partner is the focus now. Also on the agenda are issues of shared values, shared
properties or money, and the ways you blend with or withhold from one another
on all levels.

In practical terms, you may need to attend to your will, investments,

inheritances, insurance, and preparations for personal and/or mutual long-term
security and well-being.

Jan 28, 2020 4 AM(Jan 28, 2020 to Jan 29, 2020) 63/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sxtil Sat

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or
technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with
practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing
tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking
care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do
your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination,
either written or oral.

Jan 28, 2020 1 PM(Jan 28, 2020 to Jan 29, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Plu

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that

borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain
deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand
and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its
function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another

Jan 29, 2020 9 AM(Jan 28, 2020 to Jan 30, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Merc

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning
and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business
or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use
your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an
excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting. 64/283
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Jan 31, 2020 1 PM(Jan 30, 2020 to Feb 1, 2020)

Sun Conj Ura

Your eccentric, impulsive, or rebellious side comes out in surprising ways,

breaking you out of your normal patterns and routines. Especially if you've been
craving excitement or have little opportunity for spontaneity, you may want to
break free for a change. However, if you hold back all of this, minor upsets and
disruptions may occur in the world around as you unconsciously "ask" for some
surprises. This isn't the ideal time to interact with authorities, or anyone who
manages, regulates, or governs your life, either.

Jan 31, 2020 5 PM(Jan 31, 2020 to Feb 1, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to
do so now. Phone home!

Feb 1, 2020 4 AM(Feb 1, 2020 to Feb 2, 2020)

Mars Trine Sat

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real
work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but
necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made
some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just 65/283
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about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have
something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or
problem-solving is featured.

Feb 1, 2020 3 PM(Feb 1, 2020 to Feb 2, 2020)

Ven Conj Sun

Your love light shines brightly now and you wish to please and be pleased, to
give and receive a personal, loving touch. Both romance and friendship are
enhanced by warm expressions of appreciation, affection, and treats. Your
sensitivity to aesthetics is heightened as well and anything ugly or impersonal
will bother you more than usual. This is a time to beautify, embellish, decorate,
or bring flowers. You attract admiration as well!

Feb 3, 2020 (Nov 15, 2019 to Mar 5, 2020)

Ura Sxtil Asc

You may be inspired to do a major renovation or to radically alter your

immediate environment during this time, via the influence of new friends or
friendly acquaintances. A more eclectic, nontraditional, fresh look appeals to
you now, and you may even add something truly eccentric to the mix. You may
also update your appearance, and experiment with a new personal style, trying
something quite our of character for you. Small and seemingly insignificant
changes like these can have surprisingly large effects on your outlook and on
how people see you and relate to you - which is what you're after now.

An opportunity to relocate may come up, and you are inclined to move or at
least to seriously consider it. In fact, if you do not make some kind of stimulating
change at this point, you're apt to feel restless and impatient with the "same old
thing". Different kinds of people also interest you, so you may begin socializing 66/283
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with a new circle of people.

Positive Potentials:

Enlivening changes in attitude, outlook, environment, and relationships.

Attracting innovative thinkers and vibrant, creative souls into your sphere.
Spontaneity, freedom, easily letting go of old patterns-especially becoming
more assertive and truthful.

Negative Potentials:

Impatience with or not valuing the old reliable.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Follow your creative impulses, accept invitations to open up your social world,
and in general say YES.

Feb 4, 2020 1 AM(Feb 3, 2020 to Feb 5, 2020)

Ven Oppos Moon

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't
well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets,
shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good
time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your
kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding
with them.

Feb 4, 2020 (Feb 4, 2020 to Mar 2, 2020) 67/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc 9th House

Cross-cultural exchanges, a visit or significant communication from someone far

away, and/or a long journey broaden your thinking. Your thoughts are lifted
above the usual daily concerns and immediate business into thoughts and
visions about future, larger goals, and the purpose and meaning of your
activities. You are putting everything into a larger context. Discussions and/or
reading on issues of faith and of the spirit are likely to be a part of this.

Feb 5, 2020 (Jan 27, 2020 to Feb 14, 2020)

Sat Trine Moon

Steadiness, stability, balance, and peace characterize your personal and

emotional life now. You enjoy solitude or quieter activities, attending to
domestic improvements or repairs or perhaps undertaking some task that
requires patience and attention to detail. Making a quilt, reorganizing your
financial affairs, undertaking a long writing project, or learning how to garden or
cook for the first time are such tasks. This is a period of ordering, organizing, and
"making right" your foundation - physical and emotional/psychological.

Positive Potentials:

You can bring the past (traditional ways, skills and knowledge; your heritage; the
wisdom and resources of your parents, grandparents, or other elders) to bear on
supporting your life now.

Negative Potentials:

There are no real negatives associated with this time period, although your
mood is more somber, cautious, and conservative than usual.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Use this time well to create more security and well-being in your life. Planning 68/283
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and making well-considered choices and investments, attending to your home,

inner needs and/or family life will reap benefits.

Feb 5, 2020 9 AM(Feb 5, 2020 to Feb 6, 2020)

Merc Trine Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Feb 5, 2020 7 PM(Feb 4, 2020 to Feb 7, 2020)

Mars Sqr Sun

You're apt to be impatient and to use more force than is called for when minor
differences arise. You may instigate, aggravate, or stir up trouble either without
realizing it (by being too loud, overstepping others' boundaries, or making
assumptions), or even on purpose. You could use this abundance of energy for
accomplishment, if you so choose. Tone down aggressive tendencies by wearing
soft shades of blue, lavender, or pink, and avoid red or orange.

Feb 8, 2020 8 PM(Feb 7, 2020 to Feb 9, 2020) 69/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Sxtil Sat

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly
realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from
accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be
especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong,
but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

Feb 9, 2020 2 AM(Feb 9, 2020 to Feb 10, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Nep

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be
asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to
your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both
happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical
assistance you can provide.

Feb 9, 2020 7 AM(Feb 9, 2020 to Feb 10, 2020)

Merc Sqr Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you. 70/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Feb 9, 2020 11 PM(Feb 8, 2020 to Feb 11, 2020)

Mars Sqr Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to
work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

Feb 10, 2020 12 AM(Feb 9, 2020 to Feb 11, 2020)

Merc Conj Jup

Your thinking and your conversations turn to large topics, future trends, and
inspirational themes. You are considering what is important to you in the long
run. You can see the patterns and themes which weave together many pieces
into a coherent whole. As a result, you have a more humorous and tolerant
outlook. Practically speaking, this is a good time to write for a large audience, to
get something out to be published, to make business contacts, or to speak in

Feb 10, 2020 7 AM(Feb 9, 2020 to Feb 11, 2020)

Ven Sqr Asc

A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your

attitude and decisions now. Overall this is apt to bring ease and engender 71/283
1/31/2020 Reading

positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a

situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work
against you. Social engagements, pleasure outings, and even shopping are

Feb 11, 2020 1 PM(Feb 11, 2020 to Feb 12, 2020)

Ven Conj MC

Cooperative and friendly relationships in a professional setting are featured

now. Having lunch or socializing with a mentor or superior, or getting to know
someone on a more personal basis than is usual in your work environment, can
establish good will. You could even become infatuated with someone who
embodies your vision of success. This is actually a very positive time to meet the
public or to increase your popularity and public image. Demonstrate your
appreciation for others and a true awareness of their concerns.

Feb 11, 2020 (Feb 10, 2020 to Mar 10, 2020)

Ven 10th House

Cooperation and a focus on harmony and understanding benefits you

professionally and/or enhances your reputation and public standing. Attending
an important social occasion or festivity may put you in the public eye as well. A
romance or beneficial friendship that begins as a business alliance could be part
of the picture. You may also feel you are married to your career right now
because quite a bit of your energy is invested there and/or you love what you're
doing at the moment. 72/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Feb 13, 2020 3 PM(Feb 13, 2020 to Feb 14, 2020)

Ven Conj Mars

Selfish or competitive impulses are softened by a desire for harmony,

relatedness, and connection. Activities that combine power or passion with
grace are favored now, as in dancing, playing music, making art or love, or
perhaps some kinds of sports. Doing something vigorous with a lover or friends,
rather than just talking or hanging out, would be ideal. Affectionate feelings can
intensify into an adoring romance.

Feb 13, 2020 9 PM(Feb 13, 2020 to Feb 14, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as

Feb 14, 2020 6 PM(Feb 13, 2020 to Feb 15, 2020)

Ven Trine Plu

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship

intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly
emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or
remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, 73/283
1/31/2020 Reading

to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

Feb 14, 2020 6 PM(Feb 13, 2020 to Feb 15, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Moon

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes,
or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now.
Strained relationships, irritability or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm
are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny
or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a
little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

Feb 15, 2020 11 AM(Feb 15, 2020 to Feb 16, 2020)

Ven Conj Merc

Your awareness of love, relationship, aesthetics, and beauty is enhanced. You

have an eye for what goes together, or what's appealing and pleasing, so you
may do some rearranging or suddenly notice the graciousness (or lack of it) in
your surroundings. This is an ideal time to send notes of appreciation or to have
a love talk with your sweetheart. You are able to verbally express feelings,
desires, and wishes that would be harder to articulate at other times. Creative
writing, designing, and cultural affairs are favored.

Feb 17, 2020 9 AM(Feb 17, 2020 to Feb 18, 2020) 74/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Sxtil Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

Feb 20, 2020 4 PM(Feb 19, 2020 to Feb 22, 2020)

Mars Oppos Asc

This is not the best time to try to do something jointly or cooperatively. Without
realizing it or intending to, you may arouse others' anger or antipathy, perhaps
by being overly assertive, competitive, or inconsiderate. Minor inconveniences
or compromises create more friction and irritation than the situation actually
warrants. Try to keep your cool. Working out or getting some physical exercise
can help.

Feb 20, 2020 (Feb 19, 2020 to Apr 1, 2020)

Mars 7th House

Partnership, marriage, or other significant relationships heat up. Will you lead,
follow, or work out a way to cooperate that respects the different needs, desires,
and intentions of both? This is the dilemma of your current cycle. There's apt to
be a lot of friction, of push and pull, as you strive to balance your style and
agenda with another's. If you are committed to working together, perhaps
assigning separate but equally vital tasks to each partner will succeed. Avoid
relationships where the need to dominate or win overrides the respect for each 75/283
1/31/2020 Reading


Feb 21, 2020 (Feb 20, 2020 to Mar 24, 2020)

Sun 9th House

Envisioning your future, considering all options from a larger, long-range

perspective, or significantly expanding your horizons through cross-cultural
exchanges is emphasized. This is also an excellent time to teach or promote a
publication, to attend a conference or seminar, and to travel for adventure,
educational, or spiritual purposes.

Feb 22, 2020 2 AM(Feb 21, 2020 to Feb 23, 2020)

Sun Trine Asc

The force is with you! Your vital energy is flowing well and your confidence is up,
so anything you attempt now is likely to succeed. You influence others through
personal direct contact, and without much effort. Work with what inspires you,
gives you energy, or matters most to you, and expect great results. Express

Feb 22, 2020 7 PM(Feb 21, 2020 to Feb 24, 2020)

Mars Sqr MC

You may not be moving ahead as you'd like, or you may find that you're
struggling to get things done. Hurrying, irritability with family or people at work, 76/283
1/31/2020 Reading

and a disagreeable attitude can make this a tense time. Don't try to do more
than you have to, or make deadlines for yourself that you then push yourself and
others to meet. Chill out a little!

Feb 24, 2020 5 AM(Feb 23, 2020 to Feb 25, 2020)

Merc Conj Jup

This astrological influence (Merc Conj Jup) also occurred on Feb 10, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 24, 2020 5 PM(Feb 23, 2020 to Feb 25, 2020)

Ven Conj Sat

You are attracted to people with maturity, worldly wisdom, and a solid sense of
values (perhaps an advisor, elder, or teacher), and are disinclined to frivolous
activities or wasting your time. In fact you may be pleased and happy to be
alone or perhaps with just one other person that you know well. On the other
hand, you may feel quite cool or withdrawn in a crowd. You are also restrained
and careful about spending money at this point, and that's as it should be. It is a
good time to reflect, set priorities, enjoy simple pleasures, and appreciate
quality time with yourself or with your chosen companion.

Feb 25, 2020 12 AM(Feb 24, 2020 to Feb 25, 2020) 77/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr Plu

This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Plu) also occurred on Feb 9, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 26, 2020 8 AM(Feb 24, 2020 to Feb 27, 2020)

Mars Sqr Mars

Your energies run hot and you could risk driving yourself too hard and burning
yourself and others with too much passion or anger. Minor annoyances may feel
like major aggravations; unexpressed frustration or hostility may erupt into the
open; pushing, hurrying, or forcing things can lead to trouble. Slow down and
cool down on every level: take the pedal off the metal, consciously slow your
movements, drink or immerse yourself in cool water, avoid people and situations
you know have the potential to rouse your ire. Observe how touchy and
aggressive your ego tends to be right now, as if every thing that doesn't go your
way is a personal affront, and have a good laugh at yourself !

Feb 27, 2020 5 AM(Feb 27, 2020 to Feb 28, 2020)

Sun Sqr Plu

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force

you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have
unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up.
If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges,
and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark
comes up now. 78/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Feb 28, 2020 12 AM(Feb 27, 2020 to Feb 29, 2020)

Sun Conj Jup

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can
open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas,
or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is
apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching
out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous

Feb 29, 2020 8 AM(Feb 29, 2020 to Mar 1, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Jup

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing
a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing,
are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and
taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

Feb 29, 2020 10 AM(Feb 29, 2020 to Mar 1, 2020)

Mars Sqr Merc

You are mentally sharp and quick at this time but may be abrupt, impatient, and
cutting with your words as well. Aggression or hurry can lead to cuts and
scrapes, needless arguments, fender benders, or headaches. Consciously slow
your movements and breathing down just a bit and give yourself plenty of time
to get where you're going, or work off steam by running or taking a brisk walk. 79/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Feb 29, 2020 (Feb 24, 2020 to Mar 6, 2020)

Jup Sqr Sat

You are acutely aware of the tension between what you see is possible and what
you want to do versus what you actually have time for and can reasonably
accomplish within the framework of your current obligations. You may be
tempted to overextend yourself. To attempt to incorporate MORE without
eliminating anything leads to congestion, confusion, and imbalance.
Paradoxically, you may find that you are happier, richer, and healthier with LESS
rather than more. The challenge is about discerning the difference between
quality and quantity, and making choices that will solidly benefit you in the long

Positive Potentials:

Improvements in your health habits, your daily routine, your work

responsibilities and your environment by eliminating lifeless elements.
Opportunities for growth, expansion, and furthering your ambitions in the
business, financial, or professional arena. Letting go of excessively cautious,
fearful, or security-oriented attitudes to permit new growth and well-being.

Negative Potentials:

Tension or frustration over duties and commitments that you perceive to be

oppressive may impel you to swing too far in the other direction, leading to
irresponsible behavior or unwise investments.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Don't try to do or have it all, at least not all at once. Expand your life in a patient,
well-considered manner. Ask yourself where you can upgrade the QUALITY of
your life by choosing to eliminate or decrease your involvement in some areas.

Solitude and seclusion may assist you in coming to clarity. Be willing to believe
that relief, improvements, and joy are possible for you in areas that have been 80/283
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particularly hard or closed off in the past.

Feb 29, 2020 10 PM(Feb 29, 2020 to Mar 1, 2020)

Merc Trine Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Mar 1, 2020 2 AM(Feb 29, 2020 to Mar 2, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Moon

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't
well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets,
shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good
time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your
kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding
with them.

Mar 2, 2020 (Mar 1, 2020 to Mar 19, 2020)

Merc 8th House

Focus the light of understanding and honest communication on emotionally- 81/283
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charged topics such as sexuality and intimacy, feelings about the power
dynamics in your partnerships, and money you share with significant others. You
can have a more objective and fair view of such things now, and could clarify
any long-standing issues related to any of this. On a practical level, it is the time
to handle joint finances, material assets or property you hold in common with
another, and matters pertaining to inheritances, taxes, or commercial interests.

Mar 6, 2020 11 AM(Mar 6, 2020 to Mar 7, 2020)

Ven Sqr Nep

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to

people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors,
styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements)
strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a
little magic.

Mar 7, 2020 7 PM(Mar 6, 2020 to Mar 8, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Asc

A pleasant, affectionate, relaxed, or courteous attitude eases your interactions

now, and may open doors or help lighten troubled situations that you've been
working with lately.

You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it
all yourself. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a
favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment. 82/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mar 10, 2020 (Mar 9, 2020 to Apr 9, 2020)

Ven 11th House

Friendship is a significant focus for you during this cycle. Promoting close
relationships in your community, creating bridges between people and between
various organizations, or making your little part of the world more beautiful and
friendly would be gratifying for you now. Artistic, musical, or literary friendships
and alliances are favored. Differences and discordant tendencies between
people are minimized during this period.

Mar 11, 2020 4 PM(Mar 10, 2020 to Mar 12, 2020)

Ven Sqr Ven

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close

relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease.
In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially
if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also
want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make
them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself
in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

Mar 12, 2020 2 PM(Mar 12, 2020 to Mar 13, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You
may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart 83/283
1/31/2020 Reading

into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new.

Mar 12, 2020 7 PM(Mar 12, 2020 to Mar 13, 2020)

Sun Conj Sun

This is your moment in the Sun! Bask in being the center of attention and being
recognized for just who and what you are. Your will and intentions have power
now, so focus on what you want to create in your life in the year ahead.

Mar 13, 2020 8 AM(Mar 12, 2020 to Mar 14, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Jup

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this
time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax
a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your
money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your
way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

Mar 15, 2020 11 AM(Mar 14, 2020 to Mar 16, 2020)

Ven Sqr Ura

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately

involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to
temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or 84/283
1/31/2020 Reading

partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other
unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or
a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

Mar 15, 2020 4 PM(Mar 14, 2020 to Mar 16, 2020)

Sun Oppos Moon

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes,
or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now.
Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm
are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny
or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a
little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

Mar 15, 2020 5 PM(Mar 14, 2020 to Mar 17, 2020)

Mars Sqr Sat

At this moment you do not want to waste time or energy and you may be
impatient with those situations or people who seem to stand in your way or
thwart your will. Resentment and an adversarial attitude may surface, especially
towards those who have an easier time of it. You may be tempted to lash out at
others who are really not the cause of your frustration but are simply safe
targets. Instead of moving with these destructive attitudes, turn to what you can
do in your own court. Self-reliance, patience, and even hard or disagreeable
work can turn this time into a productive one. Find ways to relieve stress (that
don't involve hurting others!) 85/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mar 19, 2020 (Mar 17, 2020 to Apr 13, 2020)

Merc 9th House

Cross-cultural exchanges, a visit or significant communication from someone far

away, and/or a long journey broaden your thinking. Your thoughts are lifted
above the usual daily concerns and immediate business into thoughts and
visions about future, larger goals, and the purpose and meaning of your
activities. You are putting everything into a larger context. Discussions and/or
reading on issues of faith and of the spirit are likely to be a part of this.

Mar 19, 2020 (Mar 13, 2020 to Mar 26, 2020)

Jup Sxtil Sun

A sense of flow and ease characterizes this time period. Relationships of all
kinds flourish now, in part due to greater openness and tolerance on your end. If
there are areas of your life that have been difficult, you can begin to resolve
them. Ask others to help you, as they are especially willing to do so.

Positive Potentials:

A favorable time for any business transactions, legal matters, and coming to
mutually satisfying agreements. A very positive response to any public
presentation, social gathering or group effort you undertake. Gifts come from
unexpected sources and past generosity is repaid. An opportunity to travel
leading to an expanded network of friends and allies, furthering educational or
professional aims, and/or material benefits. Community involvement brings good

Negative Potentials:

Letting opportunities slip by because it's easier to relax and just be. 86/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Remedies and Suggestions:

Circulate, reach out, get back in touch with people you haven't heard from in a
while, seek out others you may have been hesitant to contact previously.

If you have given up on a particular dream or avenue, try once more. (Send that
manuscript out, make that phone call.) Surprisingly positive results can come
your way with a bit of effort on your part.

Mar 20, 2020 6 AM(Mar 20, 2020 to Mar 21, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Sun

Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You

won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports,
outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the
favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make
whatever you do now a race or contest!

Mar 20, 2020 12 PM(Mar 20, 2020 to Mar 21, 2020)

Merc Trine Asc

This astrological influence (Merc Trine Asc) also occurred on Feb 29, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Mar 21, 2020 3 PM(Mar 20, 2020 to Mar 22, 2020) 87/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Sxtil Nep

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and
atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the
inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of
kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace

Mar 23, 2020 2 AM(Mar 22, 2020 to Mar 24, 2020)

Sun Sqr Asc

Expect significant encounters, meeting individuals who are or will be important

players, at least for the moment. The focus is on relationship, balance, taking
each person's tastes, styles, needs, and personal agendas into account. There
may be some friction and adjustments needed. It is your choice whether you
want to compromise or go solo, but including the other makes for a fuller

Mar 24, 2020 9 AM(Mar 24, 2020 to Mar 25, 2020)

Mars Trine Moon

You enjoy activities in which your instincts, emotions, and desires can flow
freely, like making love, playing in the ocean, playing soccer, or just acting like a
kid. You feel energetic and passionate about the people and things you care
about, and may be rather aggressively protective as well.

