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JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia



I. Wilujeng*1, W. S. B. Dwandaru2, R. A. Binti A. Rauf3

Natural Science Education, Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

Jl. Colombo No. 1, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia

Physics Education Department, Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Jl. Colombo No. 1, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
Mathematics and Science Education Department, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v8i4.19948

Accepted: August 19th, 2019. Approved: December 27th, 2019. Published: December 31st, 2019


Renewable energy sources in Indonesia, such as hydropower, are very abundant. However, the utilization of these
sources as alternative energy in Indonesia has not been optimized. Education for Environmental Sustainable De-
velopment (EESD) approach could be implemented in science education to give students valuable insights into
the environment. The form of teaching materials for EESD is the student worksheet. The objective of this study
was to analyze the effectiveness of learning using EESD-based student worksheets to improve environmental
literacy. This study belonged to the quasi-experiment, and the sample was taken using a cluster sampling tech-
nique class. The findings of this research showed that the mean score of the experimental class was greater than
the control class, and there was a remarkable difference in environmental literacy between the experimental and
control class. Therefore, we could conclude that EESD-based student worksheets are useful to improve students’
environmental literacy.

© 2019 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: education for environmental sustainable development, environmental literacy,

environmental sustainable

INTRODUCTION natural resource, energy should be used as wise

as possible for the sake of people’s welfare, and
Energy is an increasingly basic human its management should refer to the principle of
need. Energy demand growth is about 10% an- sustainable development (Mujiyanto & Tiess,
nually (OECD, 2012), where fossil energy sour- 2013).
ces, namely petroleum, coal, and natural gas, Indonesia is a country that has abundant
are still dominant. Since these fossil energies are wealth of renewable energy sources, name-
non-renewable energy sources, their availability ly geothermal (Pan et al., 2019), hydropower
will eventually be depleted and exhausted. As a (Tang et al., 2019), wind (Pambudi & Nana-
*Correspondence Address nukul, 2019), biogas (Khalil et al., 2019), solar
522 I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

