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Nonlinear Elasticity of

A. N. Norris
Granular Media
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, The fnite and incremental elasticity of a random packing of identical spheres is
Rutgers University, derived using energy methods. We consider different models for the contact forces
Piscataway, NJ 08855-0909 between spheres, all of which are based upon or related to the fundamental Hertz
theory; we consider only the special cases of perfect friction (no tangential slip) or
no tangential friction. The existence of a strain energy function for the medium
D. L. Johnson depends critically upon the type of contact. If the tangential contact stiffness is
Schlumberger-Doll Research, independent of the normal force, then the energy is well defined for all values of the
Old Quarry Road, macroscopic strain. Otherwise, the strain energy of the system is path dependent, in
Ridgefield, CT 06877-4108 general. However, the concept of a quadratic strain energy function is always well
defined for incremental motion superimposed on large confining stress and strain.
For all models considered, we derive the changes in wave speeds due to incremental
strains. For the models based upon an energy function we derive expressions for the
third-order elastic constants as a function of confining pressure.

1 Introduction spheres, causing little or no further approach of their centers,

but giving a lateral shift of the centers. Now consider the same
Consider a random packing of identical elastic spheres, which initial configuration, subject to the same displacements, but in
is a simple model for a granular medium. There are three basic the reverse order. The energy expended in the two experiments
problems of interest. First, we would like to know the depen- may or may not be the same, even though the solid material
dence of the macroscopic stress, aij, on the macroscopic strain, is considered to be perfectly elastic (local deformations are
O'ij = O'ij(emn). We would also like the inverse relationship, e0 reversible). The crux of the matter lies in the kinematic differ-
= e0(a,,,,,). This is linked with the issue of finding the finite ences caused by the contact of the spheres. Thus, the energies
forces between the particles. The second task is to calculate the are equal if there is no frictional resistance to the shear load.
incremental moduli for small motion superimposed upon the However, when the contact zone is rough, it induces a resistance
initial deformation. Finally, we would like to know how the to shearing, and the second experiment requires less energy
associated speeds of small amplitude waves change upon the than the first. This type of micromechanical picture must have
application of small additional stresses (Schwartz et al., 1994). an impact on the microscopic energy of an assemblage of
The concept of strain energy density for a hyperelastic material spheres. In particular, it should be clear that frictional contacts
allows one, in principle, to calculate all of these quantities. will result in a macroscopic strain energy which depends upon
Thus, the large stress/strain behavior is governed by the finite the loading path, and is therefore not hyperelastic. The simple
elastic response. Incremental motion is then governed by the ideas exhibited in the two-grain experiment will be expanded
second-order elasticity theory, or the elastic stiffnesses C~jktat upon in this paper, and the consequences discussed. Path-depen-
the prevailing finite strain e 0. Finally, the linear variations in dent effects are well known in granular media. For example,
wave speeds for subsequent static deformation, 2xeo, are linearly Deresiewicz (1958a, b) has discussed the effect in the context
dependent on the third-order elasticities, C~jkt..... (Toupin and of simple cubic arrays of particles.
Bernstein, 1961 ). In Section 2 we review some general properties of the various
However, the existence of a strain energy function is not contact forces which we use in Section 3 to derive expressions
always guaranteed nor even necessary for an elastic medium. for the deformation energy of a single contact and, from that, the
Following Truesdell and Noll (1965) we use the term hyper- deformation energy of the ensemble of spheres. In this article we
elastic to refer to a medium for which there is a unique strain consider only the special cases of perfect friction (no tangential
energy which is a function only of the current value of the strain slip) or no tangential friction (perfect slip), although we briefly
tensor. We consider a medium to be elastic if there is a strain touch upon finite friction in the Appendix. For those models
energy, which may be path dependent but which is not hysteretic of contact forces which are derivable from a potential energy
along that path. In this paper we explore the concept of a strain function, we are able to obtain explicit expressions for the stress,
energy function for the granular medium, both for finite defor- the second-order elastic constants, and the third-order elastic
mation and for incremental motion. The key to the problem lies constants as a function of macroscopic strain. We restrict our
in the mechanics of a typical representative contact. Consider consideration to those systems for which the change in stiffness
the following thought experiment: two solid spheres touch at a is a much larger effect than the change in dimension, which is
point but are otherwise separated. A normal force is applied, to say, systems for which the third-order constants are much
resulting in a finite contact zone, and a simultaneous approach of larger than the second. This is a characteristic feature of weakly
the two spheres. Then a shear is applied to the pair of contacting consolidated granular media, and is discussed further at the end
of Section 3. For the contact forces which are not derivable
from a potential energy function, we show, in Section 4, that
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY the second-order elastic constants are still well defined, but not
the third (or higher) order. Strictly speaking, for these elastic
Discussion on this paper should be addressed to the Technical Editor, Professor but not hyperelastic systems, one can still define third-order
Lewis T. Wheeler, Department of Mechancial Engineering, University of Houston, elastic constants simply as the second derivative of stress with
Houston, TX 77204-4792, and will .be accepted until four months after final respect to strain taken along a given path, and this, in effect, is
publication of the paper itself in the ASME JOURNALOF APPLIED MECHANICS.
Manuscript received by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, Feb. 24, 1995; what we do in Eq. (67). We derive the changes in wave speeds
final revision, May 28, 1996. Associate Technical Editor: J. T. Jenkins. due to an incremental strain in Section 5 and we show an explicit

