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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Education

Set B
Lesson 1: Automotive

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Course / Year and Section: _________________

Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write or highlight the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. A lifting device used to lift heavy loads.

a) Mechanical Jack
b) Bench Vise
c) Gauge
d) Ratchet

_____2. Summer break is coming, and you are planning for a road trip with your friends, what is the best thing to do
to prepare your car?

a) Test your car and look for the possible problem that may occur in a long drive.
b) Do not do anything, believe that your car can surpass any hardship
c) Upgrade your car and buy new parts that is unnecessary to your car to show off to your friends.
d) Tune up your car and change the tires if necessary.

_____3. Driving in a highway, you notice that your car engine is overheating, what is the best thing to do?

a) Let it be, continue driving and ignore it. Let the engine cool itself
b) Wait for the engine cool off and check the radiator if the coolant is enough. For the meantime add some
c) Check the radiator and open it quickly, then add water or coolant if you must.
d) Go to the nearest repair shop and ask for the solutions.

_____4. Type of break that uses the calipers to squeeze pairs of pads against a disc.

a) Drum Break
b) Disk Break
c) Caliper Brake
d) Hand Brake

_____5. While driving you found out that brake is not working well, what is the best thing to do?

a) Stop for a minute and check the brake fluid if it's enough.
b) Ignore it and hope that it will return to normal.
c) Just drive slower to prevent accident
d) Try and try it until it works.

_____6. Which of the following best describes the Freedom in Advantages of Learning to Drive?

a) Dado is unable to go somewhere due to lack of knowledge on how to drive.

b) Enzo is always taking a ride in a bus for him to go to his work.
c) Lin is always travelling and visiting a place she wanted to see using her own car.
d) Gon who is freely travelling using his bike.

_____7. What is the best way to do if you noticed that your car needs brake adjustment?

a) Fix it if you have the tools and a wide knowledge about automotive brakes and can perform it to your
b) Consult your car to the brake repairer and let them do the brake adjustments.
c) Just ignore it and go use your car.
d) Both a and b

_____8. You noticed something is wrong on your neighbor's car when they turned it on. As a vehicle inspector
witnessed that, what is the best way to do?

a) Approach your neighbor and tell them that something is wrong about their car.
b) Watch them and see what will happen as they left.
c) Just ignore it and let them travel
d) Greet them and say good luck in their way.

_____9. What automotive services you should get if you wanted a new color for your car?

a) Automotive Mechanic/Technician
b) Auto Body Painter
c) Motorcycle Mechanic
d) College/Vocational Instructor

_____10. What automotive services you should get if you wanted to learn auto servicing in college/vocational

a) Automotive Mechanic/Technician
b) Auto Body Painter
c) Motorcycle Mechanic
d) College/Vocational Instructor

_____11. Which of the following sentence is true about the road signs?

a) Road signs are created to reduce the probability of accidents happening in the road, also to regulate
the traffic amongst vehicles.
b) Road signs are designed to be followed to have safe ride.
c) Road signs can either inform or command the driver on the road.
d) Road signs such as warning signs show shortcuts in the road and can be neglected sometimes.

_____12. You are driving your car then you suddenly see the sign below. What should you do as a driver?

a) You must slow down and look for any people crossing the street to avoid accidents.
b) You must immediately accelerate to avoid accidents.
c) You should stop your car even if there is no one crossing.
d) You must make a U-turn to avoid this sign.

_____13. You are in a hurry because you woke up late and your boss might scold you, but you must cross the street
first to reach the office and you don’t see any pedestrian lane. What is the best thing to do?

a) Run like a wind in crossing the street.

b) Look left and right when crossing to avoid accidents
c) Just jaywalk since you are in a hurry.
d) Never mind the traffic lights just cross the street.

_____14. How often should you clean your air filter to make sure your car does not have a problem in the engine?

a) 20,000 miles
b) 1,000 miles
c) 15,000 miles
d) 2,000 miles

_____15. While you are driving you suddenly hear a steering noise while turning, what will you need to change to
stop the noise?

a) power steering fluid

b) air filter
c) coolant
d) brake rotors

_____16. What will you do if you felt that there Is something wrong with your car and you don’t know why and how
are you going to solve the issue?

a) go for a car maintenance

b) check it yourself even if you know nothing about cars
c) change all parts into a new one
d) you should sell it and get a new car

_____17. In driving a manual transmission car for the first time, how should you engage in driving?

a) slowly and methodically

b) quickly and smart
c) fast but surely
d) fast with no exemption

_____18. What is the difference between a Manual Transmission car and an Automatic Transmission car? Choose
the correct answer below.

1. In a manual car, the driver is responsible for shifting the gears 3. Manual car does the shifting for

2. In an automatic car, the car does the shifting for you 4. Automatic car drives the car for

a) 2,3
b) 3,4
c) 1,2
d) 1,4

_____19. Enzo car engine does not run smoothly every time he uses it. What should he do in this problem?

a) Go to a mechanic
b) Consult his/her friend
c) Ignore it
d) Give a self-diagnosis

_____20. Karl's fuel system is dirty and not changed for a long time. What will be the result if this continues?

a) It can run smoothly

b) Void Warranty
c) Affects environment and reduce fuel efficiency
d) It will cause traffic

_____21. Martin always go to the mechanic for his car's maintenance. Which of the following is an advantage of Car

I. Can run more efficiently III. Validity of warranty

II. Fuel system benefit IV. Keeps you running smooth

a) I only
b) II, III
c) I, III, IV
d) I, II, III, IV

_____22. Lawrence has always neglected his car maintenance. Which of the following can be the probable effect of

I. Fuel System polluted III. Car Accidents

II. Car Breakdown IV. Smooth Driving

a) I only
b) I, II, III
c) I, IV
d) I, II, III, IV

_____23. Result of air pollution contribute to what?

a) Global Warming
b) Traffic Jam
c) Car Accident
d) Road Rage

_____24. Primary Result of Traffic Jam?

a) Waste of time/Stress for drivers and commuters

b) Global Warming
c) Car Accident
d) Road Rage

_____25. One of the Reason for Traffic Jam?

a) Waste of time/Stress for drivers and commuters

b) Global Warming
c) Car Accident
d) Car Maintenance

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