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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

151 (3rd series)

The Parietal Lobe
G. Vallar and H.B. Coslett, Editors
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 23

The dorsal “action” pathway

Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

In 1992, Goodale and Milner proposed a division of labor in the visual pathways of the primate cerebral
cortex. According to their account, the ventral pathway, which projects to occipitotemporal cortex, con-
structs our visual percepts, while the dorsal pathway, which projects to posterior parietal cortex, mediates
the visual control of action. Although the framing of the two-visual-system hypothesis has not been with-
out controversy, it is clear that vision for action and vision for perception have distinct computational
requirements, and significant support for the proposed neuroanatomic division has continued to emerge
over the last two decades from human neuropsychology, neuroimaging, behavioral psychophysics, and
monkey neurophysiology. In this chapter, we review much of this evidence, with a particular focus on
recent findings from human neuroimaging and monkey neurophysiology, demonstrating a specialized role
for parietal cortex in visually guided behavior. But even though the available evidence suggests that ded-
icated circuits mediate action and perception, in order to produce adaptive goal-directed behavior there
must be a close coupling and seamless integration of information processing across these two systems.
We discuss such ventral–dorsal-stream interactions and argue that the two pathways play different, yet
complementary, roles in the production of skilled behavior.

INTRODUCTION1 close – and for centuries, scientists have been trying to

understand how exactly vision manages to achieve this
Of all our senses, vision has fascinated us more than any
incredible feat. Even today, the study of visual perception
other. The reason for this is clear: our reflections on the
and its neural substrates is a flourishing – and
past, awareness of the present, and imaginings of the
expanding – enterprise in laboratories around the globe.
future are so intimately tied to, and in many ways insep- It is important to remember, however, that, in addition
arable from, our visual experience that it is virtually
to allowing us to see and interpret our world, vision
impossible to envision our mental events being governed
enables exquisite control of the movements we make in
by any other sense. The prominence of vision lies, in part,
that world, from the simple act of picking up a glass of
in its unique capacity to provide incredibly rich and
wine at dinner to the skilled thrust of a foil in a fencing
detailed information about the world far beyond the sur-
match. Yet, with the notable exception of eye movements,
face of our skin. No other sensory system comes even
which could be regarded as an information-seeking

Abbreviations used in the chapter are listed at the end of the chapter before References section.

*Correspondence to: Melvyn A. Goodale, Department of Psychology, Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7. Tel: +1-519-661-2070, E-mail:
adjunct to visual perception, it is only relatively recently respect to the particular effectors being used to perform
in the august history of vision science that researchers the action). In fact, very often such computations would
have turned their attention to the role of vision in the pro- be counterproductive because our viewpoint with respect
gramming and control of our actions, particularly the to objects, as noted above, rarely remains the same from
movements of our hands and limbs. One reason why one moment to the next. Instead, it changes constantly as
the visual control of action has been ignored for so long we move through our environment, even though our per-
is the prevalent belief that the same visual representation ceptual representations of those objects typically show
that enables us to perceive our environment also guides constancy; i.e., we continue to see them as having the
our actions in that environment. Indeed, visual percep- same size, shape, and location even though our view-
tion is so directly linked to our conscious experience that point might change dramatically.
it is difficult to imagine that a separate visual system Indeed, for the purposes of perception, one can argue
might underlie our interactions with our surroundings. that it would be better to encode the size, orientation, and
As we will outline in this chapter, however, evidence location of objects relative to others in the scene, even
from a broad range of studies shows that vision is not though the projection of the images of those objects on
a unitary system. Rather, the control of skilled actions our retinas will vary as we move around. Such a
depends on visual processes and neural mechanisms that scene-based frame of reference permits a perceptual rep-
are quite separate from those mediating perception and resentation of objects that transcends particular view-
awareness. points, and at the same time preserves information
about their spatial relationships (as well as their relative
sizes and orientations) as the observer moves around. To
do this, some of the brain networks underlying percep-
tion might use an array of viewer-centered representa-
tions of the same object; others might use canonical
representations; still others might be truly “object-
To understand why the visual mechanisms mediating the centered” (Riesenhuber and Poggio, 2000; for a discus-
control of action are different from those mediating per- sion of these issues, see Biederman, 2000; Hummel,
ception, it is first necessary to consider differences in 2013). But whatever the particular coding might be, it
their computational requirements, i.e., differences in is the identity of the object, not its disposition with
the way in which visual input is transformed for perform- respect to the observer, that is of primary concern to
ing an action versus the way in which it is transformed for the perceptual system. The products of perception, like
constructing a percept. The visual information required object recognition and identity, also need to be available
for the guidance of skilled actions must reflect the real over a much longer timescale than the visual information
metrics of the world and be effector-specific. In the case used in the control of action. Thus, by working with per-
of grasping, for example, the location and disposition of ceptual representations that are object- or scene-based,
the goal object must be computed with respect to the we are able to maintain the constancies of size, shape,
hand, or, at the very least, be selected from learned color, lightness, and relative location, over time and
“look-up tables” that link neurons coding a particular across different viewing conditions.
set of visual inputs with neurons that code the desired
state of the grasping hand (for discussion of these issues,
see Thaler and Goodale, 2010; Goodale, 2011). More-
over, the time at which these computations are performed In 1992 Goodale and Milner suggested that these differ-
is equally critical. Actors and goal objects rarely stay in a ences in the required computations for visual perception
static relationship with one another and, as a conse- and the visual control of action led to the emergence of
quence, the location and disposition of a target object separate visual pathways in the primate cerebral cortex:
with respect to the limb can change radically from a ventral visual stream projecting from early visual areas
moment to moment. In order to deal with these constantly to inferotemporal cortex that mediates our perception of
changing situations, “just-in-time” computations are the world, and a dorsal visual stream projecting to the
required: the required coordinates for action need to be posterior parietal cortex (PPC), that mediates the visual
computed at the very moment the movements are per- control of action (Fig. 23.1). According to their two-
formed and dynamically updated in an “online” fashion visual-systems account of visual function, the identifica-
as the movement unfolds. tion and selection of goal objects and an appropriate
In contrast to visuomotor control, visual perception course of action depend on the perceptual machinery
does not need to deal with the absolute size of objects of the ventral stream and associated cognitive modules
or their egocentric locations (i.e., their locations with in the temporal and frontal lobes, whereas the execution
the role of the dorsal stream in the visual control of
action, but will also touch on some of the contributions
of the ventral stream. But first, we briefly review the early
work on neurologic patients that drove the initial concep-
tion of the two-visual-systems model.


