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A Cortical Network for Directed

Attention and Utlllateral Neglect
M.-Marsel Mesulam, MD

Unilateral neglect reflects a disturbance in the spatial distribution of directed attention. A review of unilateral
neglect syndromes in monkeys and humans suggests that four cerebral regions provide an integrated network for
the modulation of directed attention within extrapersonal space. Each component region has a unique functional
role that reflects its profile of anatomical connectivity, and each gives rise to a different clinical type of unilateral
neglect when damaged. A posterior parietal component provides an internal sensory map and perhaps also a mech-
anism for modifying the extent of synaptic space devoted to specific portions of the external world; a limbic compo-
nent in the cingulate gyrus regulates the spatial distribution of motivational valence; a frontal component
coordinates the motor programs for exploration, scanning, reaching, and fixating; and a reticular component pro-
vides the underlying level of arousal and vigilance. This hypothetical network requires at least three complemen-
tary and interacting representations of extrapersonal space: a sensory representation in posterior parietal cortex, a
schema for distributing exploratory movements in frontal cortex, and a motivational map in the cingulate cor-
tex. Lesions in only one component of this network yield partial unilateral neglect syndromes, while those that
encompass all the components result in profound deficits that transcend the mass effect of the larger lesion. This
network approach to the localization of complex functions offers an alternative to more extreme approaches, some
of which stress an exclusive concentration of function within individual centers in the brain and others which
advocate a more uniform (equipotential or holistic) distribution.
In human beings, unilateral neglect syndromes are more frequent and severe after lesions in the right hemi-
sphere. Also, right hemisphere mechanisms appear more effective in the execution of attentional tasks. Further-
more, the attentional functions of the right hemisphere span both hemispaces, while the left hemisphere seems to
contain the neural apparatus mostly for contralateral attention. This evidence indicates that the right hemisphere
of dextrals has a functional specialization for the distribution of directed attention within extrapersonal space.
Mesulam M-M: A cortical network for directed attention and unilateral neglect.
Ann Neurol 10:309-325, 1981

One manifestation of unilateral injury to the human an underlying attentional deficit for segments of
parietal lobe is neglect for events that occur within extrapersonal space [14, 211.
the contralateral half of extrapersonal space. In se- The investigation of neglect syndromes in human
vere cases, patients may behave almost as if that half beings has remained subject to the customary uncer-
of the universe had abruptly ceased to exist. Thus, tainties inherent in clinicopathological correlations.
one patient may shave, groom, and dress only one However, recent physiological and anatomical ex-
side of the body; another may fail to eat food placed periments on the posterior parietal areas of the
on one side of the tray; while still another may omit macaque monkey have provided a wealth of new in-
to read half of each sentence written on a page. In formation, much of which appears directly relevant
cases of lesser severity, the neglect may not be as ob- t o an understanding of the mechanisms of neglect
vious during spontaneous behavior but can be elic- and perhaps also of directed attention. This article
ited in the form of unilateral extinction during bilat- reviews this evidence from the vantage point of a
eral simultaneous stimulation. Since primary sensory specific cerebral network that functions to coordinate
or motor deficits are not necessary for the emergence the different stages of directed attention in macaque
of this syndrome, at least one plausible interpretation monkeys and in humans. An additional purpose is
has been to assume that the unilateral neglect reflects to inquire whether this network could influence

From the Bullard and Denny-Brown Laboratories and the Behav- Received Dec 31, 1980, and in revised form Mar 10 and Apr 7,
ioral Neurology Section, Harvard Neurology Department and 1981. Accepted for publication Apr 7, 1981.
Charles A. Dana Research Institute, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Address reprint requests Dr Mesulm, Director, Behavioral
Neurology, Beth Israel Hospital, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA

0364-5 134/81/100309-17$01.25 @ 1981 by the American Neurological Association 309

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the classification of unilateral neglect syndromes in a expect that unilateral ablations that include area P G
fashion that can reconcile the apparently divergent will result in a state of neglect for the contralateral
views which have sought to explain the process of hemispace since the animal will have lost a neural ap-
unilateral neglect as well as the organization of selec- paratus for registering the impact of motivationally
tive attention. relevant events and for making them the target of
subsequent behavior.
Experiments i n Macaque Monkeys
Phys iologicaI Basis of Unilateral Neglect Anatomical Basis of Unilateral Neglect
Contralateral attention hemianopia and sensory ex- Recent experiments based on axonal transport of
tinction can be elicited following unilateral but ex- tracer substances show that neural connections of
tensive posterior parietal ablations in macaque mon- area PG, and especially those of its dorsolateral part,
keys [ 2 3 , 521. A physiological substrate for this provide a pattern of connectivity that is consistent
phenomenon emerged in the course of single-cell with the physiological properties noted in the pre-
recordings in the inferior parietal lobule of awake and ceding section [31,66,90, 1231. Although area P G is
behaving monkeys. In these experiments, neurons composed of three subdivisions (intrasulcal, medial,
with response contingencies relevant to attentional and dorsolateral), the following comments focus on
processes were encountered predominantly in the dorsolateral PG since this subdivision contains many
dorsal portion of the inferior parietal lobule, a region of the attention-related neurons just described and
that corresponds to area PG of von Bonin and Bailey since it is the most accessible to behavioral and
[ 131. Neurons in this area increase their activity when anatomical experiments.
the animal reaches toward a desirable object such as The large number of neural projections which
food, while equivalent but passive limb displace- have been shown to reach dorsolateral P G
ments do not elicit a similar response [61, 971. Other gives the impression of such indiscriminate het-
neurons react most vigorously when the eyes fixate erogeneity that the functional contribution of an
or track a motivationally relevant object; the high individual connection may appear irrelevant or
rate of response continues until the animal is re- impenetrable. However, each of these connections
warded by a drop of sweet liquid but then declines can be placed into one of only four distinct categories
abruptly, even in the absence of any gaze shift [82]. such as “sensory association,” “limbic,” “reticular,”
Still other neurons increase their rate of discharge and “motor” 1901. This classification highlights the
prior to the onset of visually evoked saccades toward neural convergence of limbic with sensory informa-
meaningful events within certain portions of the vi- tion, a convergence that may underlie the physiologi-
sual field but not in conjunction with identical spon- cally demonstrated ability of neurons in this area to
taneous saccades [82]. In additional experiments, recognize motivational clues in sensory events. The
monkeys were taught to maintain central fixation group of reticular inputs may provide a means for
while spots of light appeared in the peripheral fields. modulating the regional level of arousal, while the
Under some conditions, detection of subsequent motor output may guide the exploratory and orient-
dimming of the peripheral spot was rewarded, while ing behavior necessary for scanning the environment.
under other conditions identically placed stimuli had The sensory association afferents reach dorsolat-
no such behavioral relevance. Even in the absence of era1 P G only after undergoing extensive processing
any associated eye movements, the response of PG in other parts of the cortex (Fig 1).This cortical elab-
neurons to the onset of such peripherally placed oration of sensory information occurs in orderly suc-
spots of light was found to be more vigorous when cession within specific subtypes of association cortex.
reward was made contingent on accurate detection of Thus, the initial cortical relay for the three major
subsequent dimming [ 181. These experiments sug- sensory modalities occurs within discrete koniocor-
gest that area PG in the monkey contains neurons tical fields in the supratemporal plane (auditory),
that respond not only to the presence of a stimulus occipital lobe (visual), and postcentral gyrus
but also to its current motivational value and to the (somatosensory). These primary sensory areas send
likelihood of its becoming the immediate target of massive connections, either directly or through an
visual or manual grasp.* It is therefore reasonable to intervening relay, to surrounding association areas:
auditory cortex to the superior temporal gyrus, visual
cortex to peristriate and inferotemporal cortex, and
‘Whereas Mountcastle [96] and Lynch [81]conclude that these
neurons have a command function for hand and eye movements
within extrapersonal space, Robinson et al [lo61 emphasize their
sensory properties, arguing that the change in firing rate that pre- visual and somatosensory information with the internal drive state,
cedes an eye movement reflects enhancement of a sensory re- and that an increase in the activity of these units may reflect the
sponse rather than a command signal to perform a saccade. How- psychological state of attention that the stimulus elicits on the basis
ever, both groups agree that neurons in area PG associate complex of its motivational importance.

