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Information Technology

Presented By:
Aws Y. Abed
Faculty of administrative science and economics
Tishk International University Office #415

Dos and Don’ts V.03:

• Ask and answer questions, supplement or complement with learning.
(some might be graded with bonus marks!).
•Take notes.
•*Break silence and discipline.
*Use your mobile (except for translation and educational purposes).
*Talk to your friends or enemies.
*Leave your seat without permission.
*Be late to the class.

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Part 1: What is a computer?
Aws Y. Abed Management Information Systems
What is a computer?

A computer is "one who calculates“!

If we were in 1640s

How about now?

A computer is a programmable device that stores, retrieves, and

processes data.

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If you're reading this right now, you're using a computer. Maybe it's a laptop, maybe a
desktop computer, or perhaps even a smartphone. They may look different, but they
all share the same underlying technology.

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Computer are everywhere…

• Pockets (Galaxy Note 20 Ultra)

• Cars (Tesla)

• Wrist (Apple Watch)

• What else? (prepare extra examples)

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Why computers?

• Wheel?

• Hammer?

• Truck?

• What are the above example in common with?

• All these inventions helped us with manual work!

• More example?

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Why computers?

• The new question was, can we create a machine which help us with the thinking

work that we do?

• Like solving equations and predicting the weather?

• The answer is YES!

• How?

• Instead of helping with physical things (such as moving a big rock from A to B), the
new machines will manipulate information!

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Why computers?

• The new machines can be described as thinking machines.

• What is the process of thinking?

• What is the result of 1+19? (input)

• + means add, 1, 19 are numbers….. (stored information)

• 1+19 we need to add One to the number Nineteen (processing)

• 20 (output)

• This example illustrate how our brain works.

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The History of Computers

• Watch the videos below, write your comments about them and prepare to share
your thoughts in the class.

• Part 1

• Part 2

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The History of Computers (exercise)

• How have you seen technology transform in your own life? What was the oldest
computer or device you remember using? How does this compare to the machines
you use today? What was your favorite piece of tech that is no longer popular or in
common use? What are some modern benefits you're grateful for? Write about
your own history with computer.

• Write your answers, minimum (100 words).

• No need for any internet search, it should be your own words.
• No copy and paste is allowed.
• Use Turnitin to submit
• Class ID: 27605404
• Enrollment Key: it20202021
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Aws Y. Abed

Part 2: What make a

Management Information Systems

computer a computer?

What makes a computer a computer?

All computers commonly share the same 4 tasks:

1. Input (take a command or signal)

2. Storage (information)

3. Process (compute)

4. Output (results)

That’s what make a computer a computer.

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Input is basically reflecting our interaction with the computers,

• Moving the mouse (our motion) What is

the input
• Torching the screen (our touch)

• Speaking to the microphone (our voice)

• Measuring our heartbeat by our smart watch (our heartbeat).

Our input give the computer information which is then stored in memory.

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Storage and Processing

• The computer processor takes the information from memory, manipulate or change
it using algorithm (what is algorithm?) then it send the processed Information back
to be stored again.

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• Output of a computer vary depending on the computer type or what it designed to


• A computer display can display text, pictures, videos, interactive games or even
virtual reality.

• A computer can also output signals which can control robots.

• When connected to the internet, an output of a computer can be the input of

another and vice versa.

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