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- as required by NATO structures, in accordance to NATO documents

- progress reports, inspection reports, after-action reports

SAMPLE TASK: You have just returned from a course. Write a report to
your commanding officer in which you talk about the course. Mention the
following points:
 graduation day
 description of a mate
 advantages to your career

TO: Capt. Mike Austin

FROM: Lt. Tom Sinclair
SUBJECT: Course presentation
DATE: Nov, 02, 2006 LOCATION: FLC, Sibiu

Yesterday I graduated from the English course at the Foreign Language Center
in Sibiu. It was a very interesting experience and I learnt a lot of new and
valuable things. Yesterday afternoon we had the graduation ceremony, and
before that we had to take the final exam, which was very difficult and lasted
for 3 hours. During the graduation day, we had a very big ceremony with all the
students that graduated that day and all the teachers and other guests, friends
and family.

During the course I made a very good friend which I still keep in touch with. He
is from Timisoara and is also a lieutenant, like me. He is 25 years old, a tall,
athletic person. He is a blue-eyed, dark-haired, very charming man. He proved
to be a very good colleague, a very sociable and reliable person; he helped me a
lot throughout the course.

I consider that this course was very challenging but also a good and beneficial
experience for me, in the light of my future career. Now, I have better chances
to go on a mission or on a course abroad. I recommend that this course be
followed by military personnel in need of improving their English knowledge
and skills.

DATE: Nov, 12, 2020 SIGNATURE: LT. Tom Sinclair

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