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1997, Vol. 64 / 39

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at = a,~ the ratio Dn/Dt reduces to C,,/Ct = 1 + u / ( 2 - 2u),
which is approximately 1.17 for rocks (u = 1/4). This value
is not consistent with the velocity data of Domenico (1977) on
unconsolidated glass beads under pressure. Winkler (1983)
demonstrated that Domenico' s data yields a value for the ratio
D , / D t ranging from 1.79 to 3.36, which is consistent with a
contact model with a, < a,,. This is one possible justification
for a contact model that allows for frictionless sliding in tan-
gential deformation, as in the Digby model IIa for which
2.2 Path Dependence. The incremental rule for A T in
( 1 ) does not hold for all deformation paths in the w - s space
Fig. 1 Schematic of two spheres, each of radius R, in contact with each when the contact is not perfectly smooth. Generally, the incre-
other. The radius of the initial unstressed circle of contact, b, may or
may not be zero, depending on the model being considered. The center ment in A T depends upon whether w is increasing or decreas-
of one sphere is displaced relative to the other by a vector u which is ing, with different rules applicable in each case. However, it can
resolved into the component along the line of centers, 2w, and that be demonstrated (Johnson and Norris, 1995) that the distinction
perpendicular to it, 2s. This deformation gives rise to a restoring force disappears for the models of Table 1 if the trajectory is self-
F (not shown) with component N along the line of centers, and T perpen-
dicular to it. repeating--that is, it retraces itself whenever w is decreasing.
Therefore, to be specific, in this paper we only consider paths
which are self-repeating in this sense.
Thus, T does not possess a unique functional form for models
example of hydrostatic confining pressure in Section 6. We Ib, IIb, IIIb, and IV. Rather, it depends upon the path history
present some numerical examples compared against experimen- of the loading, and is only defined along a given path in the w
tal data in Section 7. Our concluding remarks appear in Sec- - s space. We distinguish the "path-dependent" models, Ib,
tion 8. IIb, IIIb, and IV, from the remaining models for which T is
uniquely defined at all values of w and s, i.e., it is a function
2 The Contact Forces o f these parameters. The path dependence vanishes only for
constant tangential stiffness. In order to integrate the force-
2.1 Contact Models. Consider two identical spheres each displacement equations for a single contact with path depen-
of radius R pressed together. The force between the spheres dence it is necessary to assume some relationship between w
acts over a contact zone the radius of which is small compared and s = s(w). We can then rewrite the incremental force rela-
with R. Let 2w(->0) be the relative approach of the two spheres tions ( 1 ) as
along the line joining their centers. The relative tangential dis-
placement between the two spheres is 2s. See Figure 1. Simi- d N = C~an(w)dw, d T = C , a , ( w ) d s . (4)
larly, the force may be decomposed into a normal force N and The contact forces can be determined by integrating these
tangential force T. We are interested in the finite and infinites- three equations subject to the initial conditions N = T = 0 at
imal elasticity of an ensemble of spheres, for which the single w = 0, yielding
pair in contact under normal and tangential loads describes the
fundamental mechanics. N = C,,A.(w), T = C, 1 at(~)ds (5)
Our starting point is the incremental relations between the apath
forces and the displacements, where A,, is a path-independent quantity having the dimension
of area:
AN = Dn(w)Aw, A T = Dt(w)As, (1)
where Dn and D, are contact stiffnesses, in the notation of Digby
( 1981 ) and Winkler (1983). These are of the form
A,(w) = a,(~)d(.
fo (6)

The precise form of T therefore depends upon the path s(w).

D,, = C,a,,(w), Dt = C,a,(w), (2) For example, consider a linear relationship,
where C,, and Ct are actual stiffnesses (with units of pressure) ds
-- = constant, (7)
C, = 4.___~__ _ 8#(k + # ) ,
1-u k+2# and the constant can vary from contact to contact. Equations
(5) become
8# 16#(k +/z) N = C.A.(w), T = Ctall)(w)s, (8)
C, 2- u 3X+4# (3)
where al ~ also has the dimension of a length
k, /z are the Lam6 constants of the spheres and the Poisson's
ratio is u. The lengths an and at depend upon the specific type ala~(w ) = _1 a,(~)d(. (9)
of contact but do not depend upon the material properties of w
the spheres. Several models are discussed in the Appendix, and We emphasize that w and s are not independent variables in
the functional forms for a,, and at are summarized in Table 1. Eq. (8). The constraint (7) implies that the spheres approach
All models considered in the present article either have smooth one another along a constantly directed line.
contacts with reversible slip or rough contacts with no relative Alternatively, one could assume that the line of action of the
slip. Both lengths are defined by the current value of w, but are force at each contact remains constant. That is,
independent of s. Note also that the properties of each contact,
though calculated within the approximations of ordinary linear -- = constant, (10)
elasticity theory, lead to nonlinear restoring forces. As we shall dN
see, these nonlinear forces can, in turn, lead to extremely large and the constant can differ from contact to contact. The two
nonlinear elastic constants for the aggregate media. constraints (7) and (10) are equivalent only if the ratio Dr~D,,
All the models in Table 1 have at ~ an, with equality for is constant along the loading path. This is the case for the path-
the infinitely rough contacts in models Ib, IIb, and IIIb. When dependent models Ib, IIb, and IIIb, but not for IV. We will use

40 / Vol. 64, MARCH 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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Tab!e I The lengths a. and at for different contact conditions. Models I, II, and III have
two subcases, corresponding to (a) smooth contact with reversible slip; and (b) rough
contact with no subsequent slip. See the Appendix for further details and definitions.