Fig. 23.1. Schematic representation of the two streams of NEUROPSYCHOLOGIC EVIDENCE
visual processing in the human cortex. Visual information Some of the most compelling evidence for the division of
landing on the retina is projected to the lateral geniculate
labor proposed by Goodale and Milner (1992) has come
nucleus of the thalamus (LGNd), which then projects to the pri-
from studies of patterns of spared visual abilities and
mary visual cortex (V1). Within cortex, the information from
early visual areas (V1+) then projects along two separate path- visual deficits in patients with damage to either the dorsal
ways: a ventral stream (red) that projects to occipitotemporal or ventral stream. Patients with lesions in the dorsal
cortex and a dorsal stream (green) that projects to posterior stream, particularly lesions of the superior regions of
parietal cortex. The posterior parietal cortex also receives the PPC that invade the territory of the intraparietal sul-
visual input by the superior colliculus (SC) route, relayed cus and/or the parieto-occipital sulcus, typically have
through the pulvinar. On the right, approximate locations of problems in using vision to direct a grasp or aiming
the pathways are shown on a partially inflated human cortical movement towards the correct location of a visual target
surface (PALS-B12 template: van Essen, 2005). placed in different positions in the visual field, particu-
larly in the peripheral visual field. This deficit is typically
of subsequent goal-directed actions is mediated by ded- referred to as optic ataxia (following Balint, 1909; see
icated online control systems in the dorsal visual stream Chapter 11). But the failure to locate an object with the
and associated motor and supplementary motor areas. hand should not be construed as a general problem in spa-
The two-visual-systems model recognizes that, in tial vision. Many of these patients, for example, can
order to have evolved, both the dorsal and the ventral describe the relative position of an object in space quite
streams must contribute to the production of adaptive accurately, even though they cannot accurately direct
actions and behavior. After all, natural selection can their hand towards it (Perenin and Vighetto, 1988).
operate only on the products of an organism’s actions Moreover, sometimes the deficit will be seen in one hand
on the world. Indeed, a system that simply generates but not in the other (Balint, 1909). In some patients with
internal percepts in isolation from outward, observable damage to the PPC, the deficit in acquiring targets with
actions could never have evolved. Rather, as was already the hand encompasses somatosensory-defined targets,
described, the percepts generated by the ventral stream such as parts of the body that are touched by the exper-
enable the organism to identify goals and select the imenter (see Chapter 11). But in other cases, the deficit
appropriate course of action to achieve those goals. is restricted to visually defined targets (Balint, 1909).
But, as Milner and Goodale have pointed out (2008), Some individuals with damage to the dorsal stream are
the contribution of the ventral stream to the production of unable to use visual information to rotate their hand,
adaptive actions does not stop there. By mediating the scale their grip, or configure their fingers properly when
learning of associations between the visual appearance reaching out to pick up an object, even though they have
of an object and other properties such as its mass, density, no difficulty describing the orientation, size, or shape of
compliance, and surface friction, the ventral stream also objects in that part of the visual field (Fig. 23.2). More-
provides critical information for the successful manipu- over, these deficits in grasping can even be seen in central
lation of the object once contact has been made. More- vision in patients with bilateral dorsal-stream lesions
over, many objects, such as tools, for example, have (Jakobson et al., 1991). This pattern of deficits suggests
functional properties and must be grasped and manipu- that the PPC plays a critical role in the visual control of
lated in particular ways. In such cases, the ventral stream skilled actions (for a more detailed discussion of optic
contributes to the selection of the appropriate hand pos- ataxia and related sensorimotor deficits, see Milner and
ture even though it is the dorsal stream that deals with the Goodale, 2006, and Chapter 11).
metric requirements of the programming and control of The opposite pattern of deficits and spared abilities
the eventual action (for a discussion of this issue, see has been described in patients with visual agnosia. Take
Milner and Goodale, 2006). the case of patient DF (see Chapter 13), who developed a
In this chapter, we review the evidence for these profound visual form agnosia following carbon monox-
claims, particularly evidence from recent neuroimaging ide poisoning (Goodale et al., 1991). Although magnetic
studies in humans. We will focus largely on studies of resonance imaging (MRI) showed evidence of diffuse

Fig. 23.2. Difference in brain damage and preserved function between an optic ataxic and visual form agnosic patient. Brain
images (top) highlight lesion differences between patient R.V., an individual with optic ataxia (left; from Goodale MA,
Meenan JP, Bulthoff HH, et al. (1994) Separate neural pathways for the visual analysis of object shape in perception and prehen-
sion. Curr Biol 4: 604–610), and patient D.F., an individual with visual form agnosia (right; from James TW, Culham J, Humphrey
GK, et al. (2003) Ventral occipital lesions impair object recognition but not object-directed grasping: an fMRI study. Brain 126:
2463–2475, with permission from Oxford University Press). Pink coloring highlights the lesioned areas in each individual. The
graphs (bottom) show the size of the aperture between the index finger and thumb during object-directed grasping and manual
estimates of object width for R.V. (left) and D.F. (right). The left panel shows that R.V. was able to indicate the size of the objects
reasonably well (individual trials marked as open diamonds), but her maximum grip aperture in flight did not show appropriate
object scaling. She simply opened her hand as wide as possible on every trial. In contrast, the right panel shows that D.F. exhibited
excellent grip scaling, opening her hand wider for the 50-mm-wide object than for the 25-mm-wide object. D.F.’s manual estimates
of the width of the two objects, however, were grossly inaccurate and showed enormous variability from trial to trial.

