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Session 1.- The laboratory of the future.

Session 2.- Going green¡

Session 3.-Communicative activities.


Inglés técnico.

Águeda Cano Cuevas.

Session 1. Laboratory of the future.

Lourdes and Susana have been in London for over a month and they seem to be more
used to their new lives. Time flies and although they have been there for a short period
of time, it seems like ages! They feel much more comfortable in their apartment, and
although they have to get up at 6.30 in the morning, they are also quite happy at work.
At the weekends, they usually go sightseeing around London and from time to time they
even go to pubs.

One morning, while they are on their way to the company, Susana stops at a kiosk and
takes a magazine.

-Lourdes, look. Can you imagine what the laboratory of the future will look like?

-Come on Susana, we are running late!

-It's just a second, this is a really interesting article about the office of the future!

-OK, if it is so interesting, why don't you buy it so that we can go to work, I don't want
to be late!

-OK, let's go...

On their way to the office, Susana keeps thinking about the article and asks Lourdes:

-Lourdes, how do you imagine the office of the future? Can you imagine what Creamcorp
Corporation will look like in 2090

Read the text again and speaking with your mates.

✓ How do you imagine the laboratory of the future?

✓ Do you think it will be much different from the ones we have nowadays?

Write some tips and explain them your colleagues.

When discussing about any topic, it is very important to ask and listen for
people's opinion. Below, you will find some useful expressions.

Exercise: Using the expressions below, give your opinion on the following topics.

• I think this is the best moment for living abroad.

• I believe that when you finish the vocational training, you will find a good job.
• Tomorrow is education´s day, as I see it, everyone should interest about a new
thing , activity or topic.
• I am designing a busy summer with several travels.

Read the next text and choose the correct answer:
It is easy to tell people that you agree with them. However, depending on the
circumstance, it may not always be so easy to tell people that you disagree. It is specially
important in lab meeting and workplace meetings for all members of the team to way
what they think so that the meeting is fruitful. However this may be easier sai d than
While some people find it easy to speak up, other people may feel uneasy. Speakers who
find it easy to disagree in their first language, may find that they dont have the same
ease of expression in English. Here are some tips that will help you to express
disagreement in a tactful and polite manner:
o Listen carefully to what your interlocutors are saying and make them feel that
you are interested in their speech.
o Choose a few “good words” to start giving your opinión so that you dont offend
anyone phrases like “ that sounds interesting but …” or “thats a good idea,
however….” Will help you
o Mind your tone of voice. Having a high-pitched tone of voice may say you are
self-confident, however it may also reveal you are arrogant and that you don't
care much about the others. On the contrary, a low tone of voice may say you
are shy, immature or that you are unsure about what you are saying.
o Body language is also a key factor speciallyl when dealing with foreigners since
what you think is correct in your culture, may not be like that in another.

EXERCISE: Read the text again and answer these questions:

1. When in a lab meeting …

You shouldn't say what you think since it can be impolite.
Say always what you think about any topic.
Don't speak, just listen.
2. Your tone of voice is important since...
It reveals the others about your personality.
It is not important at all.
It helps you to communicate with your colleagues.

3. Body language … not important at all.
...helps you to communicate effectively. difficult to understand from one culture to another.

EXERCISE: Match the questions in A to the answers in B.



➢ To say that «something is going to happen» in the future.

➢ o Look at those black clouds! It´s going to rain. (The clouds are there now)

➢ I feel terrible. I think I´m going to be sick. (I feel terrible now)

➢ I am going to do something = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it o
There´s a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it? No, I´m tired.
I´m going to go to sleep early.


I am going to eat I am not going to eat Am I going to eat

1. Answer the questions. You are going to do all these things but you haven´t done
them yet. Use going to and the word(s) in brackets.

• Have you cleaned the car?

• (TOMORROW) Not yet. I´m going to clean it tomorrow.
• Have you phoned Sally?
• (LATER) Not yet. ________________________________
• Have you done the shopping?
• (THIS AFTERNOON) Not yet. _______________________
• Have you read the paper?
• (AFTER DINNER) _________________________________

2: Write a question with going to for each situation.
Example: Your friend has won some money. You ask:
(what/do with it?) WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT?

• Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask:

• (what/wear) ______________________________________
• Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:
• (where/put it)_____________________________________
• Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask:
• (who/invite)________________________________________

EXERCISE 3: What is going to happen in these situation? Use the words in brackets.
• There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain)
• It _________________________________________________
• It is 8,30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8,45 but the
journey takes 30 minutes. (be late)
• He ________________________________________________
• There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in
through the hole. (sink)
• ___________________________________________________
• Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest
petrol station is a long way away. (run out~quedarse sin)
• ___________________________________________________


• We use I will (I´ll) when we decide do something at the time of speaking
• Did you phone Ruth? Oh, no I forgot. I´ll phone her now.

• We often use I think I´ll… and I don´t think I´ll…

• I feel a bit hungry. I think I´ll have something to eat.
• I don´t think I´ll go out tonight. I´m too tired.

• In spoken English the negative of will is usually won´t (=will not):

• I can see you´re busy, so I won´t stay long.

• We often use will with:

• Probably: I´ll probably be home late this evening.
• I except: I haven´t seen Carol today. I except she´ll phone this evening.
• (I´m) sure: Don´t worry about the exam. I´m sure you´ll pass.
• (I) think: Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her?
• (I) don´t think: I don´t think the exam will be very difficult.
• I wonder: I wonder what will happen

• I´m too tired to walk home. I think I´ll get a taxi.
• It´s a bit cold in this room. Is it? _______on the heating then.
• We haven´t got any milk. Oh, haven´t we?_________ and get some.
• Do you want me to do the washing-up? No, it´s all right.________ it.
• I don´t know how to use this computer. Ok,_______ you.
• Would you like tea or coffee?_________coffee, please.
• Goodbye! Have a nice holiday. Thanks. __________ you a postcard.
• Thank you for lending me your camera. _________it back to you on Monday, ok?
• Are you coming with us? No, I think ____________ here.

5. Complete the following sentences with the present continuous or the future simple:
a) I _________________ ( meet) my boss tomorrow at eight.
b) Sarah ____________ ( to be promoted ) to the sales department next year.
c) My colleague __________( travel) to Croatia on Monday.
d) Anne ______________(have) an appointment with their sales representative
next week.
e) According to my planner , my flight _____________ (take off) at 7 am.

Exercise 6:
Complete the prediction about the future. Use the correct verbs from the box and use
contractions if it is possible.
Discover- not do-live-make-not meet-communicate-have-not be- not work

a) Everybody _________through their laptop.

b) We probably ___________our boss face to face anymore.
c) Scientists ____________new technology devices.
d) I´m sure there______________ a more poweful company than Microsoft in 10
years time.
e) Technology ___________time travel possilbe.
f) People _________________ in offices anumore they will work at home
g) Thanks to medical advances we __________________probably__________
much longer.
h) People ________________ their shopping in supermarkets anymore¡

EXERCISE 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense:
A: Why are you wearing your coat?
B: Because I____________________ (go) to leave for a meeting.

A: I think we are lost¡

B: Ok, I ________________(find) a policeman to ask for directions.

A: The office is son fire¡¡¡
B: Oh no¡¡¡ I ____________ (call) the fire brigade.

A: I think the lab needs some new intruments.

B: I know , Yesterday I ordered a new HPLC and a GC-MS. They _______ (bring)
them tomorrow .

A: How are you going to the lab this afternoon?

B: John ________________ (give ) me lift.

A:Someone´s at the door¡¡

B:I ______ (go)¡

2.2. The Future Continuous and The Future Perfect.

The future continuous (will be + ‘ing’ form) and the future perfect (will have + past
participle) tenses are used to talk about events in the future.

Future continuous

• Don’t ring at 8 o’clock. I’ll be working on the project.

• This time tomorrow we’ll be having a delicious meal at the canteen. I can’t wait!

We use the future continuous to talk about something that will be in progress in the
future or that we assume is happening at the moment.

• Don’t phone Mr. Parker now, he’ll be interviewing the candidates.

• My colleagues are very competitive. They’ll be studying for the exam!

Future Perfect

We use the future perfect to say that something will be finished by a particular time in
the future.

• Do you think you will have finished all the emails by Thursday?
• In 2 years time, I’ll have finished my Vocational Training and I’ll be able to earn
some money at last.

We often use the future perfect with ‘by’ or ‘in’

• By the year 2020, I will have worked at Creamcorp Corporation for 15 years.
• I’ll have finished in an hour and then you can use the computer.

