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Physiology of the
Cooperation of
the Eyes
General Introduction

The Eyes as a Sensorimotor The Tasks of the Motor

Unit System

The two human eyes with their adnexa and The tasks of the motor system are (1) to enlarge
nervous system connections form an indivisible the field of view by transforming the field of
entity. This fact must always be kept in mind, vision into the field of fixation, (2) to bring the
but for the purpose of study a distinction be- image of the object of attention onto the fovea
tween the sensory and the motor systems is nec- and keep it there, and (3) to position the two eyes
essary. in such a way that they are properly aligned at all
Light stimuli, having gone through the changes times, thereby ensuring the maintenance of single
imposed on them by the refractive media, reach binocular vision.
the peripheral organ of vision, the retina, and
produce physical and chemical alterations in the
retinal receptors. In turn, these alterations provoke Nature and Control of Ocular
in the retinal neurons physicochemical and electri- Movements
cal changes that are transmitted as impulses to the
central nervous system. Eventually, visual sensa- Voluntary and Involuntary Eye
tions of form, spatial relationships, and color ap- Movements
pear in our consciousness. This sequence of events In agreement with a time-honored classification, a
may be called the sensory aspect of the visual distinction is made between voluntary and invol-
process. The events in the sensory part of the untary eye movements. Voluntary simply implies
visual system also precipitate a chain of responses that the movements are ‘‘willed’’ by the individ-
in the motor system of the eyes, in the central and ual, presumably as a result of a chain of impulses
peripheral nervous arrangements, and in the inner that originate in the cortex. Involuntary eye move-
and outer muscles of the eyes. ments are not willed by the individual and, indeed,
In this unitary sensorimotor system, the sensory occur without awareness. They are elicited mainly
system transmits and elaborates the information by stimuli arising from outside the body, for exam-
received about the outside world. The motor sys- ple, visual or auditory, or those arising from within
tem has no independent significance and is en- the body, for example, vestibular. The former are
tirely in the service of the sensory system, by referred to as exteroceptive, the latter as interocep-
which it is largely governed. Understanding of tive stimuli.
this system is essential for the interpretation of When the illuminance of the retina changes,
the neuromuscular anomalies of the eyes. the pupil of the eye constricts or dilates. When we
4 Physiology of the Sensorimotor Cooperation of the Eyes

tilt our head to one shoulder, the eyes make a zation of the nervous system, for a long time
parallel movement around their anteroposterior has been the cornerstone of neurophysiology and
axes, so the vertical meridians of the retinas turn neurology and, consequently, also that of the sen-
in the direction opposite that of the head. The sorimotor system of vision. Chavasse1 introduced
eyes attempt to right themselves. Both these motor an extreme reflexologic view into the analysis of
reactions are highly useful unconditioned reflexes. neuromuscular anomalies of the eyes. He extended
The central nervous system structures that mediate the concept of unconditioned reflexes, in the man-
these reflexes are subcortical. The individual is ner of Pavlov’s teaching on the higher nervous
not aware they are taking place. activity, to include the sensory visual responses.
When a light stimulus reaches the retinal pe- Chavasse’s views are discussed in detail in later
riphery, the eye turns and causes the stimulus to chapters.
impinge on the area of highest resolving power, Control of the eye movements thus was inter-
the fovea. If a binocularly fixated object ap- preted as resulting from exteroceptive and proprio-
proaches the eyes, the visual axes converge to ceptive stimulations. More recently, a new way of
maintain fixation. If for some reason the proper thinking and a new vocabulary have been devel-
alignment of the visual axes has been lost, correc- oping. Cybernetics and information theory, to-
tive fusional movements occur and restore binocu- gether with spectacular advances in electronic
lar fixation. All these movements are highly use- technology, have brought about a revolution that
ful, and most of them are also reflexive, but there could not help have an influence on the interpreta-
is a significant difference between them and reflex tion of biological phenomena. The terminology of
movements. the engineer has taken on a strangely biological
If a person is lost in thought or concentrating cast, and the terminology of the biologist is in-
on an object of regard, another object approaching creasingly borrowing terms from the engineer.
from one side may not be noticed—at times with ‘‘Closed loops,’’ ‘‘open loops,’’ ‘‘feedback,’’ and
regrettable results. One can voluntarily stop con- ‘‘servomechanisms’’ are words heard today as
vergence or voluntarily overconverge. In inatten- commonly from biologists as from engineers.
tive states, one may fail to make fusional move-
The information received from the retina may
ments. All these movements, then, though
be designated as retinal error signal (the difference
basically reflexive, require the cooperation of the
between the desired and received placement of the
cerebral cortex, in particular a state of visual atten-
image) or as outflow feedback. Signals sent out
tion. Hofmann and Bielschowsky,8 who published
from tension sensors in the extraocular muscles
their classic study on fusional movements in 1900,
would then represent an inflow (proprioceptive)
clearly noted the reflex nature of these move-
feedback. Inflow feedback is the common mecha-
ments, but were also aware that they did not come
about without the concurrence of attention. They nism provided for in skeletal muscles, for exam-
designated the fusional movements as psycho-op- ple, the muscles of the limbs. Whether inflow from
tical reflexes. At the time Hofmann and the extraocular muscles plays a role in oculomotor
Bielschowsky published their paper, Pavlov had control or space perception is discussed in Chap-
just begun his work on conditioned reflexes, and ter 2.
his findings were not yet published. Today, reflex Ludvigh,12 one of the first to propose a cyber-
movements that require cooperation of the cere- netic model for eye movements, stated that it is
bral cortex are designated as conditioned reflexes. tempting to hypothesize that the retina provides
In summary, all eye movements, insofar as they the necessary feedback, since the visual environ-
are not voluntary, are unconditioned or condi- ment is ordinarily heterogeneous; therefore, move-
tioned reflexes performed in the service of the ments of the eyes bring about changes in the
sensory system of the eyes, specifically in the retinal and neural pattern even in the absence
interest of clear, distinct vision and of binocular of any interoceptive sense. Ludvigh pointed out,
fixation. however, that control of the eye movements can-
not be based on retinal feedback alone.12 The
Cybernetic Control of the Eye temporal relations are such that entire large excur-
Movements sions of several degrees, so-called saccadic move-
The concept of reflex activity, with the neuron as ments, may be initiated and completed by the eyes
the unit of the anatomical and physiologic organi- before there is time for any inflow or outflow
General Introduction 5