Mar 24, 2020 1 PM(Mar 24, 2020 to Mar 25, 2020) 88/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Conj MC

Making a difference in the world, furthering your personal aims and aspirations,
or receiving public appreciation for your contribution is featured now. The focus
is on personal integrity and honor, standing for something, being known for who
you are. Whoever is your personal star or hero figures into all of this as well,
because you need a guiding light and something to shoot for. Accept attention

Mar 24, 2020 (Mar 23, 2020 to Apr 25, 2020)

Sun 10th House

This is your time to shine, especially professionally. Focus on your important

aspirations and ambitions to make significant impact on the world around you.
Your personal life and relationships may be put on the back burner for now as
you aim for accomplishment and achievement. If you've done the preparatory
work, you could be honored or promoted now.

Mar 25, 2020 10 PM(Mar 24, 2020 to Mar 26, 2020)

Merc Sqr Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you. 89/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mar 26, 2020 4 PM(Mar 26, 2020 to Mar 27, 2020)

Merc Conj Jup

Your thinking and your conversations turn to large topics, future trends, and
inspirational themes. You are considering what is important to you in the long
run. You can see the patterns and themes which weave together many pieces
into a coherent whole. As a result, you have a more humorous and tolerant
outlook. Practically speaking, this is a good time to write for a large audience, to
get something out to be published, to make business contacts, or to speak in

Mar 26, 2020 9 PM(Mar 26, 2020 to Mar 27, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Sun

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming,
lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and
cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of
harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you
will attract loving people into your experience.

Mar 27, 2020 12 AM(Mar 25, 2020 to Mar 28, 2020)

Sun Conj Mars

The active, willful, decisive and ambitious part of your nature is energized and
you are ready to initiate a new project or take on your challenges with zest. If
you tend to be a hothead, lookout! This tendency is certainly exacerbated now.
On the other hand, if you tend to hold yourself back or to be passive, you'll feel
a vitalizing sense of your power. Strong desires are activated and motivate you 90/283
1/31/2020 Reading

to action.

Mar 27, 2020 7 AM(Mar 26, 2020 to Mar 28, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Ven

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're
in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax
with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The
sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is
emphasized now.

Mar 28, 2020 7 AM(Mar 28, 2020 to Mar 29, 2020)

Sun Trine Plu

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that

borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain
deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand
and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its
function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another

Mar 29, 2020 3 AM(Mar 28, 2020 to Mar 30, 2020)

Sun Conj Merc

Initiating communication, conversations, and interchanges of all kinds is 91/283
1/31/2020 Reading

highlighted now. You express your thoughts easily and clearly, you know what
you want to say and you are interested and curious about others' thoughts and
opinions. Commercial trading and negotiations of any kind are favored.

Mar 29, 2020 9 PM(Mar 28, 2020 to Mar 30, 2020)

Ven Trine Moon

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for.
Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now,
and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes
you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now.
However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

Mar 31, 2020 8 AM(Mar 30, 2020 to Apr 1, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Ura

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now.

This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think
outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite
important to you at the moment.

Apr 1, 2020 (Mar 31, 2020 to May 15, 2020)

Mars 8th House

Power politics, sexual tensions, or underlying forces that may be affecting your 92/283
1/31/2020 Reading

partnership or marriage are stirred up during this period. Trying to ignore or

avoid it won't work now - you'll have to clearly define and address your
differences. Working out these issues can revitalize and strengthen your union.

Shared finances, co-owned properties, or conflicts over an inheritance or legacy

may also be a focus of your concerns during this cycle. This can be a productive
time to work together on the areas in which your values and aspirations are in

Apr 1, 2020 10 PM(Mar 31, 2020 to Apr 3, 2020)

Mars Conj Nep

Your creative imagination is stimulated, and you may feel an impulse to act out
some fantasy or long cherished dream, without your usual concerns and
constraints about what is practical, normal, and so on. In your mind you can do
the impossible and explore all possibilities. You may be a bit unfocused on the
immediate here-and-now, however. Avoid foolish dares and intoxicants,
especially when driving or near water. Do something that delights your soul and
has no practical use whatsoever, but don't disregard common sense.

Apr 4, 2020 12 AM(Apr 2, 2020 to Apr 5, 2020)

Mars Qucnx Asc

This is not the best time to try to do something jointly or cooperatively. Without
realizing it or intending to, you may arouse others' anger or antipathy, perhaps
by being overly assertive, competitive, or inconsiderate. Minor inconveniences
or compromises create more friction and irritation than the situation actually
warrants. Try to keep your cool. Working out or getting some physical exercise 93/283
1/31/2020 Reading

can help.

Apr 5, 2020 8 AM(Apr 5, 2020 to Apr 6, 2020)

Ven Trine Nep

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be
asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to
your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both
happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical
assistance you can provide.

Apr 6, 2020 2 AM(Apr 4, 2020 to Apr 7, 2020)

Mars Sxtil MC

You take a proactive, assertive, and eager attitude toward challenges and your
ambitions. You could impress superiors with your vigor, as you are willing to go
the extra mile and do whatever it takes. Opportunities to advance your standing
or achieve a desire come to you now. Green light!

Apr 6, 2020 9 AM(Apr 5, 2020 to Apr 7, 2020)

Merc Conj Sun

Active communication, making phone calls and connections, open discussions or

forums, reading, thinking, and the power of expressive language is the theme for
today. What you say now matters and makes an impact, so be certain you really 94/283
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mean it. Writing, lecturing, or any activity that involves words and ideas is

Apr 8, 2020 7 AM(Apr 7, 2020 to Apr 9, 2020)

Merc Oppos Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to
do so now. Phone home!

Apr 8, 2020 5 PM(Apr 7, 2020 to Apr 9, 2020)

Ven Sxtil MC

Your ability to harmonize, to create bridges between two polarized "camps", or

simply to get along with people, assists you professionally. You're more sensitive
to the personal element of your work; appreciating and being appreciated for
what you contribute is highlighted. You may be tempted to play matchmaker

Apr 8, 2020 10 PM(Apr 7, 2020 to Apr 9, 2020) 95/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Conj Sat

Necessity, duty, discipline, and work are the focus for you today, and you're
protective of your time and energy. You don't want to scatter your forces or
waste efforts, and you may withdraw socially in order to attend to your tasks.
Purposeful concerns override other priorities. You may feel rather humorless as
well, taking it all a bit too seriously.

Apr 9, 2020 2 PM(Apr 8, 2020 to Apr 11, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Mars

You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now,
especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to
succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and
verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back
away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

Apr 9, 2020 (Apr 8, 2020 to June 23, 2020)

Ven 12th House

You may be called upon to help a friend through a troubled time or to put aside
your own pleasure and personal gratification for another's sake. Someone you
love and care about depends upon you more than usual.

Also, circumstances or your own reticence may prevent you from openly
declaring or expressing your desires and affection. Love yearnings which cannot
be fulfilled in any direct way arise. Compassion - for yourself and others - is the
key, but don't confuse this with self-pity or co-dependency in a relationship. 96/283
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Apr 10, 2020 12 AM(Apr 8, 2020 to Apr 11, 2020)

Mars Conj Ven

Passions are aroused and intimate relationships heat up. You or someone close
to you may be more demanding, assertive, fiery, or provocative, and whether this
becomes a stormy interaction or a romantic interlude depends on the overall
texture and nature of your connection. In either case, it won't be lukewarm. This
is also a highly favorable period for creative expression, making art, dancing and
simply enjoying your physicality.

Apr 10, 2020 (Apr 1, 2020 to Apr 22, 2020)

Jup Trine Moon

Optimism, emotional openness and generosity, and a general feeling of

hopefulness and security characterize this time period. You exude a sense of
well-being and your positive expectations attract happy experiences and
outcomes. Unless other astrological factors promote focused activity and drive,
you may not be motivated to do much, but good things come into your life
anyway. Mostly, you just feel good "for no reason". Just being around you
encourages and buoys others' spirits.

If you have been having hard or stressful times for a while, you will feel a greater
sense of ease even if nothing changes externally. A new mentor or source of
support and nurturance may also come to you now.

This is an excellent time for a refreshing break or vacation.

Positive Potentials:

Increased social and emotional confidence and ease. Assistance from and/or
agreeable relationships with those in authority or positions of leadership.
Increased rapport and empathy with children family, or others. An expanded 97/283
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sense of "family"; including others into your family circle. Improvements or

happy events in the home.

Negative Potentials:

If you have a difficult task, deadlines, or a demanding project that really needs
your attention, you may not feel inclined to expend the effort now. Just enjoying
the present while blowing off commitments or responsibilities may be a
temptation. Procrastination or "letting" someone else do the disagreeable work.

Remedies and Suggestions:

All in all, this is an agreeable time period as long as you avoid the indulgences
described above. It is a good time to sponsor a social event and share your good
fortune with others, or to accept invitations to extend and expand personally,
emotionally, and socially.

Apr 11, 2020 10 AM(Apr 11, 2020 to Apr 12, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Plu

Your passion, zeal, and inner courage are intensified now, making you
enormously effective. You are super-motivated and can tackle tough challenges
with confidence. You may take something old and completely re-do, re-make,
revise, or renew it. Your creative power is flowing!

Apr 11, 2020 3 PM(Apr 11, 2020 to Apr 12, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Mars

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in
any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy 98/283
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and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts
of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with
people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic
relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

Apr 12, 2020 12 AM(Apr 10, 2020 to Apr 13, 2020)

Ven Trine Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as

Apr 12, 2020 2 AM(Apr 11, 2020 to Apr 13, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Nep

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations

today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing
their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly
distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another
dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

Apr 12, 2020 (Mar 26, 2020 to June 9, 2020) 99/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sat 8th House

The issues during this period are achieving a deeper level of sharing,
cooperating, and blending your energies and values with those of others. Fears
of surrendering and losing control may prevent you from fully merging
emotionally and/or in material matters. Money - who has more, who has less,
and the resultant power issues that come out of that - can be a big factor now.
Needing to become more financially self-reliant or becoming more serious and
dedicated to solving joint financial problems and/or differences in values may
also be part of the stew.

On another level, you may be more acutely aware of deeper forces within
yourself that are inhibiting your vitality and happiness. Understanding the ways
you withhold yourself and/or becoming more acutely aware of your own
mortality can move you to become more committed to life.

Apr 12, 2020 3 PM(Apr 11, 2020 to Apr 14, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Merc

You say what you mean in a very clear, direct, and compelling way, which short
circuits any problems that could arise from ambiguity or indecisiveness. It's an
excellent time to do an oral presentation, take an exam, tell your side of the
story and convince others of your opinion. Be sure to listen as well. You enjoy
intellectual activities and stimulation, conversation, and problem solving.

Apr 13, 2020 12 AM(Apr 13, 2020 to Apr 14, 2020)

Merc Sqr Asc

Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something
that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into 100/283
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gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep
yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

Apr 13, 2020 6 AM(Apr 13, 2020 to Apr 14, 2020)

Ven Oppos Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You
may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart
into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new.

Apr 13, 2020 9 PM(Apr 13, 2020 to Apr 14, 2020)

Merc Conj MC

Clarifying your next step or consulting with someone who is in a position to help
you professionally is on the agenda. This is an excellent time to attend an
important meeting, seminar, conference, or class, and any endeavor involving
communications, sales, or teaching is especially favored. You could even be on
the local news or get a bit of local publicity, especially if you are seeking it.

Apr 13, 2020 (Apr 12, 2020 to Apr 30, 2020) 101/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc 10th House

Your thoughts are focused on accomplishment, achievement, professional

advancement, and actively engaging in the larger world. You want your voice to
be heard. Devising plans and strategies to actualize your desires, gathering
information and making contacts to further your aims, or making a presentation
to an important audience is favored during this cycle.

Apr 14, 2020 7 AM(Apr 12, 2020 to Apr 15, 2020)

Ven Sqr Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

Apr 14, 2020 8 AM(Apr 13, 2020 to Apr 15, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Merc

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have
an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or
meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant
topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction,
and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are

Apr 15, 2020 1 AM(Apr 15, 2020 to Apr 16, 2020) 102/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Moon

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes,
or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now.
Strained relationships, irritability or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm
are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny
or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a
little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

Apr 15, 2020 8 AM(Apr 15, 2020 to Apr 16, 2020)

Merc Conj Mars

Honest, forthright discussions and clear powerful decision-making characterize

this time. You may become impatient with another's vagueness or waffling, and
move to act on your own. Beware of sharp words said in haste, aggressive
driving, or wasting your energy in needless arguments. Certainly you can hold
your own in any discussion or negotiation, but you may come on too strong.

Apr 15, 2020 12 PM(Apr 15, 2020 to Apr 16, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Ven

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak
personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By
overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and
understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two
parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers,
write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy
topics will wait for another day. 103/283
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Apr 15, 2020 7 PM(Apr 14, 2020 to Apr 17, 2020)

Mars Conj Ura

Now is a moment for quick, decisive action which may seem (or be!) reckless,
risky, or way out of the ordinary. A craving for freshness and freedom makes you
bold, and you may upset a few apple carts. You tend to be impatient and abrupt
with people who slow you down, and brutally frank as well. Try not to put
yourself in situations that call for forbearance or tact, as your outbursts may
surprise even you!

Too much speed can spell trouble also. However if you've been mustering your
courage to do something you really need to do, this is the time.

Apr 15, 2020 (Mar 28, 2020 to June 25, 2020)

Sat Conj Nep

The theme of this time could be practical application of visionary ideals - or

coming down to earth with a thud.

Initially this can be a time of sober realizations, squarely facing any illusions,
deceptions, or patterns of escapism and avoidance that you may have.
Addictions or dependencies will be seen for what they are. If you over-idealize
someone or something, there may well be a disappointment or serious breach of
trust which causes you to reassess.

You may have to contend with a mood of spiritual isolation. Perhaps a source of
creative inspiration dries up or the places you once went for comfort seem
unavailable. It's a time of deepening, maturing, and testing of your faith. You
may choose solitude, retreat, voluntary simplicity, and aloneness as a way to
reconnect with your spirit.

Physically, your energies are less hardy now, so it's wise to conserve them. 104/283
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Positive Potentials:

Commitment to really living your spiritual values, ideals, and visions. More
disciplined effort in overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to
substantial changes for the better. Devotional and spiritual practices which truly
resonate with your soul. Ability to give up, do without, or surrender negative

Negative Potentials:

Tendency to see one's weaknesses, immaturity and vulnerability in a harsh light.

Cynicism towards oneself or the world. A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the
form of "entertainment" or "spirituality", or simply people who drain your
emotional resources. Simplify your life.

If you are so inclined, this can be an excellent period to work with rocks, crystals,
and earth energies for spiritual or healing purposes. Create a medicine wheel, a
labyrinth, or a healing garden with rocks. Meditate with crystals, or seek out a
nontraditional healer who use them in his or her work. Seek help for addictive
patterns you wish to be free of.

Apr 16, 2020 2 AM(Apr 15, 2020 to Apr 17, 2020)

Merc Trine Plu

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the
primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing
a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is
apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but 105/283
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beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

Apr 16, 2020 2 PM(Apr 16, 2020 to Apr 17, 2020)

Merc Conj Merc

You are fluent, communicative, curious, and alert today. Words fly off your
tongue quite easily now and you may speak before you even realize it. This is a
good time to learn something new, perhaps take a short trip to satisfy your
intellectual side. Conversation and meeting of the minds is featured.

Apr 17, 2020 6 AM(Apr 17, 2020 to Apr 18, 2020)

Ven Trine Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

Apr 17, 2020 8 PM(Apr 17, 2020 to Apr 18, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Ura

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see
things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up
some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to 106/283
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call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different

order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake
and interested.

Apr 18, 2020 (Mar 31, 2020 to Feb 1, 2022)

Ura 11th House

Your social circle may change dramatically during this cycle, especially if you are
surrounded by conventional people who don't think outside the box very much.
You'll be drawn to more creative visionary types or people who are so different
from yourself in terms of background, life style, and thinking that they open up
new worlds to you. Social activism or organization with a focus on reforming
society, breaking down barriers, or unusual intellectual interest may attract you
as well.

Apr 21, 2020 2 AM(Apr 21, 2020 to Apr 22, 2020)

Sun Sqr Nep

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is
not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and
situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality.
You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical
skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or
playing "let's pretend".

Apr 22, 2020 11 AM(Apr 21, 2020 to Apr 23, 2020) 107/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Conj Sat

You have little tolerance for distractions or wasting time right now. You may
seem rather humorless, not communicative, or even downright unfriendly. You
are thinking about practical concerns and necessities, essentials, and the bottom
line, or wrangling with problems that you don't want to discuss openly. An
interaction or conversation you have today may shed light on a problem you are
facing and show you some weakness that needs to be addressed. In any case,
this is not a moment for fun and sport, but for focused attention and for cool,
detached objectivity.

Apr 22, 2020 2 PM(Apr 21, 2020 to Apr 23, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Asc

The force is with you! Your vital energy is flowing well and your confidence is up,
so anything you attempt now is likely to succeed. You influence others through
personal direct contact, and without much effort. Work with what inspires you,
gives you energy, or matters most to you, and expect great results. Express

Apr 25, 2020 2 PM(Apr 25, 2020 to Apr 26, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to 108/283
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do so now. Phone home!

Apr 25, 2020 (Apr 24, 2020 to May 26, 2020)

Sun 11th House

Your community, social circle, and/or world events are a focus for you now.
Beware of how you impact others, and how your actions and choices ripple out
to influence the world. Conferences or other gatherings that are related to future
developments and/or shared ideals and interests succeed for you at this time.
You may lead, facilitate, or organize an important group function.

Apr 26, 2020 (Mar 12, 2020 to June 11, 2020)

plu trine moon

Deep feeling, deep emotional contact, and wholeheartedness is what you are
seeking now. You won't be content with relating to others superficially or with
doing things that don't totally involve you.

Emotional issues or situations in your life you may have skirted or minimized for
convenience arise now; your true feelings emerge and it's a good time to come
clean. Some of your closest relationships can be renewed by honestly sharing
withheld feelings or other things you have been hiding. If you remain open
much growth can result.

Since you are seeking your own emotional depths, you may be drawn to some
form of intensive therapy or transformational healing practices. If so, this will be
extremely rewarding and beneficial to you now.

This is also a time of intense creativity and birthing on many levels, bringing
forth what has been incubating within for some time. 109/283
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Positive Potentials:

Emotional renewal, contacting your passion and your depths. Deepening self-
knowledge. Healing and/or integrating "lost" aspects of yourself. Rebuilding
your home - the home within yourself, as well as your physical shelter.

Negative Potentials:

Much will come to light that you may prefer not to know. If you are not
committed to honesty, truth, and being conscious and aware, this can be an
uncomfortable time for you.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Allow yourself to become totally immersed in activities or creative pursuits.

Don't try to suppress what is trying to emerge within you or in those close to
you. If out of fear you ignore the family and/or emotional situations that are
being presented, you could be setting yourself up for a bigger crisis further
down the road.

Apr 26, 2020 9 PM(Apr 25, 2020 to Apr 27, 2020)

Sun Sqr Ven

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend.
Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would
be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and
make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be
attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way. 110/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Apr 27, 2020 9 PM(Apr 27, 2020 to Apr 28, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Plu

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force

you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have
unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up.
If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges,
and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark
comes up now.

Apr 27, 2020 10 PM(Apr 26, 2020 to Apr 29, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Sat

This is an excellent time to concentrate on the immediate and get some real
work done. You can apply yourself to some unexciting or disagreeable but
necessary job and stick with it until it's finished - or at least until you've made
some visible, tangible progress. In fact, you're apt to enjoy this more than just
about anything else at the moment. It feels good to accomplish tasks and have
something to show at the end of the day. Practice, refining a technique, or
problem-solving is featured.

Apr 28, 2020 1 PM(Apr 28, 2020 to Apr 29, 2020)

Merc Sqr Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to 111/283
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let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

Apr 28, 2020 5 PM(Apr 27, 2020 to Apr 29, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Jup

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can
open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas,
or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is
apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching
out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous

Apr 29, 2020 6 AM(Apr 29, 2020 to Apr 30, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Apr 30, 2020 (Apr 30, 2020 to May 14, 2020)

Merc 11th House

World events, cultural and community affairs, or group discussions and plans are 112/283
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a focus for you now. You may teach, facilitate a group, or help organize and get
the word out about your community activities. Intellectual interests, connections
based on common ideas, or problem-solving in the context of a committee or
group is featured.

May 1, 2020 12 AM(May 1, 2020 to May 2, 2020)

Sun Sqr Ura

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you
to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're
less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your
usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some

May 1, 2020 6 AM(May 1, 2020 to May 2, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

May 1, 2020 5 PM(May 1, 2020 to May 2, 2020) 113/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Qucnx Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

May 1, 2020 11 PM(Apr 29, 2020 to May 4, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Sat

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and
neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile.
You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time
pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so
if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do

May 2, 2020 2 AM(May 1, 2020 to May 3, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now.
Send and receive inspiring messages. 114/283
1/31/2020 Reading

May 3, 2020 3 AM(May 3, 2020 to May 4, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

May 4, 2020 (Apr 17, 2020 to May 22, 2020)

Ura Sqr Ven

This period can bring electrifying, exhilarating, unexpected awakening to new

love, or disruptive and difficult changes in your partnerships and closest
relationships. In any case, the status quo is apt to be upset. Restlessness and a
craving for different types of pleasure, attractions to styles of art or music or
people that are unusual, or a desire to experiment sexually or creatively are
some of the ways you may experience this. Relationships that have become
predictable, dull, overly possessive and restrictive, or too dependent, will be
hardest hit. On the other hand, new vitality, spontaneity and excitement can
infuse your relationships if both people are open and willing to change.
Relationships which are initiated now may not be very reliable or long-lasting.