damage consistent with hypoxia, most of the damage hand opens wider midflight for wider objects than it does
early on was evident in ventrolateral regions of the occip- for narrower ones, just like it does in people with normal
ital cortex, with V1 remaining largely spared (Fig. 23.2). vision (Fig. 23.2). Similarly, she rotates her hand and
More recent high-resolution MRI scans confirmed wrist appropriately when she reaches out to grasp objects
this damage, but revealed that her ventral-stream lesions in different orientations, and she places her fingers cor-
are focused in a region of the lateral occipital cortex (area rectly on the surface of objects with different shapes.
LO), that we now know is involved in the visual recog- At the same time, she is quite unable to distinguish
nition of objects, particularly their geometric structure between any of these objects when they are presented
(James et al., 2003). Even though DF’s “low-level” to her in simple discrimination tests. She even fails in
visual abilities are reasonably intact, she can no longer manual matching tasks in which she is asked to show
recognize everyday objects or the faces of her friends how wide an object is by opening her index finger and
and relatives; nor can she identify even the simplest of thumb a corresponding amount.
geometric shapes. (If an object is placed in her hand, DF’s spared visuomotor skills are not limited to grasp-
of course, she has no trouble identifying it by touch.) ing. She can step over obstacles during locomotion as well
Remarkably, however, DF shows strikingly accurate as control subjects, even though her perceptual judgments
guidance of her hand movements when she attempts to about the height of those obstacles are far from normal.
pick up the very objects she cannot identify. Thus, when Contrary to what would be predicted from the “what vs.
she reaches out to grasp objects of different widths, her where” hypothesis (Ungerleider and Mishkin, 1982),
a profound loss of form perception coexists in DF with a and/or grasping movements to objects whose form and
preserved ability to use form in guiding a broad range of orientation they can perceive. This double dissociation
actions. Such a dissociation, of course, is consistent with is consistent with the division of labor between percep-
the idea that there are separate neural pathways for trans- tion and action first proposed by Goodale and Milner
forming incoming visual information for the perceptual (1992). While the aforementioned patient work does well
representation of the world versus for the control of in describing the consequences of damage to the separate
action. Presumably it is the former and not the latter that pathways for perception and action, some of the most
is compromised in DF (for more details, see Goodale convincing evidence for the perception–action proposal
and Milner, 2004; Milner and Goodale, 2006). It appears has come from neurophysiologic studies of the dorsal
that the selective damage to area LO has disrupted DF’s and ventral streams in nonhuman primates and functional
ability to perceive the form of objects. These lesions have MRI (fMRI) studies in the human. In the following sec-
not interfered with her ability to use visual information tions, we briefly review the functional organization of the
about form to shape her hand when she reaches out and visuomotor control networks in the primate brain, focus-
grasps objects – presumably because the visuomotor net- ing largely on the dorsal stream.
works in her dorsal stream that mediate grasping are largely
spared, with damage restricted to the most posterior part
of the parieto-occipital cortex (Whitwell et al., 2014).
Since the original work on DF, other patients with
ventral-stream damage have been identified who show
strikingly similar dissociations between vision for per- Although there has been much debate about the precise
ception and vision for action. Patient SB, who suffered nature of the underlying computations, the roles of pri-
severe bilateral damage to his ventral stream early in life, mary and secondary motor areas in frontal cortex in
shows remarkably preserved visuomotor skills (he plays the generation of movement have been well established
table tennis and can ride a motorcycle) despite having for more than a century (Fritsch and Hitzig, 1870; Ferrier,
profound deficits in his ability to identify objects, faces, 1876, 1890; Sherrington, 1906; Penfield and Boldrey,
colors, visual texture, and words (Le et al., 2002; 1937; see Graziano, 2009, for a detailed review). By
Dijkerman et al., 2004). comparison, the contributions of the dorsal stream to
Recently, another patient, who sustained bilateral movement control, and those of the PPC in particular,
damage to the ventral stream following a stroke, was have been a topic of investigation only relatively recently
tested on several of the same tests that were given to (Mountcastle et al., 1975; Mountcastle, 1976). This
DF more than a decade ago. Remarkably, this new patient was in part due to the historic assessment of the PPC
(JS) behaved almost identically to DF. In other words, as a purely sensory association area, a designation
despite his inability to perceive the shape and orientation grounded in its anatomic location at the boundaries of
of objects, he was able to use these same object features the primary visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortical
to program and control grasping movements directed areas (Critchley, 1953; see Chapter 7). Consistent with this
towards those objects (Karnath et al., 2009). idea, the PPC has been well characterized by its multi-
Finally, it is worth noting that if one reads the early sensory functional properties. For example, the anterior
clinical reports of patients with visual form agnosia, regions of the parietal cortex respond to tactile stimulation
one can find a number of examples of what appears to and exhibit somatosensory responses (Mountcastle, 1957;
be spared visuomotor skills in the face of massive deficits see Chapter 4) whereas the posterior regions show a vari-
in form perception. Campion (1987), for example, ety of neural response properties linked to visuospatial
reports that patient RC, who showed a profound visual attention (Ungerleider and Mishkin, 1982; Colby and
form agnosia after carbon monoxide poisoning, “could Goldberg, 1999; Husain and Nachev, 2007). However,
negotiate obstacles in the room, reach out to shake hands it is now widely accepted, based on neurophysiologic
and manipulate objects or [pick up] a cup of coffee.” findings in nonhuman primates, patient work in humans,
Taken together, the pattern of visual deficits and and more recently, human fMRI studies, that the PPC
