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Compatibility with your partner in other areas of your life

2. Deep analysis of the relationships with your partner based on a

unique birth chart matching system

3. Simple and actionable guide to improving your relationship with your


4. Warning about astrological events and practical advice that will help

you get through this period well

5. Your horoscope and upcoming events for 2022

6. Your unique strengths and weaknesses and how to get the most out of


The third zodiac sign on the wheel is Gemini and represents cooperation and community.
This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, associated with the mind, communication,
writing, and movement, which are seen in Gemini’s characteristics. Mercury also
corresponds with Wednesday, making this day especially powerful for the Gemini
archetype. People born when the Sun was in Gemini are always making new friends and
looking for someone to talk to because they are very curious in nature.


The air element of this sign makes Geminis logical cerebral, and very social. Therefore,
Geminis excel in fields related to interfacing with the public, sales, information
processing, politics, reporting, radio, broadcasting, and other forms of media. Gemini is
one of the most likely signs to be on social media platforms as content creators due to
their original ideas and love of technology.


Their inquisitive and friendly nature makes dating easy for them. Geminis have a
tendency to become close friends before dating someone, and actually, many of their
long term partnerships start out as friendships. Like their gemstone the pearl, they are
happy to let a relationship develop naturally over time, unlike other areas of life that they
like to rush through quickly.

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and represents a creative principle. This sign is ruled by
the Sun, which represents the self, identity, and soul purpose. For this reason, people
born under this sign have an extra dose of solar energy, seeming to attract a lot of
attention from others. They have a strong will and sense of vitality, making Leos very
exciting to be around.


Leos are usually warm-hearted, smart and witty. They take the initiative and have good
reasoning skills, managing even the most difficult situations which makes them
natural-born leaders. In the workplace, they shine with the brightness of their flower, the
sunflower, and tend to stand out from the rest of the crowd. They are very dramatic,
creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist. This makes them great
in anything that puts them in the spotlight whether that be in business, the arts, or


Leos might seem dominant and come on strong at the start of a relationship, but they
avoid mind games so, what you see is what you get because they value authenticity like
the other fixed signs. The fire in them gives them high self-esteem and makes people fall
for them easily. Due to their fixed nature, this sign is also very loyal once they become
committed to a person but take a long time to emotionally open up. Sometimes with the
fixed signs, learning to feel secure and trusting of others is a slow process.
70% | Relationship
Love - 80/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 40/100


This pair together will have so much fun! Their relationship will see a lot of laughs and
good times. Both signs are energetic as Gemini is an air sign and Leo is a fire sign. They
are both very expressive which will enhance their communication. Gemini is a fast thinker
being a mutable sign, and Leo is decisive being a fixed sign, and these two qualities go
hand in hand. Although they are an optimistic pair, Leo is firm and sometimes stubborn,
never changing their mind while Gemini is more fluid and accommodating. All of these
qualities put together allows a successful relationship with these two.


Both signs value intelligence and clarity. These signs can connect on a mental level, and
this will keep the relationship going. Gemini, a lover of freedom and free will, won't have
a problem with their Leo partner because a Leo will simply let them be them! However,
Gemini is outgoing and loves to be the center of attention, and this might not balance
well with Leo who also enjoys the attention to be on them. Leo is ruled by the Sun, which
represents spirit and identity. Gemini will appreciate this brightness that Leo possesses.
On the other hand, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which means Leo will appreciate Gemini’s
quick wit and sense of humor. Gemini wants to go everywhere and do everything while
Leo could be laid back sometimes and wants to chill or watch movies. Nevertheless,
these two will have a great time together.