Contact Description a.(w) at(w)

(a) (b)

I Hertzian contact an

2 2 b4 ½ ba 1 b
II initial contact radius b (Digby) [n~ +-g) +~1~ an

III ogival/spherical contact d = R a } (Rw + d2)½ - d 0 an


IV frictional sliding (special loading) (Rw)~

(Mindlin and Deresiewicz)

(7) later for specific examples, but emphasize that the subse- ties, as is the dimensionless quantity a~(w) which occurs later.
quent analysis applies to arbitrary self-repeating paths s = s (w). Explicit formulae for a,~(w), A,,, and V,, are given in Table 2
The path-independent smooth models (Ia, IIa, and IIIa), do for models I, II and III, (a) or (b).
not require an assumption of the form s = s ( w ) , and can be
integrated directly to give forces with the same functional form 3.2 The Ensemble of Spheres. We now turn to the ran-
as in Eq. (8). Furthermore, dom packing of spheres, and make the standard kinematic as-
sumption relating the displacement of sphere m to the macro-
{ ~ for Ia and IIIa, scopic deformation gradient f j (Digby, 1981; Walton, 1987;
a~ ') = at = (11) Jenkins, 1991 ). The displacement of the center of a given sphere
for IIa.

3 Finite Energy, Strain and Stress ui = f j X j , or u = f.X, (16)

3.1 A Single Contact. Let F be the total force exerted by where X is the position of the center of the sphere. Let fi be
a sphere at a single contact, and let u be the total displacement the unit vector joining the centers of two contacting spheres, at
of the center of the sphere from its original position. The sphere X and X + 2Rfi. The associated displacements are f • X and
then moves a further distance d u . The work done by the sphere f • X + 2R f • fi, and so the components of the relative displace-
associated with that contact, assuming it does not rotate, is ment are
d W = F" du = Ndw + T ' d s . (12) w=-fi'f'fiR, s=P'f'fiR, (17)
Alternatively, the potential energy for a single contact is 2 d W , where fi" f • fi = n~fjna, and P projects onto the tangent plane,
when viewed in terms of the two spheres each contributing
dW. We speak of a "potential energy" function for the path- Pij ~ cSij- nlnj. (18)
dependent models with the understanding that we are restricting
our discussion to motion on one specific path. The work done The total strain energy density per unit volume is
along that path is a conserved quantity; going down the path is
the reverse of going up.
For either the path-independent models, or assuming (7) for
E w =1- E fv.du, (19)
f = ~ contacts V contacts
the path-dependent ones, the explicit nature of N and T in (8)
and (12) implies that where the sum is over all contacts on each sphere (each contact
is counted twice since W is only half the contact energy), and
l (2)
W = C,,V,,(w) + ~C,a, (w)s 2 , (13) V is the total volume of the sample. The effective medium
approximation we employ for this article is that statistically all
where V, is a volume and al 2~ a length, grains are "the same" and each may b e replaced by its ensem-
ble average: E . . . . . . . . W ( w i , si) ~ N n ( W [ w ( f i ) , s(fi)]) where N
V.(w) = d~ a,,(~)d¢, is the number of grains in the volume V, n is the number of

a~2)(w) = -2- r
f'~ d~ do at(()d~. (14) Table 2 The quantities a,~, A., and V. for the three contact models I, II,
W 2 dO
and III; see Table 1.
We have set W = 0 at the initial point, with no loss in generality.
Thus, W is one half of the energy stored in a single contact. Model at(w) A.,(w) V,~(w)
The result (13) is valid for all contact models, with the under-
standing that w and s = Is I are related for the path-dependent
models. For the others, we have the simplification that I ~ = ½Rt/2w -t12 wa. = ~Rl/2w 3/2 w2a~ = ~ Rll2w~l 2

0 for Ia and Ilia, R a2 _b2 1/2 ~ w 2 (a~ + ~ ) - (an-bIb4

a} 2) = at = (15)
b for IIa. -~(a~ + d) 2 w2d
2(an+d) g 10
The length an, area A,,, and volume V,, are fundamental quanti-

