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~~ Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple ~~

SHITAL (Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Association of London)
Union Hall, Union Road,
Wembley, Middlesex,
HA0 4AU.
United Kingdom

By Baba’s grace and all the devotees valuable support SHITAL (Shirdi Sai Baba
Temple Association of London) successfully completed its one year on 31st January,
2011. We thank Baba, His devotees and all the volunteers who have been associated
with Temple all this time.

But due to a mere 14 Complaints (Undisclosed) of a few neighbours regarding the

Temples Activities, in October`2010, the Brent Council had issued a Notice of
Enforcement to Shutdown SHITAL.
The decision till date was pending.
But now there are difficulties that certain politicians at Brent Town Hall are creating
for Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, London
The premises at Union Road, Wembley that temple had occupied since January 2010
had D1 use class (License to use a premises as a place of worship) for many years.
However, in July 2010, for reasons unknown, the Planning Officers misled temple
authority to apply for the D1 use permission
when there was no need to do so. In good faith, temple authority trusted them and
submitted a new application.

Temple authority has done everything possible and realistic to comply with the
requirements of the planning department and their proposal was also positively
acknowledged and received by the Planning officer.
However, for some unknown reasons, there has been a concerted effort on some
part of the Council to close the temple.

Brent Council is continually moving goalposts against temple authority.

At the Planning meeting of 15 December, 2010, when the matter was first discussed,
Councillors Ramesh Patel and Ketan Sheth were not allowed to sit on this case.
Ostensibly, it was alleged that because they are Trustees of Pavitt Hall, a Labour
Party property, there is a conflict of interest.
We believe they were removed because they are Hindus.

At the 15 December 2010 meeting, Cllr Sheth was substituted by Cllr Jayesh Mistry
who, along with Councillor Dhiraj Kataria (both Labour) and 3 Liberal Democrats
voted for temple application.
The report was sent back to be re-submitted.
At the subsequent meeting of the Council in January, Cllr Jayesh Mistry was removed
as first substitute to Councillor Sheth.
The clear purpose for removing councilors is to remove those who favored granting
permission to the temple and replacing them with others who would be instructed to
vote against temple application.
The planning officers have apparently now been asked to review the status
but unfortunately recommended the refusal of this application.

‘The Planning Application’, SHITAL (Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Association of

London) is having a FINAL HEARING on Wednesday 23rd February, 2011 at
06:45 PM at Brent Town Hall (Forty Lane, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 9HD)
committee rooms 2nd floor. And your presence is vital in this hearing
regarding the Brent Councils pending decision.

Apart from the legal formalities that we need to undergo, another very important
aspect that helped us last time is praying to our Beloved Baba for staying with us
and keep showering His blessings forever.

Hence, all devotees are requested

to participate in the prayers at the Temple starting 17th Feb`2011 to 24th
Feb`2011 :
a) Akhand Parayan i.e. non-stop reading of Shri Sai Satcharitra
b) Akhand Sai Dhun i.e. non-stop chanting of Sai Maha-mantra ‘Om Sai Shri Sai Jai
Jai Sai..’ all seven days.

The Temple will remain open 24x7 throughout this period.

The fate of the existence of this temple is purely in your hands

and your presence at this meeting will be greatly needed and appreciated.


Please feel free to contact us for any and all queries either by email or phone as
Web: sai / bookings@
Tel: 0208 9022 311/0208 7950 684

"Good Intentions are like Seed pOds that blOw

away in the Wind,
but gOOd acts are like the Seed Planted in Fertile

I'm-planted: rOhit beHaL

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