‘By’ means ‘not later than a particular time’ and ‘in’ means 'within a period of time’. We
don’t know exactly when something will finish.

• I promise I’ll have done all the work by next Saturday.

We don’t know exactly when he will finish the work – maybe Thursday, maybe Friday –
but definitely before Saturday.

EXERCISE : Complete the sentences by matching the phrases in B to the sentences in A.

Opinion Match Speaker

1. will have paid my mortgage and the house

Tomorrow at this time...
will be mine!

In ten years time, I... 2. she will be flying to Paris.

How will I recognize you?

3. will you be wearing?

What do you think... 4. will have lived in London for 30 years.

By the end of 2040, Sally... 5. Will have changed in 10 years time.

EXERCISE: Complete the sentences with verb in brackets by using the future
continuous or Future perfetc.
1. This time tomorrow, Maria ____________on a beach in Majorca. (sunbathe)
2. Wake me up by nine o'clock - I _______________long enough by then. (sleep)
3. When we get to Sydney, we_______________ for more than 10 hours. (fly)
4. Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We________________ tennis. (play)
5. Tom spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, he ____________all
his money before the end of his holiday. (spend)


IT words Translation

IT (Information Technology). Informática.

Hacker. Pirata informático.

Download. Bajarse un archivo de Internet.

Upload. Subir un archivo a la red.

Print out. Imprimir.

Boot up. Encender el ordenador.

Crashed / frozen. Quedarse pillado el ordenador.

Delete. Borrar.

Keyboard. Teclado.

Delete. Borrar.

Flash drive/ USB stick Pendrive / lápiz óptico.

Wifi. Conexión Wifi.

Wireless. Inalámbrico, sin cable.

Folder. Carpeta.

File. Archivo.

Database. Base de datos.

Website. Página Web.

Log in / out. Comenzar / terminar sesión mediante una clave personal.

USB slot. Puerto USB.

Turn on / off. Encender / apagar.

IT words Translation

CD burner. Regrabadora de CD.

Expressions Translation

To surf / browse the net. Buscar en Internet.

To google a word. Buscar una palabra en Google.

To burn a CD. Grabar un CD.

To click on an icon. Hacer click en un icono.

EXERCISE: Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the ones you learned above.
1. There's too much information here, why don't you _________some
2. It takes ages for my computer________________ in the morning. I usually turn
it on and then go off for a coffee.
3. I always______________________ music and vídeo games from the Internet.
4. Could you please __________________the last Kiss CD for me?
5. I'll __________________ just the more relevant information since I'm running
out of ink.
6. They were able to ________________Microsoft's system and steal the
7. She is in a bad mood today. Her computer____________ yesterday and she
lost a lot of her work.
8. If you want to find some information about this subject you could
_______________the net.

Session 2. Going green¡

It's Wednesday morning and the girls are in the lab waiting for Mr. Parker's tasks for the
day. At the beginning, they used to get nervous whenever they were asked to do
something, but with time, they have learned to feel more relaxed at work and language
is not a barrier more. It is true that they don't always fully understand what they have
to do, but with their eagerness to learn and their colleagues' patience and
understanding, they manage to keep going. It's 8:00 a.m. and, like everyday, Mr. Parker
enters the lab an envelope with their new tasks.
Mr. Parker: "Good morning everyone! How are you guys doing today? I hope really well
(Mr. Parker says enthusiastically). As you know times are changing and the
company needs to keep updated if it wants to go on leading the sector. That's why today
I want you to come up with suggestions about how to go green at the lab. Please, try to
be original!"


What about you?
Have you ever thought about how to go green at the working place?
Try to be original. Once you are done, read your classmates' ideas, are they very
different from yours?



CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp bombilla de bajo consuma
Daylight luz solar
Ecology ecología
Energy -Saving appliances Material de bajo consumo
Environmentally-friendly/eco-friendly Ecológico
Eolic energy Energía eolica
Global Warming Calentamiento global
Go green Ayudar al medio ambiente
Go paperless Utilizar soportes electrónicos , sin papeles
Greenhouse Effect Efecto invernadero
LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Lider en energía y deseño ecologico.
Office lightning. Alumbrado en la oficina
Printer - friendly Imprimir de forma ecologica
Programmable Thermostat Termostato programable.
Remanufactured ink or toner cartridges Tinta o tóner recargable
Renawable resources Energías renovables
Reuse Reutilizar
Save energy Ahorrar energía
Solar PV (Solar Photovaltaic) Fotovoltaico /placas solares.
Sustainability Sostenibilidad
Waste Residuo
Environmental group Ecologistas, Los verdes.
Green issues Problemas medioambientales
Pressure group Grupo de presión
To be awared of Ser consciente de algo
Carpool Hacer turnos de coche para ir al trabajo
Cut down/chop down Cortar, talar.
Destroy Destruir
Dispose (of) Desechar, tirar
Dump Echar vertidos
Print something on both sizes Imprimir algo por ambas caras
Pollute Contaminar
Protect Proteger
Recyle Reciclar
Save Salvar
Throw away Tirar , deshacerse de algo
Use up Acabar , gastar, agotar.


As we read before, our friends' task for the day is to come up with suggestions about
how to go green at the lab.“Uff! How to go green, that sounds really difficult!”

Lourdes complains. Susana on the contrary seems quite enthusiastic, especially because
lately, she has read a lot on the matter. For a few minutes they remain in silence trying
to think how to organize the task, however, after a while, both of them realize they have
an added problem :“how are proposals written down in English?”



El primer párrafo siempre debe explicar el propósito de la proposal. Puedes utilizar

cualquiera de estas frases para introducir tu proposal en inglés.

The aim of this proposal is to find out / highlight / expose / evaluate…

This proposal aims to consider / examine / inform…

The aim of this proposal is to consider the option with regard to…

The objective of this proposal is to…

El objetivo de la proposal debe ceñirse a lo que te plantean en el examen; lo que te piden

hacer. Obviamente, no puedes copiar la frase exacta pero si hacer rephrasing.


El segundo párrafo puede ser un pequeño resumen introductorio. Una proposal en la

vida real suele ser bastante extensa y mucha gente solo tiene tiempo para leer un
resumen. Podemos duplicar esta estructura en el examen con un pequeño párrafo
introductorio que exponga la situación actual.

Siguientes párrafos. Hay que informar y aportar ideas sobre lo que nos hayan pedido en
el examen. Puedes basarte en un report y añadirle las sugerencias propias de una

According to,

In addition,

As far as students / locals / authorities are concerned

It should be considered that…

It must be stressed that….

Utiliza títulos para cada sección. La proposal debe informar y sugerir así que cuanto más
clara presentes la información mejor nota tendrás. Puedes perfectamente inventar la
información de una encuesta imaginaria y cosas por el estilo.

Podemos hacer una conclusión final en dos párrafos, que podemos titular Suggestions.
El primer párrafo debe incluir recomendaciones generales según lo que hayamos

Piensa en el report como un texto que redacta un consultor, al que se paga para an alizar
y dar sus sugerencias, pero nunca opiniones.

As it can be inferred from this report…

It is highly advisable to…

Therefore, it can be concluded that…

En el último párrafo, terminamos el report con una conclusión y valoración general.

In conclusion, this report demonstrates that…

From the research / evidence one can conclude that…

Whereas written proposals tend to be more formal, Oral proposals are usually more
informal and therefore, they are quite common in our daily lives. Let's

have a look at the most common words or expressions, always bearing in mind that oral
proposals are mainly used to make suggestions and give advice to people.

Be careful! Many people don't like getting advice if they haven't asked for it! To avoid
giving the wrong impression, you can try some of these expressions:

EXERCISE: Fill in the gaps with the correct answer:

I don't think _____ so hard.

you should work

you shouldn't work

you should to

You _____ more attention in class.

ought pay

had out to pay

ought to pay

If I were you, _____ less and study more.

you'd work

I'd work

I worked

If I were _____, I'd move to another city.

in your shoes

in your clothes

in your jacket

You _____ early tomorrow.

had to better get up

had better get up

had to not better get up

He _____ so much money.

shouldn't spend

should not to spend

shouldn't spends

_____, don't work so hard.

Whenever you do

Whatever you do

Wherever you do

If he _____, he'd take a week off from work.

are you

were you

is you


The First conditional formula is:

• To express the possibility that something is going to happen
• Advise
• Making plans + present simple, Will + Infinitive/ Present simple/ Imperative.

If you want to have satisfied clients, you'll have to be patient (will+infinitive).

If he calls you, go to his office immediately (Imperative).

If you click on the icon, the computer freezes. (present simple).