Positive Potentials:

Freshness and aliveness reawakened in relationships. Creative experimentation,

inspiration, innovation and excitement. Artistic genius and unconventionality
leading to new forms of expression.

Negative Potentials: 115/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Insensitivity and self-centeredness towards others. An adolescent rebelliousness

toward the normal give and take in any human relationship. Impulsive or
shocking behavior which will be regretted later.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid extreme solutions to relationship difficulties, such as irrevocably severing

important and valuable connections in your desire for freedom or a new
relationship. On the other hand, if your partner is leaving, don't resist or demand
loyalty. Giving space, independence, and flexibility will allow the relationships
to continue to evolve either back together or towards a friendlier resolution.

May 6, 2020 3 PM(May 5, 2020 to May 8, 2020)

Mars Qucnx Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to
work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

May 8, 2020 12 PM(May 8, 2020 to May 9, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Sun

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to
present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something
new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened 116/283
1/31/2020 Reading

and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

May 9, 2020 8 PM(May 9, 2020 to May 10, 2020)

Merc Trine Moon

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially
close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as
sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and
connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can
be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal
letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

May 11, 2020 (May 2, 2020 to May 20, 2020)

sat qucnx asc

Concern over work or shared finances colors your perspective and may crate
stress in your close personal relationships or partnerships. This can be a time of
distancing, cooling off, and reevaluation in these relationships as well. The
tendency is to tighten up, contract, or see things in their least promising light.
Try to make the distinction between realism and objectivity - and negative

Health concerns may arise at this time, aggravated by worry, stress, or overwork.
Creating new routines, programs, or habits that foster health and well-being can
help. Simple solutions may appear if you focus your attention on taking care of
the present, rather than regretting the past or fearfully projecting into the future.

Positive Potentials:

Slowing down, working carefully and patiently allows a clear picture to emerge. 117/283
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Handling responsibilities or a crisis at work or in finances without exaggerating

the negative possibilities.

Negative Potentials:

Anxiety, worry, or negative criticism directed toward oneself or a partner.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Finding ways to relax is the primary remedy for the emotional and physical
stress of this time. Regular walks during which you repeat a positive affirmation,
prayer, or mantra can be helpful. Recognize that you may be focusing on worst-
case scenarios, and use humor and foolishness to break the spell. Find solid,
practical help for the challenges you face, perhaps a financial advisor or
someone you trust to give you expert advice.

May 12, 2020 2 PM(May 12, 2020 to May 13, 2020)

Merc Trine Nep

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations

today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing
their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly
distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another
dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

May 12, 2020 11 PM(May 11, 2020 to May 13, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Sun

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and
your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are 118/283
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highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

May 13, 2020

ven sqr sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

May 14, 2020 12 AM(May 13, 2020 to May 14, 2020)

Merc Sxtil MC

Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent

time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision you've come to. Ideas
come flooding in now, too, and you're able to assimilate all kinds of new
information. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored.

May 14, 2020 (May 14, 2020 to May 30, 2020)

Merc 12th House

This is a period to observe, reflect, and consider the whole picture, or facets of
things that you normally minimize or ignore. You may be getting messages from
your intuition via dreams, feelings, or strange sensations that you would be wise 119/283
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to attend to. You also want to mull over and digest the information that comes to
you now and are thus disinclined to come up with a ready answer or quick
repartee. Your silence or reticence could be misinterpreted, so make it clear that
you are thinking things through.

May 15, 2020 4 AM(May 15, 2020 to May 16, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Mars

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack
of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is
the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and
intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the
other person's side of things.

May 15, 2020 8 AM(May 15, 2020 to May 16, 2020)

Merc Trine Ven

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak
personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By
overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and
understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two
parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers,
write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy
topics will wait for another day.

May 15, 2020 8 PM(May 15, 2020 to May 16, 2020) 120/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Oppos Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

May 15, 2020 (May 14, 2020 to July 5, 2020)

Mars 9th House

Vigorous philosophical debates, legal contests, fiery rhetoric in defense of a

cherished belief or cause, and a strong desire for freedom on all levels are part
of your scenario now. If you travel, you'll want to either rough it a bit and do
something active and physical, or be able to set your own pace. You don't enjoy
following the lead of others now.

Beware of being impatient or contentious in your travels, or overly aggressive in

your point of view.

May 15, 2020 10 PM(May 15, 2020 to May 16, 2020)

Sun Trine Moon

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need
to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a
sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts
your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the 121/283
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May 16, 2020 6 AM(May 15, 2020 to May 17, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Merc

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the
right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now,
including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across,
reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a
conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

May 16, 2020 6 AM(May 15, 2020 to May 17, 2020)

Merc Sqr Jup

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with
the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel
plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be
harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting
mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with
humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway

May 17, 2020 9 AM(May 17, 2020 to May 18, 2020) 122/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Trine Ura

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see
things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up
some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to
call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different
order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake
and interested.

May 17, 2020 10 AM(May 17, 2020 to May 18, 2020)

Mars Trine Asc

Your vital energy is flowing strongly and you feel pleasantly ambitious and
effective. You can rally others to action because of your own enthusiasm and
can-do attitude, but you're equally happy acting independently and on your own
behalf. Physical, active work or play is favored.

May 21, 2020 11 PM(May 21, 2020 to May 22, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Sat

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or
technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with
practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing
tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking
care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do
your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination,
either written or oral. 123/283
1/31/2020 Reading

May 22, 2020 2 AM(May 21, 2020 to May 23, 2020)

Sun Trine Nep

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and
atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the
inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of
kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace

May 22, 2020 (May 4, 2020 to June 11, 2020)

Ura Qucnx Plu

Massive shifts in the world around you are impacting your life, and may be
forcing changes that you could not have foreseen. You may be uneasily
balancing the urge to hold steady and resist change, and the impulse to make
some kind of radical move. Certainly adjustments and rerouting your direction
and approach will be called for.

You may find yourself at odds with the collective current, or disturbed by the
impulses and energies of a different generation. Your ideals, beliefs, and
lifestyle may be severely challenged, because the world you envisioned is not
the one which you find around you now.

Positive Potentials:

Finding a balance between preserving what you value, and letting go of the
known and familiar in order to adapt to unavoidable changes.

Negative Potentials:

Difficult and tumultuous transitions. Sudden, abrupt reversals. 124/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Remedies and Suggestions:

Do not be heavy-handed, authoritarian, or extremely resistant to the adaptations

you are being asked to make now. The more fluid and open your attitude, the
less severe the challenge will be.

May 23, 2020 8 PM(May 23, 2020 to May 24, 2020)

Merc Sqr Sun

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and

conducting business over the telephone, by email, or through the written word is
the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than
usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well.
It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

May 24, 2020 3 AM(May 21, 2020 to May 26, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Sat

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and
neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile.
You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time
pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so
if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do

May 25, 2020 1 AM(May 25, 2020 to May 26, 2020) 125/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Sqr Plu

A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within

and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your
own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive
element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can
work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul
something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-
straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

May 25, 2020 2 AM(May 25, 2020 to May 26, 2020)

Sun Sxtil MC

The force is with you, go for your personal best! Father figures or those in a
position to help you further your aims are encouraging and receptive to what
you propose. Back up your words with action, follow through with a solid effort,
and expect success. This is an ideal time to express what you really want, to
show some style, and let the world know who you are.

May 25, 2020 4 PM(May 25, 2020 to May 26, 2020)

Merc Sqr Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to
do so now. Phone home! 126/283
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May 26, 2020 (May 25, 2020 to June 23, 2020)

Sun 12th House

You're in the background now, quite possibly by choice. You may need extra
downtime, or be a little fuzzy and diffused. This is a period of rest, and physical
and emotional replenishment, not the best moment to press forward.

May 26, 2020 6 AM(May 24, 2020 to May 27, 2020)

Mars Conj Jup

Energetic efforts combine with optimism to create success. You're feeling strong
and positive on all levels; it is an ideal time to engage in business, to take action
steps to realize a dream, or simply to accomplish whatever you want or need.
Expect positive results and you will get them .... Your timing is excellent!

May 27, 2020 3 PM(May 27, 2020 to May 28, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Mars

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move
your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going
into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your
way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be
a successful strategy at this time.

May 27, 2020 11 PM(May 27, 2020 to May 28, 2020) 127/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Trine Ven

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're
in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax
with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The
sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is
emphasized now.

May 28, 2020 11 PM(May 27, 2020 to May 30, 2020)

Sun Oppos Plu

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force

you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have
unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up.
If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges,
and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark
comes up now.

May 29, 2020 7 PM(May 29, 2020 to May 30, 2020)

Sun Sqr Jup

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly
optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities
in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything
now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually
beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance. 128/283
1/31/2020 Reading

May 29, 2020 8 PM(May 29, 2020 to May 30, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Merc

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning
and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business
or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use
your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an
excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

May 29, 2020 8 PM(May 29, 2020 to May 30, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to
let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

May 31, 2020 12 AM(May 30, 2020 to May 31, 2020)

Merc Conj Asc

You initiate contact and take the lead in discussions, meetings, interviews, or
classes. Openly sharing your ideas and information, or being a messenger for
some kind of news, is featured. Mentally sharp and alert, this is a good time to
learn or gather information you'll need later. 129/283
1/31/2020 Reading

May 31, 2020 (May 30, 2020 to Aug 5, 2020)

Merc 1st House

Your physical and mental energies are quickened now and you prefer to be
mobile and making contact with the world rather than anchored to one location
or task. You're ready to share your thoughts on a variety of subjects, and you do
this well at this time. Making presentations, negotiating and discussing options,
and getting your point of view across in a clear, direct manner are emphasized.

June 1, 2020 3 AM(May 31, 2020 to June 2, 2020)

Sun Trine Ura

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now.

This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think
outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite
important to you at the moment.

June 1, 2020 5 AM(May 31, 2020 to June 2, 2020)

Merc Sqr MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful
now. 130/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 3, 2020 10 AM(June 2, 2020 to June 4, 2020)

Merc Sqr Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

June 3, 2020 5 PM(June 2, 2020 to June 4, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

June 4, 2020 5 PM(June 4, 2020 to June 5, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of 131/283
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forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

June 5, 2020 2 PM(June 4, 2020 to June 6, 2020)

Merc Sqr Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

June 5, 2020 2 PM(June 4, 2020 to June 6, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now.
Send and receive inspiring messages.

June 5, 2020 (Mar 28, 2020 to June 25, 2020)

Sat Conj Nep

The theme of this time could be practical application of visionary ideals - or

coming down to earth with a thud. 132/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Initially this can be a time of sober realizations, squarely facing any illusions,
deceptions, or patterns of escapism and avoidance that you may have.
Addictions or dependencies will be seen for what they are. If you over-idealize
someone or something, there may well be a disappointment or serious breach of
trust which causes you to reassess.

You may have to contend with a mood of spiritual isolation. Perhaps a source of
creative inspiration dries up or the places you once went for comfort seem
unavailable. It's a time of deepening, maturing, and testing of your faith. You
may choose solitude, retreat, voluntary simplicity, and aloneness as a way to
reconnect with your spirit.

Physically, your energies are less hardy now, so it's wise to conserve them.

Positive Potentials:

Commitment to really living your spiritual values, ideals, and visions. More
disciplined effort in overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to
substantial changes for the better. Devotional and spiritual practices which truly
resonate with your soul. Ability to give up, do without, or surrender negative

Negative Potentials:

Tendency to see one's weaknesses, immaturity and vulnerability in a harsh light.

Cynicism towards oneself or the world. A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the
form of "entertainment" or "spirituality", or simply people who drain your
emotional resources. Simplify your life.

If you are so inclined, this can be an excellent period to work with rocks, crystals,
and earth energies for spiritual or healing purposes. Create a medicine wheel, a
labyrinth, or a healing garden with rocks. Meditate with crystals, or seek out a
nontraditional healer who use them in his or her work. Seek help for addictive 133/283
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patterns you wish to be free of.

June 7, 2020 (May 18, 2020 to July 1, 2020)

Ura Sxtil Jup

During this cycle, you are attracted to unorthodox, unconventional, eccentric or

inspirational people, groups, and ideas. You need to be in an open atmosphere
in which fresh ideas and insights are welcomed, and experimental or unusual
thinking and methods are encouraged. Consciousness-expanding educational
experiences or travels are favored. You may have the impulse to expand your
social world to include the kinds of people who support your growth and
dreams, and who share your excitement about the things you are discovering.
Changes in your current alliances and friendships, in your religious
understanding and faith, and in your professional status will reflect your
expanded thinking. Teaching others and/or bettering others' lives is important to
you now, as well.

Positive Potentials:

Happy and fortuitous meetings, alliances, and shared cooperative ventures. An

expanded world view that allows for more optimism and excitement about the
future. Lucky breaks and unexpected good fortune.

Negative Potentials:


Remedies and Suggestions:

Take advantage of the expanded opportunities offered to you now, even if they
stretch you a bit past your comfort zone and current self-imposed restrictions.
Allow your sense of humor, play, and spontaneity to emerge in more settings. 134/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Trust your inner promptings and intuitive impulses.

June 7, 2020 7 PM(June 6, 2020 to June 9, 2020)

Ven Trine Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

June 8, 2020 7 AM(June 8, 2020 to June 9, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

June 9, 2020 (June 9, 2020 to Dec 29, 2020)

Sat 7th House

This is a critical period in your marriage, business partnership, or other important 135/283
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long-term relationships. Any problems that have been brewing become more
apparent and must be attended to. There is a focus on issues of equality, loyalty,
being responsible, and following through on commitments and agreements. One
partner or the other may feel that they have outgrown the current form of the
relationship, and either you must find ways to restructure it or a distancing or
separation may be necessary. On the other hand, healthy relationships will
remain intact and perhaps grow deeper through the two of you facing
challenges together. In any case, your interactions with significant people in
your life will test you and the strength of the connection between you.

June 9, 2020 10 PM(June 8, 2020 to June 10, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Sat

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly
realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from
accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be
especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong,
but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

June 11, 2020 6 PM(June 9, 2020 to June 13, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Merc

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have
an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or
meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant
topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction,
and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are
favored. 136/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 11, 2020 7 PM(June 9, 2020 to June 13, 2020)

Ven Sqr Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

June 13, 2020 5 AM(June 12, 2020 to June 14, 2020)

Sun Sqr Sun

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives while not turning away
from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not
entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and
contrasts presented now, and become clearer regarding your own path.

June 13, 2020 12 PM(June 11, 2020 to June 15, 2020)

Ven Oppos Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You
may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart
into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new. 137/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 15, 2020 9 PM(June 13, 2020 to June 19, 2020)

Ven Trine Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as

June 16, 2020 5 AM(June 16, 2020 to June 17, 2020)

Sun Sqr Moon

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes,
or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now.
Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm
are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny
or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a
little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

June 16, 2020 7 AM(June 16, 2020 to June 17, 2020)

Mars Conj Sun

Action, energy, ambition, and the will to win infuse you now. You take charge in
an assertive, direct fashion and you're in no mood to compromise. Confidence
runs high, impelling you to strike out on your own, take on a challenge, and give
it your very best. Competitive or independent activities are favored. 138/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 16, 2020 6 PM(June 14, 2020 to June 20, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Mars

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in
any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy
and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts
of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with
people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic
relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

June 17, 2020 (June 5, 2020 to June 26, 2020)

Jup Trine Moon

Optimism, emotional openness and generosity, and a general feeling of

hopefulness and security characterize this time period. You exude a sense of
well-being and your positive expectations attract happy experiences and
outcomes. Unless other astrological factors promote focused activity and drive,
you may not be motivated to do much, but good things come into your life
anyway. Mostly, you just feel good "for no reason". Just being around you
encourages and buoys others' spirits.

If you have been having hard or stressful times for a while, you will feel a greater
sense of ease even if nothing changes externally. A new mentor or source of
support and nurturance may also come to you now.

This is an excellent time for a refreshing break or vacation.

Positive Potentials:

Increased social and emotional confidence and ease. Assistance from and/or
agreeable relationships with those in authority or positions of leadership.
Increased rapport and empathy with children family, or others. An expanded 139/283
1/31/2020 Reading

sense of "family"; including others into your family circle. Improvements or

happy events in the home.

Negative Potentials:

If you have a difficult task, deadlines, or a demanding project that really needs
your attention, you may not feel inclined to expend the effort now. Just enjoying
the present while blowing off commitments or responsibilities may be a
temptation. Procrastination or "letting" someone else do the disagreeable work.

Remedies and Suggestions:

All in all, this is an agreeable time period as long as you avoid the indulgences
described above. It is a good time to sponsor a social event and share your good
fortune with others, or to accept invitations to extend and expand personally,
emotionally, and socially.

June 20, 2020 7 PM(June 19, 2020 to June 22, 2020)

Mars Oppos Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to
work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

June 22, 2020 10 AM(June 22, 2020 to June 23, 2020) 140/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Nep

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is
not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and
situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality.
You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical
skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or
playing "let's pretend".

June 23, 2020 (June 23, 2020 to June 27, 2020)

Ven 11th House

Friendship is a significant focus for you during this cycle. Promoting close
relationships in your community, creating bridges between people and between
various organizations, or making your little part of the world more beautiful and
friendly would be gratifying for you now. Artistic, musical, or literary friendships
and alliances are favored. Differences and discordant tendencies between
people are minimized during this period.

June 23, 2020 10 PM(June 22, 2020 to June 24, 2020)

Sun Conj Asc

Your personal power and charisma shine brightly today, making this an
especially fortuitous day to go out and make an impact on others and the world
around you. You may well be the center of attention or attract a following.
Making a public presentation, leading or directing people, or initiating a new
venture is highly favored. This could be the birthday of one of your favorite
people, too. 141/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 23, 2020 (June 22, 2020 to July 23, 2020)

Sun 1st House

This is an excellent time to promote yourself, to make your intentions and

purposes known, and to make an impact on your world sheerly by the power of
your presence. If you want to be seen and to make a definite impression, this is
the time. You project confidence and self-assuredness, making others take note.

June 25, 2020 11 AM(June 24, 2020 to June 26, 2020)

Sun Sqr MC

Relations with men, people in authority, or father figures are featured today. You
may be thinking about past successes or failures and how those influence what
you aim for now. There may be some friction between your will and someone
else's and a need to humble yourself in order for things to proceed. Seek win-
win situations.

June 25, 2020

ven sxtil mc

Your ability to harmonize, to create bridges between two polarized "camps", or

simply to get along with people, assists you professionally. You're more sensitive
to the personal element of your work; appreciating and being appreciated for
what you contribute is highlighted. You may be tempted to play matchmaker
also! 142/283
1/31/2020 Reading

June 27, 2020 (Apr 8, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020)

Ven 12th House

You may be called upon to help a friend through a troubled time or to put aside
your own pleasure and personal gratification for another's sake. Someone you
love and care about depends upon you more than usual.

Also, circumstances or your own reticence may prevent you from openly
declaring or expressing your desires and affection. Love yearnings which cannot
be fulfilled in any direct way arise. Compassion - for yourself and others - is the
key, but don't confuse this with self-pity or co-dependency in a relationship.

June 28, 2020 12 AM(June 28, 2020 to June 29, 2020)

Sun Sqr Mars

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried

approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what
you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to
moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal
best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good
expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-
exerting yourself.

June 28, 2020 8 AM(June 28, 2020 to June 29, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Ven

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend.
Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would 143/283
1/31/2020 Reading

be wise - and probably will require very little on your part - to reach out and
make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be
attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

June 28, 2020 9 PM(June 27, 2020 to June 30, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ura

This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx Ura) also occurred on June 8, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

June 29, 2020 9 AM(June 28, 2020 to June 30, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Plu

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force

you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have
unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up.
If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges,
and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark
comes up now.

June 30, 2020 5 AM(June 30, 2020 to July 1, 2020)

Sun Trine Jup

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can
open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas, 144/283
1/31/2020 Reading

or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is
apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching
out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous

June 30, 2020 6 AM(June 30, 2020 to July 1, 2020)

Sun Sqr Merc

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the
go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be
stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting
views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on
inconsequential matters.

June 30, 2020 11 AM(June 28, 2020 to July 2, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Nep

You want to DO something you usually only fantasize about or normally

consider lovely but unrealistic. You need to take concrete steps - even if only
small ones - in the direction of a dream. Doing so will give you energy and can
stimulate possibilities and opportunities you never imagined before. A magical

July 2, 2020 1 PM(June 30, 2020 to July 4, 2020) 145/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

July 2, 2020 1 PM(July 2, 2020 to July 3, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Ura

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you
to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're
less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your
usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some

July 2, 2020 2 PM(June 30, 2020 to July 4, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now.
Send and receive inspiring messages.

