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NIM :20214111030

I. Reading Comprehension

1. Mary Seacole was born in 1805 in Jamaica

2. She learned from her mother how to make medicines from herbs. She
pretended her doll was sick and gave her medicines
3. Edwin Seacole
4. Patient and Independent or responsible
5. Many of them got sick or hurt and died
6. Mary would go and find men who were hurt and treat their wounds. The
soldiers were very grateful for this.
7. Mary used her own money to travel to the war and to open a place for
soldiers called the British Hotel
8. She was given medals for being so brave
9. Some soldiers raised money for her to say thank you for helping them.

10. the message from the text is that we must be independent, brave, responsible
and able to help other people

II. Esayy
1. Make a sentence using these following words.
a). Aldi, student of SMK 1 Kuningan received a scholarship to study in
b). Classmate have not finished working on English assignments
c). After graduate from school, rini’s dreams go straight to work
2. Find the synonym of these following words and make the sentence from each
a). She's one of the build that aren't so big as they look, nor yet so small as
they look.
b). Was it probable that she had anything suitable to wear to a lecture
c). Government must learn to take less from people so that people can do
more for themselves
3. Answer Pronoun
a) a). I talked to Jennifer and Mike. I told _them__ about the surprise
birthday party for Lizzy. _they___ won’t tell __she_ about __them__.
b) We have a good teacher. _Me__ advised __them__ to work harder.
c) My father told my mother, ‘I want __you _ to take these jewels and put
___them_ in a box. When _you__ have done that come and see _me__
and _i_ will tell _you__ why __i___ don’t want __you_ to keep
__them__ in that box.
4. Arrange these words into a good sentence and translate into Indonesian
a) Ketika muda dulu kita melakukan sesuatu hal bodoh
b) Menonton film ini adalah yang pernah paling menyedihkan
c).Dia begitu berat kerasnya untuk mencoba kehilangan
d). Pagi ini harus kembali kerumah Ibuku
e). Saya pernah setiap menit mencoba tidak jawab panggilan anda

5. Answer Modals Auxiliary Verb

a) They _can’t__ be on holiday, but I'm not sure.
b) You _can__ be right, but I'd still like to check.
c) _can__ you turn it down a bit please?
d) When Vera was young, she __can___ type quickly. She took a typing
class and now she __can’t___ type very quickly!
e) It _can__ be easy for Mary. Her parents died when she was only 4 years
f) I _can’t__ remember to buy milk on the way home.
III. Writing
 My Daily Activities
asslamualaikum, my name is Indar Sopa, mechanical engineering
study program, I am a new student at Unisa Kuningan University. My
daily activities work at the SMK Dwi Bhakti Ciledug-Cirebon-West
Java, go to work from 06.30 - 13-25 after that I immediately go home
and take a short break to let go of tiredness, usually if the afternoon I
clean up the house and do my course assignments, after that evening
prayers, continue to eat, and at 21.00 go to sleep

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