spared abilities in DF (and in SB, JS, and other patients is indeed selectively involved in processes related to
with visual form agnosia) is in many ways the mirror movement planning and control (Mountcastle et al.,
image of that observed in the optic ataxia patients 1975; Andersen et al., 1997, 2014; Kalaska et al., 1997;
described earlier. Indeed, DF, who has damage in her Culham and Valyear, 2006; Gallivan and Culham, 2015).
ventral stream, can reach out and grasp objects whose The PPC in both humans and nonhuman primates
form and orientation she does not perceive, whereas consists of a mosaic of specialized subregions, each of
patients with optic ataxia, who have damage in their dor- which has been shown to be involved in the planning
sal stream, are unable to use vision to guide their reaching and control of specific bodily effectors (Culham et al.,
2006; see Chapter 8, Fig. 8.8). First in awake, behaving Luppino, 2000; Tanne-Gariepy et al., 2002), the PPC
monkeys with neurophysiologic recording techniques has been putatively subdivided into two parallel proces-
and then later in humans with neuroimaging methods, sing streams for prehension: (1) a dorsolateral circuit
these areas were identified by their activation selectivity involving interconnections between CIP, AIP, and
for movements of the hand (anterior intraparietal area PMv, thought to be specialized for object grasping and
(AIP) in monkeys and AIP sulcus (aIPS) in humans), manipulation; and (2) a dorsomedial circuit involving
arm (visual area 6 (V6A) and medial intraparietal area interconnections between V6A, MIP, and PMd, thought
(MIP) in monkeys and superior parieto-occipital cortex to be specialized for reaching and online corrections
(SPOC) and anterior precuneus (aPCu) in humans), eyes during movement (Galletti et al., 2003; Johnson and
(lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in monkeys and parietal Grafton, 2003; Rizzolatti and Matelli, 2003; Grafton,
eye fields (PEF) in humans), and head (ventral intrapar- 2010; Fig. 23.4). (A separate, third pathway, involving
ietal area (VIP) in monkeys, and VIP sulcus (VIPs) in interconnections between LIP and FEF, has been shown
humans) (Gallivan and Culham, 2015; reviewed in to be involved in the preparation of eye movements.)
Culham and Valyear, 2006). Whereas the anatomic divisions proposed by this dorsal
Mirroring these putative subdivisions in the PPC, parallel pathway view are not in dispute, the extent to
there are similar functional specializations in the motor which they actually support separable functional circuits
areas of the frontal cortex – an organization that reflects for grasping and reaching is still a matter of some debate.
reciprocal interconnections between the parietal and A recent wealth of evidence demonstrates that macaque
frontal cortex (Johnson et al., 1996; Shipp et al., 1998; V6A, an area presumed to be primarily involved in reach-
Matelli and Luppino, 2000; Andersen and Buneo, ing, also exhibits a wide range of grasp-selective neuronal
2002; Tanne-Gariepy et al., 2002). Although not an properties (Fattori et al., 2009, 2010, 2012), and neur-
exhaustive list, these frontal areas include the ventral pre- oimaging experiments in humans have bolstered these
motor cortex (PMv), involved in hand movements, the observations (Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010; Gallivan et al.,
dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), involved in arm move- 2011b; Monaco et al., 2011; Gutteling et al., 2015).
ments, and the frontal eye fields (FEF) involved in eye Nevertheless, the connectivity of the dorsolateral cir-
movements (Weinrich and Wise, 1982; Bruce and cuit does appear to indicate a more specialized role in
Goldberg, 1985; Rizzolatti et al., 1988). In addition, object grasping. Area AIP, for example, exhibits promi-
the medial surface of frontal cortex contains secondary nent interconnections with inferotemporal cortex (Borra
motor areas, such as the supplementary motor area et al., 2008). This presumably provides a direct access
(SMA), the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), route through which perceptual information about object
and the cingulate motor zones (discussed elsewhere; properties (e.g., surface texture, compliance) can be
see Dum and Strick, 2002; Amiez and Petrides, 2014). shared with the dorsal-stream brain structures that use
All of these frontal areas, in addition to receiving projec- this information for visually guided grasping, particu-
tions from the PPC and exhibiting connectivity with one larly for the final phase when the required grip and load
another, send direct projections to the primary motor cor- forces are critical.
tex (M1), the main source of descending motor com- Furthermore, the dorsolateral pathway lies directly
mands to the spinal cord (Porter and Lemon, 1993), as adjacent to, and is interconnected with, the inferior pari-
well as to the spinal cord directly (Dum and Strick, etal lobule (IPL: Borra et al., 2008), a brain region
1991, 1996, 2002; Boudrias et al., 2009). that, in monkeys, has been shown to represent the
Importantly, the PPC, in contrast to regions in the higher-level goals of motor acts in which grasping is
frontal lobe, has considerably fewer direct anatomic pro- embedded (Fogassi et al., 2005; Rozzi et al., 2008;
jections to the spinal structures (less than one-fifth the Bonini et al., 2011) and, in humans, it is an area that
number of connections; see Murray and Coulter, 1981; has undergone considerable cortical expansion through
Toyoshima and Sakai, 1982), suggesting that the dorsal evolution (Van Essen and Dierker, 2007). It is perhaps
stream largely exerts its influence over motor output not surprising then that the IPL has been heavily impli-
through its projections to frontal cortical regions. This cated in higher-order human-related behaviors such as
pattern of connections suggests that the PPC is more hand gestures and tool use (Johnson-Frey, 2004; see
likely to be involved in the earlier stages of sensorimotor Chapters 17 and 25), language processing (Davis and
transformations for action, at a level that is more Johnsrude, 2003), and action understanding (see
abstractly removed from the precise muscle commands Chapter 28). In the next section, we provide a more
needed to achieve the desired actions (Fig. 23.3). detailed discussion of each of the purported functional
Based on patterns of anatomic connectivity in mon- subdivisions of human and monkey PPC, and attempt to
keys and the response properties of neurons in the differ- link each to a specialized role in visuospatial processing
ent areas involved (Johnson et al., 1996; Matelli and for action.