feedback to become effective. This reasoning may Empiricism and Nativism

not apply to the much slower fusional movements.
According to Ludvigh’s hypothesis12 a definite Historically, there were two opposing schools of
innervation sequence always follows when the thought with regard to the origin and development
stimulus has a specific extrafoveal position. This is of normal binocular vision and spatial orientation.
an important concept well described by Hofmann,7 One maintained that humans are born without
who spoke of a motor value of the retinal elements binocularity or spatial orientation and that binocu-
proportional to the distance of the stimulated ele- larity and spatial orientation are learned functions
ment from the fovea, whose retinomotor value is acquired by trial and error through experience and
equal to zero (see Retinomotor Values in Chap- assisted by all the other senses, especially the
ter 2). kinesthetic sense. This is the theory of empiricism:
The cybernetic scheme proposed by Ludvigh12 that binocular vision depends on ontogenetic de-
is a qualitative one. Later authors2, 5, 15–17 have velopment. The other school held that binocular
worked out quantitative models for oculomotor vision and spatial orientation are not learned func-
control. It is not useful to discuss them in this tions but are given to humans with the anatomico-
book; interested readers are referred to the original physiologic organization of his visual system,
publications. which is innate. This is the nativistic teaching:
that binocular vision is acquired phylogenetically
rather than ontogenetically.
Apparent Movement of the The principal proponents of these two schools
Environment were Hering and Helmholtz who—with very little
experimental evidence on either side—battled
When the eyes make a saccadic movement, the each other fiercely during the second half of the
image of the environment sweeps across the ret- nineteenth century. The intensity of this battle is
ina, yet no movement is perceived. This phenome- understandable, because it is not restricted to the
non has been explained by von Holst and Mittel- question of the development of binocular vision;
staedt,9 Ludvigh,11 and others as follows. indeed it is a battle between two attitudes toward
The control system (the ‘‘space representation life and existence.
center’’ of Ludvigh12) is informed of the conjugate One may ask why philosophic ponderings on
innervation sent to the extraocular muscles. If the empiricism and nativism should be found in a
movement is accurately performed, the informa- book on strabismus. Surprising as it may seem,
tion from retinal feedback coincides with the in- they are of basic importance in the management
formation about the conjugate innervation, and no of strabismus since the prognosis and the attitude
movement is perceived; but if the two disagree, toward timing of treatment depend on this view.
an apparent movement of the visual environment If one believes that binocular vision is a learned
results. skill and if a functional cure is sought, one will
This can be shown by a simple experiment: have to operate very early in a child’s life. Another
close the left eye and push your right eye na- ophthalmologist, more nativistically inclined, may
salward with your finger. Images will now sweep believe that, given a normal sensorimotor anlage,
across the retina, but since the control center early surgery is not absolutely essential, just as it
knows of no active innervation to the right medial is of no functional use if the anlage is not there.
rectus muscle, the environment appears to make a There is no doubt that the anlage for normal
jump to the right. Likewise, if an extraocular mus- binocular vision is present at birth. No evidence
cle (e.g., the right lateral rectus muscle) is para- exists, for instance, that sensory fusion or stereop-
lyzed, an innervation impulse to abduct that eye sis are ‘‘learned’’ processes any more than the
will not be executed at all or, if any abduction perception of color—as distinct from color
occurs, the eye will not abduct fully. The control naming—is a learned process. Certain motor skills
center is informed of the innervation, but the ab- of the eyes are learned and improvable, as are all
sence of the proper retinal feedback again causes motor skills. The situation may be compared with
an apparent movement of the environment to the that of a musician. ‘‘Innate’’ musical talent is
right. This phenomenon is the basis of past-point- necessary, but to be a pianist or violinist the motor
ing in paralytic strabismus, which is discussed skills of fingers and arms must be learned and
further in Chapter 20. continually reinforced through practice.
6 Physiology of the Sensorimotor Cooperation of the Eyes

Animal research during the past three decades REFERENCES

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