310 Annals of Neurology Vol 10 No 4 October 1981

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in the brain of the rhesus monkey (20, 1161. Indi
vidual neurons in this type of cortex respond to inpu
in more than one modality, while behavioral conse.
quences of lesions reflect difficulties in detecting
multimodal aspects of stimuli [8, 10, 1251.
Neuroanatomical experiments led to the some-
what unexpected conclusion that dorsolateral PG re-
ceives exceedingly few projections either from pri-
mary sensory cortex or from traditional unimodal
associated areas. Instead, this part of P G receives the
great majority of its cortical sensory association input
from polymodal areas [90]. Thus, just as there is at
least one obligatory unimodal relay between primary
sensory cortex and polymodal areas, there is gener-
ally at least one obligatory relay (mostly in polymodal
areas) between unimodal cortex and dorsolateral PG
[70]. It appears, therefore, that sensory information
cannot have access to dorsolateral PG until it is
extensively processed in unimodal and then in
polymodal cortex. This ensures that dorsolateral PG
is in a position to contain an exceedingly elaborate
sensory representation of extrapersonal space, a con-
F i g I. The selectwe distribution of neurons that send connec- dition that appears desirable for the function of an
tions into dorsolateral PG i n the rhesus monkey. The inferior area involved in distribution of attention.*
parietal lobule is bound by the intraparietal sulcus (ips), syl-
Unit recordings indicate the presence of wide-
vian fissure (Syl. f), and superior temporal sulcus (sts). Dor-
solateral PG occupies the dorsal half of the inferior parietal spread visual responses in dorsolateral P G [77, 106,
lobule. The cortex along the dorsal half of the caudal bank in 1351. The pattern of cortical and subcortical connec-
the intvaparietal sulcus represents the intrasulcal part of PG, tions is consistent with this pattern of responses. For
uihile the region bound by the subparietal sulcus (sps) and the example, three major sources of projections into
parietooccipttal sulcus (pos) contains the medial part of PG. dorsolateral PG, area TF in the parahippocampal
The hatched area in this animal (area virtually confined t o gyrus, the caudal bank of the intraparietal sulcus, and
dorsolateral PG) was injected with the enzyme horseradish the medial pulvinar nucleus, have massive connec-
peroxidase. This tracer is transported retrograde to the tions with unimodal visual association areas and un-
perikarya of neurons that send axons into the injected area. doubtedly act as relays for visual information 190,
The distribution of these neurons is indicated by diamonds on
115, 117, 1241. Nevertheless, each of these connec-
the medial and lateral suvfaces ofthe brain. The area between
tions still follows the general principle that there
the dashed and solid lines represents the cortex lining sulcal
banks. (as = arcuate sulcus: cf = calcarine fissure; cgs = is at least one synapse interposed between tradi-
cingulate sulcus; cs = central sulcus; ios = inferior occipital tional unimodal areas and dorsolateral PG. O n the
sulcus; Is = lunate sulcus; ots = occipitotemporal sulcus; ps = other hand, the lateroposterior and intralaminar
principal sulcus: rs = rbinal sulcus; rsa = retrosplenial area.) thalamic nuclei, which have lesser connections
(From Mesulam et al 1901, Brain Res 136.39.3-414, 1977.1 with dorsolateral PG, d o receive substantial inputs
from the superficial (visual) layers of the supe-
rior colliculus [7] and may act as more direct re-
somatosensory cortex to the superior parietal lobule lays for visual information. Indeed, a low degree of
[64, 791. Each of these association regions (and stimulus specificity and large receptive fields are re-
perhaps others) constitutes a unimodai association sponse properties shared by units in dorsolateral P G
area since its neural input, the behavioral deficits and by those in the superficial layers of the superior
that follow its removal, and the response contingen- colliculus but not by components of the geniculocal-
cies of its component neurons are predominantly carine system [47, 1351. It is interesting to note,
confined to the one relevant modality. The next stage
in processing sensory information occurs when con- *In a previous publication the term supramodal was suggested as a
generic name for this type of cortex [90]. Our preliminary obser-
nections from more than one type of unimodal cortex vations in the frontal lobes indicate that this profile of sensory
converge (or reside in close proximity) within cortical connections may be unique to dorsolateral PG. For example, sev-
areas that can be designated as polymodal. Periarcuate eral areas we studied in prefrontal cortex had a substantial uni-
modal input [2].With the possible exception of paralimbic areas,
cortex and the banks of the superior temporal sulcus dorsolateral PG may thus contain the most extensively processed
constitute two of the better-known polymodal areas sensory input.