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contacts per grain, and ( . . . ) denotes average over the distribu- II because of the missing spherical caps, nor to the Spence/
tion of directions ft. Therefore, Goddard model III because the ogive volume is not the same
as the sphere's. We note that the same formula for U in (26)
U - n(1 - ~_____(W[w(f~),
) s(fi)]) may also be obtained more directly using Eqs. (13) and (23).
V0 We may generalize (25) and (26) to the case of an arbitrary
path in w - s space. Let the path be parameterized by w = (,
- ~o F. du , (20) s = s ( ( ) . The path may differ from contact to contact and is
subject 0nly to the constraints that it is self-repeating and the
end points are given by Eq. (23). Then, using Eq. (5),
where q5 is the porosity of the sample and V0 is the volume of
a single grain. In this article we explore the consequences of F = - C , A n ( - f i . e. fiR)fi + C, f a,(~)ds(~),
assuming an isotropic distribution P(fi) = 1/47r although there apath
is some evidence that this is not necessarily the case (Jenkins du = R ( d e ) . fi, (28)
et al., 1989).
Before we compute U we must address the issue of whether and the energy U follows accordingly. In summary, the energy
or not each sphere rotates under the action of the applied strain U is defined for arbitrary strain e for the models with constant
(Schwartz et al., 1984). If the neighbors of a given sPhere tangential stiffness. However, for the path-dependent models U
rotate, then there will be an energy cost unless that sphere is acquired under the specific loading path chosen.
rotates, too. We now show that, within the context of our effec-
3.3 Elasticity for the Energy Models. The energy can
tive medium approach, each sphere will not rotate if the defor-
also be defined by
mation gradient is symmetric f j = ~g. First, let us consider a
rigid rotation of the system about an axis 0 by an amount 0. In
U = ~rude U, (29)
terms of the rotation matrix R each coordinate moves to a new
position r ' = R. r and the displacement is u = r ' - r. It is
straightforward to show that where ~0 = ~rq(e) is the effective stress, which can be calculated
separately by considering an average stress over many spheres.
~7 × u = 2 sin 00. (21) This is the approach taken by Walton (see Eq. (3.15) of Walton,
1987). We note at this stage that ~0 cannot be obtained by
Such a rigid-body rotation is an example of Eq. (16) which
simply differentiating U with respect to e, because the energy
is path specific in general. However, it is important to note that
V × U = (f32 - - f 2 3 , f 1 3 -- f 3 1 , f 2 1 -- f 1 2 ) ' (22)
~j = ~ for models Ia, IIa, and Ilia, (30)
Therefore it is clear that if the macroscopic deformation gradient
is symmetric, there is no macroscopic rigid,body rotation. Un-
der such a deformation we may assume that each sphere does and hence the strain energy function U(e) of (26) is all that is
not rotate so as to match the positions of its neighbors. The required in order to determine the macroscopic stress for these
deformation gradient is then equal to the strain tensor. In order models. Thus, from Eqs. (15), (26), and (30),
to make explicit this assumption we rewrite (17) as nR ~
~0 = (1 - 4 ) ~ o {C,a,R(~(niPjk + njP~k)eklnt)
w = -fi.e.fiR, s = PefiR, (23)
where e is the symmetric part of the macroscopic strain, - C,(A,(-fi.e.fiR)n,nj)}. (31)
e ~ ½(f ÷ fT), (24) This gives the finite stress at any strain e for models Ia, IIa,
and IIIa.
and we shall write Pefi as a shorthand for the vector P . e. fi If a further small strain, ~0, is superimposed upon e then the
(w is unaffected). In summary, within the mean field approxi- resulting stress can be found by simply substituting eU + eq for
mation adopted here only the symmetric part of the macroscopic e0 in (31 ). Let the total stress be ~rU+ %j, then zi/is a nonlinear
deformation gradient influences the internal strain energy and function of ~0, which can be expanded in a Taylor series about
so we need consider only symmetric deformations. ~0 = 0. The linear coefficients are, by definition, the coefficients
We are now ready to calculate the deformation energy from of linear elasticity at the finite strain e. These can be obtained
Eq. (20). We assume there are N spheres with an average of directly by inspection from the strain energy expansion. Thus,
n contacts per sphere. First, consider the case where each contact 1
follows the linear path defined by Eq. (7), so that U(e + E) = U(e) + g0eu + ~C~jk~e0ek~

F = -C.,A.,(-fi" e. fiR)fi + C~aI1)(-fi • e. fiR)RPefi,

+~ C~;.,,,eijeklc,.. + . . . . (32)
d u = R ( d e ) . ft. (25)
where C~.~ and C,~k... are the second and third order elastic
The energy can now be obtained by substitution into Eq. (20)
moduli, respectively. They satisfy the usual symmetries associ-
followed by integration, yielding
ated with a material possessing a strain energy:
U = ( 1 - - ~ b ) ~ ° {Cn(Vn(-ll'e'llR)) C~k, = C~k,, C~kt = C~,j, (33)

+ ½C,R Z ( a ? ) ( - f i • e. fiR)lPefilZ)}, (26) C~klmn = C~ikl .... Ct~klmn = Ck~ijmn = Ct~nklU. (34)
The first identity is a statement of the symmetry of the stress.
where ( . ) denotes the average over all directions fi, V0 is the Explicit expansion of the strain energy, using Eqs. (15),
volume of a single sphere, and ~b is the porosity of the sample, (26), (30), and (32) yields
4 3 " NVo nR 2
V0=~0rR , 1- ¢ = (27) C~kz = (1 - ~b) ~ { ( [ C , a , ( - f i " e" fiR) - Ctat]ninflkn,)
Strictly speaking, Eqs. (27) do not apply to the Digby model + C, at(Qokt(fi)) }, (35)

