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Automatic Flashpoint Apparatus (PMA4) SOP procedure

1) Switch ON the Power supply of Printer with paper ready and

then Main unit PMA -4.
2) Fill 70ml sample in the sample cup up to the Mark given and
insert Multi sensor
3) Place sample Cup in the sample chamber by moving the
multi function Head to right hand side and again move back the
multi function head to its original position
4) In the Main menu select Method program D93 A and B
depending on viscosity of samples (low and high)
5) Select the Igniter (Electric or Gas)
6) Select the Expected flashpoint
7) Enter the sample ID/Name
8) Press run button to start Analysis
Finally Instrument Increases temperature of sample gives result
at which Ignition detected by multi sensor. Then instrument will
start cooling down to room temperature fan will be ON.
PMA – 4 Safety Information
1) Before opening the device disconnect the electrical
2) If heating devices are used ensure that there are no
combustible materials near the heating source
3) Remove the Pt100 sensor carefully from sample cup and
clean it with Toluene
4) Before plugging in the ignition make sure that head screw

is nearly loose since otherwise cables could be damage

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