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May 20,2020

English workshop

Oscar Javier López Garzón

Use the words in the Vocabulary box and complete the activities you did yesterday in the left column.
Remember to use ed at the ending of the verb. Use time when necessary and the expressions in Extra
vocabulary. Follow the example.

Vocabulary box

For yesterday (past) For daily routine

Showered Shower: ducharse
Washed Wash my hands: lavarme las manos
Studied Study at home: estudiar en casa
Chatted Chat to friends: chatear con amigos
Listened to music Listen to music: escuchar música
Worked out Work out at home: ejercitarse en casa
Played Play on my phone: jugar en mi cellular
Helped Help with household chores: ayudar con las tareas domésticas

Extra vocabulary
 Once: una vez.
 Twice: dos veces.
 Frequently: frecuentemente.
 During: durante.
 At 5, at 6 etc.: a las 5, a las 6 etc.
 In the morning: en la mañana.
 In the afternoon: en la tarde.
 In the evening: en la noche.
 Two days ago, three days ago: hace dos días, hace tres días.

Yesterday Daily Routine activities

Yesterday I showered in the Shower


Yesterday I washed my hands Wash my hands

in the afternoon
I studied at home during a Study at home


I chatted with friends Chat to friends


I listened to music last night Listen to music

yesterday I worked out at home Work out at home

in the morning

I only played on my cell phone Play on my phone

once a week
Help with household chores
I frequently helped with household chores

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