Fig. 23.3. Schematic representation of action-related areas of parietal and premotor cortex shown on the cortical surface of the
human (left) and macaque monkey (right) brain. The cortical surfaces (dorsal, lateral, and medial views) have been partially
inflated to reveal regions within the sulci while preserving a sense of curvature, and are based on the PALS-B12 template human
brain (left: Van Essen, 2005) and the F99 template macaque brain (right: Van Essen, 2004). Brain areas are color-coded according
to the legend at the bottom and are an approximation based on general consensus from human neuroimaging (left) and macaque
neurophysiology (right). For legibility, functionally defined regions have been grouped into the most well-established regions
implicated in hand and eye movements (note that the schematic is not intended to veridically show the extent and overlap of acti-
vation). Areas coded with the same color in parietal and premotor cortex within each species indicate direct connectivity and sim-
ilar functional specializations. Areas coded with the same color across species suggest possible functional homologies. White
dashed lines indicate major sulci. Sulci acronyms: AS, arcuate sulcus; Ces, central sulcus; CiS, cingulate sulcus; IFS, inferior fron-
tal sulcus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; LuS, lunate sulcus; PoCes, postcentral sulcus; POS, parieto-occipital sulcus; PrCes, precentral
sulcus; PS, principal sulcus; SFS, superior frontal sulcus. Areal acronyms: AIP, anterior intraparietal area; aIPS, anterior intrapar-
ietal sulcus; APCu, anterior precuneus; CIP, caudal intraparietal area; FEF, frontal eye fields; LIP, lateral intraparietal area; MIP,
medial intraparietal area; mIPS, medial intraparietal sulcus; PEF, parietal eye fields; pIPS/cIPS, posterior or caudal intraparietal
sulcus; PMd, dorsal premotor cortex; PMv, ventral premotor cortex; SPOC, superior parieto-occipital cortex; VIP, ventral intra-
parietal area; vIPS, ventral intraparietal sulcus.


