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Social-Emotional Domain

● Social-Emotional Domain (​Mattie)

○ According to Cohen and other (2005), social-emotional development
includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions
and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with
■ Interactions with adults
■ Interactions with peers
■ Identify of self in relation to others
■ Recognition of ability
■ Expression of Emotion
■ Impulse Control
■ Social Understanding
● Share Initial Assessment Findings
○ Assessments
■ “Here are some….” worksheet assessments
■ “How Are My Social Skills Checklist?”
■ Teacher Survey assessment packet of a student (Includes the
always, sometimes, never student survey- Thumbs up/thumbs
down assessment)
○ Annie
■ Talk about findings from the thumbs up/thumbs down activity
● Assessment packet
○ Melanie
■ Talk about points from worksheets from Marybeth

● The intervention you will design in working with Emily (​Joni)

○ “Today I Feel Silly” by ​Jamie Lee Curtis​ and “I’m Furious” by ​Elizabeth
Crary and Jean Whitney​ emotion books. “The Seven Silly Eaters” by Mary
Ann Hoberman, overcoming obstacles together a book and emotional
○ Plumber, Plumber: Explain
○ Emily gets upset or angry:
■ Have her own space
■ Read a book
■ Do a craft…
■ Say a calming rhyme or song
● Progress Notes Below: ​Sarah
- Date: 11/16
- Date: 11/23
- Date: 12/2 (assessment)
● Follow Up (recommendations for the next semester EDU students): ​Ashley
○ Follow-up for next semester:
■ Have more sessions with playing games
● Puzzles
■ Bring a list of topics to talk about
■ Open dialogue and public places like Leonardo’s or the Nutcracker
■ Try to go and support Emily at Faith and Light or any of her
extracurricular activities
■ Invite her to coffee at Cupertino’s
■ Interactions with adults
■ Interactions with peers (​takes her 10-15 minutes to warm up and start
making eye contact)
■ Expression of Emotion (​aware of feelings, aware she struggles with
expressing them, aware she has problems with comforting people who
are sad(afraid and overwhelmed by emotions)
■ Recognition of ability

Each Meeting Notes:

Notes from 1st session with Emily (getting to know her): 11/16

❖ -The first session went very well, Emily was eager to meet us and didn’t show any signs
of wanting us to leave
❖ -Emily was excited to get to know us and greet us, she had snacks put out and was
eager for us to try some of her favorites
❖ -We learned that Emily tends to get shy or refuse to answer when people ask her very
direct questions (for example: we all were painting greetings that we say to people, we
asked Emily if she could show us hers but she ignored the questions and seemed very
❖ From this, we tried other ways of getting her to respond to questions like these so we
said wow Emily your painting looks great can I get a better look at it I can’t quite see it
from here
❖ -We used a stuffed animal (elephant) as a talking stick to shares stories, this worked
great, Emily seemed a bit shy to use it but really understood the idea of taking turns
❖ -from this first session, we were very impressed as Emily had great manners and
engaged in conversations with us asking us our favorite colors, animals, places, etc.
❖ -Emily didn’t show any signs of being overwhelmed by the questions and amount of
❖ -in the end, Emily expressed how she liked giving hugs
❖ -We talked about how if we would want to give people hugs when we see them or if they
are leaving, it is important that we make sure the other person is comfortable with it, Joni
(I think) suggested that Emily can ask would you like a hug to someone she is saying
goodbye to.

Notes from 2nd session With Emily: (Sarah wrote them down) 11/23

❖ We started out by saying prayer

❖ Talked about the speaker, talked about Catholicism and rosary with the Spanish sisters
➢ They talked about HOPE!
❖ Emily talked about how she played volleyball and they WON their game.
❖ Hope in heaven and go to heaven and confess our sins
❖ Emily tells us about what she would say to Jesus in heaven.
❖ She changed the topics many times today.
❖ St. Nicholas
❖ Went around and said names and our favorite saints
❖ She is very knowledgeable about the faith
❖ So happy and smart!!
❖ Very good at holding a conversation.
❖ Limited eye contact at this meeting
❖ We transitioned into our activity: making bead bracelets
➢ Listened to christmas music and disney music
❖ Then transitioned into a Charlie Brown Puzzle ( more social interactive activity)
➢ Worked on starting with borders and organizing pieces to eventually become
independent with puzzles.
❖ Ended meeting by talking to Marybeth about next meeting and to meet at Leonardo’s for
a more social outing for our last meeting.
❖ Before leaving would work on our greetings and leaving social skills
❖ Emily said “ goodbye”
❖ We would ask if she would like a hug and she said “Yes” to us all.

Notes from 3rd session With Emily: 12/2

❖ -Started out meeting talking about The Nutcracker

❖ -Emily and Marybeth talked about going to Pittsburgh to see the ballet
❖ - Started out with a prayer
❖ -Emily eating ice cream: quiet while eating
❖ -Joni started out with prayer
❖ -Explained thanksgiving
❖ - Went around the circle and introduced each other
➢ Was very good at using eye contact
❖ - looks at mom for guidance and help
❖ -Talks about dancing and very good at holding a conversation
❖ -Says “Thank you”
❖ - Very good at keeping and socializing
❖ - Emily asked Mattie a question
❖ -Talked about going to visit Aunt in Akron: watch Frozen 2
❖ -Birthday is Christmas 26: Marybeth
❖ -Started talking about cousins and family
❖ -Emily started asking questions to the group
❖ -Asked Annie about Christmas and then she brought up skiing and then Emily connected
that to an experience she had while skiing
❖ - Talk about Christmas tree hunting and goes around the circle
❖ - Emily did a great job with active listening while other people spoke
❖ -”I am definitely on the nice list”- Emily
❖ - Emily asked “what are you doing for Christmas”
❖ -Emily said thank you
❖ - Fun assessment game
➢ Thumbs up and thumbs down
❖ -Find interventions to help when she gets angry, what to do?
❖ -Complimented Joni’s shirt
❖ -eye contact has been better
❖ -takes her 10-15 minutes to warm up and start making eye contact
❖ -aware of feelings, aware she struggles with expressing them, aware she has problems
with comforting people who are sad(afraid and overwhelmed by emotions)

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