Neurological Progress: Mesulam: Network for Attention and Neglect 3 11

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however, that the medial pulvinar nucleus, which is this group of inputs may be of considerable func-
the major source of thalamic input into dorsolateral tional relevance.*
PG, receives very few, if any, direct projections from The efferent projections of area P G are reciprocally
the superficial layers of the superior colliculus [7]. In- directed to most of the afferent sources already listed
stead, the medial pulvinar nucleus is probably in- here 164, 991. Of special interest for directed atten-
volved mostly in relaying highly integrated polysen- tion are the projections to the frontal eye fields (area
sory information (albeit with a bias for the visual 8) and to the superior colliculus [2,64, 72, 99, 1021.
modality) into dorsolateral PG. The predominant Neurophysiological and behavioral experiments in-
type of thalamic input therefore parallels the pre- dicate that these areas are crucial for the modulation
dominant type of cortical input reaching dorsolateral of head and eye movements. For example, stimula-
PG from sensory association areas. tion of each of the two regions elicits contraversive
The elaborate nature of this sensory input assumes head and eye movements [38, 104, 1051. Unit re-
special relevance when it is considered that the limbic cordings indicate that the deep layers of the superior
projections from the cingulate gyms are directed colliculus contain neurons active in initiating eye
predominantly to the dorsolateral part of area PG movements [ l l l , 112, 1321. The presence of similar
rather than to its intrasulcal subdivision, which re- neurons in the frontal eye fields has been questioned
ceives the less extensively processed unimodal inputs [12, 941. However, there are units in the caudal por-
[90, 1001. In addition to cingulate input, dorsolateral tion of the frontal eye fields that do show a burst of
PG also receives additional limbic connections, prob- activity just before a saccade directed to a stimulus in
ably cholinergic, from the substantia innominata and the appropriate part of the visual field. The burst
also from the lateral hypothalamic area in the basal does not occur if the animal merely attends to the
forebrain [89]. These limbic connections and their stimulus but fails to make a saccade toward it [451.
convergence with extensively processed sensory af- Furthermore, the receptive fields of these neurons
ferents may play a fundamental role in assigning moti- predict the direction of movement that follows their
vational valence to complex events that occur within microstimulation [461. Combined lesions of frontal
extrapersonal space. While the basal forebrain may eye fields and of the superior colliculus result in
be concerned with a limited set of basic reinforce- profound impairment of saccadic eye movements
ments such as food or drink [ 1071, the cingulate cor- even though destruction of either site alone causes
tex may subserve the more complex aspects of re- only subtle deficits [95, 113, 1333.Thus, the frontal eye
inforcement and their modification by learning. fields and superior colliculus appear to have parallel
Indeed, it was observed that the discharge rate of but complementary and pivotal roles in modulating
neurons in area PG did not simply reflect the aversive ocular m0vements.t The frontal eye fields and sur-
or desirable properties of food-related stimuli [ 1081. rounding areas may also be involved in limb move-
Thus, it seems that the coding of motivational rele- ments since complex manual tasks are also impaired
vance at the level of dorsolateral PG reflects greater following lesions that include this area [27, 49, 93,
complexity and specificity. Moreover, while the basal 1221. Thus, the output of dorsolateral PG to the
forebrain projects widely to many neocortical areas frontal eye fields and to the superior colliculus may
[30, 68, 911, the cingulate cortex has a far more coordinate the motor sequences necessary for
selective efferent field [loo]. On the basis of this foveating, scanning, exploring, fixating, and manipu-
selectivity, it is reasonable to expect that the cin- lating motivationally relevant events within extraper-
guloparietal connection is all the more important in sonal space.
shaping the functional specialization of dorsolateral While none of the projection classes just described
PG. is confined to dorsolateral PG, the individual char-
A third contingent of inputs into dorsolateral P G acteristics of each of the four categories and their
originates in intralaminar thalamic nuclei, in the convergence in this region constitute a unique profile
nucleus locus coeruleus, and in the brainstem raphe of connectivity that is consistent with functional
nuclei [go]. 1 have chosen to combine these projec- specialization in the process of directed attention (Fig
tions into a category of reticular inputs. At least in 2).
the cat, stimulation of intralaminar thalamic nuclei
can elicit cortical recruiting or desynchronization
[130], while the nuclei of the locus coeruleus and *Dorsolateral PG also receives inputs from the claustrum 1901.
The claustrum presently defies classification into any single func-
midline raphe mediate the different phases of sleep tional category and may have sensory association, limbic, and re-
[65]. These reticular projections may thus modulate ticular influences on dorsolateral PG.
regional cortical activity according to the prevailing ?The motor output from the frontal eye fields appears to be mostly
nonpyramidal. Thus, there are efferents to the striatum, sub-
level of arousal. Since the effectiveness of attention thalamic nucleus, and superior colliculus but relatively few to pre-
and the level of arousal are clearly interrelated [58], motor or motor cortex 170, 71, 991.

312 Annals of Neurology Vol 10 No 4 October 1981

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Pulvinar medialis
Polymodal c o r t e x

Gingulate c o r t e x Frontal Eye Fields
Basal Forebrain DORSOLATERAL Superior C olliculus

lntralaminar Thalamus
Brainstem Raphe
N. Locus Coeruleus

Fig 2. The organization of input and output that is relevant contains additional mechanisms for providing an in-
t o directed attention. teraction between space and relevance. It is conceiv-
able that area P G contains a fluid template where the
Unilateral Neglect Syndromes transformation of external events into synaptic activ-
The two cortical areas that provide pivotal connec- ity reflects not only the physical properties of the
tions for dorsolateral PG, cingulate cortex and the stimulus field but also the distribution of relevance
frontal eye fields, are reciprocally connected with within segments of extrapersonal space. Thus, for a
each other as well as with dorsolateral PG [2, 64, 90, monkey restrained to its chair, a desirable object lo-
99, 1001. Furthermore, reticular input from a similar cated beyond an arm’s distance is likely to be of far
set of thalamic and brainstem structures reaches not less relevance than an identical object similarly posi-
only P G but also cingulate cortex and the frontal eye tioned in the visual field but which is also reachable.
fields [2, 1261. This intimate coupling among the four Indeed, neurons in the dorsolateral PG of awake but
regions that are relevant to directed attention raises restrained animals showed a marked attenuation of
the possibility that lesions not only in PG but also in response when a motivationally relevant object was
cingulate cortex, in the frontal eye fields, and even in moved beyond reach [97]. It appears, then, that
reticular structures may disrupt the process of di- under these conditions events inside a sphere with a
rected attention. Lesions in each individual site of radius approximately equal to an outstretched arm
this interconnected network could then be expected have a preferential impact value. It is conceivable that
to yield a specific clinical picture that reflects the relatively more synaptic space is devoted to this seg-
anatomical specialization of the relevant area (Fig 3). ment of the world than would have been the case in
the absence of restraints.
PARIETAL NEGLECT. With respect to directed at- Unilateral damage in dorsolateral P G may perma-
tention, its sensory connectivity suggests that dor- nently bias this internal representation in favor of the
solateral PG and surrounding areas may provide a hemispace ipsilateral to the lesion. In contrast to le-
stage of afferent integration whereby the extraper- sions in primary or unimodal sensory cortex, PG le-
sonal space becomes transformed into a sensory rep- sions may allow sensory stimuli in any modality and
resentational template. The rules for this transfor- from all parts of extrapersonal space to be analyzed
mation are not clear. It is reasonable to assume that with customary acuity as long as meaningful events
all three major sensory modalities as well as both occur on one side of space at a time. However, when
sides of space are represented within the dorsolateral both hemispaces contain potentially meaningful
P G of each hemisphere. However, there appears to events of equivalent value, as in the paradigm of
be a bias for the visual modality and for the contralat- bilateral simultaneous stimulation, the contralateral
eral hemispace, especially for its peripheral aspects event fades into relative neglect since its synaptic
[135]. Furthermore, it is tempting to speculate that representation within the context of the entire extra-
rhe encoding in dorsolateral PG transcends a com- personal space is markedly attenuated in comparison
posite reproduction of actual sensory events and that it to the competing events in the ipsilateral hemispace.