(Soonmin et al., 2019), and ocean (Daryono et towards the environment can be prepared.
al., 2019), which can be utilized as an alternative According to Coyle (2005), environmental
energy. The utilization of these alternative ener- literacy is one’s ability to comprehend and inter-
gy resources will reduce dependence upon fossil pret healthy environmental systems and to take
fuels that are decreasing. Moreover, the potential any action to improve and preserve the system.
for renewable energy is enormous, but it has only Environmental Literacy Task Force (2015) de-
been utilized around 6% (Arinaldo et al., 2018; fined environmental literacy as an ability to act
Hutapea, 2016). individually and with others to support healthy,
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral prosperous, and equitable ecology for present
Resources revealed that Indonesia’s oil source is and future generations (ELTF, 2015). McBeth
only enough for about 12 years (Surono, 2019). & Volk (2009) stated that the indicators of envi-
If no action is taken, then Indonesia will expe- ronmental literacy include ecological knowledge,
rience a crisis of oil resources. Hence, it is very real commitment (pro-environmental behavior),
urgent to promote the utilization of renewable verbal commitment (intention to act), general
energy sources and one of which is hydropower. environmental feelings, identification, environ-
Water is a potential source of renewable energy mental sensitivity, action planning, and analysis
used as an alternative energy source as most of skills.
the regions in Indonesia are an archipelago uni- Karimzadegan & Meiboudi (2012) divi-
ted by water. Besides, water is also an environ- ded the domain of environmental literacy into
mentally friendly energy source. four components: knowledge, skill, affective, and
It becomes a challenge for our generation action. The domain of environmental literacy,
to manage the environment to preserve the en- according to Hollweg et al. (2011), includes kno-
vironment properly. An excellent environmental wledge, disposition, context, competencies, and
management could guarantee the availability of environmentally responsible behavior. Accor-
natural resources. One of the efforts to overcome ding to Srbinovski et al. (2010), all components
the environmental crisis is through Education. of environmental literacy do not get the equal at-
Here, academics, experts, and administrators tention in every country. Several aspects domina-
should handle environmental literacy promotion te other aspects (Srbinovski et al., 2010). In this
issues and sustainable development education in study, we conducted research on the component
a more severe manner (Özgürler & Cansaran, of affective or disposition. According to Danis
2014). By learning science, students are expected (2013), the dimension of disposition is on the
to experience a positive attitude change and la- response to environmental problems, including
ter be able to contribute a positive impact on the the aspects of interest, sensitivity, responsibility,
environment. Srbinovski et al. (2010) stated that locus of control, and intention to act. This study
Environmental Education is not a discrete sub- has taken the dimension of disposition or affec-
ject but incorporated in the Science Education tive on the aspects of environmental sensitivity,
curriculum. verbal commitment-intention to act, and perso-
Students need to be given provisions and nal responsibility.
excellent insights about the environment. Stu- Environmental sustainable development
dents should be instilled with a sensitive attitude is able to overcome various environmental prob-
towards the environment so that they are able to lems. The issue of sustainable environmental
pay attention to current environmental condi- development is increasingly important to be rea-
tions and think about maintaining the sustaina- lized through Education as it is one of the criti-
bility of the functional environmental carrying cal factors in attaining sustainable development.
capacity. The improvement of the environmental The education for sustainable environmental
literacy of students is needed. Environmental li- development (EESD) approach is suitably imple-
teracy is the skill of every individual to behave mented in science learning to improve the stu-
well in his or her daily life employing the under- dents’ environmental literacy. As conveyed by
standing on the environmental conditions. Envi- Locke et al. (2013) and Nasibulina (2015), envi-
ronmental literacy provides knowledge, and stu- ronmental literacy principles are used to promo-
dents may use the knowledge to make informed te sustainable development. The EESD is a part
decisions about environmental issues (Hollweg of education for sustainable development on the
et al., 2011). The increase of environmental li- environmental dimension.
teracy means preparing people who understand Education for Sustainable Development
and can solve environmental problems so that (ESD) is a lifelong and vast attempt that con-
environmental agents who have a caring attitude fronts every individual, organization, and com-
I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

