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-Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the

adjectives in brackets.

more fluently
1. I speak English (fluent)   now than last year.

2. She greeted me (polite)   of all.

3. She smiled (happy)   than before.

4. This girl dances (graceful)   of all.

5. Could you write (clear)  ?

6. Planes can fly (high)   than birds.

7. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful)   than


8. Jim can run (fast)   than John.

9. Our team played (bad)   of all.

10. He worked (hard)   than ever before.

2.-Fill in the blank with the either the comparative form or superlative

form of each adverb, as required:

EX: Tom sang more loudly (more loudly/the most loudly) than the other kids. 

1. I visit my parents   (more often/the most often) than my brothers do. 

2. He thinks he always knows  . (better/best) 

3. Out of all my siblings, I visit my parents   (more often/the most


4. David did   (worse/the worst) than he thought he would do on his


5. I did   (worse/the worst) out of all the students on my test.

6. Out of all the students, Frank studied   (less/the least), but got the
best grade. 

7. We argued   (longer/the longest) than I thought we would. 

8. My sisters laughed   (louder/the loudest) out of the whole audience. 

9. The two guys who enjoyed the game   (more/most) were Tom and

10. George drives   (more recklessly/the most recklessly) than his


3.-Choose the right option

1The south is _____ the north.

a.  hotter than

b.  more hotter than

c.  more hot than

2We work _____ now with the new manager.

a.  most happily

b.  more happily

c.  happilier
3He is ______ England.

a.  the most famous painter in

b.  the famousest painter in

c.  the most famous painter of

4Tuesdays are _____ than Mondays.

a.  much more busy

b.  much more busier

c.  a lot busier

5It's the worst experience _____.

a.  I've never had

b.  I ever had

c.  I've ever had

Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the

adjectives in brackets. Add any necessary missing words, such as than, the,

1Cardiff is   (wet) city in Britain. It rains an average of 148 days a year.

2The north of Italy is much   (cold) the south in winter.

3The kitchen isn't as   (large) the living room.

4New York is   (populated) city in the US.

5Athens is   (old) city in the world.

6Shanghai is   (busy) most other cities in Asia.

7What is   (far) planet from Earth?

8Men lose weight   (easily) women.

9His last book is OK, but I think it is   (bad) the previous one.

10Where is   (near) petrol station?

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