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1. Many of the students are staying on campus this weekend.

2. After the rain the baseball game was resumed.

3. l can never find my sunglasses.

4 . Halloween was observed with pranks, costumes, and merrymaking.

5. In 1937 Louis won the heavyweight boxing championship.

6. What is there in London for the bargain-hunting tourist?

7. The property is owned by the Russell estate.

8. There are five new shop- ping centers in Fort Worth.

9. After dinner the children gathered to tell ghost stories.

10. The whole house-had been decorated with early American furniture.

11. Everyone except the boys was quiet.

12. In some countries marriages are often arranged.

13. Frequent rains and heavy morning dew keep the rain forests beautiful and green.

14. During the last moments of the game the air was filled with excitement

15. Some of the fraternity members are building the float.

16. Among her many friends the president's daughter.

17. Amanda and her brother observed everything in silence.

18. The plumber and the electrician have promised to come today.

19. On her way home Joanna found a little lost kitten hiding in the bushes.

20. I will bring a portable stove and some cooking utensils.

21. In 1976 Rhodes scholarships were opened to women .

22. Neither Earl nor his brother was prepared for class.

23. A group of foreign journalists was visiting the campus last week.

24. Helen, as well as her sister, will arrive in Rome early for the festival.

25. Did you return my book to the library?

26. The team's manager walked to the pitcher's mound.

27. Robyn washed her clothes and took a nap.

28. The menu offered a variety of steak and fish dishes.

29. Jenny has a pleasant voice, and Keith found her company relaxing.

30. With all due respect, your solutions are somewhat simple.

31. Our team played flawlessly during the second half of the basketball game.

32. Despite its name buttermilk is very low in fat.

33. In 1954 the first nuclear-powered submarine, the Nautilus, was launched.

34. Jeannette Rankin in 1916 became the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

35. There were no introductions or greetings after the invocation.

36. Are you playing golf Saturday?

37. The gentleman by the desk is my boss.

38. Both my brother and his wife are surgeons.

39. One of our students won a scholarship to Notre Dame.

40. Jamie, along with her roommate, is coming home this weekend.

41. The wild boar seldom roams more than five miles from its birthplace.

42. Someone will meet you at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport.

43. In each group of answers there is only one correct response.

44. In the back yard we have a small vegetable garden.

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