Neurological Progress: Mesulam: Network for Attention and Neglect 3 13

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FRONTAL NEGLECT. The frontal eye fields (area 8)
and surrounding regions may provide a stage of effer-
ent integration for the initiation or inhibition of
motor mechanisms involved in exploratory or atten-
tive behavior. Unilateral neglect following damage to
the frontal eye fields has been known for almost a
century [9,67,76, 1311. Depending on details of the
individual experiment, the neglect encompasses au-
ditory, visual, and tactile stimuli and manifests itself
as failure of orienting and reaching toward the con-
tralateral space. Since the animals show no evidence
of hemiparesis or conventional sensory loss [67], this
phenomenon may be attributed to a distortion in the
distribution of attention behavior within extraper-
sonal space. In contrast to the posterior parietal syn-
drome, in which bilateral simultaneous stimulation is
most effective in eliciting inattention, even unilateral
stimulation can be neglected following frontal lesions
so that spontaneous behavior displays ongoing con-
tralateral neglect [9, 671.
RETICULAR The predominance of motor over sensory factors
in frontal neglect was specifically demonstrated by
Watson et al [129]. Macaque monkeys were trained
to respond to unilateral tactile stimulation with the
contralateral limb. Following unilateral lesions cen-
F i g 3. The components of a neural network involved in mod-
ulating directed attention.
tered around the frontal eye fields, the spontaneous
behavior of these animals displayed contralateral ne-
glect even in the absence of hemiparesis. During sub-
This hypothesis is consistent with two sets of ex- sequent retesting in the experimental paradigm, er-
perimental observations. First, Heilman et al [52] rors were more common when the response was
found that rhesus monkeys with unilateral posterior generated by the limb contralateral to the ablation
parietal lesions (including area PG) show neglect (sensory stimulus being directed to the intact hemi-
(extinction) of a contralateral stimulus, predomi- sphere). A more accurate performance was obtained
nantly under conditions of bilateral simultaneous when the response was generated by the ipsilateral
stimulation. However, identical stimuli elicited ade- limb (sensory stimulus directed to the ablated side).
quate responses when presented unilaterally. Since These experiments indicate that the unilateral ne-
the authors stressed the absence of primary motor or glect which emerges after frontal lesions reflects a
sensory impairment, the unilateral neglect in these disturbance of motor output rather than of sensory
experiments may well have reflected a disturbance in input. Just as PG lesions result in neglect not because
the distribution of attention subsequent to distortion of a field cut but because of bias in the internal
in the inner representation of extrapersonal spate. In representation of the sensory space, frontal eye
another set of experiments, by Lamotte and Acuiia field lesions seem to cause neglect not because of
[73], manual reaching toward a visual target was im- hemiparesis but because of a disinclination to per-
paired following unilateral posterior parietal lesions form motor operations aimed at the contralateral
that included PG. The misreaching consisted of de- hemispace. Thus, even limbs ipsilateral to the lesion
viation toward the side of the lesion with either limb, are ineffective in orienting toward meaningful ob-
even when the target was in the ipsilateral hemispace. jects in the neglected hemispace [9, 671.
It is conceivable that the internal representation of The frontal eye fields and surrounding cortical
space had become skewed in favor of the ipsilateral areas may contain an inner representation of motor
side and that the motor program for reaching merely programs for the distribution of exploratory se-
reflected this bias, in a fashion somewhat analogous quences within extrapersonal space. In contrast to
to the behavior of humans subjected to prismatic parietal neglect, which is most active when attention
distortion of visual space.*
gous to dorsolateral PG in the monkey. One would predict that
*Humans rapidly adapt to prismatic distortion, perhaps with the such adaptation is far more difficult in patients with unilateral
assistance of the neural mechanisms in parts of the brain homolo- posterior parietal lesions.

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needs to be simultaneously distributed across both RETICULAR NEGLECT. The importance of the re-
hemispaces, frontal neglect may reach maximal ex- ticular formation to arousal and of arousal to atten-
pression when the task requires systematic and se- tion is a concept that needs no introduction [58].In
quential scanning of the environment. the most trivial instance, bilateral lesions within the
reticular formation lead to irreversible depression of
CINGULATE NEGLECT. The cingulate cortex may consciousness that is inconsistent with the operations
provide a locus for limbic integration within the net- of selective attention. More selective lesions may also
work depicted in Figure 3. This area may play a disrupt the distribution of attention. In the rat, for
pivotal role in assigning motivational relevance to instance, interruption of the ascending noradrenergic
sensory events according to past experience as well as bundle from the nucleus locus coeruleus interferes
to present needs. Consequently, events with special with attentional processes [85, 863. In the monkey,
motivational meaning can acquire greater impact unilateral lesions in intralaminar nuclei or in the
value, and perhaps a more extensive representation mesencephalic reticular formation result in unilateral
in PG, so that they will be more likely to activate and neglect [128, 1291. It is conceivable that these lesions
engage the frontal mechanism for orienting, reach- interfere with general activation of the relevant corti-
ing, and fixating. Thus, a hungry animal may spend a cal regions in the frontal eye fields, dorsolateral PG,
disproportionately long time exploring the area and cingulate gyms by reticular inputs (see Fig 3).
around the door through which the trainer is ex-
pected to enter during feeding time. It is conceivable Action and Perception
that information concerning the state of hunger and While the role of dorsolateral P G in directed atten-
traces related to previous feedings become integrated tion appears to be mostly sensory and that of the
in the cingulate area. This may cause increased activ- frontal eye fields mostly motor, the distinction is by
ity in PG neurons representing that portion of space no means absolute. Thus, area PG appears to have
as well as in the corresponding neurons of the frontal some motor properties, and the frontal eye fields
eye fields. The net result may be to direct attention have functional aspects that may be characterized as
preferentially to that part of extrapersonal space. The sensory [ l o , 36, 40, 73, 75, 76, 81, 82, 94, 96,
anatomical basis for this functional property may well 97, 1341. Therefore, unilateral neglect syndromes
be found in the extensive connections of the cingu- are unlikely to be exclusively sensory or motor; rath-
late region not only with such limbic structures as the er, they are a mixture of both. This duality be-
hippocampal formation, presubiculum, and amygdala comes more intelligible in light of a recent essay by
but also with polymodal sensory association areas Droogleever-Fortuyn [32],who challenges the tra-
[loo, 109, 1261. Thus, cingulate cortex may partici- ditional view that sensory input is the primary build-
pate in directed attention by regulating the spatial ing block of experience. Instead, he proposes that
distribution of expectation and by assigning impact sense organs are comparable to “feelers of tentacles”
value to motivationally relevant events. The cingulate used to scan the world in order to update an inner
area may therefore constitute a third type of parallel representational map. Thus, perceiving is as much a
and complementary representation of extrapersonal motor phenomenon as it is sensory, and this is
space in a manner that is primarily sensitive to moti- nowhere more understandable than in the process of
vational impact. selective attention.
Unilateral cingulate stimulation in the cat does While these parietal, frontal, cingulate, and re-
elicit searching head and eye movements directed at ticular components undoubtedly hold pivotal roles in
the contralateral space as well as concomitant cessa- the distribution of directed attention, I d o not wish to
tion of all other ongoing activity [631. Furthermore, imply that they account for all operations relevant to
Watson et a1 [127] demonstrated the emergence of sensory attention. Indeed, Hubel et a1 [60] have
contralateral neglect in rhesus monkeys subjected to demonstrated that some neurons even in the primary
unilateral lesions in the region of the cingulate. auditory cortex of cats increase their response to
However, the behavioral characterization of this type sound when the animal appears to direct attention to
of neglect requires further delineation.* its source. In striate cortex and even in the lateral
*In the rat, unilateral damage to ascending dopaminergic connec- geniculate nucleus, the response to visual stimuli can
tions elicits contralateral neglect [39, 79, 841. One target of be enhanced by experimental manipulations which
these projections is the nucleus accumbens. That nucleus provides increase the general level of neural activation [4,441.
a major source of neural input to the substantial innominata, which
is in turn one of the two sources of limbic input into dorsolateral Furthermore, in the rhesus monkey, lesions of pri-
PG [89]. Furthermore, there seem to be direct corticopetal mary somatosensory cortex may lead to sensory
dopaminergic connections to cingulate cortex, at least in the rat extinction, while unimodal visual areas in inferotem-
[35]. Thus, the unilateral neglect secondary to interruption of
dopaminergic pathways may reflect involvement of the limbic poral cortex appear necessary for inhibiting the im-
component in the network shown in Figure 3 . pact of irrelevant visual stimuli and for identifying