One brain region that appears to be critically involved in
both reaching and grasping actions in humans is the
SPOC, a putative human homolog of area V6A in the mon-
key (Pitzalis et al., 2006), located medially and slightly
anterior to the parieto-occipital sulcus. In monkeys, neu-
rons in V6A exhibit spatial tuning for parameters linked
Fig. 23.4. Subdivisions of the dorsal visual pathway. The two
parallel pathways for prehension within the dorsal stream are to reaching, such as direction and amplitude, and more
shown according to Rizzolatti and Matelli (2003) and Galletti recently have been shown also to encode parameters rele-
et al. (2003). Pathways are projected on to the F99 template vant for object grasping, such as grip formation and wrist
macaque brain (Van Essen, 2004). orientation (for review, see Fattori et al., 2017).
Consistent with these functional roles, experimentally state estimation and prediction (Wolpert et al., 1998;
induced lesions to this area in monkeys lead to both Shadmehr and Wise, 2005; Mulliken et al., 2008), goal
misreaching and misgrasping (e.g., a failure to correctly encoding (Musallam et al., 2004; Andersen et al.,
reach towards, and appropriately preshape the fingers 2010), cognitive set (Stoet and Snyder, 2004), categori-
of the hand for the target object; see Battaglini et al., zation (Freedman and Assad, 2006), shape recognition
2002). In line with these observations, convergent find- (Sereno and Maunsell, 1998), timing (Walsh, 2003;
ings from human fMRI (Prado et al., 2005; Bernier and Jazayeri and Shadlen, 2010, 2015), attention (Colby
Grafton, 2010; Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010; Gallivan and Goldberg, 1999; Bisley and Goldberg, 2003), learn-
et al., 2011a, b; Tosoni et al., 2015), transcranial magnetic ing (Clower et al., 1996; Rossetti et al., 1998; Linden
stimulation (Vesia et al., 2010; Ciavarro et al., 2013) and et al., 1999), number and magnitude processing
patient studies (Perenin and Vighetto, 1988; Karnath and (Walsh, 2003; Hubbard et al., 2005; Ansari, 2008;
Perenin, 2005) all implicate SPOC in the preparation and Nieder and Dehaene, 2009), and working memory
execution of reaching and reach-to-grasp actions. For (Xu and Chun, 2006, 2009).
example, recent neuroimaging studies using neural decod- Located at the very posterior extent of the IPS, situ-
ing techniques have shown that signals from SPOC reli- ated early in the hierarchy of the dorsal visual stream,
ably predict different upcoming object-directed grasping is the CIP. Neurons in macaque CIP exhibit tuning for
actions to be performed by an individual (Gallivan both two- and three-dimensional object visual surfaces
et al., 2011b) as well as the spatial direction of their reach- (Sakata et al., 1998; Tsutsui et al., 2002; Tsao et al.,
ing movements (Gallivan et al., 2011a). 2003; Katsuyama et al., 2010; Rosenberg et al., 2013),
Just anterior to SPOC in humans is the aPCu, an area features that must be extracted and updated during move-
that has also been implicated in reaching (and pointing) ment planning and control. The exact role of CIP in trans-
actions (Filimon et al., 2009; Bernier and Grafton, 2010). forming this visual information for the purposes of
Although both SPOC and aPCu are frequently action, however, is unclear, as reversible inactivation
co-activated in sensorimotor tasks, they are likely to be of area CIP does not produce a grasping deficit, but rather
functionally distinct (Filimon et al., 2009; Bernier and only a perceptual deficit in the discrimination of object
Grafton, 2010; Konen et al., 2013), a notion supported tilt/slant (Tsutsui et al., 2001). In humans, the posterior
by differences in their underlying cytoarchitecture extent of the IPS (pIPS) is activated in fMRI tasks requir-
(Scheperjans et al., 2008a, b) and the observation that ing object visual selection and attention (Wojciulik and
they exhibit distinct patterns of whole-brain functional Kanwisher, 1999; Szczepanski et al., 2010) and it has
connectivity (Margulies et al., 2009; Hutchison et al., been shown to encode both target- and effector-related
2015). Notably, whereas several arguments have been information for movement (Beurze et al., 2007, 2009;
made for functional equivalence between human SPOC Gallivan et al., 2011a, 2013). With respect to the latter,
and macaque V6A (Mars et al., 2011; Hutchison et al., recent neuroimaging evidence in both macaques and
2015; Fattori et al., 2017), the functional equivalent of humans suggests a role for CIP and pIPS, respectively,
aPCu in the macaque is not yet clear. Nevertheless, in in eye- rather than arm-related movements (Leone
the monkey, both of these neuroanatomical regions have et al., 2014; Premereur et al., 2015; Saber et al., 2015),
connections with the MIP and PMd (Matelli and although additional evidence is needed to verify this
Luppino, 2000), regions that are both heavily implicated effector selectivity.
in sensorimotor transformations for reaching (Weinrich Moving further anteriorly, the middle segment of the
and Wise, 1982; Weinrich et al., 1984; Caminiti et al., IPS has been shown, in both the human and the monkey,
1990; Snyder et al., 1997; Pesaran et al., 2006). to be reliably activated by both eye and arm movements.
The intraparietal sulcus (IPS), which divides the The LIP area, located on the lateral bank of the middle
superior parietal lobule medially from the IPL laterally, IPS in monkeys, contains neurons more selective for
is perhaps one of the best-studied yet poorly understood eye movements than for reaching movements (Snyder
regions in parietal cortex. The area houses a highly et al., 1997; Cui and Andersen, 2007). Consistent with
complex cytoarchitecture (Grefkes and Fink, 2005; this, electric stimulation of LIP produces fixed-vector
Gregoriou et al., 2006), exhibits a highly distributed saccades (Thier and Andersen, 1996, 1998; Constantin
pattern of corticocortical connectivity (Mars et al., et al., 2007), and oculomotor behavior can be reliably
2011), and the structures contained within it have been predicted from LIP population responses (Graf and
implicated in a dizzying array of high-level sensorimotor Andersen, 2014, 2015). Interestingly, it has been shown
and cognitive functions. These include, but are not lim- that LIP activity represents upcoming decisions related to
ited to, roles in action planning and coordinate transfor- not just eye (Gold and Shadlen, 2007) but also hand
mations (Andersen and Buneo, 2002), decision making movements (de Lafuente et al., 2015), suggesting a more
and value estimation (Gold and Shadlen, 2007), forward general role for the area in perceptual decision making.
By contrast, area MIP, located on the medial bank of the three-dimensional shape coding (Srivastava et al., 2009;
middle IPS in monkeys, contains neurons that are selec- Theys et al., 2012), and hand preshaping for grasping
tive for reach movements rather than eye movements (Taira et al., 1990; Sakata et al., 1997; Murata et al.,
(Snyder et al., 1997; Calton et al., 2002; Cui and 2000; Baumann et al., 2009). Consistent with a role in
Andersen, 2007) and, in the context of decision making, visual transformations for object grasping, muscimol
it only represents upcoming decisions related to arm (g-aminobutyric acid agonist) injections into AIP disrupt
movements (de Lafuente et al., 2015). This latter obser- visually guided object-directed hand preshaping, while
vation is consistent with recent findings showing that leaving reach behavior relatively intact (Gallese et al.,
MIP inactivation impacts reach but not saccade choices 1994; see Janssen and Scherberger, 2015, for review).
(Christopoulos et al., 2015) and execution (Hwang In agreement with this functional organization, the human
et al., 2012). aIPS also shows selectivity for grasp planning and execu-
Whereas in the monkey the functional organization of tion with fMRI (Culham et al., 2003; Frey et al., 2005;
the middle segment of the IPS makes it relatively easy to Begliomini et al., 2007; Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010).
dissociate eye- and arm movement-related neural sig- Moreover, neurologic patients with damage to this area
nals, experimental investigations in the human have show deficits in grasping but little disturbance in reaching
painted a considerably fuzzier picture of such effector (Binkofski et al., 1998), and transcranial magnetic
selectivity. Indeed, the majority of human neuroimaging stimulation to the region selectively interferes with the
studies exploring this topic have revealed largely over- grasp component of reach-to-grasp actions (Tunik et al.,
lapping activations for the two effectors in PPC 2005; Rice et al., 2006).
(Astafiev et al., 2003; Connolly et al., 2003; Hagler As emphasized above, neurophysiologic evidence
et al., 2007; Levy et al., 2007; Beurze et al., 2009; across human and nonhuman primates points to the dor-
Filimon et al., 2009). sal stream as being critically involved in the visual con-