July 2, 2020 10 PM(July 1, 2020 to July 4, 2020) 146/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Sqr Asc

This is not the best time to try to do something jointly or cooperatively. Without
realizing it or intending to, you may arouse others' anger or antipathy, perhaps
by being overly assertive, competitive, or inconsiderate. Minor inconveniences
or compromises create more friction and irritation than the situation actually
warrants. Try to keep your cool. Working out or getting some physical exercise
can help.

July 4, 2020 12 AM(July 2, 2020 to July 6, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

July 4, 2020 5 AM(June 30, 2020 to July 7, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Mars

This astrological influence (Ven Sxtil Mars) also occurred on June 16, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

July 5, 2020 3 AM(July 1, 2020 to July 7, 2020) 147/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Trine Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as

July 5, 2020 (July 3, 2020 to Jan 19, 2021)

Mars 10th House

Active leadership, strong action to achieve important goals, and an intensified

drive to rise to prominence (in whatever way you personally define prominence
or success) are the themes now. You are willing to work, to earn your way, and to
take risks in order to move toward what you want.

However, competitive and egotistical urges are intensified now too, and unless
you moderate your actions with an awareness of and respect for others' goals
and intentions you may provoke hot opposition. Conflict with superiors or
authority can be especially problematic, as you are not inclined to be compliant
or obedient now. Rather, you want to take the lead.

July 5, 2020 9 AM(July 3, 2020 to July 7, 2020)

Mars Conj MC

Your warrior energy is activated now and you pursue your aims with courage,
decisiveness, and brio. You don't want to be a sheep or to let life pass you by.
Now is the time to make your mark, to advance your professional goals, to take
charge of your life. Your ambitions or competitive spirit may provoke challengers
or threaten superiors, but you're up for it! Keep your humor in the midst of the 148/283
1/31/2020 Reading


July 5, 2020 11 PM(July 3, 2020 to July 8, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

July 6, 2020 4 PM(July 4, 2020 to July 9, 2020)

Merc Sqr Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

July 7, 2020 6 PM(July 5, 2020 to July 9, 2020)

Ven Oppos Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You 149/283
1/31/2020 Reading

may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart
into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new.

July 9, 2020 2 PM(July 7, 2020 to July 11, 2020)

Ven Sqr Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

July 9, 2020 3 PM(July 7, 2020 to July 11, 2020)

Mars Conj Mars

The courage to act decisively on your own behalf, to take the initiative, and to
risk new ventures infuses you now. You confront issues head on rather than
evade or avoid them, with the intention of standing up for your legitimate rights.
If you are of a forceful temperament to begin with you may be pushy, overly
aggressive, or come on too strong. Your physical and vital energies are
stimulated and you need to be doing, acting, achieving, and taking charge. Strive
to be forthright and brave, without being contentious.

July 9, 2020 4 PM(July 7, 2020 to July 11, 2020) 150/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Sxtil Merc

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have
an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or
meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant
topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction,
and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are

July 10, 2020 3 AM(July 10, 2020 to July 11, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Ven

This is a wonderful moment for romance! You're in a loving, amorous mood, and
if you have no lover at the moment, make something beautiful, luscious, and
appealing in whatever arena you most enjoy. All creative acts are favored now.
Dancing or some other vital and sensual self-expression would be especially

July 11, 2020 9 AM(July 10, 2020 to July 12, 2020)

Sun Sqr Sat

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a

rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate
satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and
simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for
thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize
and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you
can make some concrete progress, no matter how small. 151/283
1/31/2020 Reading

July 11, 2020 (July 3, 2020 to July 19, 2020)

Jup Sxtil Sun

A sense of flow and ease characterizes this time period. Relationships of all
kinds flourish now, in part due to greater openness and tolerance on your end. If
there are areas of your life that have been difficult, you can begin to resolve
them. Ask others to help you, as they are especially willing to do so.

Positive Potentials:

A favorable time for any business transactions, legal matters, and coming to
mutually satisfying agreements. A very positive response to any public
presentation, social gathering or group effort you undertake. Gifts come from
unexpected sources and past generosity is repaid. An opportunity to travel
leading to an expanded network of friends and allies, furthering educational or
professional aims, and/or material benefits. Community involvement brings good

Negative Potentials:

Letting opportunities slip by because it's easier to relax and just be.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Circulate, reach out, get back in touch with people you haven't heard from in a
while, seek out others you may have been hesitant to contact previously.

If you have given up on a particular dream or avenue, try once more. (Send that
manuscript out, make that phone call.) Surprisingly positive results can come
your way with a bit of effort on your part.

July 11, 2020 9 PM(July 10, 2020 to July 13, 2020) 152/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Trine Plu

Your passion, zeal, and inner courage are intensified now, making you
enormously effective. You are super-motivated and can tackle tough challenges
with confidence. You may take something old and completely re-do, re-make,
revise, or renew it. Your creative power is flowing!

July 13, 2020 10 AM(July 11, 2020 to July 15, 2020)

Mars Conj Merc

You communicate passionately, forcefully, and convincingly now, with an eye for
bringing things to resolution. This is an excellent time to do any kind of
intellectual work and to solve problems on a purely rational or pragmatic basis.
You may override others' sensitivities or speak more sharply than you intend to,
however, so try to temper your arguments with an awareness of the emotional
impact of your words.

July 13, 2020 10 PM(July 12, 2020 to July 15, 2020)

Ven Trine Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

July 14, 2020 4 PM(July 14, 2020 to July 15, 2020) 153/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Trine Sun

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and
your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are
highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

July 17, 2020 11 AM(July 15, 2020 to July 19, 2020)

Mars Sxtil Ura

You crave challenge, action, something fresh and exciting, and while you won't
instigate a fight, you won't back away from one either.

The thrill-seeker or adventurer in you comes out. You have bursts of energy and
need to do something that is, for you, original and daring.

July 17, 2020 4 PM(July 16, 2020 to July 18, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Moon

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need
to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a
sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts
your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the

July 17, 2020 5 PM(July 14, 2020 to July 19, 2020) 154/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr Mars

This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Mars) also occurred on July 6, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

July 18, 2020 7 AM(July 18, 2020 to July 19, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ven

This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx Ven) also occurred on July 5, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

July 19, 2020 10 PM(July 18, 2020 to July 21, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Plu

This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx Plu) also occurred on July 4, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

July 21, 2020 12 AM(July 19, 2020 to July 22, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

This astrological influence (Merc Trine Jup) also occurred on July 2, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date. 155/283
1/31/2020 Reading

July 21, 2020 1 AM(July 19, 2020 to July 22, 2020)

Merc Sqr Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

July 23, 2020 12 PM(July 22, 2020 to July 24, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

July 23, 2020 (July 22, 2020 to Aug 24, 2020)

Sun 2nd House

The focus is on finances, getting your money's worth, prioritizing, choosing to

spend time and money on those things you prize most. You also want to be paid
what you are worth! Poor financial moves may catch up with you now, but at
least you can get clear on what you need to do to straighten things out. 156/283
1/31/2020 Reading

July 23, 2020 9 PM(July 22, 2020 to July 24, 2020)

Sun Oppos Nep

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is
not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and
situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality.
You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical
skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or
playing "let's pretend".

July 26, 2020 7 AM(July 26, 2020 to July 27, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Sat

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and
neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile.
You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time
pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so
if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do

July 26, 2020 10 PM(July 26, 2020 to July 27, 2020)

Sun Trine MC

The force is with you, go for your personal best! Father figures or those in a
position to help you further your aims are encouraging and receptive to what
you propose. Back up your words with action, follow through with a solid effort,
and expect success. This is an ideal time to express what you really want, to 157/283
1/31/2020 Reading

show some style, and let the world know who you are.

July 29, 2020 11 AM(July 28, 2020 to July 30, 2020)

Sun Trine Mars

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move
your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going
into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your
way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be
a successful strategy at this time.

July 29, 2020 6 PM(July 28, 2020 to July 30, 2020)

Sun Oppos Ven

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend.
Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would
be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and
make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be
attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

July 30, 2020 2 AM(July 30, 2020 to July 31, 2020)

Merc Sqr Sat

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and
doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and 158/283
1/31/2020 Reading

caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the
flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas,
cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices
dampen your spirits, however.

July 30, 2020 5 AM(July 30, 2020 to July 31, 2020)

Ven Sqr Sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

July 30, 2020 7 PM(July 30, 2020 to July 31, 2020)

Sun Trine Plu

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that

borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain
deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand
and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its
function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another

July 31, 2020 3 PM(July 30, 2020 to Aug 1, 2020) 159/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Jup

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly
optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities
in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything
now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually
beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

July 31, 2020 4 PM(July 30, 2020 to Aug 1, 2020)

Sun Trine Merc

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning
and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business
or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use
your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an
excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

Aug 1, 2020 1 AM(Aug 1, 2020 to Aug 2, 2020)

Merc Trine Sun

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to
present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something
new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened
and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

Aug 2, 2020 2 PM(Aug 1, 2020 to Aug 3, 2020) 160/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Sqr Moon

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't
well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets,
shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good
time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your
kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding
with them.

Aug 2, 2020 5 PM(Aug 2, 2020 to Aug 3, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Moon

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially
close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as
sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and
connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can
be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal
letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

Aug 2, 2020 11 PM(Aug 1, 2020 to Aug 4, 2020)

Sun Oppos Ura

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you
to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're
less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your
usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some
eccentricity. 161/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Aug 4, 2020 12 AM(Aug 1, 2020 to Aug 6, 2020)

Mars Conj Sat

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or

neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict
and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related
problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed
toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is
nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or
disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady,
gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

Aug 5, 2020 (Aug 4, 2020 to Aug 21, 2020)

Merc 2nd House

Discussions focused on finances and practical affairs are fruitful now. This is a
good time to get a clear picture of what is happening for you on a basic material
level, and to be objective about how you are spending money, your financial
goals, and so on. Consulting a professional on these issues would be useful.
Reading articles and books, or having conversations with friends and
acquaintances on money issues in order to gather information, is also favored.

Aug 5, 2020 10 PM(Aug 5, 2020 to Aug 6, 2020)

Merc Oppos Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to 162/283
1/31/2020 Reading

let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

Aug 6, 2020 (July 28, 2020 to Aug 17, 2020)

Jup Sqr Sat

You are acutely aware of the tension between what you see is possible and what
you want to do versus what you actually have time for and can reasonably
accomplish within the framework of your current obligations. You may be
tempted to overextend yourself. To attempt to incorporate MORE without
eliminating anything leads to congestion, confusion, and imbalance.
Paradoxically, you may find that you are happier, richer, and healthier with LESS
rather than more. The challenge is about discerning the difference between
quality and quantity, and making choices that will solidly benefit you in the long

Positive Potentials:

Improvements in your health habits, your daily routine, your work

responsibilities and your environment by eliminating lifeless elements.
Opportunities for growth, expansion, and furthering your ambitions in the
business, financial, or professional arena. Letting go of excessively cautious,
fearful, or security-oriented attitudes to permit new growth and well-being.

Negative Potentials:

Tension or frustration over duties and commitments that you perceive to be

oppressive may impel you to swing too far in the other direction, leading to
irresponsible behavior or unwise investments.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Don't try to do or have it all, at least not all at once. Expand your life in a patient,
well-considered manner. Ask yourself where you can upgrade the QUALITY of
your life by choosing to eliminate or decrease your involvement in some areas. 163/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Solitude and seclusion may assist you in coming to clarity. Be willing to believe
that relief, improvements, and joy are possible for you in areas that have been
particularly hard or closed off in the past.

Aug 7, 2020 9 AM(Aug 7, 2020 to Aug 8, 2020)

Merc Trine MC

Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent

time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision you've come to. Ideas
come flooding in now, too, and you're able to assimilate all kinds of new
information. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored.

Aug 8, 2020 3 PM(Aug 8, 2020 to Aug 9, 2020)

Merc Trine Mars

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack
of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is
the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and
intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the
other person's side of things.

Aug 8, 2020 6 PM(Aug 8, 2020 to Aug 9, 2020) 164/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Oppos Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

Aug 9, 2020 5 AM(Aug 9, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Nep

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to

people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors,
styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements)
strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a
little magic.

Aug 9, 2020 6 AM(Aug 9, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020)

Merc Trine Plu

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the
primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing
a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is
apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but
beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

Aug 9, 2020 3 PM(Aug 9, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020) 165/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Qucnx Jup

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with
the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel
plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be
harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting
mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with
humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway

Aug 9, 2020 4 PM(Aug 9, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020)

Merc Trine Merc

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the
right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now,
including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across,
reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a
conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

Aug 10, 2020 6 PM(Aug 9, 2020 to Aug 11, 2020)

Ven Conj Asc

The art of self-adornment and the art of love predominate today. You're inclined
to use sweetness, charm, sex appeal, or flirtatiousness to ease interactions.
You're also quite conscious of your body and appearance now and you may buy
some new apparel, get your hair done, wear your best jewelry, or otherwise
enhance your looks or surroundings. It feels good to lavish loving attention on
yourself, and your relations with others benefit as a result. Someone beautiful 166/283
1/31/2020 Reading

could enter your life.

Aug 10, 2020 (Aug 9, 2020 to Sep 7, 2020)

Ven 1st House

Your sensitivity to beauty, aesthetics, and sensual experience strongly

influences you during this cycle. You want to be in a gracious environment, to
beautify your surroundings, to enjoy and take pleasure in life, to love and be
loved. Rather than actively, directly pursuing what you want, you're more
inclined to attract it through your personal charm, friendliness, or endearing
qualities. Self- appreciation, personal style, and looking your best is important to
you now, and you may want to indulge in some self-pampering to enhance your
appearance and feel good about yourself.

Aug 10, 2020 6 PM(Aug 10, 2020 to Aug 11, 2020)

Merc Oppos Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

Aug 11, 2020 6 PM(Aug 11, 2020 to Aug 12, 2020) 167/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Trine Sat

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly
realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from
accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be
especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong,
but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

Aug 12, 2020 7 AM(Aug 11, 2020 to Aug 13, 2020)

Ven Sqr MC

You enjoy playing the role of hostess or host, displaying your good taste,
affection, and appreciation for the finer things. Lightness, humor, and good times
shared is the focus for you now. Go to the extra trouble to decorate, embellish,
bring out your best china, and show people a good time. Opportunities to come
together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble free, will be beneficial

Aug 14, 2020 8 PM(Aug 13, 2020 to Aug 15, 2020)

Ven Sqr Mars

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now.
You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you
may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more

Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a
satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so
compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the
picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant 168/283
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Aug 14, 2020 8 PM(Aug 14, 2020 to Aug 15, 2020)

Merc Trine Sat

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or
technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with
practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing
tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking
care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do
your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination,
either written or oral.

Aug 15, 2020 1 AM(Aug 15, 2020 to Aug 16, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Sun

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives which not turning away
from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not
entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and
contrasts presented now, and become cleared regarding your own path.

Aug 15, 2020 3 AM(Aug 15, 2020 to Aug 16, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Ven

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close 169/283
1/31/2020 Reading

relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease.
In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially
if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also
want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make
them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself
in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

Aug 16, 2020 4 AM(Aug 15, 2020 to Aug 17, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You
may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart
into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new.

Aug 16, 2020 9 AM(Aug 15, 2020 to Aug 17, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Sun

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and

conducting business over the telephone, by email or through the written word is
the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than
usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well.
It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

Aug 16, 2020 (July 7, 2020 to Sep 23, 2020) 170/283
1/31/2020 Reading

ura sqr ura

This is a period of sudden awakenings and sharp awareness of your need for
greater independence and autonomy. An unexpected event, a job change, a
move, or inconstant people and circumstances challenge you to adapt or take a
different road from the one you've been on. To the extent that you have been
living out societal, parental, or conventional mandates, or conforming to a peer
group without forming your own personal opinions and being true to yourself,
you may be feeling rebellious, contentious, and out of rhythm with yourself and
those around you.

Flux and tension characterize this cycle, but there is also the opportunity to
discover your authentic values and liberate yourself from the past.

Positive Potentials:

Greater freedom and ability to be the captain of your own life. Handling sudden
changes, reversals, and unexpected turns by being willing to let go of
expectations and detach yourself from the past. Meeting change with ingenuity,
flexibility, creativity. Excitement, exhilaration, and openness to anything new.

Negative Potentials:

Erratic changes that feel out of your control. Extreme discontent. Intense conflict
and confrontations with "freedom" being the dominant area of dissent. Rapid
and constant changes that challenge your inner order and comfort.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Although revolutionary changes may be in order, beware of extremist positions

and radical solutions to your current problems. Find or create some grounding
and stabilizing routines and patterns: take a regular walk, work with plants on a
regular basis, eat regular meals, do yoga. Move SLOWLY, as you walk or drive.
Consciously choose not to hurry or pressure yourself.

Aug 16, 2020 11 PM(Aug 15, 2020 to Aug 17, 2020) 171/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Trine Jup

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this
time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax
a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your
money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your
way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

Aug 17, 2020 12 AM(Aug 17, 2020 to Aug 18, 2020)

Ven Sqr Merc

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be
more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and
wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a
meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a
fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other
aesthetic decisions.

Aug 19, 2020 5 AM(Aug 19, 2020 to Aug 20, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Ura

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately

involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to
temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or
partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other
unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or
a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely. 172/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Aug 20, 2020 7 PM(Aug 20, 2020 to Aug 21, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to
let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

Aug 21, 2020 (Aug 20, 2020 to Sep 8, 2020)

Merc 3rd House

You crave communication and mental stimulation during this period, and you're
apt to get plenty of it now, including casual conversation, local "news" and/or
gossip, and a variety of interesting tidbits, ideas, and information. Sorting
through it all, and not getting too sidetracked by random, unrelated data, may
challenge you. You're an idea gatherer and a messenger or conduit for
information during this cycle. This is an excellent time to write, as well,
especially articles or letters.

Aug 21, 2020 9 AM(Aug 17, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020)

Mars Qucnx Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to 173/283
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work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

Aug 21, 2020 1 PM(Aug 21, 2020 to Aug 22, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Aug 22, 2020 7 AM(Aug 21, 2020 to Aug 23, 2020)

Merc Qucnx MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Aug 23, 2020 2 PM(Aug 23, 2020 to Aug 24, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time. 174/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Aug 23, 2020 6 PM(Aug 23, 2020 to Aug 24, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

Aug 24, 2020 4 AM(Aug 23, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Nep

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is
not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and
situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality.
You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical
skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or
playing "let's pretend".

Aug 24, 2020 6 AM(Aug 23, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020) 175/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr Plu

Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't

expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something
very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very
strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of
emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of
forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

Aug 24, 2020 (Aug 23, 2020 to Sep 27, 2020)

Sun 3rd House

Light social interaction promotes healthy relations with neighbors, those who
are a part of your immediate environment, and people you do business with on a
regular basis. Give other people a little extra time and attention, notice their
efforts on your behalf, and strengthen your connections. Don't overlook the
obvious! Sometimes what you need is right in front of your eyes. Pay attention
to what's close at hand.

Aug 24, 2020 4 PM(Aug 24, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020)

Merc Oppos Jup

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with
the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel
plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be
harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting
mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with
humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway 176/283
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Aug 24, 2020 5 PM(Aug 24, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

Aug 25, 2020 4 PM(Aug 25, 2020 to Aug 26, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Asc

The force is with you! Your vital energy is flowing well and your confidence is up,
so anything you attempt now is likely to succeed. You influence others through
personal direct contact, and without much effort. Work with what inspires you,
gives you energy, or matters most to you, and expect great results. Express

Aug 25, 2020 9 PM(Aug 25, 2020 to Aug 26, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of 177/283
1/31/2020 Reading

direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

Aug 27, 2020 4 AM(Aug 27, 2020 to Aug 28, 2020)

Sun Qucnx MC

Relations with men, people in authority, or father figures are featured today. You
may be thinking about past successes or failures and how those influence what
you aim for now. There may be some friction between your will and someone
else's and a need to humble yourself in order for things to proceed. Seek win-
win situations.

Aug 27, 2020 11 AM(Aug 27, 2020 to Aug 28, 2020)

Ven Sqr Sat

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may
occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment
that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or
one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in
regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or
weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a

Aug 29, 2020 4 PM(Aug 29, 2020 to Aug 30, 2020) 178/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Mars

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried

approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what
you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to
moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal
best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good
expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-
exerting yourself.

Aug 30, 2020 12 AM(Aug 28, 2020 to Aug 31, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Ven

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend.
Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would
be wise - and probably will require very little on your part - to reach out and
make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be
attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

Aug 30, 2020 11 AM(Aug 29, 2020 to Aug 31, 2020)

Ven Trine Sun

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming,
lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and
cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of
harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you
will attract loving people into your experience. 179/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Aug 30, 2020 2 PM(Aug 29, 2020 to Aug 31, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Sat

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and
doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and
caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the
flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas,
cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices
dampen your spirits, however.

Aug 31, 2020 12 AM(Aug 31, 2020 to Sep 1, 2020)

Sun Sqr Plu

An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force

you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have
unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up.
If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges,
and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark
comes up now.

Aug 31, 2020 8 PM(Aug 31, 2020 to Sep 1, 2020)

Sun Oppos Jup

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly
optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities
in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything
now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually 180/283
1/31/2020 Reading

beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

Aug 31, 2020 9 PM(Aug 31, 2020 to Sep 1, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Merc

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the
go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be
stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting
views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on
inconsequential matters.