The creative and passionate energy of the fiery Leo will be a good outlet for Gemini’s
constant changing moods and ideas. At times Leo, being a fixed sign, takes life slightly
more seriously, than their Gemini lover which can create an imbalance in power
dynamics. Leo will feel they need to take on the responsibilities and Gemini wants to
hang around enjoying life. The prideful, Leo energy is intriguing to the more humble
Gemini, and Gemini gives Leo the praise, kudos, and special attention they desire. In the
bedroom, they are well balanced as air ignites a fire. Their sex life will not be the most
intimate experience but it will have passion and mutual pleasure-giving and receiving. As
a mutable sign, Gemini will have a tendency to be the less dominant partner and won’t
mind Leo’s needs and wants in sex, in fact, they will often be happy to oblige. Their bond
is creative, and lively and has a good balance between security and freedom. Being
positive signs, they both show up in the world active and ready to experience life outside
of themselves. This makes them well-matched, in life and in love.
Day 1: Become a better listener

While our society puts a great deal of emphasis on talking, if you can learn to listen in a
way that makes another person feel valued and understood, you can build a deeper,
stronger connection between you.

There’s a big difference between listening in this way and simply hearing. When you
really listen—when you’re engaged with what’s being said—you’ll hear the subtle
intonations in your partner’s voice that tells you how they’re really feeling and the
emotions they’re trying to communicate. Being a good listener doesn’t mean you have to
agree with your partner or change your mind. But it will help you find common points of
view that can help you to resolve conflict.

The art of listening is the art of seduction. Everyone loves a good listener, and so does
your Leo lover. Instead of always ranting on about yourself, why not dedicate today to
just listening...listening to every single word your Leo partner says.
Day 2: Talk about your secret dreams

It always feels good when your partner shows interest in you. Let your lover know you
want to learn more about inner hopes and dreams. Not only will you get to know Leo
better but you will also see which of these dreams match yours.

Leo is a complex individual, there is a lot more than meets the eye. You will be amazed
and pleasantly surprised by what you see when you enter your partner’s world. Try to
open up and show each other your true selves.

Day 3: Recognize what’s important to your partner

Knowing what is truly important to your Leo partner can go a long way towards building
goodwill and an atmosphere of compromise.

On the flip side, it’s also important for your partner to recognize your wants. Therefore
don’t wait until Leo will make a guess. Instead, state them clearly. In relationship with Leo,
it’s important to know and recognize each other’s values, priorities and goals. Therefore
make sure you get this covered.

Day 4: Dedicate this evening to memories

Do you remember why you fell in love with your Leo partner in the first place? Do your
best to find those tiny details beautiful again and appreciate them too.

Besides, today would be a good idea to spend the evening together bringing back all the
good memories and discussing some of the best moments you’ve had together: funny
holidays, exciting trips, cool purchases, hard and nice times.
Your Leo is a type of person who finds it fun to reminisce about the past. Therefore, make
sure this opportunity is available today.

Day 5: Tell your partner what you need, don’t make them guess.

It’s not always easy to talk about what you need. For one, many of us don’t spend
enough time thinking about what’s really important to us in a relationship. And even if
you do know what you need, talking about it can make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed,
or even ashamed. But look at it from your partner’s point of view. Providing comfort and
understanding to someone you love is a pleasure, not a burden.

If you’ve known each other for a while, you may assume that your partner has a pretty
good idea of what you are thinking and what you need. However, Leo is rarely a
mind-reader. While your partner may have some idea, it is much healthier to express your
needs directly to avoid any confusion.

What’s more, people change, and what you needed and wanted five years ago, for
example, may be very different now. So instead of letting resentment, misunderstanding,
or anger grow when your partner continually gets it wrong, get in the habit of telling
exactly what you need.

Day 6: Stop overthinking

Giving this combination of Leo, the only person that can get between you and a fruitful
relationship with your Leo partner is yourself. So stop living in your own head. Stop
overthinking situations, stop making rash decisions. Enjoy every moment with a
laissez-faire attitude!

Take this seriously and do your best to develop a habit of taking things easier in your
relationship. No one has ever listed ‘overthinking’ among the habits that may ever
improve the relationship. Therefore, dedicate this day to eliminating this habit in order to
take your relationship with your Leo partner to the next level.

Day 7: Binge watch the latest Netflix hit

Netflix and chill…

It’s more than just a movement. It’s a time to explore your Leo lover’s preferences, to
bond, to remember that love is built upon spending quality time together.

So why not put all things off and see just what’s trending today?