Such species-specific differences may be due to sev- trol of action. As noted at the outset, however, the dorsal
eral nonmutually exclusive factors. First, the neuroana- stream does not typically act in isolation, but rather
tomic locations of LIP and MIP in the monkey lie receives considerable input from the ventral stream,
directly adjacent to each other (on opposing sulcal sur- which identifies goal objects in the environment and aids
faces) and, in comparison to single neuron recordings, in the selection of an appropriate action based on the
fMRI has far poorer spatial resolution to allow for similar current situation and context. In the following section,
levels of detection and separability. Second, there may we turn to a discussion of some of the important ways
actually be less effector-specificity in human compared in which the two visual streams may come to interact
to monkey PPC (Heed et al., 2011). Third, the human in the service of goal-oriented behavior.
middle IPS may not actually house the functional homo-
logs of LIP and MIP and the circuits may be organized in
a different fashion (Leone et al., 2014). Lastly, the signals
being measured by fMRI (blood oxygenation response)
do not reflect a one-to-one relationship with the action The two-visual-systems framework provides a convinc-
potentials recorded via neural electrodes in monkeys ing account for the role of the dorsal pathway in mediat-
(Logothetis et al., 2001). ing reaching and grasping movements directed towards
Nevertheless, setting these factors aside, fMRI work objects, where the relevant object metrics (e.g., location,
has shown that activation patterns from middle IPS can size, shape) can be computed directly from visual input.
be used to decode prepared arm movements and saccadic But, as discussed earlier, reaching out and grasping an
eye movements, as well as their spatial directions, to be object is most often the prelude to actually manipulating
performed moments later (Gallivan et al., 2011a). Thus, and interacting with objects (i.e., lifting and moving them)
even if effector representations in the human are not as in our environment. Preparing such actions requires
compartmentalized as in the macaque, distributed activ- knowledge of an object’s mechanical properties (e.g.,
ity patterns in the middle IPS still appear to exhibit sim- weight and the object’s associated dynamics, as well as
ilar kinds of information. No doubt the close proximity of its compliance, surface friction coefficients, and even its
arm- and eye-related representations in the IPS (as in temperature) – properties that cannot be reliably derived
frontal cortex) is not by chance but rather an organiza- from retinal inputs alone and must instead be estimated
tional feature that facilitates the close coupling and coor- based on stored knowledge linking visual information
dination of the two effectors in everyday behavior about the object (e.g., size or material) to its mechanical
(Andersen and Buneo, 2002; Andersen and Cui, 2009). properties.
The most anterior section of the IPS, area AIP in To lift an object efficiently, for example, an accurate
the monkey, contains neurons selectively involved in prediction of object weight is critical (Wolpert and
Flanagan, 2001; Flanagan et al., 2006; Johansson and 2010), makes sense in light of the fact that object weight
Flanagan, 2009). Individuals will smoothly increase their cannot be directly appreciated from vision. Rather, it
lifting forces (i.e., vertical load force) to a level that just requires the extraction of lasting and detailed information
exceeds the estimated object weight and, when this pre- about objects, via learning and memory associations
diction is correct, the object will be lifted efficiently. (Milner and Goodale, 2006).
When lifting an object for the first time, people rely on While weight predictions based on size-weight and
well-learned correlations, or priors, relating material material-weight priors are often accurate, they can, at
and size to weight (Gordon et al., 1991a, b, 1993; times, be erroneous (e.g., when one braces to lift a large
Flanagan and Beltzner, 2000; Buckingham et al., 2009; bag of luggage only to quickly realize, at lift-off, that it is
Baugh et al., 2012). For example, we learn from an early in fact empty). Not surprisingly, in such circumstances
age that large objects tend to be heavier than smaller individuals are capable of using knowledge obtained
objects and, likewise, that metal objects tend to be from previous lifts, known as sensorimotor memory, to
heavier than wood objects, and readily exploit this infor- adapt their lifting force in subsequent lifts of the same
mation to appropriately scale the fingertip forces used object (Johansson and Westling, 1988; Cole, 2008;
when lifting objects. Baugh et al., 2012). Nevertheless, these well-learned
Undoubtedly, the use of visual cues, such as size and priors are robust and extremely difficult to override, as
material, in the initial calibration of lifting forces indi- revealed through the size weight and material weight illu-
cates a role for the ventral visual pathway in the control sions (SWI and MWI, respectively).
of action. Indeed, at the level of brain mechanisms, a The SWI refers to the observation that individuals,
wealth of evidence points to regions in occipitotemporal when lifting two objects of different volumes but equal
cortex (OTC) as being critically involved in the coding of weight, will almost without fail judge the smaller object
visual object properties, such as size and material (Grill- to be heavier (Charpentier, 1891; Murray et al., 1999).
Spector and Malach, 2004; Cant and Goodale, 2007, This illusion is thought to arise from a simple mismatch
2011), and behavioral research suggests that size infor- between what one expects the object to weigh and what
mation, used to predict weight when lifting, is actually it actually weighs (Flanagan et al., 2008). That is, because
processed in the ventral stream (Brenner and Smeets, the smaller object is heavier than expected, it is judged
1996; Jackson and Shaw, 2000). Thus, one possibility to be heavier (and vice versa with the larger object).
is that structures in OTC provide the dorsal pathway, Similarly, the MWI refers to the observation that individ-
via projections to parietal cortex (Borra et al., 2008), with uals will often report, when lifting two objects of different
visual information about object properties relevant for materials but of the same volume and weight, the object
computing weight used when lifting. In which case, with the lighter-looking material (e.g., expanded poly-
we might be expected to find an encoding of object styrene) as feeling heavier than the one made from
weight information only in the dorsal visual pathway, heavier-looking materials (e.g., metal: Harshfield and
consistent with its known role in computing the real- DeHardt, 1970; Ellis and Lederman, 1999; Buckingham
world metrics of objects relevant for sensorimotor et al., 2009). Interestingly, neither of these illusions is
control. weakened when the actor is informed that the objects
Another possibility, however, consistent with evi- are of equal weight (Flourney, 1894; Nyssen and
dence showing that activity in OTC is sensitive to previ- Bourdon, 1955) or lessened with repeated lifting of the
ous sensorimotor experience (Weisberg et al., 2007), objects (Wolfe, 1898; Seashore, 1899; Buckingham
real-world object properties (Konkle and Oliva, 2012), et al., 2009). This is despite the fact that individuals will cor-
and a variety of sensory inputs linked to object identity rectly adapt their lifting forces to the actual weights of the
(e.g., tactile, auditory; see Amedi et al., 2001; James objects in subsequent lifts (Flanagan and Beltzner, 2000;
et al., 2011), is that object weight is actually encoded Buckingham et al., 2009) (Fig. 23.5).
at the level of object-processing regions in the ventral Interestingly, it has recently been shown that, by alter-
visual pathway. ing the expectation that weight increases with size
Interestingly, consistent with this latter prediction, (through having participants practice lifting objects over
Gallivan and colleagues (2014) showed, using human repeated daily sessions in which small objects are always
fMRI and neural decoding methods, that object- heavier than large ones), the SWI can be attenuated and
processing areas in OTC, in addition to areas in primary eventually even inverted, such that the bigger of two
and secondary motor cortex, are involved in representing equally weighted objects will actually be judged as
object weight. The encoding of a motor-related object heavier (Flanagan et al., 2008). Despite this significant
feature in OTC, though perhaps unexpected in the con- change in perceptual report, the sensorimotor system
text of strict interpretations of the dual-pathways view nevertheless quickly learns to predict the weights of
(McIntosh and Schenk, 2009; Schenk and McIntosh, the inverted-weight objects accurately, as revealed