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where level of the individual contacts, so it makes sense to start there
before considering the aggregate.
Q,~kl(fi) -~ ¼(6i~njm + 6,njnk + 6jtnwk + ~5~nin~). (36)
4.1 A Single Contact. The path-dependent strain energy
Note that the part of the moduli Cb~k~attributable to the constant for a single contact, W of (13), is not a function of w and s,
tangential stiffness D, = C,a, is isotropic, i.e., and hence cannot be differentiated arbitrarily. It is, however,
possible to consider variations in W for arbitrary unconstrained
nR2 { changes in w and s about their equilibrium values, w0 and so.
C~kt = (1 -- ~b) ~ C,,(a,,(-fi" e" fiR)ninjnknt) Letw = w0 + wl ands = So + sl, where [Wl] ~ IW0l and 1811
tsol, and the extra displacements Wl and s~ are, in general,
unrelated to one another. We first note that
C, a, ]
+ 15 (31Ukl- 61j6kl)~ , (37)
d W = N(w, s)dw + T(w, s ) ' d s (41)

and hence
where l~#t = (6~k@ + 6,b)k)/2 is the identity tensor. Similarly,
the third-order constants are given by W = Wo(wo, So) + No(wo, s0)w~
n * = - ( 1 - ~b) ~
C 6klm C . ( a ' ( - f i . e" fiR)ninjn~nlnmn,,).

The tangential stiffness does not contribute to the third-order

+ To(wo, so)" sl +
f0 Nldwl +
f? Tl'dsl, (42)

where N = No + N~ and T = To + T1. The values of Wo, To,

moduli because it has been assumed to be a Hookean spring.
No may depend on the loading history s(w) to that point, The
3.4 Finite Elasticity and Finite Strain. Here we make incremental force equations are, from (4),
explicit our earlier remark that we neglect the change in sample
dimensions as being a smaller effect compared to that due to dN1 = C,,a.(wo + wl)dwl,, dTl = Cta,(wo + wl)dsl.
the change (s) in stiffness (es). Consider the sample subject to (43)
a strain of order c ~ 1. The change in the sample dimension is
A V / V = O(e), whereas the relative change in the stiffness of Expanding and integrating gives
the system is of order cC~kl,,,,,/C~*q~s. The relative magnitude of
the second and third-order moduli follows from Eqs. (37) and Nl(wo, So; wl, sl)
(38) and Tables 1 and 2: (44)
= Co[a.(wo)w, + ½a;,(Wo)W~ + .. d,
Second-order moduli = O ( a n ( w )
Third-order moduli \Ra;,(w) / Tl(w0, so; wl, sl)

/o?\ = C,[a,(wo)sl + a~(Wo) wlds + . . . ] . (45)

= O ' = 1 ~ 1. (39)
\ R ~]
The form of N~ is unambiguous because of the fact that N is
always a function of w. On the contrary, the integral in T~
Hence, the relative stiffness change far exceeds the relative depends upon the loading path, or equivalently, upon the func-
volume change. This is a fundamental characteristic of granular tional relationship between wt and sl, if any. This integral is
media with Hertzian contact forces. It is manifested in the rela-
second order in the additional displacements; the first-order term
tively large change of elastic wave speeds as a function of
Cta,(w0)s~ does not depend on the loading history of (wt, s~).
confining stress, which we discuss in detail in Section 5. Substituting for NI and Ti into (42) we see that the incremental
We have so tar omitted any mention of the finite strain tensor,
strain energy is defined only up to second order in the incremen-
defined as E = c + ½frf. This is normally the fundamental
tal displacements, but not to third or higher order, i.e.,
quantity of finite elasticity, in particular, a hyperelastic material
is a function of E. The strain energy is assumed to have a power W(wo + wt, So + sl) = Wo(wo, So) + C,,A,(wo)wl
series expansion of symbolic form U = Uo + CEEE + C3EEE
+ . . . . where C2, C3 represent second and third-order moduli. + C, al')(wo)so • s~ + ½C,,a,(wo)w~ + ½Ctat(wo)s~
Alternatively, expanding in terms of f, we have
U = Uo + C2eee + C3eee + O(C2eff, C3eeff). (40) + path-dependent third-order terms in (wt, s~). (46)

The scaling of the moduli in (39) indicates that the correction The third-order terms depend upon the path taken from (0, 0)
term, C2eff, is negligible in comparison with C3eee, and hence to (w~, s~). This distinguishes the path-dependent models Ib,
it is entirely consistent to take the energy as U = Uo + C2ee IIb, IIIb, and IV from the others which possess well-defined
+ C3eee, correct to third order in the finite strain. Consequently, strain energy functions. The concept of second-order elasticity
there is no necessity' to distinguish the finite strain E from the is valid for path-dependent models but we cannot use or define
linear strain c, even for the purpose of discussing nonlinear third-order elasticity. We will now see how this functional re-
elastic effects (up to the order considered here). striction translates into the macroscopic strain energy, and also
the effective moduli for the granular medium.
4 E n e r g y and Elasticity for P a t h - D e p e n d e n t M o d e l s 4.2 The Granular Medium. We now consider a depar-
The previous results for the effective moduli are not immedi- ture from the stress/strain state (o', e), such that the total strain
ately applicable to the path-dependent models because there is and stress are e + ~ and o" + ~-, respectively, where I~t ¢ l el
no analog of Eq. (30) for determining crlj. This difficulty can and 171 ~ Io'1. The force at a contact becomes F + G, where
be resolved by considering small departures from the path- IG I < IF J, and the associated incremental displacement 2v of
dependent loading, which is physically reasonable for small the pair of spheres relative to one another is given by
wave motion or incremental deformation superimposed upon
the finite deformation e. The central difficulty is present at the v = RE. ft. (47)