Day 8: Dedicate this day to becoming more compassionate

Nothing turns your Leo partner on more than seeing just how sweet and sensitive you
are. Yes, show that you care about the world, that you love others, that you will go above
and beyond just to ensure that your lover remains safely in your arms!

The process of relationship improvement starts with you. Therefore, invest your time in
becoming better. This very trait is what your Leo partner is definitely going to appreciate.

Day 9: Compliment your partner

Are you good at complimenting people? It’s time to improve this skill.

A compliment from you to Leo will leave your partner ecstatic. Your partner needs to hear
it from you to open up and feel acknowledged and appreciated. Complimenting your
partner on today's look, past achievements or future plans and ambitions will make Leo
feel incredible!
Dedicate this day to compliments and contribute to your relationship via saying nice and
kind words.

Day 10: Learn to love yourself to become more attractive to your partner

The universe loves those who love themselves. So love yourself abundantly, take care of
yourself, look good, smell fresh, work smart, and your Leo lover will find you ten times
more attractive than the first time your partner saw you!

Over time, you will discover that loving yourself improves everything in your life—your
relationships, your health and well-being, your ability to manifest your dreams, and your
self-esteem. This is what your Natal Chart readings say too.

Loving and connecting with yourself is the key to being able to love and connect with
others and create loving relationships. Loving yourself is the key to creating a passionate,
fulfilled, and joyful life.

Day 11: Reminisce about the times you laughed

Laughter is a gift from the gods.

Today is the day to remember all those hearty laughs you’ve heard together about this
and that. Bring memories back and recall all those warm and funny moments you’ve
been through.

And if you can make your Leo partner laugh some more, then by all means, go for it
Day 12: Dedicate this evening to discussing your favorite books

One of the best ways to learn more about a person is by discovering what kind of books
they like to read. And it works for your Leo partner too.

Tonight may be a great time to initialize this conversation with Leo. It will most certainly
make your bond stronger.

Today start a conversation about the books. Ask your partner about the favorite books
and ask for book recommendations.

Day 13: Take a walk together

A stroll will be a perfect bonding activity between you and your Leo lover today. Just
soaking in that cool, calm breeze, as you gaze into each other’s eyes is enough to kick all
the problems of the world goodbye!

Turn all your devices off and take a good walk.

Have a nice talk, discuss random things, notice and enjoy small things along the way.

Day 14: Ask how you can help your partner

We all have bad days and daily problems that trouble us. It’s crucial in any relationship to
let the other side know that they can talk to you about anything, good or bad. Create a
safe environment for Leo and let your partner confide in you.

Leo is the one who needs to feel constant support. Make sure you get this covered and
see your relationship thrive.
Day 15: Change something radically in your look

When was the last time that you changed anything in your look? Maybe now this is the
perfect timing for a noticeable change.

Your Leo is a demanding person who always needs something new, exciting and cool.
You can get a haircut, dye your hair or choose a new fashion style. Your Leo partner will
be intrigued and pleasantly surprised. You will gain more confidence and have fun doing

Day 16: Go to the cinema together

When was the last time you watched a new movie together?

Watching a new movie release might just be what you and your Leo partner need to
relieve the stresses of the day. Dress well, head out, and go see what’s currently
screening at your local cinema joint!

Day 17: Relax

Take a deep breath, then exhale. Do this again and again until you feel completely
relaxed. To enjoy the time you spend with your Leo partner, you have to live and let live.

Relax, let your love take you on an epic journey!

Day 18: Embrace the imperfections of your partner

We all can’t be perfect. So can’t Leo.

It’s those perfect imperfections that make us unique. And so, you should appreciate your
partner despite minor mistakes or imperfections. And if your lover sees that you do this
unapologetically, Leo will only come to love and appreciate you more!

Dedicate this day to learning how to become fine with all the imperfections and become
less bothered and annoyed with this minor little things that you used to find imperfect.

Day 19: Don't put unnecessary pressure on your partner

Your partner may usually be the one who you put most pressure on since you share
everything with this person, good and bad. However, try to take some pressure off Leo at
this point. Especially, given the upcoming astrological events.

Your relationship will function more smoothly this way.