munity to see tomorrow as a day for all of us, trained to students with the help of a science
or it will not belong to anybody (Suprastowo et student worksheet that was best used to convey
al., 2009; UNESCO, 2012). Tripon (2014) ar- the approach for making it easier for students to
gued that ESD is a new paradigm in the field of comprehend the presented materials. A student
Education that gives awareness and ability to all worksheet is a practical, useful, and economic
the leading people of the young generation to resource for use in learning activities (Kaymakcı,
contribute significantly to sustainable develop- 2012). Misbah et al. (2018) disclosed that student
ment. Moreover, Gadotti (2010) stated that the worksheet is one of the essential teaching materi-
sustainability concept is an outstanding element als for attaining success in learning. The EESD-
of education as environmental preservation re- based science student worksheet used in the pre-
lies on ecological awareness, which relies on the vious science learning process has been validated
educational process. UNESCO (2012) said that by the experts and belonged to the excellent ca-
the sustainability perspective constitutes social, tegory. The worksheets trained students to learn
economic, cultural, and environmental prob- actively and contextually. Here, the teacher acted
lems. The EESD is a concept of education for as a facilitator, and the learning process was cen-
sustainable development which points to various tered on the students. Environmental programs
environmental dimensions. The EESD is an ef- will be more effective when students lively parti-
fort to change attitudes and lifestyles through the cipate in activities (Locke et al., 2013). The ma-
awareness of natural resources, sensitive physi- terials contained in the student worksheets were
cal environment, the effect of human activities, related to the student environment; thus, they
and decision-making connected to environmen- found it easier to understand the topic and apply
tal sustainability in the future. their knowledge into their everyday life.
Although there is an urgent need to moti- The subjects of this study were 60 students
vate the utilization of renewable energy sources from grade VII Pandak 1 Junior High School in
as argued above, improvement on the education the first semester of the 2017/2018 school year.
system supporting renewable energy teaching Specifically, 30 students of grade VII C were in-
and learning is required (Alexandar & Poyyamo- cluded in the experimental class and 30 students
li, 2014; Pedretti, 2014). The implementation of of grade VII D belonged to the control class for
ESD-based learning methods in schools at any the field-testing.
level is still developing with different discourses Field tests were conducted using the ex-
and practices (Eilks, 2015; Gilmanshina et al., perimental design of the pre-test and post-test
2018; Pedretti, 2014). Moreover, there is still a control group design model. Table 1 presents the
lack of awareness among students, teachers, and research design of this study. In this field test, we
also the government of how important it is in took the samples of the two VII classes selected
promoting renewable energy (Leal Filho et al., using the cluster sampling method, i.e., one class
2019). In providing a better future free of fossil as the experimental class, and the other is the
fuel dependence, the effort must start by the edu- control class. The experimental class employed
cation of young generations, so that they realize the EESD-based student worksheets for the lear-
that actions have to be taken in order to prevent, ning process, while the control class used the
combat, or survive energy and environmental conventional student worksheets. Science lesson
crisis that may arise in the future (Grossman, on “Water as Alternative Energy Source” theme
2019). To address these crucial environmental was carried out in three meetings with four acti-
issues, EESD is one of the appropriate approa- vities. The topic for each activity can be seen in
ches to be used, especially in Science Education. Table 2.
Hence, the intention of this study was to analyze
Table 1. Research Design
the effectiveness of learning using EESD-based
student worksheets to improve environmental Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test
literacy. EC O1 O2
CC O3 O4
(Note: EC= Experimental Class, CC= Control Class,
This study is categorized as quasi-experi- O1= Early ability of Experimental Class, O2= Later
ment research. As mentioned above, the objective ability of Experimental Class, O3= Early ability of
control class, O4= Later ability of control class, X1=
of this study was to investigate the effectiveness
Treatment for Experimental Class, X2= Treatment for
of the EESD approach in improving students’ Control Class)
environmental literacy. EESD approach was
524 I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

Table 2. Topics of Learning Activities on “Water 3. 40 ≤ X ˂ 60 Enough

as an Alternative Energy Source” Theme
4. 20 ≤ X ˂ 40 Poor
Activity Topic Information 5. 0 ≤ X ˂ 20 Very Poor
The energy in Human (Source: Widoyoko, 2009)
1st 1st meeting
Life The students’ environmental literacy on
Potential Water as Al- the attitude dimension in both experimental and
2nd 2nd meeting
ternative Energy Source control classes was measured at the learning pro-
Making a Simple Wa- cess using the observation sheet. Observation on
3rd Assignment
terwheel the environmental literacy was done by obser-
Does Water Dam Have vers who have received previous training. Each
4th 3rd meeting
Energy? group of students was observed by one observer.
The dimensions of environmental literacy at-
The implementation of learning with the titudes observed can be spotted in Table 5. The
EESD approach was assessed using the obser- attitudes were assessed in four-grade scale. The
vation sheet of learning implementation. Some observers were given a scoring rubric used as a
aspects are contained in the observation sheet basis in providing environmental literacy scores.
of the learning implementation following the The average environmental literacy score of the
characteristics of the EESD approach. The as- three meetings in the experimental class was then
sessment aspects of the observation sheet are pre- compared with the control class to determine the
sented in Table 3. effectiveness of the EESD approach in improving
Table 3. The Assessment Aspects of the Observa- the students’ environmental literacy.
tion Sheet Table 5. The Dimensions of Environmental Lit-
Amounts of eracy Attitudes
Meeting Aspects of Assessment
The Dimensions
1st Systems of Thinking 4 of Environmental Indicator
Foresighted Thinking and Literacy Attitudes
Dare to express their opinions
Collaborating 4 or ideas
Action-Orientation 1
Dare to speak in front of the
System of Thinking 5 class
Foresighted Thinking and Providing feedback when
Strategizing another friend expresses his or
Collaborating 4 Verbal Commit- her opinion.
ment-Intention to
3rd Action-Orientation 8 Act Conveying opinions in group
discussions related to energy
The observation sheet was completed by issues.
an observer who understood the rubric or assess-
Asking question
ment guide so that the observation sheet can be
used correctly. The percentage of learning can be Drawing the conclusions from
calculated using the following equation (1). the core activities undertaken