Sep 1, 2020 10 AM(Aug 31, 2020 to Sep 2, 2020)

Merc Oppos Sun

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and

conducting business over the telephone, by email, or through the written word is
the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than
usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well.
It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

Sep 2, 2020 3 AM(Sep 2, 2020 to Sep 3, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Moon

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for.
Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now, 181/283
1/31/2020 Reading

and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes
you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now.
However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

Sep 3, 2020 2 AM(Sep 2, 2020 to Sep 4, 2020)

Merc Conj Moon

This is a day of intimate conversation, speaking with women or someone you

feel especially close to, and sharing on a personal, feeling level. Your mind turns
toward the past, either fondly or regretfully. Telling your story or listening to
others' stories and reflecting on your personal history is featured. You may want
to spend some part of the day journaling or calling old friends. Thoughts about
your home arise now, also. You could enjoy skimming magazines to get ideas for
your living space, or even consult a feng shui expert.

Sep 3, 2020 3 AM(Sep 2, 2020 to Sep 4, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Ura

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you
to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're
less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your
usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some

Sep 6, 2020 5 PM(Sep 6, 2020 to Sep 7, 2020) 182/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Trine Nep

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations

today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing
their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly
distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another
dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

Sep 7, 2020 (Sep 6, 2020 to Oct 4, 2020)

Ven 2nd House

You appreciate fine things and are attracted to beautiful objects and artistry, as
well as anything that enhances your pleasure, comfort, and enjoyment. Making
purchases and investments in luxury items, beautiful property, or other things of
lasting value and appeal is favored now. However you are more inclined to let
personal tastes and your love for something or someone dictate your choices
rather than objective considerations, and thus you may pay more for these
things than you might at other times. You are not only interested in acquiring but
also in sharing and sweetly giving. You value love and friendship a great deal
now, and you want to show it.

Sep 7, 2020 (July 19, 2020 to Dec 15, 2020)

Plu Sxtil Sun

Subtle but profound changes within you will have a tremendous effect upon
your relationships, quite possibly totally altering significant relationships in your
life. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty
arises. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and
these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. Group work is
very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious 183/283
1/31/2020 Reading

awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive

changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.).

Positive Potentials:

A deepening of all your relationships, an "alchemical" relationship in which both

parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits
and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more

Negative Potentials:

If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you could get
overpowered or "swept away" by another person or group of stronger
individuals. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative
risks, as well as personal ones. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative
change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent
in the future. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before
a crisis occurs.

Sep 7, 2020 3 PM(Sep 6, 2020 to Sep 8, 2020)

Ven Oppos Nep

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to

people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors,
styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements)
strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a
little magic. 184/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sep 7, 2020 3 PM(Sep 7, 2020 to Sep 8, 2020)

Merc Sqr Asc

Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something
that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into
gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep
yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

Sep 8, 2020 2 PM(Sep 8, 2020 to Sep 9, 2020)

Merc Oppos MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Sep 8, 2020 (Sep 7, 2020 to Oct 3, 2020)

Merc 4th House

There's apt to be a lot of activity, discussion, comings and goings, and possibly
short-term visitors in your home during this cycle. Conversations are apt to turn
to the past, and you can get a more objective view of your family history and
how others perceived past events. Open family dialogue is favored now. Writing
about your feelings and having deep, soulful discussions clarify your
understanding. 185/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sep 10, 2020 3 AM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020)

Merc Oppos Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Sep 10, 2020 7 AM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020)

Ven Trine MC

Your ability to harmonize, to create bridges between two polarized "camps", or

simply to get along with people, assists you professionally. You're more sensitive
to the personal element of your work; appreciating and being appreciated for
what you contribute is highlighted. You may be tempted to play matchmaker

Sep 10, 2020 8 AM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020)

Merc Trine Ven

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak
personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By
overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and
understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two
parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers,
write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy 186/283
1/31/2020 Reading

topics will wait for another day.

Sep 10, 2020 11 PM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Plu

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the
primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing
a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is
apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but
beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

Sep 11, 2020 12 PM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 12, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Jup

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with
the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel
plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be
harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting
mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with
humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway

Sep 11, 2020 1 PM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 12, 2020) 187/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Oppos Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

Sep 11, 2020 7 PM(Sep 10, 2020 to Sep 12, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Sat

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a

rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate
satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and
simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for
thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize
and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you
can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

Sep 12, 2020 12 PM(Sep 12, 2020 to Sep 13, 2020)

Ven Trine Mars

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in
any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy
and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts
of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with
people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic
relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so! 188/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sep 12, 2020 6 PM(Sep 12, 2020 to Sep 13, 2020)

Ven Oppos Ven

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close

relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease.
In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially
if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also
want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make
them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself
in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

Sep 13, 2020 12 AM(Sep 12, 2020 to Sep 14, 2020)

Merc Trine Ura

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see
things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up
some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to
call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different
order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake
and interested.

Sep 13, 2020 3 PM(Sep 12, 2020 to Sep 14, 2020)

Ven Trine Plu

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship

intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly
emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or
remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of, 189/283
1/31/2020 Reading

to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

Sep 14, 2020 9 AM(Sep 14, 2020 to Sep 15, 2020)

Ven Trine Merc

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have
an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or
meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant
topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction,
and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are

Sep 14, 2020 9 AM(Sep 14, 2020 to Sep 15, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

Sep 14, 2020 (Aug 21, 2020 to Nov 6, 2020)

Sat Trine Moon

Steadiness, stability, balance, and peace characterize your personal and

emotional life now. You enjoy solitude or quieter activities, attending to 190/283
1/31/2020 Reading

domestic improvements or repairs or perhaps undertaking some task that

requires patience and attention to detail. Making a quilt, reorganizing your
financial affairs, undertaking a long writing project, or learning how to garden or
cook for the first time are such tasks. This is a period of ordering, organizing, and
"making right" your foundation - physical and emotional/psychological.

Positive Potentials:

You can bring the past (traditional ways, skills and knowledge; your heritage; the
wisdom and resources of your parents, grandparents, or other elders) to bear on
supporting your life now.

Negative Potentials:

There are no real negatives associated with this time period, although your
mood is more somber, cautious, and conservative than usual.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Use this time well to create more security and well-being in your life. Planning
and making well-considered choices and investments, attending to your home,
inner needs and/or family life will reap benefits.

Sep 15, 2020 1 AM(Sep 14, 2020 to Sep 16, 2020)

Sun Oppos Sun

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives while not turning away
from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not
entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and
contrasts presented now, and become clearer regarding your own path. 191/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sep 16, 2020 8 AM(Sep 16, 2020 to Sep 17, 2020)

Ven Oppos Ura

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately

involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to
temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or
partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other
unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or
a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

Sep 17, 2020 11 PM(Sep 16, 2020 to Sep 18, 2020)

Sun Conj Moon

Your inner emotional state of being and your feelings about your life are
illuminated now. If all is well with you, especially in your home life, this will be a
source of strength and joy. If something is amiss or out of balance, that will be
especially evident. Don't avoid or neglect the subtle signals. Give yourself
permission to feel, to listen and to "know" with your body and feelings what is

Sep 18, 2020 11 PM(Sep 18, 2020 to Sep 19, 2020)

Merc Oppos Sat

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and
doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and
caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the
flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas,
cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices 192/283
1/31/2020 Reading

dampen your spirits, however.

Sep 21, 2020 8 AM(Sep 20, 2020 to Sep 22, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Sun

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and

conducting business over the telephone, by email or through the written word is
the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than
usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well.
It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

Sep 23, 2020 7 PM(Sep 22, 2020 to Sep 24, 2020)

Ven Trine Sat

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and
neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile.
You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time
pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so
if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do

Sep 24, 2020 1 AM(Sep 24, 2020 to Sep 25, 2020)

Sun Trine Nep

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and 193/283
1/31/2020 Reading

atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the
inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of
kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace

Sep 25, 2020 12 PM(Sep 24, 2020 to Sep 26, 2020)

Sun Sqr Asc

Expect significant encounters, meeting individuals who are or will be important

players, at least for the moment. The focus is on relationship, balance, taking
each person's tastes, styles, needs, and personal agendas into account. There
may be some friction and adjustments needed. It is your choice whether you
want to compromise or go solo, but including the other makes for a fuller

Sep 26, 2020 1 PM(Sep 26, 2020 to Sep 27, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

Sep 27, 2020 12 AM(Sep 25, 2020 to Sep 28, 2020) 194/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Oppos MC

Relations with men, people in authority, or father figures are featured today. You
may be thinking about past successes or failures and how those influence what
you aim for now. There may be some friction between your will and someone
else's and a need to humble yourself in order for things to proceed. Seek win-
win situations.

Sep 27, 2020 (Sep 25, 2020 to Oct 29, 2020)

Sun 4th House

Focus on cultivating and nourishing those inner foundations that support your
life: home, family, heritage, a peaceful soul. This is a time to collect yourself, and
to fill your own well, however you do this. Time-honored traditions or activities
from the past that you used to enjoy hold meaning for you now. You may also
want to express yourself and your unique tastes and interests in your home.

Sep 28, 2020 3 PM(Sep 28, 2020 to Sep 29, 2020)

Merc Sqr Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to
let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

Sep 29, 2020 6 AM(Sep 24, 2020 to Oct 2, 2020) 195/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Qucnx Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to
work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

Sep 29, 2020 11 AM(Sep 28, 2020 to Sep 30, 2020)

Sun Oppos Mars

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried

approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what
you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to
moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal
best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good
expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-
exerting yourself.

Sep 29, 2020 7 PM(Sep 28, 2020 to Sep 30, 2020)

Sun Trine Ven

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're
in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax
with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The
sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is 196/283
1/31/2020 Reading

emphasized now.

Sep 29, 2020 11 PM(Sep 29, 2020 to Sep 30, 2020)

Merc Trine Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Sep 30, 2020 7 PM(Sep 30, 2020 to Oct 1, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Plu

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that

borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain
deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand
and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its
function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another

Oct 1, 2020 10 AM(Sep 30, 2020 to Oct 2, 2020)

Merc Qucnx MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be 197/283
1/31/2020 Reading

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Oct 1, 2020 3 PM(Sep 30, 2020 to Oct 2, 2020)

Sun Oppos Merc

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the
go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be
stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting
views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on
inconsequential matters.

Oct 1, 2020 3 PM(Sep 30, 2020 to Oct 2, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Jup

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly
optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities
in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything
now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually
beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

Oct 3, 2020 (Oct 2, 2020 to Oct 23, 2020) 198/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc 5th House

Creative ideas and a spontaneous flow of thoughts enlivens you now. Creative
writing, singing, composing, the artful use of language, engaging in intellectual
diversions or entertainment, reading for pleasure, competitive games that
involve skill and strategy, and simply playing with ideas are favored.

Oct 3, 2020 9 PM(Oct 2, 2020 to Oct 4, 2020)

Sun Trine Ura

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now.

This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think
outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite
important to you at the moment.

Oct 4, 2020 1 AM(Oct 4, 2020 to Oct 5, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Oct 4, 2020 2 AM(Oct 4, 2020 to Oct 5, 2020) 199/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Qucnx Nep

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to

people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors,
styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements)
strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a
little magic.

Oct 4, 2020 9 AM(Oct 4, 2020 to Oct 5, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will
be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.
It is a much better time to go shopping!

Oct 4, 2020 (Oct 3, 2020 to Oct 31, 2020)

Ven 3rd House

Courteous and friendly relations with neighbors and others in your immediate
environment typify this time cycle. It's a time of peacemaking and forming
bridges of good will and cooperation with people you meet on a daily or casual
basis. Sending notes of appreciation and similar loving gestures lighten the
atmosphere. Take time to do little favors, exchange pleasantries, notice the
flowers in your neighbor's garden, and comment on the positive things you see
around you. Focus on humor and lighthearted conversation. 200/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Oct 5, 2020 8 AM(Oct 4, 2020 to Oct 6, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Asc

A pleasant, affectionate, relaxed, or courteous attitude eases your interactions

now, and may open doors or help lighten troubled situations that you've been
working with lately.

You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it
all yourself. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a
favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment.

Oct 6, 2020 2 PM(Oct 6, 2020 to Oct 7, 2020)

Ven Qucnx MC

You enjoy playing the role of hostess or host, displaying your good taste,
affection, and appreciation for the finer things. Lightness, humor, and good times
shared is the focus for you now. Go to the extra trouble to decorate, embellish,
bring out your best china, and show people a good time. Opportunities to come
together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble free, will be beneficial

Oct 6, 2020 5 PM(Oct 5, 2020 to Oct 8, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now. 201/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Send and receive inspiring messages.

Oct 6, 2020 7 PM(Oct 5, 2020 to Oct 8, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

Oct 8, 2020 4 PM(Oct 8, 2020 to Oct 9, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Mars

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now.
You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you
may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more

Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a
satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so
compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the
picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant

Oct 8, 2020 10 PM(Oct 8, 2020 to Oct 9, 2020) 202/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Qucnx Ven

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close

relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease.
In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially
if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also
want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make
them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself
in some way and may avoid getting down to work.

Oct 9, 2020 6 PM(Oct 8, 2020 to Oct 10, 2020)

Ven Sqr Plu

Your interactions may bring up surprisingly intense feelings, pleasant or not.

Irrational attractions and desires, jealousies, or resentments may surface. You
may run into an ex (friend, in-law, lover) or someone or something that reminds
you of an old love or pain: a chance to put it to rest. You can also pour your heart
into a creative project you're in the midst of, using your intensified emotions to
create something new.

Oct 10, 2020 10 AM(Oct 10, 2020 to Oct 11, 2020)

Ven Oppos Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky! 203/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Oct 10, 2020 11 AM(Oct 10, 2020 to Oct 11, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Merc

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be
more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and
wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a
meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a
fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other
aesthetic decisions.

Oct 10, 2020 9 PM(Oct 8, 2020 to Oct 18, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

Oct 12, 2020 7 AM(Oct 12, 2020 to Oct 13, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Ura

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately

involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to
temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or
partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other
unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or 204/283
1/31/2020 Reading

a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

Oct 12, 2020 9 AM(Oct 12, 2020 to Oct 13, 2020)

Sun Oppos Sat

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a

rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate
satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and
simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for
thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize
and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you
can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

Oct 13, 2020 (Aug 21, 2020 to Nov 6, 2020)

Sat Trine Moon

Steadiness, stability, balance, and peace characterize your personal and

emotional life now. You enjoy solitude or quieter activities, attending to
domestic improvements or repairs or perhaps undertaking some task that
requires patience and attention to detail. Making a quilt, reorganizing your
financial affairs, undertaking a long writing project, or learning how to garden or
cook for the first time are such tasks. This is a period of ordering, organizing, and
"making right" your foundation - physical and emotional/psychological.

Positive Potentials:

You can bring the past (traditional ways, skills and knowledge; your heritage; the
wisdom and resources of your parents, grandparents, or other elders) to bear on
supporting your life now. 205/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Negative Potentials:

There are no real negatives associated with this time period, although your
mood is more somber, cautious, and conservative than usual.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Use this time well to create more security and well-being in your life. Planning
and making well-considered choices and investments, attending to your home,
inner needs and/or family life will reap benefits.

Oct 15, 2020 2 PM(Oct 14, 2020 to Oct 16, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Sun

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives which not turning away
from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not
entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and
contrasts presented now, and become cleared regarding your own path.

Oct 17, 2020 12 AM(Oct 8, 2020 to Oct 18, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ura

This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Ura) also occurred on Oct 10, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Oct 19, 2020 1 AM(Oct 15, 2020 to Oct 22, 2020) 206/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Conj Sat

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or

neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict
and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related
problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed
toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is
nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or
disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady,
gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

Oct 19, 2020 9 AM(Oct 18, 2020 to Oct 20, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Sat

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may
occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment
that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or
one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in
regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or
weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a

Oct 19, 2020 (Oct 9, 2020 to Oct 28, 2020)

Jup Sqr Sat

You are acutely aware of the tension between what you see is possible and what
you want to do versus what you actually have time for and can reasonably
accomplish within the framework of your current obligations. You may be
tempted to overextend yourself. To attempt to incorporate MORE without
eliminating anything leads to congestion, confusion, and imbalance. 207/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Paradoxically, you may find that you are happier, richer, and healthier with LESS
rather than more. The challenge is about discerning the difference between
quality and quantity, and making choices that will solidly benefit you in the long

Positive Potentials:

Improvements in your health habits, your daily routine, your work

responsibilities and your environment by eliminating lifeless elements.
Opportunities for growth, expansion, and furthering your ambitions in the
business, financial, or professional arena. Letting go of excessively cautious,
fearful, or security-oriented attitudes to permit new growth and well-being.

Negative Potentials:

Tension or frustration over duties and commitments that you perceive to be

oppressive may impel you to swing too far in the other direction, leading to
irresponsible behavior or unwise investments.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Don't try to do or have it all, at least not all at once. Expand your life in a patient,
well-considered manner. Ask yourself where you can upgrade the QUALITY of
your life by choosing to eliminate or decrease your involvement in some areas.

Solitude and seclusion may assist you in coming to clarity. Be willing to believe
that relief, improvements, and joy are possible for you in areas that have been
particularly hard or closed off in the past.

Oct 20, 2020 9 AM(Oct 20, 2020 to Oct 21, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Merc

This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx Merc) also occurred on Oct 6, 2020 208/283
1/31/2020 Reading

(peak date). Please refer to this date.

Oct 20, 2020 10 AM(Oct 20, 2020 to Oct 21, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

This astrological influence (Merc Trine Jup) also occurred on Oct 6, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Oct 22, 2020 12 AM(Oct 21, 2020 to Oct 22, 2020)

Ven Oppos Sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

Oct 22, 2020 6 AM(Oct 22, 2020 to Oct 23, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ven

This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Ven) also occurred on Oct 4, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date. 209/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Oct 22, 2020 12 PM(Oct 22, 2020 to Oct 23, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Oct 23, 2020 (Oct 23, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020)

Merc 4th House

There's apt to be a lot of activity, discussion, comings and goings, and possibly
short-term visitors in your home during this cycle. Conversations are apt to turn
to the past, and you can get a more objective view of your family history and
how others perceived past events. Open family dialogue is favored now. Writing
about your feelings and having deep, soulful discussions clarify your

Oct 24, 2020 9 AM(Oct 24, 2020 to Oct 25, 2020)

Ven Conj Moon

Loving affection, tenderness, and a strong appreciation for what's familiar color
this day. Your family, children, pets, home, or long time friends are sources of
happiness for you, and you'll want to bathe them in love. Indulgence, pampering,
and pleasuring - for yourself as well as others - feels like a necessity now. 210/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Relationships with women are favored.

Oct 24, 2020 10 AM(Oct 24, 2020 to Oct 25, 2020)

Sun Sqr Nep

Your will power, focus, and concentration are diffused somewhat now, and this is
not the best day to make critical decisions as you may be viewing people and
situations in an overly idealistic light. Hope and fantasies tend to obscure reality.
You also may want to put off activities in which discernment and mechanical
skill are necessary. This is a fine day for dreaming up ideas, getting inspiration, or
playing "let's pretend".

Oct 24, 2020 1 PM(Oct 24, 2020 to Oct 25, 2020)

Merc Qucnx MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Oct 25, 2020 5 PM(Oct 24, 2020 to Oct 26, 2020)

Merc Trine Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is 211/283
1/31/2020 Reading

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Oct 25, 2020 9 PM(Oct 24, 2020 to Oct 26, 2020)

Sun Trine Asc

The force is with you! Your vital energy is flowing well and your confidence is up,
so anything you attempt now is likely to succeed. You influence others through
personal direct contact, and without much effort. Work with what inspires you,
gives you energy, or matters most to you, and expect great results. Express

Oct 26, 2020 8 PM(Oct 26, 2020 to Oct 27, 2020)

Merc Sqr Nep

Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious

can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off
important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to
let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

Oct 27, 2020 (Sep 30, 2020 to Nov 21, 2020) 212/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ura Sxtil Jup

During this cycle, you are attracted to unorthodox, unconventional, eccentric or

inspirational people, groups, and ideas. You need to be in an open atmosphere
in which fresh ideas and insights are welcomed, and experimental or unusual
thinking and methods are encouraged. Consciousness-expanding educational
experiences or travels are favored. You may have the impulse to expand your
social world to include the kinds of people who support your growth and
dreams, and who share your excitement about the things you are discovering.
Changes in your current alliances and friendships, in your religious
understanding and faith, and in your professional status will reflect your
expanded thinking. Teaching others and/or bettering others' lives is important to
you now, as well.

Positive Potentials:

Happy and fortuitous meetings, alliances, and shared cooperative ventures. An

expanded world view that allows for more optimism and excitement about the
future. Lucky breaks and unexpected good fortune.

Negative Potentials:


Remedies and Suggestions:

Take advantage of the expanded opportunities offered to you now, even if they
stretch you a bit past your comfort zone and current self-imposed restrictions.
Allow your sense of humor, play, and spontaneity to emerge in more settings.
Trust your inner promptings and intuitive impulses.