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The increment in energy for a single contact, along a specific models, Eq. (31), is clearly a special case of (56), and follows
but arbitrary path, is therefore d W = ( F + G ) . dv, implying from the latter by simply replacing the variable length a~ ~) by
that its constant value appropriate to the energy models, see Eq.
(11 ). Finally, by substituting (56) into (29) and integrating, it
W = Wo + F . v + f G . d v , (48) can be checked that the energy agrees with (26).
The incremental behavior depends upon the additional strain
where W0 is the (in general, path-dependent) energy for E = 0, and stress in excess of e and o', the crucial quantity being the
as given by Eqs. (13) and (17), for example. The total energy extra contact force G. It follows from the preceding analysis
density of the aggregate is for the single contact that G is only path independent to first
order in the incremental strain. The associated linear form is
R 2
g=go+ V F . ~ . f i + - e- 2 I G'(d~).~, (49) G = - R C . a n ( - f i " e. f i R ) ( - f i . ~. fi)fi
contacts V contacts ~

where Uo is the strain energy at E = 0, given by (26). + RCtat(-fi" e. fiR)Pefi, (57)

We can now take advantage of the arbitrariness in e0 to The integral in (49) can now be evaluated, yielding
express the total stress as
nR 2
OU U~ = (1 - q S ) ~ { C . ( a . ( - f i . e . f i R ) ( f i . e . f i ) 2)
a0 + ~o = 0e ° (50)

The effective stress at strain e is therefore + C,(a,(-fi'e'fiR)lP~fil2)}, (58)

ou , (51)
fro = Oeq ~=o 1
UI = ~ C~k:Oekj, (59)

and the total energy density may be rewritten, from Eqs. (49) where
and (51),
nR 2
U = Uo +triseo + Ui, (52) C,~kt( e ) = (1 -- 4 0 -
where U, is defined as the ultimate term in (49). Finally, the
incremental stress is × { ( [ C , , a , ( - f i " e. fiR) - Ctat(-fi" e. fiR)]nlnjnkn~)

OU~ + (Crat(-fi" e" fiR)Q,jkt(fi))}. (60)

7-° = Oeij (53)
We wish to emphasize that Eq. (60) is always a well-defined
The macroscopic stress follows from Eqs. (49) and (51) as path-independent function of the macroscopic strain, e, even
for the path-dependent models. Of course, the stress or corre-
R sponding to that strain e may well be path dependent. In the
a° = 2 ~ ~ (Ffnj + Fjni). (54) special case of Hertz-Mindlin contacts, for which a , ( w )
at(w) = (Rw) ~/2, Eq. (60) reduces exactly to Eq. (4.6) of
This is an exact relation for point contacts, and it is commonly (Walton, 1987) but without the necessity of invoking his as-
used to derive the stress (Digby, 1981; Walton, 1987; Jenkins, sumption that s / w = constant.
1991 ). The main point of note here is that the same formula The incremental stress follows from Eqs. (53) and (59),
drops out quite naturally from the strain energy. Combining Eq.
(54) with Eq. (28h for F gives To = C,~k:kt. (61)

nR{~(fpa,(~)(n~ds:+n:ds,)) Note that the moduli possess the usual symmetries associated
with an elastic material, (33). The linear stress-strain relation
for T0 may also be found without using the concept of strain
energy, e.g. Walton (1987), but rather from a force balance on
C,,(A,(-fi. e. fiR)ntnj) ~t , (55) the macroscopic scale. This results in an identity which has the
same form as (54) but with a o, Fi replaced by T0, G~. It can
be easily checked that this yields the same stress as (61).
which is valid for arbitrary deformation paths, with the end
condition (23)2 for s. As a specific example, we consider the
linear s trajectory of Eq. (7), for which (55) reduces to 5 Sensitivity of Wave Speeds to Confining Strain and
or0 = (1 - 6 ) Vo The wave speeds for small motion superimposed upon the

err all)(-n '
e ° h e ) ~ (n, ej,~ + njP~k)e~n~
large strain e are defined by the effective moduli C~kl and the
effective density, p* = (1 - q~)p, where p is the granular
density. If the wave or phase normal is m, Iml = 1, and the
polarization direction is p, IPl = 1, then the wave speed v
C . ( A . ( - f i . e. fiR)n~ns)~. (56)
J p*v 2 = C~kt(e)mjmtpipk. (62)
When the length al l) and the area A, for the contact models Ia Note that m and p are not independent, but must satisfy the
and Ib of Table 1 are used, Eq. (56) gives precisely the results eigenvector relation C~kt(e)mjmtpk = p*v2pi. We are interested
derived separately by Walton (1987) for Hertzian contact with in the incremental change in speed, Av, when the strain is
either smooth or infinitely rough contacts. Schwartz et al. changed to e + Ae. The additional strain arises from a static
(1994) have based their theory of stress-induced anisotropy deformation, and need not be proportional to the original, finite
upon this model. We also note that the stress cr0 for the energy strain e.

