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REG# 37634


Tvc Link:
I feel most of these stories seek support from soicial constructs that trend to limit
womens potential to their households particularly the kitchen.We recently came
across Shan foods' latest TVC that overtly condemned gender roles.

Through its heartwarming campaign, I feel Shan Foods admirably manages to

depict that there is a lot more to being a woman, than just being able to make gol
roti’s. It reminds us that that a woman’s place is not just designated in the kitchen,
but in fact she should be celebrated for being more than just a cook because
besides being a homemaker, she has the ability to stand up for herself, and if need
be, for those around her

Its a phenomenal wounderful add once again shaan win our hearts with this
beautiful add and message eveything is just perfect best actors with best acting set
even music is superb

Shan Foods #KhushiyanChakhLo campaign is infused with the much needed

optimism in our lives. And truth be told there is nothing wrong in having a passion
for cooking for your loved ones, however, we hope that at some point in the near
future women will be appreciated for all that they do beyond the kitchen

I personally feel Each and everything in this Ad have a feel of emotions and care
and decency with some emotional touch. The set design is with the dark colors
with the feel of some emotional attachment like most of the furniture use is of Dark
Brown Color presents strength and reliability but somehow it also presents
loneliness and sadness

Makeup is the lightest just the sweet touch which presence the innocence of
the female character with clear face expressions about her feeling for her
father and how o she cares for him.
I noticed everything in this ad The Costumes used in it also presents decency
and soft touch with emotions Like first costume of the female character
(Daughter) was Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility,
understanding, and softness and the second dress was Peach is directly
associated with the expression of modesty, earnestly and innocence.
Costume of the Male character (Father) is White color is associated with
light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. White means safety, purity,
and cleanliness. White can represent a successful beginning.

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