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Universidad Yacambu

Facultad de Humanidades

Coordinacion de Idiomas

Evaluacion III Idioma intermedio intensivo

Nombres y apellidos: Alexandra Ferrer Heras C I : V- 27.853.109

Expediente: CJP- 181 00398

 Which of these sentences are grammatically correct ( C ) or Wrong ( W ).( Si los

adjetivos estan usados correctamente). Califica 5 puntos.

1. Florida is hotter than Maine. C

2. A motorcycle is more fast than a bicycle. W

3. The climate in Tokyo, Japan is mild than the climate in Anchorage , Alaska. W

4. Jake´s apartment is the more convenient of all. C

5. Sally isn´t friendly as Nancy. W

 Use the comparative or the superlative form of the adjective in parenthesis to

complete the sentence. Califica 10 puntos.

1. It was the worst storm of the century. ( Bad ).

2. A three bedroom apartment is more comfortable than a two bedroom apartment.

( Comfortable ).

3. Are you older as your cousin ? ( Old ).

4. What is the best cell phone in that store? ( Good ).

5. That was the most terrible virus I have ever known. ( Terrible )

6. Money isn´t as important as love. ( Important ).

7. The next level is a lot harder than this level. ( Hard ).

8. The King Cobra is the largest of the venomous snakes. ( Large ).

9. What´s the busiest day for you?. ( Busy ).

10. The Hummingbird is smaller than any other bird. ( Small ).

 Write sentences using the words given. Califica 5 puntos.

1.To vote / she isn´t/ enough / old .

She isn’ t enough older to vote this year.

2.Much / restaurant / too / that / expensive / is.

Perla’s restaurant and in this one you can eat too much.

3.Hot / swimming / to go / It / enough / isn´t

It isn’t enough hotter than yesterday to go swimming .

4.That meeting / important / too / was / to miss.

That meeting was not important to miss but tomorrow, I have one that is too important, I
can’t be late.

5.Before / have / don´t / the movie / time / we / to eat / enough.

Before we have the movie time we don’t need to eat it’s enough with the popcorns but the
hamburgers are better.

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