Day 20: Schedule a Date this evening

It would be nice for you and Leo to spend some time together this evening. Why not ask
your lover on a date? This will show you enjoy your partner’s company and it will give you
two a chance to bond more.

It’s not necessary to wait until the weekend. Go on a date together in the middle of the
week. Your Leo will like it.

Day 21: Learn to see beautiful things

Leading a busy everyday life, people stop noticing all the beautiful things around them.
Even if you forgot how to do this, you can learn it again. Just focus on the small things
and start enjoying them. This works for your relationship as well.

Your Leo is full of small beautiful details. Learn to notice them and appreciate them too.
Turn this into a habit and see your well-being gradually improves over time.

Day 22: Learn to be happy on your own

You can’t be happy around others if you can’t be happy on your own. Take some “alone”
time to watch a movie, read a book, go for a walk or just spend some time in silence. The
important thing is to learn to be happy on your own.

This way your Leo partner will be able to be happy around you as well.

Day 23: Practice using empathy to foster a closer connection

Empathy is the fuel of a good relationship. Being empathic is about imagining yourself
walking in your partner’s shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. When you
can respond empathically to your partner, it facilitates a deeper bond and creates a
strong sense of safety and trust between you. It does require you to be able to step
outside yourself and begin to appreciate a reality different from yours.

It’s crucial for your Leo partner.

Practicing empathy does not mean that you have to completely surrender and give up
what you want or give up your own reality. It just means you need to suspend your own
perspective, even momentarily, so you can appreciate the smallest part of how your
partner sees things.

Day 24: Learn to excuse yourself and walk away if you’re getting angry or upset

Every new fight gets you a few steps away from a perfect relationship. Therefore learn to
work with your emotions and avoid the unnecessary fights.
If you notice that you often get mad over the same topic, you can prepare for your
emotions and manage them better.

Think about topics that make you feel angry or uncomfortable and avoid them when
interacting with your partner. Leo is a type that doesn’t like repeating fights and will
appreciate it if you help to avoid the next one.

Day 25: Show your affection

Along with expressing your gratitude to your partner, expressing actions to show how
much you care about your Leo partner. From grabbing your partner’s hand at a restaurant
to going to bed together at the end of the night - be the one who ignites your

No doubt, your partner wants your relationship to prosper too. It’s just sometimes that
Leo can be reluctant or confused with what to do. Therefore, be bold enough to be the
one who moves a needle.

Day 26: Ask friends out

Invite friends to your place or go out together with them to some fancy place. Leo tends
to have a strong connection with friends. Therefore you can use this trait as a way to
strengthen your connection with your partner too. Become closer with each other with
the help of friends.

Spend time around other people, discover new interesting topics, play board games and
enjoy a relaxing night out. If you manage to find shared interests then good time and an
improved relationship are guaranteed.
Day 27: Learn to respect the boundaries

You should know when you cross a line and make sure even in a worst-case scenario
you don't. Unfortunately, fights are impossible to avoid completely but there should be a
limit set.

Be it about fighting or making a joke about each other, you should know that there is a
nerve that hurts very deeply when pressed and once done there is no going back to
normal for a very long time.

Leo is the type that does have certain boundaries and personal space. Respect them and
don’t try to push the limits.

Day 28: Listen to the stars

Astrology has answers to all the questions. Your task is just to listen carefully to what
stars are saying.

Stay up to date with the upcoming planetary events as well as daily predictions for you
and your partner and see how planets and stars are going to influence your zodiac Leo
today, tomorrow and in the long-term future.

This knowledge will help you avoid the unnecessary decisions and actions as well as
help you do the right things in the right time to strengthen your relationship and eliminate
any emotional strains between you and your Leo.
Trust - 60/100

Interests - 80/100

Dependability - 60/100

Fun & enjoyment: 100/100

Gemini and Leo make fantastically fun friends, as Gemini is energetic and Leo is

An energetic and fun friendship

These friends share a love of play and optimism. They’re both always on the go and have
energetic personalities to match.

Because Gemini appreciates mental stimulation, they’re attracted to Leo’s creativity.

