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The documentary "Before The Flood" shows what man-made emissions are doing to our

planet now, and warns of things to come unless we take action. The title refers to the
center panel by 15th-century painter Hieronymus Bosch The garden of earthly delights,
where Earth no longer resembles heaven in the first panel and humans begin to
influence and mix with the landscapes they inhabit. This initiates the transformation of
the garden into the barren desert and hell depicted in the third panel. This precarious
situation is analogous to the real-life state of our planet, Leonardo DiCaprio warns, and
unless humanity changes its ways, these descendants will continue past the point of
hopelessness. So from the documentary "Before The Flood", I realized that social
change that drive the issues of climate change is from the human lifestyle itself, such as
massive use of electricity and excessive use of fossil fuels.

Some example of climate change result in our society is when Leonardo DiCaprio
visited some of the areas hard hit by climate change. While visiting Kangerlussuaq,
Greenland, he noticed that the ice sheet had fallen as deep as 35 feet (10 m) over 5 years
and that only the height had not yet calculated the extent of the ice sheet. South Florida,
where there is a phenomenon called Sunny Day Floading, when the sea level is high
until the water gets into the city, it floods urban streets through drainage channels in the
city of Miami. Indonesia has the third largest tropical rainforest in the world and is also
influenced by life in the forest because it wants to make oil palm plantations known as a
fairly cheap commodity and the basic ingredient of various food and cosmetic products.
In Australia, the effects of global warming are damaging to marine ecosystems,
particularly coral reefs and will result in further instability which will dramatically
affect food security in the oceans. Pacific nations are getting an even bigger impact.
Kiribati, an island nation in Oceania has to flee by buying an island in the island nation
of Fiji because of the impact of floods, tornadoes, and in a few years it will drown, and
residents can migrate even have to migrate because they have no choice. Palau, a
country that is divided into islands due to rising sea levels.

Although tackling climate change depends on profound structural changes to the world
economy - such as ending fossil fuel extraction - it is difficult. With the documentary
film "before the floods" can actually be called a social movement because this
documentary film indirectly tells how bad the current world conditions are due to
climate change and this can open minds for those who watch it. But there are some real
social movements that can be applied in life to tackle the problem of climate change
such as eating less red meat, conserving electricity, using public transportation, and not
buying products with palm oil because palm oil production drives deforestation.

Before the flood. (2017, March 24). Chemistry World.

9 things we learned from Leonardo DiCaprio's climate change film. (2016, October 31).
Global Citizen.

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