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College of Engineering and Architecture

Student Orientation and Information Sheet

Course Code: AR 3 BEC 4B

Course Description: Theory of Structures
Course Delivery: ODL

Name: Valenzuela, Stephen John A.

Year Level: 3rd year
Units Remaining to Finish Your Program: 125

Encode a letter “Y” beside tools/technology you have access to:

Y Laptop   Tablet
Y Desktop Computer    Others, Specify:      
Y Smart Phone

   Mobile Data Y Dedicated Internet Connection

From 1 to 10, 10 being Y 1 to 10 Mbps (Megabits/sec)
the highest, how would    10 to 20 Mbps (Megabits/sec)
you rate the stability of    20 to 50 Mbps (Megabits/sec)
data connection:         >50 Mbps (Megabits/sec)

In not less than 200 words, explain why you took up your program: I took this program because it was suggested by my
parents and then I gladly took the program, suddenly I realize that this program was one of the hardest course in a
university and I thought I would try it nonetheless and also I came to like it because how broad the knowledge that I
can get.

List down at least three problems/concerns/complaints/disadvantages you encountered with the ongoing ODL approach
and having the trimester halved:
The unscheduled power interruptions or the unexpected power interruptions
Unstable access to internet
I travel about 15-20 minutes everyday in order to access the internet
List down at least three expectations/requests you have with the handling of the course:
Good deliverance of the lessons
Good teaching methods
List down other possible problems/concerns on your part that may hinder your satisfaction of course requirements.
Stability of the internet
Contradiction of other requirements in other subjects

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