44 / Vol. 64, MARCH 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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For the models with energy potentials we can use the standard (when applicable) three third-order moduli. The Lam6 moduli,
theory of acoustoelasticity (Toupin and Bernstein, 1961), for all models considered in this paper, are

fl* Av 2 = C~ktmnmjmtpiPkA fmn + ( CikqrA fqr6jt + C~k, A fq k* } n I C,,a,~(-eR) - C t a , ( - e R ) ,
#* , = (1 - ~ ) 207r---Rx C,,a,(-eR) + ~ C,a,(-eR)
+ C~Af~q + C~,AfAq + C~qAf~q)p~ptmjm~, (63)
where Af is the incremental deformation gradient and
K* ['~ C . a n ( - e R ) .
C~,,m (e) are the third-order moduli. Based on Eq. (39) we can (72)
safely and consistently ignore the terms in (63) involving the
second-order moduli as being of a smaller order than the third- If the model possesses a unique potential energy then the
order moduli terms for the granular medium. Furthermore, using third order moduli are
the symmetries of C~,,,,, in (38) implies
Ci*,] 15,
p*Av 2 = Co*.kt,,,~(e)m~mlpipkAe,,,, (64)
C,*~2~ - - ( 1 - qb)n C , a ~ ( - e R ) X 3, (73)
that is, the change in speed depends only upon the symmetric / 1407r
strain increment defined in accordance with Eq. (24). 1.
The analogous result for the path-dependent models can be
obtained by returning to the fundamental relation for the incre- Note that these are all negative and
mental strain energy of a single contact, (46). At issue is how
the coefficients of w~ and s~ are altered as we change wo to Wo C1"~:C~2:C~'23 = 15:3:1. (74)
+ AWo, and So to so + Aso. The change in the terms Wo and
a(~)(w0) in (46) are path dependent, and require that the incre- All other nonzero elastic constants are simply related to these
ment in So be related to that for Wo. However, this path depen- three (Green, 1973). There are many alternative systems of
dence does not effect the terms of interest, i.e., we simply notation for the third-order moduli, and Eqs. (73) and (74) can
replace the arguments of a,, and at with Wo + Awo in the qua- be converted accordingly. Green (1973) has provided a very
dratic terms. The increment in W involving the quadratic small useful table for converting from one system of notation to an-
strain is therefore other. For example, Eq. (74) implies that the moduli of Toupin
and Bernstein (1961) are identical, i.e., v~ = v2 = v3, while
~xW = . . . +3(C,,an(wo)wl~ + C~a;(wo)s~Z)AWo. (65) those of Landau and Lifshitz (1986) satisfy A : B : C = 8:2:1,
When we translate this result to the aggregate, it is clear that
the change in the wave speed is of the form

fl* Av 2 = B~jklmn(e )mjmlPiPt¢ Ae ....

where B~ktmn are simply the derivatives of Cffkt(e), given by

_ - ( 1 - 4,)n C.a~,(-eR) ×


Eq. (60), Departures from linear elasticity for the path-dependent mod-
els requires the moduli B~ktmn, which are of the form
B~kt,,,,( e ) - OC~kl( e ) (67)
Oemn B~kt,,,,, = Bijl,l,,,, + Blo,16 .... (76)

The explicit form follows from Eqs. (60) and (67), Here, Buum,, satisfy all the symmetries of third-order elastic mod-
uli, viz. Eq. (33), and
B~k~,,, = --(1 - ~b) 47r Blu ] '15C,,a~(-eR) - C,a[(-eR),
X { ( [ C , a ' ( - f i " e ' fiR) - C t a [ ( - f i " e" fiR)]ninjnkntn,,,n,,) B u z ~ _ - ( 1 - qb)n X 3 C , , a ' ( - e R ) - 3C, a [ ( - e R ) ,

+ C t ( a [ ( - f i " e. fiR)Quun,,,n,,)}. (68)

B123| 1407r C,,a',(-eR) - Cta[ ( - e R ) ,
Comparing Eqs. (38) and (68) we see that J 7Cta~ ( - eR).
B~t,l,,,,, = C~,t,,,, if and only if a, is constant. (69)
We can now test the general expression (66) for the change in
In general, the third-order tensor B~l,,,n does not have all the wave speeds. We consider the change in the speed of longitudi-
symmetries of the third-order elastic moduli C%,,, in (33). nal and transverse waves, vc, and v., for which p is parallel to
Thus, m and p is perpendicular to m, respectively. Noting that dp/
de = - 3 K * , where K* ~ k* + 2/.t*/3 is the effective bulk
O~klmn = Bi~ktmn, B~U,,,, = B~kt,.... B~kt,,m = B~ktm,,. (70) modulus, it follows from Eq. (66) that

6 Example: Hydrostatic Confining Pressure p*

dr 2 (B*u + 2B'12)
Consider a hydrostatic strain, e o = e6~j, e < 0. The macro- dp 3K*
scopic stress o- of (56) is hydrostatic, cro = - p 6 o, and the
confining pressure is dv~ (B4*,, + 2B,~2)
P* dp = - 3K* ' (78)
p = (1 - ~b) ~ o C , , A , ( - e R ) . (71)
where (Green, 1973) B~41 = (Bl12 - Bi23 + B)/2, B~42 = ( B i .
This is true for both the energy models and the path-dependent - BH2 + 2/~)/4. The results for the elastic models simplify
models, because it is independent of the tangential stiffness. because a[ ~ 0: We have B~H + 2B~*~2 = 21B and B~4~ +
The effective moduli are isotropic with two second-order and 2B~42 = 7B.

