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shop for electronic devices

(computers, mobile phones and white

The shop represents a virtual store on the internet where customers can browse the catalog and
select items (electronic devices) of interest. The items can be collected in a shopping basket and
ordered, afterwards. At that time, more information will be required from the customer to complete
the order. The customer will be asked to fill billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option,
and payment information such as credit card number. An e- mail notification is sent to the customer
as soon as the order is placed.

Advert, update and remove products

Business goal:

• Advert and update items for sale

Scope: A solution that will enable to the users to easily add and remove products that are for sale.
The products can be entered only by authorized users. As to enter the products, the users must
populate the product specification from. The product specification form defines the product as an
unique entity that has a product name, a product technical specification and a price. As to remove
product, the user must delete it from the system.


• Super admin

User stories
Title: Advert new product

As a super admin
I want to add new product on the online store
So that I can advert what is on sale from our store.

Scenario1: Advert new product that has not been entered previously.

Given the Super admin is already logged in

And the super admin has selected to add new product in the system.
And the super admin has already populated the product specification form.
And the product has a valid product specification (Valid name, valid product technical
specification and valid price).
And the product has not been entered previously.
When the super admin submits the form
Then the product should be added in the system.
And no validation should appear about duplicate product.
And the product should be available for ordering.

Scenario2: Don’t add product that has been entered previously.

Given the Super admin is already logged in

And the super admin has selected to add new product in the system.
And the super admin has already populated the product specification form.
And the product has a valid product specification (Valid name, valid product technical
specification and valid price).
And the product has been entered previously.
When the super admin submits the product specification form
Then a validation message should appear that the product is already entered in the system.
And the product should not be added in the system.

Title: Update price for a product that is already added in the system

As a super admin
I want to update the product
So that I can change the product price.

Scenario1: Price update

Given The super admin is already logged in

And the super admin has selected to update the product
And the super admin has selected a product that needs to be updated
And the super admin has entered a valid product price (the price is not negative, has no
letters, and is not over limit)
When super admin submits the product specification form
Then the product should be updated
And the product price should be changed.
And the product should be available for ordering.

Title: Delete a product

As a super admin
I want to delete a product
So that I can remove the product from the system

Scenario1: Delete a product

Given the super admin is already logged in

And the super admin has selected to delete the product
When the super admin clicks the delete button
Then the product should be removed from the system
And the product should not be available for ordering

Order products
Business goal:

• Make an order


• Customer

Scope: A solution that will enable to the Customers to select products from the catalog and add
them in the shopping basket. The products from the basket can purchased or removed. When
purchased, the customer will be asked to fill billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option,
and payment information such as credit card number. An e- mail notification will be sent to the
customer as soon as the order is placed. Only registered customers can buy products

Title: Make an order

As a customer
I want to select a product
So that I can add it in my shopping basket and create an order

Scenario1: Add products in the shopping basket

Given The customer is already logged in

And the customer has selected a product
And the customer has selected the quantity for the product
When the customer clicks the add product button
Then the product should be added in the shopping basket

Title: Remove items from an order

As a customer
I want to delete a product
So I can remove the product from the shopping basket

Scenario1: Remove product from the shopping basket

Given The customer is already logged in

And the customer has entered his shopping basket
When the customer clicks on the delete product button
Then the product should be removed from the shopping basket
And should not be charged

Title: Purchase an order

As a customer
I want to purchase an order
So that I can get my products

Scenario1: Prepare to purchase an order

Given the customer is already logged in

And the customer has entered his shopping basket
And the customer has selected to purchase the order
When the customer clicks on the purchase order button
Then a purchase form should appear

Scenario2: Purchase an order

Given the customer is already logged in

And the customer has entered his shopping basket
And the customer has populated the purchase form by filling his address, a shipping option
and a payment information
When the customer submits the purchase form
Then the order should be purchased
And an email notification should be sent to the customer.

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