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Question no1

What is a novel approach you followed for writing your research paper introduction?

The novelty of my introduction is i discussed all the variables and relate to transgender theory,
which support my model. My introduction was consisted on 1158 words and these 1158 words
were divided in 3 parts

First 758 words were about the background and history of the variables, aim of the study and
limitation of the variables, 183 words on Problem Statement and the last 178 words were on
future research directions, summary of the introduction and supporting theory.

How you will explain a systematic steps used in your research paper for writing literature review
and explain the concept of synthetization?

1. All the variables, which are included in my model and important for my research paper,
were discussed in the literature review.

2. A clearer idea emerges as to what variables would be most important to consider in

research paper, why they would be considered important, and how they should be
investigated to solve the problem. Thus, the literature survey helps the development of
the theoretical framework and hypotheses for testing.
3. The problem statement was very clearly explained.
4. New variables are used in my paper and new things will be discovered, it is not as if I am
wasting my efforts on trying to rediscover something that is already known.
5. The scientific community supposes the problem investigated as relevant and significant.

6. Testability and replicability of the findings of the current research are enhanced
Synthetization: it is the conclusion of your paragraph or work. It started with the under the light
of above-mentioned studies.

What research design you will adopt for your study and why it is suitable to address your
research question?

I use qualitative research design in my study.

Following are reasons why qualitative approach is suitable for my study

 More scientific
 Objective
 Focused
 Acceptable
What is a sampling technique you followed for your research paper and why?

I am using snowballing sampling technique in my research paper because everyone in an

organization has a chance to be selected for the questionnaire because we are studying the
impact of workplace incivility on transgender performance. In an organization, anyone can be
harassed or maybe they experienced in the past. Secondly, it is not possible to understand the
transgender communities wholly if we interviewed only those who are politically active and
somehow achieve status or reputation in a society because their living standard or lives might
be different and these are those who are open to public about their gender identity and people
recognize them. To able to understand them completely we also look to those who are non-
public figures. For this research study purpose, we approach different NGOs and those
community members who are active socially.

Question 2: Design Model of the study with the approach discussed in class and develop the
research hypotheses after reading a scenario.
IV perceived organizational support

DV job satisfaction

Mediation intrinsic motivation

Moderation psychological capital


 There is a positive relation between POS and job satisfaction

 There is a positive relation between POS and intrinsic motivation.
 There is a positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction.
 Intrinsic motivation plays the role of mediation between POS and job satisfaction.
 Psychological capital moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and intrinsic
motivation. If the psychological capital is high relationship will be strong and if the
psychological capital is low the relationship will be weaken.
Question 3: Discuss the conditions required for multiple mediation analysis and why these
conditions are important for mediation analysis. Discuss partial mediation, no mediation
and full mediation concepts according to the rules defined by Barron and Kenny, (1986)
and Preacher and Hayes (2005).

The following example, drawn from Howell (2009), explains each step of Baron and Kenny's
requirements to understand further, how a mediation effect is characterized.

Full Mediation according to Barren & Canny

There should be positive relationship between indirect variable and direct variable. Indirect
Variable and Mediating variable have positive relationship
Mediating variable and direct variable have positive relationship

There should be significant relationship between i.v and d.v while controlling mediator
Preacher and Hayes Method for Mediation:

Full mediation: According to preacher and Hayes 2004, 2012, 2013.

It called conditional process technique. (Direct Effect, indirect Effect, and total Effect)
1- Step one:- While directed effect is insignificant
2- Step Two: While direct effect is significant
3- Step Three: Total effect is significant and the value of LCL (lower confident limit) and
UCL should in same either is positive and in negative
Partial Mediation according to preacher and hays
When direct effect is significant and indirect is also significant and the value of UCL and LCL
should not be in same director called partial mediation.
1- i.v positive and d.v negative
2- i.v positive and m.v negative
3- m.v positive and d.v negative

Question 4:
a. There is a company consisting of 500 employees at different levels. A researcher wants to
collect some information from all the employees of the company, for which he has to select
a sample. What would be the most suitable sampling technique, which may be used for the
selection of sample? Explain, what are the various steps that will be applied for a
particular sampling technique, and Why that sampling technique will be used, support
your answer with appropriate example?
We will use simple random sampling. In a simple random sample, each member in the target
population has an equal chance of being selected. It is assumed that the population is
homogeneous with respect to the random variable under study (i.e. the sampling units share
similar views on the research question(s); or the objects in a population are influenced by the
same background factors). A random sample can be selected by using random numbers. These
numbers can be generated by a computer program or by a table of random numbers (random
number table) and lottery method.

An example of a simple random sample would be the names of 25 employees being chosen out
of a hat from a company of 250 employees. In this case, the population is all 250 employees, and
the sample is random because each employee has an equal chance of being chosen. Random
sampling is used in science to conduct randomized control tests or for blinded experiments.

b. A group consists of 20 workers with equal gender proportion (Male & Female). All the
workers produced different units of output. The manager wants to see whether the average
production made by male and female were equal or not. Suggest the primary scale of
measurement and descriptive and inferential statistical test, which may be used.

We will use nominal scale and in descriptive statistical tool, we use arithmetic mean.

Question 5: Understand the question carefully and answer the following questions given

1- What kind of reliability is it given below?

2- If we want to check the stability of the scale, what should we do?

We have seven items in a scale the reliabilities of the items are .61

1. I have felt nervous as a result of my job .50 not

2. My job gets to me more than it should. .60 acceptable
3. There are lots of times when my job drives me right up the wall. .70 acceptable
4. Sometimes when I think about my job I get a tight feeling in my Chest .70 acceptable
5. I feel guilty when I take time off from job .70 acceptable
6. I have too much work and too little time to do it in. .65 acceptable
7. I feel like I never have a day off .70 acceptable

1- Test–retest reliability
2- A general accepted rule is that α (Cronbach alpha) of 0.6-0.7 indicates an acceptable
level of reliability, and 0.8 or greater a very good level. However, values higher than
0.95 are not necessarily good, since they might be an indication of redundancies.

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