Gemini may feel frustrated by Leo if Leo is being too controlling, though.
As friends, they can learn a lot. They can see the world with new eyes and have a fresh
perspective, thanks to the other. Their friendship isn’t one to be swayed by romantic
feelings. They both know how to keep platonic relationships from transforming into
something more, which allows them to stay friends throughout various phases in life.

Both Gemini and Leo are hardworking. Leo loves having freedom to dive headfirst into
projects and take charge. Gemini also values freedom, but they prefer intellectual
freedom and using that freedom to look at a project from various angles before taking

Together, they can have a lot of fun. They’ll enjoy plenty of play and creativity. They may
not have the strongest sense of trust in the relationship, but they still know how to have a
good time with each other

What you need from your friends

You need your friends to be fun. You can’t bear being pinned down or bossed around, so
your friends need to be as spontaneous as you are.

What they value in you

You can be fickle, but you’re also smart, shrewd, and kind (which is a great combo). When
your friends hit a rough spot, you’re there to comfort them, give them advice, and then
distract them with a new adventure.
How you can make new friends

Making friends is not a problem for you—it’s keeping them that causes headaches. You’re
drawn to everything shiny and new, and sometimes you can accidentally forget about
your longtime BFFs. Make sure you don’t.
Trust - 60/100

Communication - 85/100

Goals - 80/100

Result orientation - 80/100

When a Gemini enters a partnership with a Leo, their relationship is light-hearted and
optimistic. Both signs know how to keep things moving, while having some fun along the
way. In business, Gemini values Leo’s creative spirit and Leo values Gemini’s intellect.
They may run into conflict and challenges if Leo feels that Gemini isn’t taking things
seriously enough or if Gemini views Leo as being too controlling. They both want
freedom and respect and they’re generally a great working team. While Leo prefers to
dive into things and learn as they go, Gemini prefers to contemplate all angles before
getting started. Their differences only complement one another and they can achieve a
lot if they’re open to compromising with and respecting one another.

Leo and Gemini are both energetic and hardworking. Together, they can conceptualize
great ideas and see them through. Gemini needs freedom to make decisions, but if they
are unsure of something then they appreciate Leo’s guidance. Leo needs to offer
guidance without coming across as too controlling or bossy, or Gemini may feel their
freedom is being threatened. When Gemini and Leo work for shared goals, they can feed
off one another’s strengths and weaknesses to achieve all they set out for.

You are a successful entrepreneur

As a business partner you need some one who doesn’t question you much. You want
instinct results and expect your partner to justify every penny invested.

Partnerships between Gemini and Leo are full of energy and life. They value and
understand one another, and have a shared view of optimism. They can push one
another to learn new things and go places in life they couldn’t have gone alone. Working
together, Gemini and Leo create a harmonious and balanced partnership.
Trust - 60/100

Interests - 80/100

Dependability - 80/100

Fun & enjoyment - 95/100

Being amongst the most talkative signs, communication is a crucial part of a good
working relationship with a Gemini. This Air sign is quite active and enjoys spending time
outdoors around people so desk jobs will make them utterly unsatisfied and bored,
unless they are given the chance to move and walk around freely. They need physical
stimulation, not just mental. Work that requires planning and organization would be a
good choice for Gemini.

There is a lot of positive energy and fun between Gemini and Leo in the workplace. They
are energetic and optimistic. Gemini is drawn to Leo’s creative nature because they also
like being intellectually stimulated. However, problems may occur in this relationship due
to Gemini’s general lack of respect towards others. In order for them to work together,
Leo needs to pay less attention to Gemini’s disrespectful outbursts. Gemini might start
causing arguments if they think Leo is trying to take full control as well. There are some
similarities between these two signs, but Leo is the one who wants to have a first-hand
experience while Gemini is the one who would rather do a lot of research before doing
anything. Their differences are the exact reason why they would be a good match. If they
manage to find a way to put their egos aside, they would be able to complement each
other and work well together. What they have in common is energetic nature which is a
great start for achieving anything. Gemini can be really indecisive so this is where Leo
comes in, helping them reach a decision more quickly. The only problem here is doing
without making Gemini feel that their intellect is being unappreciated or that they are
being robbed of control.