Oct 27, 2020 8 AM(Oct 26, 2020 to Oct 28, 2020) 213/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx MC

Relations with men, people in authority, or father figures are featured today. You
may be thinking about past successes or failures and how those influence what
you aim for now. There may be some friction between your will and someone
else's and a need to humble yourself in order for things to proceed. Seek win-
win situations.

Oct 29, 2020 (Oct 28, 2020 to Nov 27, 2020)

Sun 5th House

Play, self-expression, and taking risks to bring out your uniqueness is the focus
now. Your creative impulses are bright and strong and you need outlets in which
to let them shine. Solo efforts are preferable to collaborative ones, unless you
are allowed to direct or lead. You take pride in your creations.

Oct 29, 2020 6 AM(Oct 28, 2020 to Oct 30, 2020)

Ven Trine Nep

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be
asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to
your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both
happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical
assistance you can provide.

Oct 29, 2020 6 PM(Oct 28, 2020 to Oct 30, 2020) 214/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Mars

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried

approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what
you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to
moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal
best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good
expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-
exerting yourself.

Oct 30, 2020 1 AM(Oct 30, 2020 to Oct 31, 2020)

Sun Sqr Ven

There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend.
Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would
be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and
make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be
attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

Oct 30, 2020 11 AM(Oct 30, 2020 to Oct 31, 2020)

Ven Sqr Asc

A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your

attitude and decisions now. Overall this is apt to bring ease and engender
positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a
situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work
against you. Social engagements, pleasure outings, and even shopping are
favored. 215/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Oct 30, 2020 (July 19, 2020 to Dec 15, 2020)

Plu Sxtil Sun

Subtle but profound changes within you will have a tremendous effect upon
your relationships, quite possibly totally altering significant relationships in your
life. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty
arises. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and
these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. Group work is
very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious
awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive
changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.).

Positive Potentials:

A deepening of all your relationships, an "alchemical" relationship in which both

parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits
and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more

Negative Potentials:

If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you could get
overpowered or "swept away" by another person or group of stronger
individuals. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative
risks, as well as personal ones. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative
change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent
in the future. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before
a crisis occurs.

Oct 31, 2020 4 PM(Oct 30, 2020 to Nov 1, 2020) 216/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Oppos MC

You enjoy playing the role of hostess or host, displaying your good taste,
affection, and appreciation for the finer things. Lightness, humor, and good times
shared is the focus for you now. Go to the extra trouble to decorate, embellish,
bring out your best china, and show people a good time. Opportunities to come
together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble free, will be beneficial

Oct 31, 2020 (Oct 30, 2020 to Nov 26, 2020)

Ven 4th House

Your home can be a source of great pleasure, comfort, and enjoyment now, and
you may undertake a decorating, landscaping, or beautification project to
enhance it. Strenuous work is not what you want to be doing here, however,
because it's ease and delight that you're looking for. Intimate and happy
gatherings with family and close friends are favored and domestic relationships
in general are easier and friendlier. This would be an ideal time for a family

Oct 31, 2020 8 PM(Oct 30, 2020 to Nov 1, 2020)

Sun Trine Jup

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can
open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas,
or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is
apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching
out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous 217/283
1/31/2020 Reading


Oct 31, 2020 9 PM(Oct 30, 2020 to Nov 1, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Merc

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the
go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be
stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting
views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on
inconsequential matters.

Nov 2, 2020 4 PM(Nov 1, 2020 to Nov 3, 2020)

Ven Oppos Mars

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now.
You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you
may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more

Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a
satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so
compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the
picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant

Nov 2, 2020 10 PM(Nov 2, 2020 to Nov 3, 2020) 218/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Trine Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as

Nov 3, 2020 2 AM(Nov 3, 2020 to Nov 4, 2020)

Sun Sqr Ura

Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you
to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're
less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your
usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some

Nov 3, 2020 5 PM(Nov 3, 2020 to Nov 4, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Plu

Powerful romantic and creative energies are flowing now. A friendship

intensifies through deep sharing, or an erotic interlude evolves from a strongly
emotional connection. On another level, you may feel compelled to redesign or
remake your wardrobe, surroundings, or a creative project you're in the midst of,
to make it more pleasing, rich, and beautiful.

Nov 4, 2020 9 AM(Nov 3, 2020 to Nov 5, 2020) 219/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Oppos Merc

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be
more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and
wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a
meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a
fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other
aesthetic decisions.

Nov 4, 2020 9 AM(Nov 3, 2020 to Nov 5, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

Nov 6, 2020 4 AM(Nov 5, 2020 to Nov 7, 2020)

Ven Trine Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

Nov 11, 2020 11 AM(Nov 11, 2020 to Nov 12, 2020) 220/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Sat

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a

rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate
satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and
simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for
thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize
and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you
can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

Nov 11, 2020 (Nov 5, 2020 to Nov 17, 2020)

Jup Sxtil Sun

A sense of flow and ease characterizes this time period. Relationships of all
kinds flourish now, in part due to greater openness and tolerance on your end. If
there are areas of your life that have been difficult, you can begin to resolve
them. Ask others to help you, as they are especially willing to do so.

Positive Potentials:

A favorable time for any business transactions, legal matters, and coming to
mutually satisfying agreements. A very positive response to any public
presentation, social gathering or group effort you undertake. Gifts come from
unexpected sources and past generosity is repaid. An opportunity to travel
leading to an expanded network of friends and allies, furthering educational or
professional aims, and/or material benefits. Community involvement brings good

Negative Potentials:

Letting opportunities slip by because it's easier to relax and just be.

Remedies and Suggestions: 221/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Circulate, reach out, get back in touch with people you haven't heard from in a
while, seek out others you may have been hesitant to contact previously.

If you have given up on a particular dream or avenue, try once more. (Send that
manuscript out, make that phone call.) Surprisingly positive results can come
your way with a bit of effort on your part.

Nov 12, 2020 6 AM(Nov 11, 2020 to Nov 13, 2020)

Merc Sqr Nep

This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Nep) also occurred on Oct 26, 2020 (peak
date). Please refer to this date.

Nov 13, 2020 1 AM(Nov 13, 2020 to Nov 14, 2020)

Ven Oppos Sat

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may
occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment
that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or
one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in
regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or
weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a

Nov 13, 2020 11 AM(Nov 13, 2020 to Nov 14, 2020) 222/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Trine Asc

Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is

favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views
across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you
can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some
phone calls you've been putting off.

Nov 14, 2020 2 PM(Nov 13, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020)

Sun Trine Sun

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and
your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are
highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

Nov 14, 2020 3 PM(Nov 13, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020)

Merc Qucnx MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Nov 15, 2020 3 PM(Nov 15, 2020 to Nov 16, 2020) 223/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Qucnx Sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

Nov 16, 2020 (Nov 14, 2020 to Dec 5, 2020)

Merc 5th House

Creative ideas and a spontaneous flow of thoughts enlivens you now. Creative
writing, singing, composing, the artful use of language, engaging in intellectual
diversions or entertainment, reading for pleasure, competitive games that
involve skill and strategy, and simply playing with ideas are favored.

Nov 16, 2020 (Oct 22, 2020 to Dec 16, 2020)

Ura Qucnx Plu

Massive shifts in the world around you are impacting your life, and may be
forcing changes that you could not have foreseen. You may be uneasily
balancing the urge to hold steady and resist change, and the impulse to make
some kind of radical move. Certainly adjustments and rerouting your direction
and approach will be called for.

You may find yourself at odds with the collective current, or disturbed by the
impulses and energies of a different generation. Your ideals, beliefs, and
lifestyle may be severely challenged, because the world you envisioned is not
the one which you find around you now. 224/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Positive Potentials:

Finding a balance between preserving what you value, and letting go of the
known and familiar in order to adapt to unavoidable changes.

Negative Potentials:

Difficult and tumultuous transitions. Sudden, abrupt reversals.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Do not be heavy-handed, authoritarian, or extremely resistant to the adaptations

you are being asked to make now. The more fluid and open your attitude, the
less severe the challenge will be.

Nov 16, 2020 11 AM(Nov 15, 2020 to Nov 17, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Nov 16, 2020 4 PM(Nov 15, 2020 to Nov 17, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ven

Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis
on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to
enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will 225/283
1/31/2020 Reading

be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm.

It is a much better time to go shopping!

Nov 17, 2020 10 AM(Nov 17, 2020 to Nov 18, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Moon

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need
to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a
sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts
your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the

Nov 17, 2020 11 PM(Nov 17, 2020 to Nov 18, 2020)

Merc Trine Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now.
Send and receive inspiring messages.

Nov 17, 2020 11 PM(Nov 17, 2020 to Nov 18, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now, 226/283
1/31/2020 Reading

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic.

Nov 19, 2020 12 PM(Nov 19, 2020 to Nov 20, 2020)

Merc Sqr Ura

Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually

impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of
direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or
tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously
slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your
head or jaws - then proceed.

Nov 22, 2020 5 PM(Nov 21, 2020 to Nov 23, 2020)

Ven Sqr Nep

Your romantic imagination is stimulated today. You're apt to be attracted to

people or things that are soft, beautiful, dreamy, enchanting, inspiring. Colors,
styles, music and atmospheres (scents, candles, aesthetic arrangements)
strongly influence your mood, so notice what feels good to your soul and make a
little magic.

Nov 23, 2020 7 AM(Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 24, 2020) 227/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Sxtil Nep

Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and
atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the
inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of
kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace

Nov 23, 2020 9 PM(Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 24, 2020)

Ven Trine Asc

A pleasant, affectionate, relaxed, or courteous attitude eases your interactions

now, and may open doors or help lighten troubled situations that you've been
working with lately.

You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it
all yourself. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a
favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment.

Nov 24, 2020 5 PM(Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 25, 2020)

Sun Qucnx Asc

Expect significant encounters, meeting individuals who are or will be important

players, at least for the moment. The focus is on relationship, balance, taking
each person's tastes, styles, needs, and personal agendas into account. There
may be some friction and adjustments needed. It is your choice whether you
want to compromise or go solo, but including the other makes for a fuller
picture. 228/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Nov 25, 2020 2 AM(Nov 25, 2020 to Nov 26, 2020)

Ven Qucnx MC

You enjoy playing the role of hostess or host, displaying your good taste,
affection, and appreciation for the finer things. Lightness, humor, and good times
shared is the focus for you now. Go to the extra trouble to decorate, embellish,
bring out your best china, and show people a good time. Opportunities to come
together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble free, will be beneficial

Nov 25, 2020 2 AM(Nov 25, 2020 to Nov 26, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Sat

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and
doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and
caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the
flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas,
cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices
dampen your spirits, however.

Nov 26, 2020 4 AM(Nov 25, 2020 to Nov 27, 2020)

Sun Trine MC

The force is with you, go for your personal best! Father figures or those in a
position to help you further your aims are encouraging and receptive to what
you propose. Back up your words with action, follow through with a solid effort,
and expect success. This is an ideal time to express what you really want, to 229/283
1/31/2020 Reading

show some style, and let the world know who you are.

Nov 26, 2020 (Nov 25, 2020 to Dec 20, 2020)

Ven 5th House

Spontaneous loving and playfulness make this a happy period, one in which you
show your heart and affections freely. All creative arts, sociable games,
pleasurable sports or entertainments can also be a source of delight, and you
enjoy putting the stamp of your personal style on these activities. Your romantic
energies are stimulated and unless other astrological factors inhibit it, this is a
wonderful period for amorous alliances.

Nov 27, 2020 1 AM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 28, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Mars

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now.
You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you
may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more

Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a
satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so
compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the
picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant

Nov 27, 2020 3 AM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 28, 2020) 230/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Trine Sun

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to
present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something
new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened
and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

Nov 27, 2020 (Nov 26, 2020 to Dec 24, 2020)

Sun 6th House

You are focused on your work, and on doing your daily tasks as well as you can.
You are interested in improving the quality of the service you provide and
upgrading efficiency and/or your skills. You may be recognized for your excellent
work, but mainly you want the satisfaction of a job well done. You also have to
attend to little niggling details. If your regular routine doesn't provide you
satisfaction now, you need to look at where you can make improvements.

Nov 27, 2020 7 AM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 28, 2020)

Ven Sqr Ven

Differences in tastes, style, or aesthetic preferences may arise in a close

relationship, but you can compromise and satisfy both people with relative ease.
In fact your differences may be very stimulating and attractive to you, especially
if the connection is a romantic one. Love is definitely in the air! You may also
want to enhance or change your wardrobe, furnishings, or surroundings to make
them more comfortable and appealing. Probably you'll want to indulge yourself
in some way and may avoid getting down to work. 231/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Nov 27, 2020 (Nov 22, 2020 to Dec 2, 2020)

Jup Trine Moon

Optimism, emotional openness and generosity, and a general feeling of

hopefulness and security characterize this time period. You exude a sense of
well-being and your positive expectations attract happy experiences and
outcomes. Unless other astrological factors promote focused activity and drive,
you may not be motivated to do much, but good things come into your life
anyway. Mostly, you just feel good "for no reason". Just being around you
encourages and buoys others' spirits.

If you have been having hard or stressful times for a while, you will feel a greater
sense of ease even if nothing changes externally. A new mentor or source of
support and nurturance may also come to you now.

This is an excellent time for a refreshing break or vacation.

Positive Potentials:

Increased social and emotional confidence and ease. Assistance from and/or
agreeable relationships with those in authority or positions of leadership.
Increased rapport and empathy with children family, or others. An expanded
sense of "family"; including others into your family circle. Improvements or
happy events in the home.

Negative Potentials:

If you have a difficult task, deadlines, or a demanding project that really needs
your attention, you may not feel inclined to expend the effort now. Just enjoying
the present while blowing off commitments or responsibilities may be a
temptation. Procrastination or "letting" someone else do the disagreeable work.

Remedies and Suggestions:

All in all, this is an agreeable time period as long as you avoid the indulgences
described above. It is a good time to sponsor a social event and share your good
fortune with others, or to accept invitations to extend and expand personally, 232/283
1/31/2020 Reading

emotionally, and socially.

Nov 28, 2020 2 PM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020)

Sun Trine Mars

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move
your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going
into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your
way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be
a successful strategy at this time.

Nov 28, 2020 5 PM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020)

Ven Trine Jup

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this
time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax
a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your
money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your
way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

Nov 28, 2020 6 PM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Merc

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be
more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and 233/283
1/31/2020 Reading

wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a
meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a
fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other
aesthetic decisions.

Nov 28, 2020 9 PM(Nov 27, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Ven

Pleasantness and a personal touch ease all situations you find yourself in. You're
in a lighthearted mood and prefer being around people you enjoy and can relax
with, and unless your work pleases you, you probably won't want to do it. The
sweet and frivolous side of life, or doing something just for pleasure, is
emphasized now.

Nov 28, 2020 11 PM(Nov 28, 2020 to Nov 29, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Moon

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially
close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as
sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and
connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can
be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal
letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

Nov 29, 2020 8 PM(Nov 29, 2020 to Nov 30, 2020) 234/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Conj Plu

Deep feelings, desires, fascinations, and compulsions move you now, revealing
aspects of yourself that usually don't show on the surface. You may be
extremely single-minded and driven to do, accomplish, have, or learn about
something. Something that has been hidden or lost may come to light. Try to be
aware of what's motivating you today, and refrain from forcing your agenda onto

Nov 30, 2020 12 PM(Nov 29, 2020 to Dec 1, 2020)

Ven Sqr Ura

Some tension between being independent and being close or intimately

involved could arise now. A need for some personal space or an urge to
temporarily disengage and go off on your own may be part of this, or a friend or
partner may express those needs. A last-minute change of plans, or some other
unexpected event, challenges your ability to stay connected; a sudden break or
a quick beginning to a new friendship or romance is equally likely.

Nov 30, 2020 3 PM(Nov 29, 2020 to Dec 1, 2020)

Sun Sqr Jup

You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly
optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities
in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything
now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually
beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance. 235/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Nov 30, 2020 4 PM(Nov 29, 2020 to Dec 1, 2020)

Sun Trine Merc

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning
and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business
or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use
your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an
excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

Dec 2, 2020 6 PM(Dec 2, 2020 to Dec 3, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Nep

Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations

today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing
their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly
distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another
dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

Dec 2, 2020 8 PM(Dec 1, 2020 to Dec 3, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Ura

Creative license, spontaneity, improvisation, and discovery are stimulated now.

This is a good time for any activity that requires you to experiment and think
outside the box. Your freedom to express yourself in your own way is quite
important to you at the moment. 236/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 3, 2020 4 PM(Dec 3, 2020 to Dec 4, 2020)

Merc Qucnx Asc

Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something
that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into
gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep
yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

Dec 4, 2020 3 PM(Dec 3, 2020 to Dec 5, 2020)

Merc Trine MC

Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent

time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision you've come to. Ideas
come flooding in now, too, and you're able to assimilate all kinds of new
information. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored.

Dec 5, 2020 (Dec 4, 2020 to Dec 22, 2020)

Merc 6th House

Your thoughts are focused on work and immediate practical issues, with an eye
toward improving efficiency, organizing, managing, and facilitating
communication and understanding on the job. The pace of your work
environment is quickened, with lots of ideas and new information coming in. You
may learn a skill or piece of technical information that assists your work
performance. 237/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 6, 2020 4 AM(Dec 5, 2020 to Dec 7, 2020)

Merc Trine Mars

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack
of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is
the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and
intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the
other person's side of things.

Dec 6, 2020 9 AM(Dec 5, 2020 to Dec 7, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Ven

Communicating affection and appreciation come easily to you today. You speak
personably and pleasantly now, making even casual interactions sweet. By
overlooking superficial differences and focusing on harmonizing and
understanding, you build bridges between yourself and others or between two
parties who have been at odds. This is also a wonderful time to send flowers,
write a love letter, or to discuss matters of aesthetics and personal style. Heavy
topics will wait for another day.

Dec 7, 2020 12 AM(Dec 6, 2020 to Dec 7, 2020)

Merc Conj Plu

You have exceptional concentration and can focus your mind on solving difficult
problems, unearthing the contacts or the information you need, relentlessly
probing until you get to the core of a matter. You may also have an especially
heavy or deep conversation, with issues that have been buried for sometime
coming up for re-examination. Taboo topics, extremely private information, or 238/283
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things that you'd forgotten enter your awareness.

Dec 7, 2020 6 AM(Dec 7, 2020 to Dec 8, 2020)

Ven Qucnx Sat

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may
occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment
that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or
one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in
regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or
weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a

Dec 7, 2020 12 PM(Dec 7, 2020 to Dec 8, 2020)

Merc Sqr Jup

Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with
the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel
plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be
harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting
mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with
humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway

Dec 7, 2020 1 PM(Dec 7, 2020 to Dec 8, 2020) 239/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Trine Merc

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the
right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now,
including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across,
reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a
conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

Dec 8, 2020 10 PM(Dec 8, 2020 to Dec 9, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Ura

You have a touch of creative genius in your thinking today. Your ability to see
things in a new light, to experiment and think outside the box, can deliver up
some surprising insights. You may be moved by an out-of-the-blue impulse to
call or contact someone, to vary your usual route or to do things in a different
order than you normally would. Doing small things like this keeps you awake
and interested.

Dec 9, 2020 7 PM(Dec 9, 2020 to Dec 10, 2020)

Ven Trine Sun

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming,
lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and
cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of
harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you
will attract loving people into your experience. 240/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 10, 2020 6 PM(Dec 7, 2020 to Dec 14, 2020)

Mars Conj Sat

At this time you are especially sensitive to being thwarted, frustrated, or

neglected, and it may seem as if all your efforts are for naught. Internal conflict
and friction, especially old anger and resentment, can aggravate stress-related
problems. The destructive forces inherent in this moment can be directed
toward work in which tearing down, cleaning out, or eliminating whatever is
nonfunctional is the focus. Concentrate on making order or doing hard or
disagreeable tasks, and be patient with yourself and the world. Slow, steady,
gentle, and persistent effort is the key now.

Dec 11, 2020 3 AM(Dec 11, 2020 to Dec 12, 2020)

Sun Trine Sat

You have good stamina, concentration, and a focus on taking care of earthly
realities, practical necessities, and chores. Inner satisfaction comes from
accomplishing your tasks and meeting responsibilities. You may not be
especially gregarious or jovial now unless other astrological factors are strong,
but you can definitely have a solid sense of achievement at the end of the day.

Dec 12, 2020 2 AM(Dec 11, 2020 to Dec 13, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Moon

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for.
Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now,
and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes
you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now. 241/283
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However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

Dec 14, 2020 5 AM(Dec 13, 2020 to Dec 15, 2020)

Sun Sqr Sun

Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives while not turning away
from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not
entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and
contrasts presented now, and become clearer regarding your own path.

Dec 14, 2020 7 AM(Dec 13, 2020 to Dec 15, 2020)

Merc Trine Sat

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or
technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with
practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing
tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking
care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do
your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination,
either written or oral.