Neurological Progress: Mesulam: Network for Attention and Neglect 3 15

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those that are meaningful [34, 50, 1201. However, Indeed, the earlier case reports of this syndrome de-
the role of these areas in attention is probably more scribed patients with lesions in the posterior parts of
limited, being confined to single sensory modalities. the right hemisphere [14, 87, 1011. While the
It is reasonable to assume that the attention-related parietal lobe was often incriminated as the principal
responses in these areas predominantly reflect the site of damage, localization was hampered because
overall distribution of attention as determined by the each of the patients in these reports had suffered
network shown in Figure 3. I d o not wish to suggest either multilobar infarcts, head injury, or intracere-
that the regions depicted in Figure 3 are exclusively bra1 neoplasm. Subsequently, Hkcaen et a1 [51]
concerned with functions related to the distribution described the emergence of unilateral neglect in pa-
of attention. For example, the frontal eye fields also tients subjected to cortical excision of the right in-
appear to play a major role in multimodal sensory ferior parietal lobule (mostly area PG and PF) for
integration [12 51, while dorsolateral P G is essential control of epilepsy. This localization acquired greater
for complex visuomotor activity [ 1031. This charac- certitude with the help of case reports describing
teristic functional heterogeneity in areas that are unilateral neglect after infarctions in the area of the
components of an integrated cerebral network will intraparietal sulcus and inferior parietal lobule in
receive further comment. individuals without a history of prior neurological
impairment [22, 23, 541.
Human Syndromes Contrary to widespread opinion, the unilateral ne-
Injuries that result from head trauma, neoplasm, or glect following an infarction limited to the posterior
stroke rarely respect architectonic or topographic parietal area is not always severe, and mere obser-
landmarks that guide experiments in animals. More- vation of spontaneous behavior may fail to reveal
over, homologies between cortical areas of human consistent deficits. Indeed, bilateral simultaneous
beings and other primates are not always clear, and stimulation may become necessary for eliciting ne-
the pattern of intercortical connections that charac- glect in the form of extinction while responses to
terizes the human brain is incompletely understood.* unilateral stimulation may show no abnormality. In
It is therefore difficult to compare the details of cere- more severe cases, however, the tendency to extinc-
bral organization in different primate species with tion may be so powerful that the mere presence of
that of the human. Nevertheless, several indepen- ambient visual input on the side ipsilateral to the le-
dent lines of evidence support the conclusion that sion elicits neglect for the contralateral hemispace so
the four subtypes of unilateral neglect described in that even unilateral stimulation appears to be ignored
the macaque monkey can also be identified in human during bedside examination. In such cases, I have
patients, suggesting that a cerebral network with a found that presenting brief flashes of light in a dark-
similar organization may be responsible for the coor- ened room will reveal extinction to be the underly-
dination of directed attention within extrapersonal ing mechanism of the neglect. Since neither limita-
space. Since most human unilateral neglect cases re- tion of head and eye movements nor primary sensory
ported in the literature consist of patients who have loss is a necessary condition, the neglect can be attrib-
right hemisphere lesions and neglect the left hemi- uted to an attention deficit within the hemispace
space, the subsequent discussion addresses left- contralateral to the lesion. Although several authors
sided neglect exclusively. The assumption that this have already demonstrated that primary sensory loss
difference in frequency implies right hemisphere is not the cause for the neglect [19, 42, 541, one
specialization for directed attention will then be case deserves comment for emphasis. A 74-year-old
analyzed in the light of pertinent evidence. right-handed man was admitted with a gradually
progressive neurological deficit caused by a glioma
Parietal Neglect that included the posterior parietal cortex in the right
Severe unilateral neglect in humans is almost au- hemisphere. He showed left-sided extinction to tac-
tomatically attributed to parietal lobe involvement. tile, visual, and olfactory stimuli. Since primary ol-
factory pathways are not crossed, the olfactory ex-
"According to Brodmann [16, 171, the human inferior parietal tinction should have occurred on the right rather
lobule consists of areas 39 and 40. Brodmann did not find equiva-
lent achitectonic regions in the monkey. Instead, he designated the than on the left if primary sensory loss, however sub-
inferior parietal lobule in the monkey as area 7. Since area 7 in tle, had been responsible for the neglect.
human beings is situated along the rostral bank of the intraparietal Although the relevant neural connectivity in hu-
sulcus, this would be the area in the human homologous to the
monkey's inferior parietal lobule. According to this scheme, then, mans is less well known than that in the monkey
the monkey brain contains no architectonic analogue to the human brain, it is likely that parts of the posterior parietal
inferior parietal lobule. However, von Economo's [331 work in cortex of the human brain have connections similar
human beings and that of von Bonin and Bailey [131 in monkeys
indicate that the inferior parietal lobules in the two species are far to those of dorsolateral PG in the rhesus monkey
more analogous in that they both consist of areas PG and PF. (see Figs 1-3). It is reasonable to assume that this