The Second conditional formula is:

USES: We can use it to talk about hypothetical situations.

If+ past simple, Would+ Infinitive.

If I were rich, I would run my own business.

If she were younger, she would get a promotion.

The Third conditional formula is:

If + past perfect, Would have+ past participle.

If I had finished the project on time, I wouldn't have been fired!

EXERCISE: Fill in the gaps using either the First or Second conditional.

1. If you're late again, you ________________(have) problems with the boss.

2. Do you think I______________________ (lose) weight if I eat less pasta?

3. I would go to Rome next summer if you ___________________ (get) a fine.

5. Don't worry. The dog (get better) if you ______________(give) him the

6. She is so insecure! I'm sure she (find) a job if she___________ (be) more

7. If the weather ____________(to be) nice,______________ (bring) her to the


8. What you _______________(do) if you _________(find) 500 euros on the


9. If I_________ (be) you, I___________________________ (try) to take things


2.3. UNLESS.

Be careful! “Unless” introduces a dependent clause with a condition and it means (if...

Unless he calls me, I won't invite him to the party.

EXERCISE: Fill in the gaps using “If” or “unless.

1. _________________she does well in the interview, she won't be accepted in

the Ph.D. Program.

2._________________ we learn from our mistakes, we may repeat them.

3. He will be sent to prison _____________hes is caught in the act

4. He must study ___________________he doesn't want to flunk the course.

5. _____________you don't understand the exercise, I'll try to help you.

6. I'll go to the beach with you _____________________it rains this weekend.

7. _____________________you don't mind, I'll sit here.

8. _____________________you love her, marry her.

Session 3.

3.1. Reading exercise:

While Lourdes uploads some pictures on facebook, Susana lies on the sofa and takes the
magazine she bought the other day on her way to the lab. This magazine is about science
and technology, something Susana is crazy about. This month's article seems quite
interesting because it deals with the office of the future and it compares it to the
traditionally-old one, aren't you curious to read what does it say about it?

Go paperless!!

The concept of the office of the future dates from the 1940s. It is also known as the
"paperless office", but sixty years after the phrase "paperless

office" is discredited somewhat. Research and development around the idea continue
under the name "office of the future", with quite a few new ideas.

From the very beginning, the traditional office has always had paper-based filing
systems, which included filing cabinets, folders, and shelves, which all take up a lot of
space, requiring maintenance and equipment. In contrast, a paperless office could
simply have a desk, chair, and computer with an Internet connection and all the
information would be stored in digital form.

According to experts, the future office will be increasingly mobile and flexible to meet
changing business needs. Core teams will manage employees working from diverse
locations — from home offices to temporary business spaces to cafés. Professionals who
are able to create new products and services and identify more efficient ways to work
will be among the most marketable. The most important skills and abilities for
administrative professionals can be summed up with the acronym ACTION. This stands
for Analysis, Collaboration, Technical aptitude, Intuition, Ongoing education and

Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1. The term "office of the future" is …

Quite a new term.

A very old-fashioned term.

A term dating from the 1940s.

2."Paperless office" means …

An office full of newspapers.

An office without wallpaper.

A digital office.

3.According to experts, the future office …

will be based in a comfortable and relaxing place like a café.

will be flexible and adaptable to change.

will be installed at home.

4.Innovation is …

the key factor to success.

is not important in business.

is not as important as flexibility.

5.The acronym ACTION …

underlines the importance of flexibility and mobility at work.

is a combination of the most important skills at work.

combines Analysis and Technical attitude as the most important skills at work.


Listen to “In the Pipeline” a famous British radio programme.

Today's discussion is about the Paperless Office. Listen carefully and answer the
questions below. Have fun!

What are technologies such as digital paper or electronic ink being developed for?

To be used along with other books and journals.

To replace book editions and journals.

To make work more accessible to people.

Montage states that his office is "awash with paper", what does it mean?

That his office is full of paper.

That he works in a digital office with no paper around.

That he works with both digital and paper documents.

Mark Balnaves argues that...

people are more and more concerned about nature, and they tend to use less

a new law is coming to replace our obsession with using so much paper.

even today, offices are crowded with paper.

According to Bonwyn Clark, Mr. Balnaves discovered that...

even IT people use tons of paper.

IT people are the ones who never use paper at all.

"technologically able" members are trying to convince society about the

necessity of changing our attitude.


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