Dec 16, 2020 (Nov 15, 2020 to Mar 12, 2021)

Ura Sqr Ven

This period can bring electrifying, exhilarating, unexpected awakening to new 242/283
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love, or disruptive and difficult changes in your partnerships and closest

relationships. In any case, the status quo is apt to be upset. Restlessness and a
craving for different types of pleasure, attractions to styles of art or music or
people that are unusual, or a desire to experiment sexually or creatively are
some of the ways you may experience this. Relationships that have become
predictable, dull, overly possessive and restrictive, or too dependent, will be
hardest hit. On the other hand, new vitality, spontaneity and excitement can
infuse your relationships if both people are open and willing to change.
Relationships which are initiated now may not be very reliable or long-lasting.

Positive Potentials:

Freshness and aliveness reawakened in relationships. Creative experimentation,

inspiration, innovation and excitement. Artistic genius and unconventionality
leading to new forms of expression.

Negative Potentials:

Insensitivity and self-centeredness towards others. An adolescent rebelliousness

toward the normal give and take in any human relationship. Impulsive or
shocking behavior which will be regretted later.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid extreme solutions to relationship difficulties, such as irrevocably severing

important and valuable connections in your desire for freedom or a new
relationship. On the other hand, if your partner is leaving, don't resist or demand
loyalty. Giving space, independence, and flexibility will allow the relationships
to continue to evolve either back together or towards a friendlier resolution.

Dec 16, 2020 7 AM(Dec 15, 2020 to Dec 17, 2020)

Merc Sqr Sun

Opening up lines of communication, actively initiating discussions, and 243/283
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conducting business over the telephone, by email, or through the written word is
the theme of the day. You are clear and factual, and probably more chatty than
usual. You may be inundated with phone calls or be running around a lot as well.
It may be hard for you to sit still. A busy day!

Dec 16, 2020 8 PM(Dec 16, 2020 to Dec 17, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Nep

Sympathy for the underdog or a friend in need moves you now. You may be
asked to help out someone in confusion or distress, or to show unselfishness to
your love partner. Going the extra mile for someone else will make you both
happy, and your spiritual support may be more important than the practical
assistance you can provide.

Dec 17, 2020 12 AM(Dec 17, 2020 to Dec 18, 2020)

Sun Sqr Moon

Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes,
or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now.
Strained relationships, irritability, or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm
are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny
or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a
little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

Dec 18, 2020 12 AM(Dec 17, 2020 to Dec 18, 2020) 244/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Qucnx Asc

A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your

attitude and decisions now. Overall this is apt to bring ease and engender
positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a
situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work
against you. Social engagements, pleasure outings, and even shopping are

Dec 18, 2020 3 AM(Dec 17, 2020 to Dec 19, 2020)

Merc Sqr Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to
do so now. Phone home!

Dec 19, 2020 4 AM(Dec 19, 2020 to Dec 20, 2020)

Ven Trine MC

Your ability to harmonize, to create bridges between two polarized "camps", or

simply to get along with people, assists you professionally. You're more sensitive
to the personal element of your work; appreciating and being appreciated for
what you contribute is highlighted. You may be tempted to play matchmaker
also! 245/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 20, 2020 (Dec 19, 2020 to Jan 10, 2021)

Ven 6th House

Your daily work routine and relationship with co-workers, employers, or

employees is rather pleasant, although you may feel more like socializing than
working. An office romance of flirtation, or playing matchmaker at work, may be
part of the picture. You're most successful doing tasks that involve cooperation
and team harmony, and/or the personal, human side of things.

Dec 21, 2020 3 AM(Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 22, 2020)

Ven Trine Mars

Passionate love and powerful creative drives are stimulated now. If you work in
any of the arts, this can be an enormously productive time when your energy
and sense of beauty and style really come together. Happy collaborative efforts
of all kinds are featured. Camaraderie, friendship, and affection, even with
people you normally don't socialize with, can be expected. In a romantic
relationship, this can be a very special time. If you wish it, make it so!

Dec 21, 2020 8 AM(Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 22, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Ven

Cooperation, affection, and sweet feelings color this moment. All friendships and
intimate or personal interactions are highly favored. Certainly you won't want to
be alone today, nor need you be. Any overtures you make will be gladly
received. Love is flowing! You may feel a bit lazy and pleasantly indulgent as 246/283
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Dec 22, 2020 3 AM(Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 23, 2020)

Ven Conj Plu

Strong feelings are evoked in a close relationship. Perhaps a thorny issue that
you thought had been settled will arise. Old hurts or hungers, or a particularly
compelling desire for intimacy and connection, may be stirred up. Let your
wishes, desires, and feelings flow, without blame or demands to be emotionally
"fed" by someone who may be unwilling or unable to respond as you want them
to. This can be an intensely creative time if you pour your energies into making
something beautiful.

Dec 22, 2020 7 PM(Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 23, 2020)

Ven Sqr Jup

You may find it hard to stay on task today or to do any unpleasant, demanding
work. Tendencies toward excess extravagance, self-indulgence or laziness are
amplified now. On the plus side, you can enjoy yourself quite a lot, especially
around people. You're generous, playful, good-humored - even lucky!

Dec 22, 2020 7 PM(Dec 22, 2020 to Dec 23, 2020)

Ven Trine Merc

Pleasantries, humor, and a light touch sweeten your interactions today. You have 247/283
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an extra measure of tact and charm when talking on the phone, writing letters, or
meeting people and you tend to veer away from controversial or unpleasant
topics. Your mind may be pleasantly lazy. Light romantic comedies, "fun" fiction,
and a break from serious striving appeal to you. Social or cultural events are

Dec 22, 2020 7 PM(Dec 22, 2020 to Dec 23, 2020)

Merc Oppos Asc

Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something
that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into
gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep
yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

Dec 22, 2020 (Dec 22, 2020 to Jan 9, 2021)

Merc 7th House

Communication with significant others is featured, with an emphasis on mutual

understanding, listening and receiving the other's point of view and perceptions,
and giving others access to relevant information. You seek out ideas and counsel
to balance and fill out your own understanding. However you could get caught in
a verbal tennis match, playing tit for tat, and leave your heart and feelings out of
the discussion. If you avoid playing mental games and focus instead on clear,
honest communication, you'll get the most from your interactions.

Dec 23, 2020 5 PM(Dec 23, 2020 to Dec 24, 2020) 248/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr MC

Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be

wise now. The more uncluttered and systematic you are, the more good ideas,
decisions, and directions can emerge. Speaking with a parent or elder and
getting their perspective, or working something through with them, is also useful

Dec 24, 2020 6 AM(Dec 23, 2020 to Dec 25, 2020)

Sun Oppos Asc

Expect significant encounters, meeting individuals who are or will be important

players, at least for the moment. The focus is on relationship, balance, taking
each person's tastes, styles, needs, and personal agendas into account. There
may be some friction and adjustments needed. It is your choice whether you
want to compromise or go solo, but including the other makes for a fuller

Dec 24, 2020 (Dec 23, 2020 to Jan 21, 2021)

Sun 7th House

Your focus is on relationships, coupling, and balancing your personal interests

and objectives with what would be best for a significant other. The emphasis is
on "us" rather than "me". You need the energies, companionship, and support of
other people, and they also are drawing upon you a great deal. It's important to
give others credit and recognition, and to attempt to harmonize and include
others rather than to go solo. 249/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 24, 2020 1 PM(Dec 23, 2020 to Dec 25, 2020)

Ven Sxtil Ura

This is an excellent time to meet new people, to try on a more daring, updated,
or unconventional style, and to break out of your usual social circle. Improvise,
be spontaneous, and don't be afraid to show your eccentricities or unusual taste.
You can wake up and reinvigorate a love relationship that's become too
predictable or stale. Loosen up and remember what it's like to play!

Dec 25, 2020 5 AM(Dec 25, 2020 to Dec 26, 2020)

Merc Sqr Mars

You may be challenged to defend your ideas, plans, or methods at this time.
Thinking on your feet and rapid responses will be necessary, and a few hot
words may be exchanged. Certainly you can elect to keep a cool head and avoid
unnecessary verbal confrontation, but it will take some effort now. Wear
soothing, cool colors like blue or lavender, and avoid red!

Dec 25, 2020 (Dec 23, 2020 to June 6, 2021)

Jup 8th House

During this cycle you can gain a much broader understanding of the deeper
forces at work within yourself and in the world. Deep personal growth and
healing occurs through exploring arenas that may have been taboo for you,
especially some aspects of sexuality and/or money. Partnerships, both personal
and professional, in which the two of you join your assets are highly favorable.
Such a partnership formed at this time is likely to be quite fruitful, enriching
your life on many levels. 250/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Business and finance is another arena that can be a source of growth. You may
successfully expand the scope of your activities, or your knowledge of how to
navigate in the business world.

Dec 25, 2020 5 PM(Dec 25, 2020 to Dec 26, 2020)

Sun Sqr MC

Relations with men, people in authority, or father figures are featured today. You
may be thinking about past successes or failures and how those influence what
you aim for now. There may be some friction between your will and someone
else's and a need to humble yourself in order for things to proceed. Seek win-
win situations.

Dec 26, 2020 (Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 30, 2020)

Jup Conj Nep

Expanded feelings of hope and faith, positive expectation and belief color this
time period for you. You take a vacation from realism, skepticism, and
conservatism, and indulge in far reaching fantasies and dreams, philosophical
speculations, or idealistic wishes. You may long to travel to an exotic or romantic
place, and if you have the means, this would be a fine time to do so. You also
want to make ordinary life more ideal or magical. You may be distracted from
your usual tasks, less attentive to work that involves detail or routine, more
restless and discontented with the limits in your life.

A spirit of great altruism and sympathy for the welfare of others may visit you
also, inspiring you to give generously and participate more widely in the world
around you. 251/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Positive Potentials:

Positive hopes and faith lead to positive expectations. Greater trust in and sense
of connection to the larger reality. Concern for the greater good and the care and
protection of those near and far. Dreaming big dreams. Visiting a magical place.

Negative Potentials:

Grandiosity and inflated expectations may lead you to gamble or take financial
risks based on overly optimistic assumptions. Ungrounded, unrealistic, and naive

Remedies and Suggestions:

Take a vacation from your usual concerns, worries, and efforts. Read books that
carry you away, that inspire you to live more hopefully, that expand your vision
and sense of what is possible. Let your imagination explore possibilities. Let
yourself dream big dreams for you and the world.

However, beware of trusting too much in luck or providence. If you want to live
out your dreams then be willing to actualize them by taking realistic steps,
rather than hoping they will fall into your lap. Or, you can first enjoy the pleasure
and uplifting feelings you get simply by dreaming.

Dec 26, 2020 1 PM(Dec 25, 2020 to Dec 27, 2020)

Merc Sqr Merc

Intellectual bantering or a difference of opinion may create some friction now,

but you can gain objectivity and another way of seeing something. You may be
restless, curious, and in need of intellectual stimulation, or feel a bit
overstimulated and nervous. You don't need caffeine! Slow down a little,
especially in traffic. 252/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Dec 26, 2020 1 PM(Dec 25, 2020 to Dec 27, 2020)

Merc Sxtil Jup

Your mind is positive and you are thinking in broader terms at the moment. Your
intuition and sense of future trends is keen. Commercial ventures and
transactions, communicating to a wider audience, teaching or learning, and
making sound decisions based on seeing the bigger picture is the focus now.
Send and receive inspiring messages.

Dec 27, 2020 3 PM(Dec 25, 2020 to Dec 30, 2020)

Mars Qucnx Moon

Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be
especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of
emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because
what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own
impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of
the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to
work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off
steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

Dec 28, 2020 2 AM(Dec 27, 2020 to Dec 29, 2020)

Sun Sqr Mars

A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried

approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what
you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to
moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal 253/283
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best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good
expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-
exerting yourself.

Dec 29, 2020 (Dec 27, 2020 to Feb 1, 2022)

Sat 8th House

The issues during this period are achieving a deeper level of sharing,
cooperating, and blending your energies and values with those of others. Fears
of surrendering and losing control may prevent you from fully merging
emotionally and/or in material matters. Money - who has more, who has less,
and the resultant power issues that come out of that - can be a big factor now.
Needing to become more financially self-reliant or becoming more serious and
dedicated to solving joint financial problems and/or differences in values may
also be part of the stew.

On another level, you may be more acutely aware of deeper forces within
yourself that are inhibiting your vitality and happiness. Understanding the ways
you withhold yourself and/or becoming more acutely aware of your own
mortality can move you to become more committed to life.

Dec 30, 2020 3 AM(Dec 29, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020)

Sun Sxtil Jup

Your best self shines forth and you radiate an expectation of success, which can
open many doors for you at this time. You are drawn to the people, places, ideas,
or information that can profit you the most, and whatever comes to you now is
apt to be of benefit. Extending yourself, widening your comfort zone, reaching
out, and acting on your intuition enables you to make the most of this fortuitous 254/283
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Dec 30, 2020 4 AM(Dec 29, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020)

Sun Sqr Merc

You are apt to be busy, moving around a lot, and interacting with people on the
go. You have quite a bit of mental energy and may be restless if you have to be
stationary for too long. Lots of ideas are being batted back and forth. Conflicting
views and opinions serve to clarify your own thinking. Seek compromises on
inconsequential matters.

Dec 30, 2020 (Dec 21, 2020 to Jan 8, 2021)

Sat Conj Nep

The theme of this time could be practical application of visionary ideals - or

coming down to earth with a thud.

Initially this can be a time of sober realizations, squarely facing any illusions,
deceptions, or patterns of escapism and avoidance that you may have.
Addictions or dependencies will be seen for what they are. If you over-idealize
someone or something, there may well be a disappointment or serious breach of
trust which causes you to reassess.

You may have to contend with a mood of spiritual isolation. Perhaps a source of
creative inspiration dries up or the places you once went for comfort seem
unavailable. It's a time of deepening, maturing, and testing of your faith. You
may choose solitude, retreat, voluntary simplicity, and aloneness as a way to
reconnect with your spirit.

Physically, your energies are less hardy now, so it's wise to conserve them. 255/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Positive Potentials:

Commitment to really living your spiritual values, ideals, and visions. More
disciplined effort in overcoming negative dependencies and habits can lead to
substantial changes for the better. Devotional and spiritual practices which truly
resonate with your soul. Ability to give up, do without, or surrender negative

Negative Potentials:

Tendency to see one's weaknesses, immaturity and vulnerability in a harsh light.

Cynicism towards oneself or the world. A gloomy, anxious, disheartened mood.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid activities and people who reinforce a fearful perspective, whether in the
form of "entertainment" or "spirituality", or simply people who drain your
emotional resources. Simplify your life.

If you are so inclined, this can be an excellent period to work with rocks, crystals,
and earth energies for spiritual or healing purposes. Create a medicine wheel, a
labyrinth, or a healing garden with rocks. Meditate with crystals, or seek out a
nontraditional healer who use them in his or her work. Seek help for addictive
patterns you wish to be free of.

Dec 31, 2020 7 AM(Dec 31, 2020 to Jan 1, 2021)

Ven Trine Sat

Worries and pressures are eased now, especially if you've been overworking and
neglecting your friends. You can lighten up a bit, relax, remember how to smile.
You may seek out someone who is a bit older than you or a reliable long time
pal to spend some time with. Your money sense is quite sound at the moment so 256/283
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if you're considering a purchase or investment, this is an auspicious day to do


Jan 1, 2021 (Dec 28, 2020 to Jan 5, 2021)

Jup Qucnx Asc

You are being challenged to be more tolerant, inclusive, and broad in your
outlook and dealings with others. Co-workers, in-laws, or others you contend
with now offer you opportunities to move out of your comfort zone and into new
territory. For instance, you may socialize with them if you don't usually do so,
attend a worship service in their faith community, play sports with them, or go
out of your way to help them in some manner. If you are willing to expand in
some way, you foster improved relationships and a fund of goodwill. Openness,
willingness, and good humor, especially in awkward or tense situations, helps
resolve issues and create positive outcomes.

Positive Potentials:

Including more into your world, even if it is a stretch for you, benefits your

Negative Potentials:

Being more involved with others at work or socially brings mixed blessings,
especially if you don't know the customs of the world you are stepping into.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Laughter, especially at yourself and your own foolishness, is the best medicine.

Jan 2, 2021 2 AM(Jan 2, 2021 to Jan 3, 2021) 257/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Merc Sqr Sat

You tend to see road blocks and obstacles, or come up against skepticism and
doubt from within yourself or from others. Listen to the voice of prudence and
caution, and do not attempt to press forward. Instead, pull back and see the
flaws that can be worked on. Focus on repairs, strengthening weak areas,
cleaning up and refining your presentation. Beware of letting negative voices
dampen your spirits, however.

Jan 2, 2021 7 PM(Jan 2, 2021 to Jan 3, 2021)

Ven Sqr Sun

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from
someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth
over differences, all is apt to turn out well. At the very least, you'll learn
something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. In fact, your
differences may be appealing. As long as egos don't interfere, love will reign!

Jan 4, 2021 1 AM(Jan 4, 2021 to Jan 5, 2021)

Merc Sxtil Sun

Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to
present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something
new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened
and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

Jan 5, 2021 2 AM(Jan 4, 2021 to Jan 6, 2021) 258/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Sqr Moon

You need pampering and tender loving care right now, not because you aren't
well but because you simply crave it. Indulging yourself with treats, sweets,
shopping, or whatever gives you comfort may be hard to resist. This is a good
time to schedule a massage, hairstyling appointment, or a play date with your
kids or a very good friend. However, try to avoid being too needy or demanding
with them.

Jan 5, 2021 6 PM(Jan 5, 2021 to Jan 6, 2021)

Merc Trine Moon

Conversations with women, with family, and with people you are especially
close to or have a long history with are going well now. By listening as well as
sharing your own experiences and feelings, you deepen your rapport and
connection. Telling stories, reminiscing, and discussing what is in your soul can
be very rewarding. You are likely not only to hear, but to understand. Personal
letter writing or journaling would also be fruitful activities.

Jan 7, 2021 (Jan 3, 2021 to Jan 12, 2021)

Jup Sxtil MC

A promising opportunity, promotion, bonus, or positive recognition for your

contributions is likely at this time. Your relationship to authorities, bosses, and
"higher-ups" is quite good now and they are open to your requests and

If you have been on shaky ground or experiencing uncomfortable circumstances

at work, this is the time to make major improvements, either by making amends
and building bridges or by finding a new position. In general, your outlook is 259/283
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hopeful and positive, which attracts the best possible options to you at this time.
Increased prosperity, satisfaction, and well-being characterize this period, and
it's an excellent time to make decisions and to go forward with plans. You see
the larger view and sense the future direction that you wish to follow. Helpful
new contacts come in now also.

Positive Potentials:

Broadening your education, sphere of activities, and/or connections. Public

recognition, honors, benefactors. Seeing solutions and healing options to
ongoing problems in some arena.

Negative Potentials:

None likely.

Remedies and Suggestions:

To gain the most from the positive potentials of this cycle, be PROACTIVE. Follow
through on the ideas and expansive urges you have, reach out to people, and in
general extend yourself and make yourself and your intentions known. A little
bit of effort goes a long way now, and the world will meet you more than

Jan 9, 2021 (Jan 8, 2021 to Mar 17, 2021)

Merc 8th House

Focus the light of understanding and honest communication on emotionally-

charged topics such as sexuality and intimacy, feelings about the power
dynamics in your partnerships, and money you share with significant others. You
can have a more objective and fair view of such things now, and could clarify
any long-standing issues related to any of this. On a practical level, it is the time
to handle joint finances, material assets or property you hold in common with 260/283
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another, and matters pertaining to inheritances, taxes, or commercial interests.

Jan 9, 2021 9 AM(Jan 8, 2021 to Jan 10, 2021)

Merc Conj Nep

You may notice that your mind is a bit fuzzy at the moment, or that you just can't
concentrate on practical matters and immediate tasks. Perhaps you need a
mental vacation, like reading a book that captures your imagination, going to see
a movie, as simply relaxing your mental focus and enjoying the magic of the
birds singing outside your window. Minor miscommunications or
misunderstandings can arise now. Certainly it is not the best day to negotiate a
business transaction or any other activity that requires sharp, decisive
discrimination. You might miss important pieces, so save such activities for
another day.

Jan 9, 2021 1 PM(Jan 8, 2021 to Jan 10, 2021)

Sun Sqr Sat

You may feel somewhat diminished or discouraged now, perhaps from a

rejection or other disheartening event. In any case, no quick or immediate
satisfaction is likely now. It's best to slow down, conserve your energy, and
simply get to work on what needs to be done. Rather than blame the world for
thwarting you, attend to your immediate obligations. Do something to organize
and bring order to your environment or practical affairs. You'll feel better if you
can make some concrete progress, no matter how small.

Jan 10, 2021 1 AM(Jan 7, 2021 to Jan 12, 2021) 261/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars Sqr Nep

You may be a bit unfocused or unsure of how to direct your energy at the
moment. Circumstances may be confusing, strange, or in flux. It's fine not to do
anything right now. Trying to press forward will yield mixed results. Avoid
extremes, quixotic missions, or acting on ill-considered impulses.

Jan 10, 2021 6 AM(Jan 10, 2021 to Jan 11, 2021)

Merc Qucnx Asc

Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something
that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into
gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep
yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

Jan 10, 2021 (Jan 9, 2021 to Feb 2, 2021)

Ven 7th House

Beautiful and affectionate relationships are the focus now. You want and need
others and go out of your way to meet, share, cooperate, and harmonize with
them. This is an excellent time to begin a new romance or to shower your
partner, lover, or friends with love and understanding. You may sacrifice your
own agenda or desires to please and accommodate someone else; because
making them happy makes you happy.