316 Annals of Neurology Vol 10 No 4 October 1981

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region contains an elaborate sensory template of the 1191. It is conceivable that the neglect in these pa-
external world, perhaps obtained through a process tients reflects involvement of the frontal eye fields
similar to the one for which Denny-Brown et a1 [24] and immediately surrounding areas. Analysis of
coined the term morphosynthesis. Through mecha- frontal neglect in the monkey suggests that these pa-
nisms similar to the ones postulated to exist in the tients should experience greatest difficulty in tasks
monkey, unilateral damage in this region may induce that depend on exploring, searching, or manipulating
distortion in this representation so that events in the objects in the contralateral hemispace. In fact, defi-
contralateral hemispace lose their relative impact on cits of active visual scanning have been described
awareness, thus leading to the phenomenon of ex- with lesions of the frontal lobe [go]. Patients with
tinction. frontal neglect would therefore be expected to show
The role of inner representation in the genesis of unilateral neglect in copying figures, route finding,
parietal neglect has been championed by, among letter cancellation, and even reading, since these
others, Bisiach et a1 [ll]. In their experiments, pa- tasks require systematic and sequential scanning of
tients with right hemisphere damage (all of whom the external space. Frontal neglect would also be
had independent evidence of left-sided neglect and more likely to result in spontaneous inattention,
most of whom had lesions involving the posterior whereas parietal neglect would be more likely to
parietal cortex) were presented with pairs of geomet- cause extinction. It is unlikely, however, that either
ric shapes and asked to judge if the two stimuli in of these two subtypes will be seen in isolation, not
each pair were identical or different. The subjects only because lesions are rarely that specific but also
viewed the stimuli not in their entirety but through a because effective scanning is likely to require a reli-
centrally placed slit under which the objects were able internal representation, whereas the accuracy of
passed at a constant rate, one at a time. Thus, the the internal representation probably depends on
subject had to reconstruct the entire object in mind adequate scanning.
and store it in memory for subsequent comparison Experiments by DeRenzi et a1 [25] and by Heilman
with the next object in the pair. The results indicated and Valenstein [56] have demonstrated that one
that the patients were less accurate in detecting dif- major component of unilateral neglect consists of
ferences on the left side of the objects, whether the hypokinesia for exploration and manipulation within
objects moved leftward or rightward under the slit. the contralateral hemispace. I would suggest that this
Since sensory input during the experiment was cen- motor aspect of unilateral neglect reflects involve-
trally situated, the outcome cannot be attributed to ment of the frontal component in the network that
neglect of actual events in the extrapersonal space; subserves attention (see Fig 3). Just as the sensory
rather, it was the result of neglect of the inner repre- aspect of parietal neglect is not the outcome of a
sentation per se, even though the constituent sensory multimodal field cut, I believe the motor aspect of
information had originated in the nonneglected parts frontal neglect does not reflect hemiparesis of limb,
of the external world [Ill. head, and eye movements, but rather an underlying
A rather unusual case from our files provides addi- disinclination to move within and toward the ne-
tional support for this position. A right-handed glected hemispace, whatever the specific muscle
chronic alcohol abuser was admitted with an embolic groups required for such activity may be." Indeed,
infarction that included the posterior parts of the there is reason to believe that some aspects of motor
right hemisphere. He had severe neglect of the left output in the intact person are also organized ac-
hemispace. Several days after admission he de- cording to the hemispace within which the move-
veloped delirium tremens and entered into heated ment occurs. Anzola et al [I] required subjects to
arguments with hallucinated individuals in his room. make a decision concerning which hand to use in a
The hallucinations appeared only o n his right, never choice reaction-time experiment depending on the
on his left. It is as if the internal representation of the position of a visual stimulus. The experiment was
left hemisphere was so rarefied that it could not even performed with and without hand crossing, and the
harbor ghosts. results showed that the faster hand in the crossed
condition was not the one anatomically ipsilateral to
Frontal Neglect the stimulus but the one situated in the same hemi-
A region in the human frontal lobe has been des- space with the stimulus. Thus, under special condi-
ignated as the frontal eye fields because its stim-
ulation elicits contralateral deviation of the eyes "Bard [3] in 1904 had already suggested that the contraversive
while its destruction leads to transient paralysis of head and eye deviation seen in many patients with unilateral le-
gaze toward the side opposite to the lesion [411. sions reflects not so much motor weakness as diminution in the
impact of events emanating from the contralateral hemispace.
Unilateral neglect in humans does arise as a conse- While Bard did not mention localization, the findings in many of
quence of tumors or infarcts in frontal cortex [55, his case studies suggested frontal lesions.

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tions requiring concentrated attention to a task, the stimulus value in the left exteroceptive field.” It
neural organization of motor output may reflect the seems reasonable to attribute this aspect of unilateral
part of the extrapersonal space where the movement neglect to disruption of the limbic component in the
will be discharged and not exclusively the muscle network depicted in Figure 3.
groups that will be activated.
A relevant case is that of a right-handed man ad- Reticular Neglect
mitted with a stroke in the right hemisphere. He It is generally accepted that the overall process of at-
showed left-sided neglect, especially during tasks of tention refers to at least two different operations
visual scanning and figure copying. While no [88]. O n e of these is tonic in character and regulates
documentation of the lesion site was available, a mild the threshold that a stimulus must exceed before
left hemiparesis in the absence of primary sensory gaining access to consciousness; the second is phasic
loss suggested a frontal localization. During testing and selects, from among the many stimuli which ex-
he was blindfolded and asked to detect and retrieve, ceed this threshold, those which will occupy the
by manual exploration, an object placed on either center of awareness. The parietal, frontal, and cingu-
side of him on the surface of his bed. When the ob- late mechanisms already discussed reveal one way in
ject was placed on his left side, manual exploration which selective (phasic) attention is coordinated
with either hand was haphazard and erratic so that within extrapersonal space. O n the other hand, the
failures and delays of retrieval were common. How- tonic process of attention is intimately related to the
ever, performance was virtually intact, even with the level of vigilance and depends on the integrity of the
mildly hemiparetic left hand, when the object was on reticular formation. Thus, focal mesencephalic in-
his right. farcts that interfere with the reticular formation and
Whereas the salient manifestations of parietal ne- its ascending connections result in severe distur-
glect may well be sensory and those of frontal neglect bances of vigilance and arousal [IS, 1141. In the
motor, the dichotomy is unlikely to be absolute. monkey, the reticular input to the cortical areas im-
Thus, patients with parietal neglect may also show plicated in the regulation of selective attention origi-
reluctance to project the contralateral limb into the nates in the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, the nucleus
neglected hemispace, while those with frontal neglect locus coeruleus, and the midline raphe nuclei (see
may show such diminished reaction to contralateral Figs 2, 3). Similar connections may exist in the
visual stimuli that the presence of a hemianopia may human brain, and it is conceivable that unilateral le-
be suspected in the acute phase. T h e universality of sions in these structures may elicit neglect for the
such sensory-motor duality in attentional mecha- contralateral hemispace.
nisms has been addressed in the preceding discus-
sion. Compouiid Neglect Syndromes
In naturally occuring lesions that come to clinical at-
Cingulute Neglect tention, damage is rarely confined to one of the four
Evidence for cingulate neglect in human beings is in- components in Figure 3 so that the patient may
direct and speculative. However, one of the patients simultaneously manifest many aspects of unilateral
with unilateral neglect reported by Heilman and Val- neglect. The same patient may show marked extinc-
enstein [ 551 had a medially situated frontal infarction tion, a distorted inner representation of external
that could have involved predominantly the cingulate space, failure to scan the contralateral hemispace, de-
cortex. On the basis of the corresponding connectiv- valuation of its biological significance, and even di-
ity in the monkey, neglect arising from cingulate le- minution of overall arousal and vigilance. In some
sions in humans may reflect a loss in the perception cases it appears as if the contralateral side of space has
of biological importance associated with events in the ceased to exist in the patient’s consciousness not only
contralateral hemispace. If so, the distribution of ex- with respect to actual sensory stimuli but also as far as
pectancy for potentiul events and also the attribution potential events are concerned. T h e deficit is not one
of motivational relevance to ucfual stimuli would be of seeing, hearing, feeling, or moving but one of
impaired on the side contralateral to the lesion. Con- looking, listening, touching, and exploring. The
sequently, the contralateral hemispace would attract neglect encompasses extrapersonal space, body sur-
less scanning and fixation. T h e net outcome of these face, and even intrapsychic representations. These
factors may culminate in unilateral neglect. While no severe manifestations of unilateral neglect could not
specific localization was suggested, the contribution be expected to arise from lesions confined to poste-
of motivational variables was first stressed by rior parietal cortex and indicate the involvement of
Denny-Brown e t a1 [24],who described one aspect of additional components in the network that subserves
unilateral neglect as a “diminution in biological directed attention.