% implementation = ( accomplished learning aspects Keeping the environment

/ overall aspects) x 100%. clean
Then, the percentage of learning activity Sensitivity Efficient in using energy, such
was converted into qualitative data referring to as water and electricity
the criteria proposed by Widoyoko (2009). Taking part in group activities
Table 4. The Percentage and Category of Learn- Independent (not cheating)
ing Implementation while doing individual tasks
Personal Respon-
No. Percentage Category sibility Submitting the tasks on time
1. 80 ≤ X ≤ 100 Very Good
Paying attention to teacher
2. 60 ≤ X ˂ 80 Good explanations
I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

The data were analyzed the effectiveness vironmental literacy on the attitude domain can
of the EESD approach to science learning to be seen in the following Table 7.
improve the students’ environmental literacy. The Table 7. The Assessment Aspects of the Students’
effectiveness analysis was done by comparing the
Environmental Literacy on the Attitude Domain
average value of environmental literacy between
the experimental and the control class. There was The Aspect of Environmental Number
a remarkable difference in the average of environ- Literacy of Items
mental literacy between the experimental and the Verbal Commitment-Intention to Act 6
control class if the independent sample t-test sa-
tisfies sig.2-tailed < 0.05. The hypothesis of this Environmental Sensitivity 2
study is presented as follows. Personal Responsibility 4
H0: There is no notable difference in stu-
dents’ environmental literacy scores between ex- Table 7 informs that the number of assess-
perimental and control class. ment indicators for each environmental literacy
H1: There is a notable difference in stu- aspect is not the same. The verbal commitment-
dents’ environmental literacy scores between the intention to act, environmental sensitivity, and
experimental and the control class. personal responsibility aspects consist of six, two,
and four items of assessment indicators, respecti-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION vely. The verbal commitment-intention to act has
a more significant number of assessment indica-
The effectiveness of the EESD-based stu- tors than other aspects because it is more easily
dent worksheets was obtained from the imple- seen and observed on the students in the learning
mentation of science learning using the EESD process. Moreover, the analysis of environmental
approach and from the statistical test of the stu- literacy data was conducted using the indepen-
dents’ environmental literacy results. The imple- dent sample t-test to find out whether there were
mentation of learning was known based on the notable differences in students’ environmental li-
percentage of learning activities that can be ob- teracy between the experimental and the control
served in Table 6. The percentage of EESD ap- classes. The student environmental literacy data
proach implementation illustrates the level of can be seen in Table 8.
success of the EESD approach applied in science
Table 8. The Score of Students Environmental
The EESD Competencies by Frisk & Literacy
Larson (2011) and Redman (2013) included (1) Experimental
systems of thinking and comprehension of in- Control Class
terconnectedness; (2) long-term and foresighted The number of
thinking; (3) stakeholder engagement and group 30.00 30.00
collaboration; and (4) action-orientation and
change-agent skills. Moreover, the EESD compe- Highest Score 88.00 70.00
tencies in this research include system thinking, Lowest Score 63.00 38.00
collaborating, foresighted thinking and strategi- Average 76.90 46.87
zing, and action-orientation.
The data in Table 6 shows that the percen- Table 8 shows that the average environ-
tage of learning activity with the EESD approach mental literacy of the experimental class was
by teachers and students was above 80%. If con- higher than the control class, i.e., 76.90% compa-
verted following Table 4, these results were inclu- red to 46.87%. The highest score of environmen-
ded in an outstanding category. This shows that
tal literacy was also found in the experimental
the EESD approach can be implemented very
well in science learning. class (88%), while the lowest score was obtained
in the control class (38%).
Table 6. The Percentage of Learning Implemen- Figure 1 conveys that the environmental li-
tation with EESD Approach teracy score of the experimental class was higher
Subject Implementation (%) than the control class. The average score of the
environmental literacy of each student in three
Teacher 100 meetings in the experimental and control classes
was analyzed using an independent sample t-test
Student 95
at a significance level of 5%. Prior to an analysis
by an independent sample t-test, some prerequisi-
The students’ environmental literacy data
te tests were performed employing the normality
were obtained based on the observers’ assess-
ment. The assessment aspect of the students’ en- and homogeneity tests. The normality test was in-
526 I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

