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Help Operational Guidelines for New Competent Person

Using this screen user can create new account by clicking on ‘Sign up (Create an Account)’

Registration Form:‐
‐>Using Registration Form Fill All Mandatory Information And Click On Submit Button. After
Registration note down your userid and password. Now Login Using Login Form
Login Form: ‐ After Successful Registration you can Login from Login Screen using UserID and

Organisation Details: ‐ Using this screen you can view and update your organisation details.
Competent Person/Inspector Details:‐ Using this screen you can add Competent Person/Inspector
Details. If you have to add Particulars of professional experience, first click on Add Button to add
details then click on Save/Update Button.

Using this screen you can Add New/ Update/Edit/Delete Competent Person/Inspector Details.
Branch Office:‐ Using this screen you can Add Branch Office Detail of Competent Person module. (If
your organisation have no branch office, then you can add your main office details.)

According to Competent Person/inspector Details OR Rule select, you have to issue a Demand Draft
from any Nationalised Bank.
You can Add/Edit/Delete DD Payment Details.

Final Submission: ‐ Using this screen you can do final submission of Registration process. After final
submission you cannot change any details. After Final Submission, you have to send this Demand Draft
by Post on the address of “Chief Controller of Explosives, 5th Floor, A Block, CGO Complex, Seminary Hill,
Nagpur 440006”
Annexure: According to rule, Appendix III-A /Appendix III-B/ Appendix III-C (For SMPV Rule) and Form
XX-B(For Petroleum Rule) will generate.

You have to save this Appendix III-A and take a printout for future reference.
Same will be for Appendix III-B, take a printout for future reference.
Application Status: ‐ Using this screen you can view status of Registration. If PESO officials take any
appropriate action on your submitted application, you can also check status from ‘Application Status’

Print: ‐ Using this screen you can take printout of acknowledgement. This acknowledgement will be
useful for your future reference.
After Final Approval, you can Login using same userid and password: ‐

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