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Agreement with Other Theories of Unilateral Neglect A.Centrist Approach
The preceding account suggests that four distinct
contributions to the overall organization of directed
attention may be identified in human beings as well as
in the monkey. It is likely that lesions which do not 4
directly involve one of these four regions but which cccc
interrupt their interconnections may disrupt the ef-
fective coordination of directed attention through a B. Network Approach I
mechanism of disconnection. Thus, despite their ap-
parent disagreements concerning the cause of unilat-
eral neglect, the theories of amorphosynthesis [24],
extinction [ 6 ] , disconnection [43], representational
distortion [ 113, hypoarousal 1531, and hemispatial 3 C3C3Cl 0 4
hypokinesia [56]each appears valid depending on the
anatomical locus of the principal lesion, while none
is, by itself, sufficient to explain the entire phenome- c.Network Approach II

Network Approach to Cerebral Localization

Directed attention to extrapersonal space appears to
be a compound function based on concerted interac-
tion among at least three major cortical areas. Addi-
tional functional specializations characterize each of
these areas [22,5 11. For example, anosognosia, dress-
ing apraxia, and construction apraxia are additional
major deficits that emerge after right parietal dam-
age. The coordination of one complex function such
as directed sensory attention by the interaction of
several distinct regions, none of which is exclusively
devoted to that function, suggests an approach to Fig 4. Four approaches to the cortical localization of complex
functional localization in terms of integrated net- function. B represents a version of the network approach based
works. This network approach offers an alternative to on the organization of function along discrete cortical columns
more established views on localization. [48, 96 I.
To describe it in oversimplified terms, the cen-
trist approach to localization [3 71 implies that cer-
tain complex functions may be integrated by spe- 4 8 , C ) constitutes an intermediate position between
cific cortical areas which are exclusively devoted to these two views. Thus, a complex function such as A
that function (Fig 4A). While a similar or identical in Figure 48 is considered in terms of several com-
function may also be represented in additional ponent processes, Al, A,, and A,, each of which has a
(supplementary) areas, the principle of functional distinct localization in sites 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
homogeneity applies to these regions as well. Clinical The component sites are intimately interconnected
manifestations of lesions are attributed to the de- and constitute an integrated network subserving that
struction of such centers and of their interconnec- particular complex function. Each of the sites has a
tions. There is the expectation that a propitious case unique set of additional functional specializations,
will be discovered in which the clinical deficit is some of which are components of intersecting but
confined to the relevant complex function so that the distinct networks. For example, function B is
site of the lesion can help delineate the “center” for confined to sites 1, 2, and 4 , a network that partially
that function. By contrast, the concept of cerebral overlaps with that for function A (Fig 4 B ) .
equipotentiality [741 minimizes the role of centers For the sake of illustration, it could be assumed
and assumes an organization of brain whereby each that function A in Figure 48 is directed attention. A,,
complex function is, at least potentially, represented A,, and A, would correspond to the component
widely in cortex even though slight local variations in functions of scanning, sensory representation, and
the concentration of specific functions may be pres- motivational mapping. Sites 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent
ent (Fig 4 0 ) . the frontal eye fields (site l), area PG (site 2), the
The network approach suggested in this paper (Fig cingulate gyrus (site 3), and the cortex of the superior