The greatest thing about the Gemini-Leo relationship is the playful attitude towards life
that they both share. They can be a very successful team due to their different points of
view, which complement each other and allow them to do together what they couldn’t
have done alone.
Trust - 75/100

Understanding - 80/100

Interests - 65/100

Leisure- 70/100

Learning your boss’s zodiac sign can give you understanding of their personality traits
and leadership style, from which you can determine the best ways to get ahead and build
your career. There are advantages and disadvantages to each zodiac sign as a boss; the
trick is learning what to expect from your boss and how to show them you have the skills
and personality traits they want in an employee.

Your boss behaves a certain way in the workplace, but if he attends a work happy hour
(and he will), he’ll show you a side of him you’ve never seen before. Your chief could feel
more like a friend than a boss. He values strong communication skills and loves to learn
new things. Your chief is quite social and enjoys a lively workplace full of stimulating
conversation and buzzing energy.

Your Boss

Strengths: lively, communicative, interesting

Weaknesses: distracted, superficial

Interactive Style: forward, adaptable, logical

Your boss can be blown away by your fast work ethic and your desire to get things
executed the right way. Nevertheless, be careful not to leave things half done, and try not
to get too overwhelmed with projects.


Keep your boss interested in what you do, and you’ll rarely have an issue with them.
Being dull, boring, and playing it safe are far much worse offenses. Don’t worry about
revealing too much information about yourself; it’s worse if they know very little about
The year 2022 will be an exciting year for you. The Predictions for 2022 reveal that you
will enjoy spending time on what are your passion and your likes. The stars this year are
aligned in the most beneficial way for you. You won't mind sharing your knowledge,
experience, talents, and skills with others, and as a result of that, you will realize how
gifted you are. The time has come to get out of your comfort zone and take risks in life.

All the good things in life take time and effort. You have to work consequently on what
you want so you can manifest your greatest desires. The year ahead of you is wonderful
to get the most of your excellent leadership skills and to develop even more your
communication skills. 2022 will open your eyes and you will be able to realize your own
potential, so you will be proud of yourself.

Your Horoscope for the current year reveals that your wisdom will help you to overcome
all the challenges that will come your way. You mustn’t give up on your dreams, just
because things are not going in your favor. Trust in your abilities, because you are more
than capable of achieving great things as long as you trust in yourself.
Planetary Influence: a look at the year ahead

Your planetary ruler is Mercury, so whenever it goes into retrograde motion, you can feel
rather unsettled. For 2022, Mercury will go into retrograde motion from early February to
late March (bringing more changes into your life, stimulating you to re-evaluate your
belief, life philosophy, and rethink your life course). Around the end of May to late June
(re-evaluation of your self-image and of the impression you leave on others), and
mid-September to middle October (brings issues with the creative aspect of your life, also
romance and children will be in the focus of your mind during this time). It is important to
give yourself time and be more tolerant of others. Don’t be so hard on yourself while
Mercury is retrograde, and keep yourself flexible and adaptable.

Uranus is helping you to liberate yourself from the unconscious habitual patterns to
cause chaos for yourself in your personal life. This planet will make things exciting by
adding some interesting and unique coincidences into your life. This slow-moving planet
is preparing you to detach yourself from the past so that you can welcome new changes
in your present and future when Uranus enters your first house.

Monthly Horoscopes: Important Tendencies

January 2022 is coming to you with a strong boost of inspiration making you bloom with
creativity. Good things are about to happen to your family this month. Venus is entering
Capricorn, so it will be all about communication now. You would not stop talking and
making things happen for you! The year may have a low start, but as it begins it will
improve significantly bringing you all that you desired to you.

February 2022 will be all about romance and love. It is an excellent time to focus on your
love life since you got the planets on your side. Jupiter and Saturn together will join to
help you communicate better, words will be your strongest asset this month. Mars in
Sagittarius will influence you to be more passionate with a desire to live your life to its
fullest. This month you will be able finally to find a balance between your personal and
private life. So you can feel calmer and happier, use every free moment to be with the
people you love.