Jan 10, 2021 11 PM(Jan 10, 2021 to Jan 11, 2021) 262/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Ven Oppos Asc

A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your

attitude and decisions now. Overall this is apt to bring ease and engender
positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a
situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work
against you. Social engagements, pleasure outings, and even shopping are

Jan 11, 2021 4 AM(Jan 10, 2021 to Jan 12, 2021)

Merc Sxtil MC

Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent

time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision you've come to. Ideas
come flooding in now, too, and you're able to assimilate all kinds of new
information. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored.

Jan 11, 2021 (Jan 3, 2021 to Jan 20, 2021)

Sat Qucnx Asc

Concern over work or shared finances colors your perspective and may crate
stress in your close personal relationships or partnerships. This can be a time of
distancing, cooling off, and reevaluation in these relationships as well. The
tendency is to tighten up, contract, or see things in their least promising light.
Try to make the distinction between realism and objectivity - and negative

Health concerns may arise at this time, aggravated by worry, stress, or overwork.
Creating new routines, programs, or habits that foster health and well-being can
help. Simple solutions may appear if you focus your attention on taking care of 263/283
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the present, rather than regretting the past or fearfully projecting into the future.

Positive Potentials:

Slowing down, working carefully and patiently allows a clear picture to emerge.
Handling responsibilities or a crisis at work or in finances without exaggerating
the negative possibilities.

Negative Potentials:

Anxiety, worry, or negative criticism directed toward oneself or a partner.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Finding ways to relax is the primary remedy for the emotional and physical
stress of this time. Regular walks during which you repeat a positive affirmation,
prayer, or mantra can be helpful. Recognize that you may be focusing on worst-
case scenarios, and use humor and foolishness to break the spell. Find solid,
practical help for the challenges you face, perhaps a financial advisor or
someone you trust to give you expert advice.

Jan 12, 2021 3 AM(Jan 12, 2021 to Jan 13, 2021)

Ven Sqr MC

You enjoy playing the role of hostess or host, displaying your good taste,
affection, and appreciation for the finer things. Lightness, humor, and good times
shared is the focus for you now. Go to the extra trouble to decorate, embellish,
bring out your best china, and show people a good time. Opportunities to come
together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble free, will be beneficial
overall. 264/283
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Jan 12, 2021 4 PM(Jan 12, 2021 to Jan 13, 2021)

Merc Sxtil Mars

You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack
of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is
the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and
intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the
other person's side of things.

Jan 12, 2021 4 PM(Jan 12, 2021 to Jan 13, 2021)

Sun Sxtil Sun

This is time of flow and ease of expression. You feel energetically supported and
your offerings to the world are welcomed. Relationships with men are
highlighted and are apt to be mutually beneficial.

Jan 12, 2021 8 PM(Jan 12, 2021 to Jan 13, 2021)

Merc Conj Ven

Loving thoughts and appreciative words benefit both casual and more
significant relationships. Expressing love and beauty is the theme now. You will
not want to talk about or focus on anything heavy or unsettling. Write a love
note, watch a light romantic comedy, make something beautiful with your hands,
design a garden or a quilt, and receive affection graciously! 265/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Jan 13, 2021 2 AM(Jan 10, 2021 to Jan 15, 2021)

Mars Sxtil Asc

Your vital energy is flowing strongly and you feel pleasantly ambitious and
effective. You can rally others to action because of your own enthusiasm and
can-do attitude, but you're equally happy acting independently and on your own
behalf. Physical, active work or play is favored.

Jan 13, 2021 11 AM(Jan 12, 2021 to Jan 14, 2021)

Merc Sxtil Plu

You are interested in complexity, depth, the mysterious, the hidden, or the
primitive, whether you are looking for the secrets of lost civilizations or probing
a thorny psychological problem. What you read, watch, think about or discuss is
apt to contain these elements. You can also be quite a convincing speaker but
beware of overstating your case. Your words are potent now.

Jan 14, 2021 12 AM(Jan 13, 2021 to Jan 14, 2021)

Merc Sxtil Merc

Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the
right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now,
including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across,
reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a
conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well. 266/283
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Jan 14, 2021 1 AM(Jan 14, 2021 to Jan 15, 2021)

Ven Sqr Mars

Sexual tension or disagreements with people of the opposite gender arise now.
You may want more than the other person is able or willing to give, or one of you
may want togetherness and collaboration while the other prefers to be more

Compromises, adjustments, and working with the differences can bring about a
satisfying balance, but it can be difficult to acquiesce when desires are so
compelling. In any case, encounters with a definite erotic tone are part of the
picture. Wear soft shades of pink, rose, or light green to ease dissonant

Jan 15, 2021 9 AM(Jan 14, 2021 to Jan 16, 2021)

Merc Conj Ura

Today there could be an out-of-the-blue phone call that really surprises you, a
conversation that takes you into unexpected places. Ideas are flying around and
your mind is buzzing. You may come to a quick decision based more on impulse
or intuitive perception than on logic, or have a sudden realization. Slow down
just a bit, breath deeply, and let yourself think it through.

Jan 15, 2021 11 AM(Jan 14, 2021 to Jan 16, 2021)

Sun Trine Moon

You enjoy being around both men and women at this time and, in fact, you need
to be with others, especially those you know pretty well and trust. Having a 267/283
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sense of familiarity and comfort in your surroundings and interactions boosts

your confidence. Everyday relationships are supportive and warm at the

Jan 15, 2021 5 PM(Jan 14, 2021 to Jan 16, 2021)

Ven Sxtil Jup

Let the good times roll! A lovely sense of well-being and ease characterizes this
time. If you've been under a lot of pressure lately, you can let up, let go and relax
a bit. You feel freed up emotionally, and freer with your affection and your
money as well. Your open-heartedness and easy attitude draws good things your
way - friendship, love, opportunities, and material benefits alike.

Jan 15, 2021 6 PM(Jan 14, 2021 to Jan 16, 2021)

Ven Sqr Merc

It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be
more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and
wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a
meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a
fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other
aesthetic decisions.

Jan 18, 2021 (Jan 13, 2021 to Jan 22, 2021) 268/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Jup Sxtil Mars

During this positive cycle, self-assertiveness, confidence, initiative, and direct

action lead to successful outcomes. You're willing to extend yourself, to attempt
more, to go further, to do what you've been dreaming of. You are willing to go it
alone if need be, but your positive energy attracts allies, companions, and others
supportive of your goals. New enterprises flourish. You are also apt to fare well
in any sort of competition, or to be recognized and rewarded for your strong
efforts. Your sense of timing is excellent as well.

Positive Potentials:

Successful creative activity, positive and successful enterprises, promotions. The

ability to make good decisions and to act from confidence and trust in the large
order. Harmonizing your personal will and desire with doing good for all.

Negative Potentials:

There is very little down side to this.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Use this time wisely and fully. Follow through on the impulses and ideas for new
projects that come through you now.

Jan 19, 2021 (Jan 15, 2021 to Jan 23, 2021)

Jup Conj Ven

Optimism and relaxation about the future, feelings of trust and well-being, and
an overall sense of good will towards others prevails now. Emotionally and
materially you will be more generous, and more open to giving and receiving.
Gifts, treats, festivities, invitations, celebrations, pleasure, making people happy,
sharing good fortune, or strong desires and impulses for all of the above will be
part of the picture. 269/283
1/31/2020 Reading

You need beauty and are more open to its uplifting and beneficial effects, also.
What may seem to be a luxury or frivolous indulgence at other times may now
seem a delightful "necessity".

All friendships and relationships of the heart are apt to be harmonious and
fulfilling now as well, in part because of your open heart, generosity, tolerance,
and good humor.

Positive Potentials:

This is predominantly a positive and fortunate period. You attract good things
into your life rather easily. Relationships which have been estranged or difficult
can move towards healing and reconciliation, especially if you make the first

Negative Potentials:

Any tendencies towards self-indulgence, excessive spending, and wastefulness

will be exaggerated now. Dieting and budgeting are harder to do. Your carefree
feelings may degenerate into carelessness, but only if that is your natural
tendency to begin with.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Play, spend, share, and enjoy but stay within your means. Do some charitable or
"random act of kindness". Love extravagantly! Express all of the appreciation,
gratitude, admiration, and good feelings that you have been keeping to yourself
- to as many people as possible.

Expect good things, including financial blessings, but do all of the foundational
work as well.

Jan 19, 2021 (Jan 17, 2021 to Mar 13, 2021) 270/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Mars 11th House

The power of a collective goal or ideal stirs you now, and you recognize that
more can be accomplished by a group effort than by going solo. It's not that
you're feeling especially cooperative, but you are energized by a group process.
High-energy collaborative projects, team sports and so on, interest you now. You
could be an active leader in such an endeavor, or simply add your energy to the
whole group's.

Jan 21, 2021 (Jan 20, 2021 to Feb 20, 2021)

Sun 8th House

Intensifying your emotional, psychic, and energy connection to an intimate

partner is the focus now. Also on the agenda are issues of shared values, shared
properties or money, and the ways you blend with or withhold from one another
on all levels.

In practical terms, you may need to attend to your will, investments,

inheritances, insurance, and preparations for personal and/or mutual long-term
security and well-being.

Jan 21, 2021 5 AM(Jan 20, 2021 to Jan 22, 2021)

Merc Sxtil Sat

This is a good day for quiet thinking and work that entails intellectual or
technical skill, craftsmanship, or careful attention to detail. Wrangling with
practical problems and logistics, finding intelligent solutions and completing
tasks and projects are favored. You meet deadlines on time and enjoy taking
care of business. A library or quiet room where you can be alone and just do
your work appeals to you now. This is also a fine time to take an examination, 271/283
1/31/2020 Reading

either written or oral.

Jan 21, 2021 7 AM(Jan 20, 2021 to Jan 22, 2021)

Sun Conj Nep

Your imagination and inner yearnings are stimulated and you may find yourself
drifting away from the immediate here and now. This isn't the best day to make
critical decisions because you may be seeing your options through a subtle haze
of hopeful wishing or idealism. Go to see a play or an art exhibit or do
something purely for the spiritual reward, some random act of kindness.

Jan 21, 2021 1 PM(Jan 19, 2021 to Jan 23, 2021)

Mars Sqr Ven

Powerful desires and amorous feelings are stimulated now perhaps through an
enticing interaction or personal encounter. You take the lead in social situations
or attract personal attention. Coming on too strong, not picking up on subtle
cues, or being inappropriate in a social sense are pitfalls of this time. Strive for a
balance between taking the initiative and being sensitive and aware of others'
needs and wants. If you are usually shy and unassertive, this is your moment to
come out and take a risk even if you're a bit awkward.

Jan 22, 2021 5 PM(Jan 22, 2021 to Jan 23, 2021) 272/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Sun Qucnx Asc

Expect significant encounters, meeting individuals who are or will be important

players, at least for the moment. The focus is on relationship, balance, taking
each person's tastes, styles, needs, and personal agendas into account. There
may be some friction and adjustments needed. It is your choice whether you
want to compromise or go solo, but including the other makes for a fuller

Jan 23, 2021 11 AM(Jan 21, 2021 to Jan 25, 2021)

Mars Qucnx Plu

A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within

and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your
own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive
element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can
work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul
something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-
straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

Jan 23, 2021 (Jan 19, 2021 to Jan 27, 2021)

Jup Sxtil Plu

During this time you have the opportunity to connect with people and/or ideas
that can vastly improve your life or significantly further your cause. Sharing
information and power, being exposed to transformational teaching or healing
methods, or bringing a powerful message to others is emphasized.

Working in harmony within a group, an organization, or for the benefit or your

community is favored now. You can make meaningful changes or contributions 273/283
1/31/2020 Reading

that are deeply satisfying.

Educational, professional, spiritual or philosophical growth and development are


Positive Potentials:

Remarkable improvement, growth, and positive developments in all arenas.

Turning around a difficult, thorny problem through faith and positive action.
Important alliances with wise, experienced, or powerful people.

Negative Potentials:

You may have to deal with an old, outstanding legal or personal problem, but
with good will and positive action these can be favorably resolved.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Take advantage of the opportunities to educate yourself, meet people outside of

your usual social circle or little world, and ask for the help you need. Be willing
to offer something and meet others halfway, and you'll be amply rewarded.

Jan 24, 2021 3 AM(Jan 24, 2021 to Jan 25, 2021)

Sun Sxtil MC

The force is with you, go for your personal best! Father figures or those in a
position to help you further your aims are encouraging and receptive to what
you propose. Back up your words with action, follow through with a solid effort,
and expect success. This is an ideal time to express what you really want, to
show some style, and let the world know who you are. 274/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Jan 24, 2021 5 AM(Jan 24, 2021 to Jan 25, 2021)

Ven Sqr Sat

Feeling deprived, excluded, lonely, or distant from the people who love you may
occur now. It could be a cooling off period in a relationship, or a critical moment
that tests its strength. Tending your hurt feelings without indulging in self-pity or
one-sided blame is important. You may also meet obstacles or self-doubt in
regard to some creative project you're in the midst of. Try to work on the flaws or
weak aspects of it without considering the whole endeavor a failure. Take a

Jan 24, 2021 (Jan 15, 2021 to Feb 1, 2021)

Sat Sxtil MC

The need to prove yourself, to be practical and effective, and solidly establish
yourself as a person of substance colors your actions and choices now. This can
be a highly productive period in terms of tangible accomplishment and/or
acquiring necessary training and expertise in order to do work that is meaningful
to you. You are willing to discipline yourself and to concentrate your energy and
attention on your goals. What others expect, approve of, or value may have a
strong influence on you now, so that you aren't acting as a free agent or making
your choices based solely on what feels natural or right to you as an individual.
Concerns for your place in your community, or meeting societal, familial, or
parental standards, impress you as important now.

The urge to organize, put in order, control, manage, pin down, or clarify -
especially regarding your long-term security interests - is strong now.

Positive Potentials:

Realism, practicality, and doing the necessary, nitty-gritty work. Solid, sustained,
determined efforts. Reliability and maturity impresses those in authority. 275/283
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Handling practical affairs wisely.

Negative Potentials:

Tendencies toward rigidity, excessive caution or conservatism, and clinging to

certainty and security are amplified. However, these should not be problems
unless you are already overbalanced in that direction.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Work to solidify your position, make steady progress in your goals, or to

straighten out your practical affairs. However, don't impose your needs and
standards on others, especially your peers.

Jan 25, 2021 12 AM(Jan 23, 2021 to Jan 26, 2021)

Mars Sxtil Jup

Enthusiasm, confidence, and verve infuse your efforts now, almost guaranteeing
a positive outcome. Your instincts, as well as your sense of direction and timing,
are excellent! Risk-taking, engaging and inspiring others to support you, and
taking action to realize a big goal are favored.

Jan 26, 2021 1 PM(Jan 26, 2021 to Jan 27, 2021)

Sun Sxtil Mars

Courage, confidence, and the will to triumph energize you. You are able to move
your objectives forward and to get a lot done now, without stressing or going
into overdrive. Your positive conviction seems to move obstacles out of your
way. You flow around obstructions rather than confront them, which is apt to be 276/283
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a successful strategy at this time.

Jan 26, 2021 5 PM(Jan 26, 2021 to Jan 27, 2021)

Ven Sxtil Sun

Being with people and enjoying good times (especially with beautiful, charming,
lighthearted people) is really what you want now. You're in a friendly and
cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of
harmony to your day. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you
will attract loving people into your experience.

Jan 26, 2021 8 PM(Jan 26, 2021 to Jan 27, 2021)

Sun Conj Ven

Your personal magnetism is activated and you easily attract what you need or
want at this time. Friendliness and a sweet attitude eases all situations, and all
social occasions are highly favored. You radiate love, charm, and your own
unique beauty through whatever you do. A significant and very positive
friendship or love alliance can be initiated now.

Jan 27, 2021 (Jan 22, 2021 to Jan 31, 2021)

Jup Sxtil Merc

This is a period of significant opportunities especially if you are alert to them

and willing to follow through on the ideas and information that is presented to 277/283
1/31/2020 Reading

you now. What you think sounds like a good idea probably is! You may sense a
future trend or see a need that isn't being met, and come up with possible
solutions or intuitively know the wisest course of action. Translating your vision
into some definite plan of action is what's called for.

Relationships with friends, colleagues, and people in general are enhanced now.
Communications are smooth and emphasize your similarities rather than the
differences that divide you. This is an excellent time for correspondence and
long distance communications of all kinds. Commercial or legal transactions are

Positive Potentials:

Anything involving writing, publishing, speaking, teaching, or learning is favored.

You can successfully resolve differences to the benefit of all concerned.

Negative Potentials:

There are no negatives associated with this cycle, other than not taking the
initiative to respond to the expanded possibilities opening to you now.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Listen to your friends, co-workers, and others who may bring you valuable
information. Follow your intuition also, as it is apt to be clear and accurate now.

Jan 27, 2021 9 AM(Jan 25, 2021 to Feb 4, 2021)

Merc Qucnx Moon

Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing
to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long
history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or
philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing
your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to 278/283
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do so now. Phone home!

Jan 27, 2021 7 PM(Jan 26, 2021 to Jan 28, 2021)

Sun Sxtil Plu

Unusual creative power is available to you today. An intensity of focus that

borders on the extreme allows you to accomplish a great deal now. You also gain
deeper insights and awareness about something which helps you understand
and work with it better. You may want to get rid of something that's outlived its
function because it is easier to part with things now than it might be on another

Jan 28, 2021 3 PM(Jan 28, 2021 to Jan 29, 2021)

Sun Sxtil Merc

A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning
and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business
or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use
your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an
excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

Jan 29, 2021 12 AM(Jan 28, 2021 to Jan 30, 2021)

Ven Trine Moon

You're in a sweet mood and are a soft touch, especially for people you care for. 279/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Your family, children, home, or long time friends give you the most pleasure now,
and you'll want to be with them. Sharing food or other forms of nurturing makes
you happy. You may not feel like working or pushing yourself too much now.
However, bringing flowers or treats into your workplace gives you satisfaction.

Jan 29, 2021 6 AM(Jan 27, 2021 to Jan 31, 2021)

Mars Sqr Ura

Mishaps or disruptions due to recklessness, tactlessness, sudden outbursts of

anger or impatience, and heated encounters are potential trouble spots at the
moment. Slow down in traffic, and take precautions around fire, electronics, and
sharp tools. Perhaps you can do something daring and outrageous that isn't

Feb 2, 2021 9 PM(Jan 25, 2021 to Feb 4, 2021)

Merc Qucnx Moon

This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx Moon) also occurred on Jan 27, 2021
(peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 10, 2021 (Jan 10, 2021 to Mar 23, 2021)

Plu Trine Moon

Deep feeling, deep emotional contact, and wholeheartedness is what you are
seeking now. You won't be content with relating to others superficially or with 280/283
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doing things that don't totally involve you.

Emotional issues or situations in your life you may have skirted or minimized for
convenience arise now; your true feelings emerge and it's a good time to come
clean. Some of your closest relationships can be renewed by honestly sharing
withheld feelings or other things you have been hiding. If you remain open
much growth can result.

Since you are seeking your own emotional depths, you may be drawn to some
form of intensive therapy or transformational healing practices. If so, this will be
extremely rewarding and beneficial to you now.

This is also a time of intense creativity and birthing on many levels, bringing
forth what has been incubating within for some time.

Positive Potentials:

Emotional renewal, contacting your passion and your depths. Deepening self-
knowledge. Healing and/or integrating "lost" aspects of yourself. Rebuilding
your home - the home within yourself, as well as your physical shelter.

Negative Potentials:

Much will come to light that you may prefer not to know. If you are not
committed to honesty, truth, and being conscious and aware, this can be an
uncomfortable time for you.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Allow yourself to become totally immersed in activities or creative pursuits.

Don't try to suppress what is trying to emerge within you or in those close to
you. If out of fear you ignore the family and/or emotional situations that are
being presented, you could be setting yourself up for a bigger crisis further
down the road. 281/283
1/31/2020 Reading

Feb 12, 2021 (Nov 15, 2020 to Mar 12, 2021)

Ura Sqr Ven

This period can bring electrifying, exhilarating, unexpected awakening to new

love, or disruptive and difficult changes in your partnerships and closest
relationships. In any case, the status quo is apt to be upset. Restlessness and a
craving for different types of pleasure, attractions to styles of art or music or
people that are unusual, or a desire to experiment sexually or creatively are
some of the ways you may experience this. Relationships that have become
predictable, dull, overly possessive and restrictive, or too dependent, will be
hardest hit. On the other hand, new vitality, spontaneity and excitement can
infuse your relationships if both people are open and willing to change.
Relationships which are initiated now may not be very reliable or long-lasting.

Positive Potentials:

Freshness and aliveness reawakened in relationships. Creative experimentation,

inspiration, innovation and excitement. Artistic genius and unconventionality
leading to new forms of expression.

Negative Potentials:

Insensitivity and self-centeredness towards others. An adolescent rebelliousness

toward the normal give and take in any human relationship. Impulsive or
shocking behavior which will be regretted later.

Remedies and Suggestions:

Avoid extreme solutions to relationship difficulties, such as irrevocably severing

important and valuable connections in your desire for freedom or a new
relationship. On the other hand, if your partner is leaving, don't resist or demand
loyalty. Giving space, independence, and flexibility will allow the relationships
to continue to evolve either back together or towards a friendlier resolution. 282/283
1/31/2020 Reading

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