Fig. 23.5. Demonstration of the size–weight illusion (SWI). (A) Size-weight stimuli. Subjects lift the large and small objects
(equal in weight) by grasping a handle using a precision grip (between thumb and index finger). The handle is equipped with
two force-torque sensors that can be quickly moved from object to object. A light-sensitive diode, embedded into the lifting plat-
form, records object lift-off. (B) Fingertip force records for a representative individual. Grip force (in newtons), load force (LF),
grip and load force rates, and light-sensitive diode recorded in the initial (left) and later (right) lifts of each object. This subject lifted
the large object (blue traces) and then the small object (red traces), in an alternating fashion. In all trials, subjects grasped the object
and increased grip and load force together until lift-off occurred (signaled by the light diode). In the initial trials (left), peak grip and
load force rates were scaled to object size whereas in the later trials (right), the peak force rates were statistically indistinguishable
for the two objects (i.e., appropriately scaled to the equally weighted objects). Vertical lines indicate object lift-off. (C) Lift param-
eters, averaged across subjects. Grip force rate and load force rate are plotted as a function of trial number. Each dot represents an
average of 20 subjects (vertical lines are standard errors). Curves were fitted for each object to provide a visual impression of the
force adaptation over trials. (D) Heaviness rating, plotted as a ratio of the small-to-heavy object. Participants indicated, on a
10-point scale, the perceived heaviness of the two objects throughout the duration of testing. A positive score indicates the smaller
object as being perceived heavier. (Data kindly provided by Randy Flanagan and modified from Flanagan and Beltzner (2000),
with permission from Nature Publishing Group.)
through the fingertip forces used when lifting. This dem- stream (in conjunction with related circuits in premotor
onstrates that the well-learned priors serving the sensori- cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and brainstem) are then
motor system are not hard-wired or crystallized during activated to transform the visual information about the
development, but can be gradually modified through cup into the appropriate coordinates and motor commands
the experience of lifting objects (Flanagan et al., 2008). for the desired action (i.e., in the metaphor above, the
Although the brain mechanisms that support the dis- dorsal stream would be the semiautonomous robot). This
sociation between force estimation (for lifting) and per- means that in many instances a flagged object in the scene
ceived heaviness remain poorly understood, fMRI work will be processed in parallel by both ventral and dorsal
has suggested the left PMv as playing a role in estimating stream mechanisms – each transforming the visual infor-
object density based on size and weight (Chouinard et al., mation in the array for different purposes. In other situa-
2009), a factor thought to be important in driving the SWI tions, however, where the visual stimuli are particularly
(Grandy and Westwood, 2006; Buckingham, 2014). salient, visuomotor mechanisms in the dorsal stream
Taken together, this elegant work on object lifting pro- can operate without any immediate supervision by the
vides support for the dual, but not mutually exclusive, ventral stream’s perceptual mechanisms.
proposition that: (1) the control of object manipulation Of course, the tele-assistance metaphor does not cap-
requires access to ventral visual pathway resources (such ture the entire interaction between the dorsal and ventral
as computations about size and material); and (2) like streams that must occur in a natural reach-to-grasp
other action–perception dissociations, the sensorimotor movement. Although the dorsal stream might be able
system can often operate independently of the cogni- to provide most of the metric computations required
tive/perceptual system. to guide the hand towards the goal object, the ventral
stream clearly plays a pivotal role in selecting the
appropriate hand posture (in the case of tools, for exam-
ple) and in determining the required grip and load
When Goodale and Milner (1992) first proposed the idea forces for interacting with the object once contact is
of a separate vision-for-action system in the dorsal made. In short, the two streams play different but com-
stream, the emphasis was on the independence of this plementary roles in the production of skilled and adap-
system from vision for perception in the ventral stream. tive actions.
But, even in the original conception, it was understood
that the two systems would have to work closely together ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in the generation of purposive (and adaptive) behavior.
J.P.G. was supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health
Indeed, as noted earlier, in light of the pressures of natural
Research (CIHR) fellowship and M.A.G. was supported
selection, if the computations of the ventral stream did
by CIHR, the Natural Sciences and Engineering
not in some way assist in the selection of our actions
Research Council of Canada, and the Canada Research
(and help the organism survive) then it is unlikely to have
Chairs program.
ever evolved.
One way to think about the interaction between the
two streams (an interaction that capitalizes on the comple-
mentary differences in their computational constraints) is AIP, anterior intraparietal area; aIPS, anterior intraparie-
in terms of a tele-assistance metaphor borrowed from tal sulcus; aPCu, anterior precuneus; CIP, caudal
robotics engineering (Goodale and Humphrey, 1998). intraparietal area; FEF, frontal eye fields; fMRI,
In tele-assistance, a human operator, who has identified functional magnetic resonance imaging; IPL, inferior
a goal object and decided what to do with it, communi- parietal lobule; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; LIP, lateral
cates with a semiautonomous robot that actually performs intraparietal area; LO, lateral occipital area; M1,
the required motor act on the flagged goal object (Pook primary motor cortex; MIP, medial intraparietal area;
and Ballard, 1996). In terms of this tele-assistance meta- MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MWI, material
phor, the perceptual-cognitive system in the ventral weight illusion; OTC, occipitotemporal cortex; PEF,
stream, with its rich and detailed representations of the parietal eye fields; pIPS, posterior intraparietal sulcus;
visual scene (and links with cognitive systems), would PMd, dorsal premotor cortex; PMv, ventral premotor
be the human operator. Processes in the ventral stream cortex; PPC, posterior parietal cortex; pre-SMA, pre-
participate in the identification of a particular goal and supplementary motor area; SPOC, superior parieto-
then flag the relevant object in the scene, perhaps by occipital sulcus; SMA, supplementary motor area;
means of an attention-like process. Once a particular goal SWI, size weight illusion; +V6A, visual area 6; VIP,
object, such as a wine glass on the dinner table, has been ventral intraparietal area; VIPs, ventral intraparietal
flagged, dedicated visuomotor networks in the dorsal sulcus.
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