March 2022 will enrich your social life, you will want to connect more with your
co-workers. It is a good time to make new friends and strengthen your old friendships.
Find time to be there for the people you care for, so you can help them. They will adore
you for that. If you are in a relationship the bond with your partner will become stronger
this month as well. You need to be careful about your health, keep your immune system
strong so you can avoid small health issues.

April 2022 romance and love are again in the main focus this month. Your love life will be
full of fireworks and emotions. Jupiter in Aquarius is going to spice things up for you in
the bedroom. Get yourself ready for a passionate month. Saturn in Aquarius will help with
your communications, keeping things calm and in control by honest talking about
everything. This is a good time for you to concentrate on your personal growth and
development, use your talents and skills to improve your life and the life of your loved

May 2022 reminds you to enjoy simple things in life! This month has the Sun in Taurus
and that is the reason why you will feel so happy over the smallest things. The simplest
pleasures of life will bring you the biggest joy this month. It is time for you to take a deep
breath and get focused on yourself. Your mental and physical health is the most
important. Be there for your family, try to keep all things in balance, but remember to rest
and relax. It is an excellent time to take control of your life and do what you want.

June 2022 it is very possible this month for your mood to change a little bit, making you
a little grumpy. You will be restless and with low energy. This can put a strain on your
relationship slowing down all the progress you have made so far. The projects you have
been working on, your interests and your hobbies will be on hold. The reason is your
lack of will, but don't stress. Try to work through the month, reminding yourself that the
next months will be so much better for you.

July 2022 gives you the strength to regain focus on your projects and plans, both at your
workplace and in your private life. You will feel your energy changing, followed by a lot of
mood swings. That may influence your close relationship with family members, including
your intimate ones. Don't be so trustful of people, be cautious about their intentions, not
everyone means well.

August 2022 brings a lot of positive energy into your life. The more time you devote to
your friends and family, the better you are going to feel. This month is not a good time for
social withdrawal. Don’t shut yourself from the world. You may have to make some
sacrifices in order to get closer to your dreams, hopes, and life goals.

September 2022 is a month for re-evaluation. In the first half of the month, you are likely
to spend time focusing on yourself, while the second part on improving your
relationships, particularly with your loved ones. Try to spend time doing activities that
bring you joy and relaxation. Your mental health will be thankful for that. Be careful not to
let your ego take over.

October 2022 will take your focus on personal relationships and family matters. If you
don’t work on these aspects of your life, you may lose the opportunity of spending time
with the people you love. This in return can have a negative impact on your relationships
and mental health as well. This month it would be beneficial for you if you took care of
your financial matters in order to feel more secure.

November 2022 will bring heightened sensitivity, which can have a negative impact on
your communication with people near you. Use this time to work your hobbies so you
can cheer yourself up. Your health will be excellent. All you need to do to keep it that way
is to maintain a healthy diet and exercising regularly: three to five times a week.
December 2022 is a wonderful month for making plans for the year to come, as the
month seems to be rather slow. Think about what changes you may need to make,
particularly in your personal life. This month you will accomplish the majority of your
goals because of your hard work, persistence, and engagement. You will feel proud and
content with yourself.

Your Life

Career and finance

Jupiter stays in 2022 from the beginning of the year, up until early November, influencing
your professional life. This is a great year for you when it comes to job opportunities and
openings. You can go for the jobs you have presented to you, or choose to open a new
window, start your own business and do what you love. The ideal period for this will be in
January when Mars adds up to the positive influence in your career field. Venus
retrogrades in your work area in October, and this might be a period when you have to
reconsider your career choice and ensure you're truly doing what you love. Mercury
retrogrades in the career area a couple of days in December, and you may need to take
a break so you don't end up overpowered by work.

Neptune stays in your professional goals and objectives area all year, which can make it
difficult for you to crystalize career goals and work priorities. You can rely on your
intuition and gut for a direction. Mars is entering your professional field mid-November
through December, so you can concentrate more on your objectives and aspirations at
the end of the year. This period will be great for you to form a firm foundation for what
you want for yourself in the future.

