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DESCRIBE your childhood.

What I remember the most from my childhood was studying so hard to be a consistent
honor student. When I came from school and had my lunch, I was told to rest for about an
hour before me and my mom do any schoolwork. Not that I am talking bad things about
my mom but she was really strict when it comes to my performance in school. If she
makes a sample test for me to answer and I made a mistake, I’d have to repeat it all over
again. There were times I cried because I couldn’t answer any of her questions. My
childhood also involved me staying at home a lot than hanging out with my friends. There
were only a few times I could go out and those times I had to have an adult with me. I’d
say that my childhood general was pretty restricted but still I was okay with how it was.
DESCRIBE your relationship with your parents
My relationship with my parents is pretty neutral. Like what I said about my childhood,
they were pretty strict towards me when it comes to my academics, but they also reward
me whenever I did good. At my age now, I still try to please them with academic
performance though I don’t get rewarded as much as with physical gifts like when I was a
kid since they said I have my own money now. However, just recently, I’ve had some
meetings with them about my mental health. I guess mental health isn’t the greatest and it
led to several arguments with them. I was honestly afraid at how they would react
because not a lot from people from their generation understand the concepts of mental
health. In the end, we always managed to find a way to reconcile. Because of that, they’re
more relaxed and don’t pressure me too much like before.
DESCRIBE your relationship with your siblings.
My relationship with my siblings is a bit rocky. Me and my older brother used to be a lot
closer when we were younger but now that we’re both adults, we don’t talk that much,
and we’ve also had several fights. As for my relationship with my younger brother, it’s
almost the same with my older brother. When he was younger, I used to take care of him
all the time and we would always play together. Now that he’s a teenager, I’d hate to say
this but I’m mostly annoyed at him mostly because he’s been so rowdy around me
whenever I’m studying and sometimes, I don’t understand why he’s still acting so childish.
I know I look like I am talking badly my brothers, but I love them very much. If anyone
tries to harm them, I won’t hesitate to step in for them and protect them.
What are some your gifts / talents at present?
I am a dancer, but I don’t dance as frequently as I did before. It was talent I inherited from
my mother’s side where most of my relatives were dancers as well. From my grade
school to my high school years, I was actively participating in dance competitions and
sometimes I would be given the spotlight because of it. In college, it’s not like I decided to
let go of dancing completely but I’m currently prioritizing studying to become a doctor. In
relation, I would say that memorization is one of my best skills. In an Anatomy class I had
a few terms ago, I’ve always received high marks on all tests because they were mostly
memorization. I guess I got it from my childhood where my mom always made me
memorize numerous terms.
What are some of your fears / worries in the future?
My biggest worry in the future is my career path as a doctor. I’m certain that I will become
a doctor but I am uncertain about if I am going to be good enough in the field. I’ve always
struggled with insecurity but it’s not like I want to be better than everyone. I just want to be
enough and do my job right. Another fear of mine in the future is failure. I’ve experienced
what it feels like to fail and it has traumatized me greatly. Though people have been
telling me that failure is a part of being successful, I guess I had set high expectations for
me to excel in life. Lastly, I’m worried about my parents. Because I’m taking such a long
journey to graduate, I’m worried that my parents will be too old. I haven’t done much for
them because I’m not earning money as of the moment but I’m still trying.

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