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Kate Eriks

Senior Writing

Miss Schimmel

January 15, 2021

Covenant: Years in Review

As the school year comes to a close, and I turn back and remember the years gone past, it

can be hard to describe what exactly has been taking place for the past 4 years. Memories come

and go, some forgotten long ago, while some abide in our minds forever. Three words that best

describe my high school experience are engaging, crazy, and heartfelt.

First when I think of highschool, I think of the word engaging. This means to occupy,

attract, or involve someone's attention or interests. This word very fittingly describes what has

happened at Covenant Chrstian High School (CCHS) in the past four years. Once you enter high

school, it becomes your main attention, and your entire life. It governs your entire schedule, what

you do with your time, how you spend your weekend, the vacations you go on and much more. It

is crazy to think of life without this captivating process. This was especially shown in my junior

year of high school when I started to drive to school. I no longer was driving to other places as

much. My job, as well as other activities and friends became less prevalent. I almost always

drove to school and back home again. This was where the majority of time was spent.

Second, when I think of high school, I think of crazy. This word crazy means extremely

enthusiastic. Notice the adjective describing an adjective, making it very powerful. This word

completely describes my experiences at CCHS. Not only are the teachers enthusiastic for their

job, but the students, although not always crazy to learn, are crazy about something that goes on.

It isn’t necessarily the learning part of school, or the social part, but for me I was crazy to be a
part of this organization. The school year of 2019-2020 showed this to me very plainly. As the

school was shut down in March of 2020, there was a desire to go back, to be involved with one

another at school, to show interest, and to be a part of something bigger than ever before. There

was a drive to get back into the swing of things at CCHS. We missed each other, and were crazy

about going back to school.

The last word that describes my years here at CCHS is the word heart-felt. This means

sincere, deeply and strongly felt. In my own personal experience, I know when something is

heart-felt, then words, actions, thought, and ideas, carry more weight than something flippant and

overused. A heart-felt word is a word that stares at you through your eyes then travels down to

your heart and resonates there. A personal experience of something heart-felt can be rare, but

here at CCHS, heart-felt is something expected. The teachers talk in a way that you know they

are sincerely trying to help you. I also sincerely knew that my friends were friends by the way

they showed me they truly cared.

This was felt especially when hurt, loss, and tears come. One day my sophomore year

was a particularly hard day for some of my friends. They had both experienced loss and hardship

in the past weeks, and we were all feeling it. Our gracious teacher told us to go take a break from

the class. We walked into the bathroom and broke down. We physically leaned on each other,

wanted to share one another's burdens and lift each other up. We hurt, and cried, and healed, as

we talked about the real struggles of life. This was just one example of how my experience at

Covenant was sincere, heartfelt, and meaningful.

These three words bring up many feelings of the experiences that have taken place at

CCHS. Some memories are hard to hear again, and hurt to bring into light. Some memories we

wish we could relive over and over again. Yet, there are some experiences we wish could forever
be forgotten. But we always know that our experiences carry weight, meaning, craziness, and

engage us for future events in our lives.

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