July 12th the Sun circles around your money area. This has a positive impact on your
incomes, so you can expect to receive a large amount of money. This period is excellent
for your financial situation, your earnings will grow, and will open more doors for you. At
the same time, you will feel financially stable and peaceful. It is likely to find a new way of
making more money, from a side gig or some hobby of yours. Overall this is a very
positive and flourishing period for your economic state.

Love and relationships

2022 for you might be more about concentrating on strengthening the relationships you
already have. You will work on getting your bond with friends and your partner be deeper
and more close, as both Saturn and Pluto are in your intimacy segment for the year. You
may need to cut some people out of your life, this applies to the people you don’t have a
connection with and mutual understanding. With insignificant people leaving out of your
life you will have space and time to work on the relationships that matter with the people
you’d choose to stay in your life. Mars is in your love and relationship field from
mid-March through the middle of May, and the planet is retrograding in the second half of
August, which will bring some issues with your close friends. It will be for the best to
address these matters fast so you wouldn't risk losing people who love you and truly care
for you. Mars stays in this field until the middle of September, after that, things will go
back to normal, and you’d get back on track rapidly.

Venus is retrograde in your self-appearance area. In the first part of November, you can
confront some problems with your surroundings in a matter of not being well received
from people around you. People won’t react well to your energy, so try to be more
patient, friendly, and less judgmental if you want to be accepted.

Mars enters the relationships area at the end of January all until mid-March making you
the center of attention whenever you enter the room. Jupiter enters your relationship
field toward the beginning of November, and you get one year where you will have the
opportunity to grow your connections and make new ones. Try to get as much as you can
from this period because Mercury retrogrades in the second part of November, which
means there will be some communications issues again.


The year 2022 is going to be quite good for you in a matter of health. You felt tired and
overworked most of the time during the past year, but this year all of that will stop thanks
to the energy boost from Mars. This will be one of your best years, the planets will guide
you and help you keep your health in excellent shape. Continue to eat healthily and work
out regularly.

There are no major planetary alignments that will impact your general health and
wellbeing this year. You can enjoy and be relaxed, a period of rest and rejuvenation
awaits you. Think about choosing some sports activities that can help you with keeping
your vitality and body in shape. Saturn might impact your health state from time to time,
but your immunity will help you go through without any complications.

Stress and strain will be less prominent this year, and with that your nervous and
digestive system who are often weak, now will be in excellent form. However, make sure
you don’t overindulge with spicy food. It will be good for your health if you include more
fresh fruit and vegetables in your menu and try to eat organic food. Be ready to be there
and help with some health issues of some family members, but nothing too serious.

Family and Travel Zodiac Predictions

This year you are going to have a little disagreement with your children. They are at a
phase in life, where they feel like the whole world is against them. The 2022 Family
forecast suggests that it will be upon you to make them feel better, calmer, and take them
on the right path. Make sure you talk with them and spend some quality time together, so
they can learn and understand better what is going through their life.
This year, unfortunately, won’t be very favorable for traveling. On one side, Jupiter, the
planet of luck and abundance, will travel through your sphere of foreign travel. But, on
the other hand, Saturn may bring restrictions and limitations to this area of your life.

Jupiter stays this year in your area of international travel. During this time, you may
receive an opportunity to travel, study, or just an opportunity to expand your horizons,
and meet people who are of diverse backgrounds. The energy of Jupiter is certainly
beneficial for planning any travels abroad.

Saturn is also in your area of foreign travel along with Jupiter as the year begins. The
planet transits through your ninth house and can bring limitations and obstacles to
matters concerning travel.


The year ahead is going to be prosperous and well-off for you. Your relationship will be
great, you are going to make new connections and progress in your career. Expect many
great opportunities in 2022 and be ready to take every one of them.

You have to try to be patient because patience is a virtue. Try to do your part for the good
of the community, do some charity work, and help people. This will help you to take a full
understanding of where you stand in society. Make clever and thought-through choices.
This year is a good time to make some important decisions about life, and do not hesitate
or delay anything that requires your attention.

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