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temporal sulcus (site 4)." Let functions A, B, and D in yield subtle delays of contralateral saccades but no
site 2 (area PG) correspond to directed attention, evidence of neglect [133]. In the cat, prefrontal abla-
dressing apraxia, and anosognosia. According to the tions do not elicit the contralateral neglect seen in
network approach, the deficits at the highest level of monkeys or humans. Furthermore, the unilateral ne-
perceptual integration that occur in unilateral ne- glect that follows frontal or parietal lesions is mild
glect, dressing apraxia and anosognosia, become at- and brief in the monkey when compared to that
tributed to involvement of area PG (site 2). In the which follows upon analogous lesions in humans.
case of directed attention, the relevant neural trans- Markowitsch et al[831 have been unable to find sub-
formation in area PG is the formation of a template stantial connections between posterior parietal lobe
for extrapersonal space, as already discussed; in the and prefrontal cortex in the cat, a projection which is
case of dressing apraxia and anosognosia, the rele- well developed in the rhesus monkey and, undoubt-
vance of area PG may be based on the neural encod- edly, in humans. The corticalization of directed at-
ing of a body scheme in the same area. The additional tention may therefore depend upon the development
affective component of anosognosia (function D) of the relevant cortical connections.
may then reflect the relationship of site 2 (area PG)
with site 3 (cingulate gyrus), while the components of Hemispheric Asymmetry in th e Organization
dressing apraxia (function B), which indicate difficul- of Directed Attention
ties with visual-somesthetic integration, may reflect Most of the cases of unilateral neglect reported in the
the interactions of site 2 (area PG) with site 4 literature deal with lesions in the right hemisphere.
(superior temporal gyrus). Indeed, it can be shown that left-sided neglect after
This network approach suggests several general right hemisphere lesions is more common, more se-
principles applicable to the clinicopathological cor- vere, and more lasting than right-sided neglect fol-
relation of complex functions: (1) components of a lowing lesions in the left hemisphere [ 19,25,42,98].
single complex function are represented within dis- Other evidence also implies that the intact right
tinct but interconnected sites which collectively con- hemisphere is more active and efficient than the left
stitute an integrated network for that function; (2) in attentional tasks. Evoked responses to visual and
individual cortical areas contain the neural substrate somatosensory stimuli are generally of greater
for components of several complex functions and amplitude in the right hemisphere [110]. Further-
may therefore belong to several partially overlapping more, Dimond [28, 291 tested each hemisphere in a
networks; (3) lesions confined to a single cortical re- group of split-brain patients and showed that right
gion are likely to result in multiple deficits; (4) severe hemisphere performance was superior in tasks of
and lasting impairments of an individual complex vigilance. In normal subjects, simple reaction times
function usually require the simultaneous involve- to ipsilateral visual stimuli are faster with the left
ment of several components in the relevant network; hand [l].
and (5) the same complex function may be impaired Additional experiments show that the attentional
as a consequence of a lesion in one of several cortical function of the right hemisphere is not confined to
areas, each of which is a component of an integrated the contralateral hemispace but may involve the en-
network for that function. tire extrapersonal space. Active touch exploration
It is likely that different approaches to localization with fingers of either hand, for example, elicits
may have validity depending on the function under specific evoked electrogenesis preferentially in the
consideration. Thus, visual acuity within segments of right hemisphere of intact humans [26]. Similarly,
the visual fields is organized in striate cortex accord- left parietal electroencephalographic leads showed
ing to the centrist point of view. In contrast, general- desynchronization mostly after right-sided stimuli,
ized attributes such as intelligence, creativity, or per- while those over the right parietal area recorded
sonality may well follow the equipotentiality model equivalent desynchronization whether stimulation
of organization. On the other hand, functions such as was contralateral or ipsilateral [571. In another set-
directed attention, language, and memory may be or- ting, in which patients with unilateral lesions were
ganized according to the network approach. asked to perform a simple reaction-time task with the
hand ipsilateral to the lesion, those with nondom-
Corticalization of Attention Functions inant hemisphere lesions (overwhelmingly right)
In the cat, unilateral ablations of the superior col- showed significantly more delays than those with le-
liculus elicit marked contralateral neglect [ 12 13, sions in the dominant (left) hemisphere [ 591. Finally,
whereas equivalent lesions in the monkey merely in some cases of prefrontal or posterior parietal in-
farction in the right hemisphere, the attentional
*The cortex that lines the banks of the superior temporal sulcus, at
least in the monkey, is a polymodal area known to have reciprocal deficit was bilateral and led to the emergence of a
connections with area PG [a, 90, 99, 1161. confusional state [92].

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These observations suggest that the right hemi- (3) more synaptic space is devoted to attentional
sphere of dextrals has a predominant and specialized functions in the right hemisphere than in the left, so
function in the distribution of attention. This conclu- that most attentional tasks involving either hemi-
sion has often been challenged on the basis of work space willgenerate greater activity of the right hemi-
by Battersby et al [5], who reported a failure to sub- sphere. According to this model, unilateral lesions
stantiate statistically significant group differences of the left hemisphere are unlikely to yield neglect
even though 12 out of their 41 patients with right since the intact right hemisphere may take over the
hemisphere lesions showed neglect as opposed to 3 task of attending to the right side. By contrast, in the
out of 24 testable cases with left hemisphere lesions. absence of similar compensatory mechanisms in the
The authors argued that even these results reflected a left hemisphere, right hemisphere lesions will result
bias in favor of larger lesions in the right hemisphere in marked unilateral neglect. Furthermore, in some
since equally large lesions in the left hemisphere re- patients in whom even ipsilateral attention is pre-
sult in severe aphasias that make patients untestable. dominantly modulated by the right hemisphere, uni-
They concluded that unilateral neglect may be versal neglect (a confusional state) will emerge after a
equally common after lesions in either hemisphere lesion confined to the right hemisphere. This model
and that primary sensory loss may be an important is consistent with the right hemisphere superiority in
factor in the genesis of neglect. vigilance tasks in split-brain patients [28, 291 as well
Both of these points have been addressed in the as with the slight tendency of normal persons to pay
course of experiments by Chain et al[191, who mea- more attention to the left side [ l , 193.
sured the distribution of attention by quantitating the In a review article, Kimura [69] pointed out that
amount of time spent looking at each sector of a the magnitude of left hemispheric superiority for
projected picture. Aphasic patients were not ex- language and related tasks is far greater than the
cluded since no verbal responses were required. The magnitude of right hemisphere superiority in nonlin-
results showed that the frequency of contralateral guistic tasks. This observation is consistent with the
neglect was not significantly different with lesions of supposition that, at some point in primate evolution,
the right hemisphere compared to left hemisphere each hemisphere shared higher cortical functions
lesions. However, strong qualitative differences more symmetrically. However, with the emergence
emerged. Many patients with a unilateral lesion in the of language skills, synaptic space in the left hemi-
right hemisphere spent virtually all of the 15-second sphere formerly devoted to other functions was redi-
viewing period looking at the far right side of the rected for linguistic abilities. Conceivably, nonlin-
picture and avoided its left extreme aspect. In con- guistic functions acquired a relative hemispheric
trast, the neglect of patients with left hemisphere le- specialization in the right hemisphere because the syn-
sions was mostly confined to spending a longer time aptic space for analogous functions in the contralateral
in the left paramedian region, merely exaggerating a hemisphere became devoted to language functions, a
tendency shown by subjects without hemispheric le- view consistent with a proposal by LeDoux et a1 [78].
sions. Some patients with lesions in the left hemi- Thus, there are great interhemispheric asymmetries
sphere showed visual neglect of the right side mostly in favor of the left hemisphere for language-related
during the first 5 seconds of viewing, whereas those functions since these emerged as a left-sided synaptic
with right hemisphere lesions continued to neglect specialization without having depended on the par-
the left side throughout the entire 15 seconds. Fi- ticipation of contralateral neural elements. O n the
nally, it was shown that the degree of hemianopia was other hand, the differences are not as absolute for
not correlated with the magnitude of neglect. Thus, nonlinguistic tasks since residues of synaptic space
while there is no doubt that unilateral neglect occurs devoted to these functions may still remain in the left
after damage to the left hemisphere [ 5 , 21, 771, its hemisphere.
extent and severity are far less than the neglect
resulting from lesions in the right hemisphere. Relevance to Other Aspects of Attention
These observations support a specialized role for “Everyone knows what attention is,” wrote William
the right hemisphere in directed attention, and a James in 1890. “It is the taking possession by the
simple model may be proposed to explain this func- mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what
tional asymmetry. The model is based on three as- seem several simultaneously possible objects or
sumptions: (1) the intact right hemisphere may con- trains of thought. Focalization, concentration, of con-
tain the neural apparatus for attending to both sides sciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal
of space although the preponderant tendency is for from some things in order to deal effectively with
attending to the contralateral (left) hemispace; (2) the others, and it is a condition which has a real opposite
left hemisphere is almost exclusively concerned with in the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state . . .” [62].
attending to the contralateral right hemispace; and The effective execution of attention requires a

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