tended to determine whether the data from each or there was a significant difference in environ-
variable was normally distributed or not. The re- mental literacy between the experimental and the
quirement for normally distributed data was pro- control class.
bability (Sig.) ˃ 0.05 (Triton, 2006). The EESD approach is a revolution in
Education to change our views, knowledge, and
attitude towards the environment. This study
shows that student worksheet based on EESD is
proven to increase environmental literacy, especi-
ally in the Energy topic.
The ESD framework with the teaching of
science has a great potential to help students to
develop their educational skills (Alexandar & Po-
yyamoli, 2014). Sustainable education is highly
appropriate the professions involved in the envi-
ronmental fields, as it plays a vital role in redu-
cing the consumption of natural resources and in
shaping the character of individuals within their
communities and the natural environment (Eilks,
Figure 1. The Score of Students’ Environmental 2015). The EESD appears as an essential appro-
Literacy ach to encourage the students to conserve and
Moreover, the homogeneity test aimed to protect the natural resources in their environment
know whether the sample came from a homoge- (Juntunen & Aksela, 2013).
neous population or not by comparing the two Future citizens must have the skills to act
variances. The data requirement derived from the sustainably according to their expertise (Holds-
homogeneous population was probability (Sig.) ˃ worth & Sandri, 2015). In the world of educa-
0.05, and if the probability of (Sig.) ˂ 0.05, then tion, a teacher can play a role in environmental
the data were not homogeneous. The prerequisite sustainability by fostering the students’ views on
test results could be seen in Table 9. environmental issues around them. Contextual
Table 9. The Test Prerequisite Hypothesis science learning will make students have a higher
environmental stance. The young generation who
Prerequisite Test Significance Value have the right attitude of environmental literacy
Normality test Experiment class: 0.200 will concern the sustainability of the environment
Control class: 0.053 and it is hoped to significantly help the world in
the future, in terms of natural resources security.
Homogeneity test 0.617
Table 9 shows that the results of the nor-
mality test on environmental literacy data of the In this study, we have presented the lear-
control and the experimental class was higher ning implementation using the EESD approach.
than 0.05, indicating that the students’ environ- Competencies of EESD applied in the learning
mental literacy ability was normally distributed. process are systems of thinking, action-orienta-
The homogeneity test resulted in the students’ tion, foresighted thinking and strategizing, and
environmental literacy data also showed a value collaborating. The results showed that the EESD
higher than 0.05, indicating that the data came approach can be applied in the science learning
from a homogeneous population. Because the process. The EESD approach is an innovation in
data have met the hypothesis prerequisite test, it the field of education to prepare a young genera-
could be tested with a hypothesis examined using tion that is concerned with the environment. The
an independent sample t-test. The results of the results also indicated that the application of the
independent sample t-test can be seen in Table 10. EESD approach in science learning increased the
Table 10. The Independent T-test Sample students’ environmental literacy of the experi-
mental class compared to that of the control class
Variable Sig.(2-tailed) as the sign on the independent sample t-test was
Environmental Literacy 0.000 0.000 < 0.05. This means that there was a notable
difference in environmental literacy between the
Table 10 shows that the sig.2-tailed value experimental and control class. The EESD ap-
was 0.000 < 0.05. Hence, the H0 was rejected, proach has accommodated the students in deve-
I. Wilujeng, W. S. B. Dwandaru, R. A. Binti Abd. Rauf / JPII 8 (4) (2019) 521-528

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