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Joshua A.

Section 39
Questions/ Main Idea/ Vocabulary Notes/ Answer/ Definitions/ Examples/ Sentences
Ambiguities The quality of being open to more than one
Fog of war The uncertainty in situational awareness experienced
by participants in military operations
7 March 1934, MSG ‘Case of civilization against Hitler’
Hitlerism ‘As a crime against civilization,’
Cold War Geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the
United States
Totalitarianism A system of government that is centralized and
Elements of civilization Exist in modern Europe, and especially in Great
Three categories of humanity Civilized, barbaric and savage
Crimean War Military conflict
Theory of belligerent occupation Military occupation
Fanaticism A belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or with
an obsessive enthusiasm
Enshrining Preserve in a form that ensures it will be protected and
Normeninflation League had generated an undesirable expansion of
International legal norms—what he caustically
Royama Masamichi ‘As a world organization, the League of Nations is
Only half true and the other half is no more than an
institution for protecting the
Versailles system of western European countries like
England and France.’
Lebensraum Racialized purification of conquered territory
Eugene Erdely ‘No nation belonging to the white race has ever before
had such conditions forced upon it,’
Course: Filipino in contemporary world
Title: An International Civilization? Empire, Internationalism and the Crisis of the Mid-
Twentieth Century.

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