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Paula Rodríguez Moro.

The crime rate when we speak about people between 12 and 17 years has significantly
changed between 1997 and 2006. It can be seen in many line graphs, how the difference is
constantly increasing and going down depending on the type of crime it is. In the crime rate we
have, we can see how violent crime, property crime and other types of crime have changed.

On the one hand, violent crime has always been in the same situation or following the same
line. I mean, it has not many differences in the last 11 years. However, when people talk about
property crime, we can see that it has decreased almost a half. This is a good result because it
shows how now we can feel safer at home. Lastly, it can be seen how the rest of criminal code
offences had increased a lot. This is, people commit crimes but not in properties, as they used
to do before. They now commit them in the streets.

In conclusion, excluding traffic the total of crime rates has been constantly increasing and
decreasing in the last 11 years. It can be seen how some type of crimes have gotten better, and
how others no.

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