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1997, Vol. 64 / 45

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The speeds of propagation of small-amplitude compressional 2.0-
and shear waves are P and S speeds: glass beads]
(~k*+ 2#*~I/2, {#~1/2
Vc = P* J v, = \ p , ] , (79)

respectivelyl The derivatives of the speeds with respect to pres- I~ j " ~ ~ •

sure can then be worked out directly from the definitions of the 1.5-
effective moduli in Eq. (72). It is then simply a matter of some
algebra to check that these do in fact agree with the expressions
in Eq. (78).
Note that C,,a,',(-eR) is the modulus determining all the
third-order moduli in (73) and (75). The additional modulus 0 i / • . . . . .

C,a[ ( - eR) is required when the length at governing shear de- 03

formation at the granular level is not constant, but depends upon
E 1.0-
the loading. In the path-dependent models Ib, IIb, and IIIb, this
parameter is the same as a,,. The behavior of a,', is quite different
for each of models I, II, and III. Thus, as the applied strain e > 0 I ~ •
tends to zero, we have C,a,',(-eR) tending to ~, 0, and the j l
finite value (2/c~7r)C,, respectively, for models I, II, and III.

7 Numerical Examples and Experimental Data

In this section we present numerical calculations of the speeds
and the moduli as a function of confining pressure. For the sake
_.• Exp. data
b/R = 0.02
of specificity we limit our analysis to the Digby model, IIa. We b/R = 0.05
note that there is a scale invariance which guarantees that the
moduli, considered as functions of pressure, depend only on
the ratio of b/R. We consider glass beads for which we assume
the elastic constants and the density to be those measured by
Johnson and Plona (1982). We take n = 9 as deduced by Bernal 0.0 , l l l l l = ; f l l l ~ l l ; ~ l ; I r , i J , , , l ~ , f ~ l ,~l~ [

and Mason (1960). The calculated speeds are presented in Fig. 0 10 20 30 40

2. This figure is essentially the same as that of Fig 5 of Digby p (MPa)
(1981). We note that when b = 0 the sound speeds are propor-
tional to p ~/6 as discussed by Digby and others. Fig. 2 Compressional and shear speeds in unsintered glass beads as
Also shown in Fig. 2 are the speeds of sound which Domenico a function of confining pressure. The continuous lines are calculated
(1977) has measured in glass beads under confining pressure. results based upon the Digby model of grain-grain contacts. We have
used the values n = 9,/.¢ = 49.9 G P a , ~, = 0.277, and p , = 2 . 4 8 gm. cm 3.
We have converted his values to more conventional units. Al- The symbols represent the experimental data of Domenico (1977) which
though it is not perfect, we see that the Digby model with b should be compared against the b = 0 curves.
0 provides a reasonable description of the sound speeds, with
no adjustable parameters. Winkler (1983) has pointed out that,
in the context of contact models treated via the present effective (b) When b ~ 0 the second-order elastic constants tend to
medium theory, the Hertz-Mindlin model with 0 < a, < a, a finite value and the third-order constants tend to zero, in the
would provide a better description. Goddard (1990) has further limit p ~ 0. This is obvious from Eq. (13) and Table 2: V,,
critiqued the pressure dependence of the speeds. He has argued is an even function of w for the Digby model and so there is
that in a disordered packing there is a variation in the number no third-order term in an expansion around w = 0.
density of Hertzian contacts, which can lead to a sound speed (c) In the range of pressure over which there is experimen-
which varies more rapidly than p J/3, especially at lower pres- tal data, the third-order elastic coefficients are much larger than
sures. Experimental and numerical data of Jenkins et al. (1989) the second, thus justifying our neglect in the change of sample
and Cundall et al. (1989) at much lower confining pressures size as the pressure is increased. This approximation is also
(<140 kPa) than those considered here gave values for the valid for small nonzero values of b/R.
shear modulus of about one third that predicted by Digby's (d) Typical values of p*(dV~,/dp) in Fig. 3(c) are much
model. They also found many redundant grains, with an average larger than the corresponding values for nongranular solids
coordination number closer to five. The present model is n o t which are in the range 5-10. (See, for example, Johnson et al.,
appropriate to this type of "loose" packing, where shear band- (1994) and references therein.) They are, however, much less
ing is common, and the mean field assumption needs to be re- than values which have been seen in consolidated sedimentary
examined. Thus, Jenkins et al. (1989) considered anisotropic rocks (Johnson et al., 1994). This may be due to the fact that
orientation distribution functions for the contacts, and they also the asperities in grain-grain contacts are much smaller than the
permitted the grains to rotate individually. average grain diameters and/or the ogival contact model is the
For the purposes of the present article, we consider the model more appropriate one.
to give a reasonable semi-quantitative description of the acous-
tic properties of granular media. In Fig. 3 (a) we plot the pres- 8 Conclusion
sure dependence of the second-order elastic constant Cii = X
+ 2# (the P-wave modulus) from Eq. (72). In Fig. 3(b), we We have developed a simple theory of macroscopic elasticity
plot the corresponding pressure dependence for the third-order of granular systems based upon various models of the grain-
constant, - B , using Eq. (75). The dimensionless rate of change grain contact forces which have appeared in the literature. For
of P-wave speed, p*(dV~/dp) from Eq. (78), is plotted in Fig. all models considered, the second-order elastic constants are
3(c). The following points emerge from these figures: well defined at any given static state of stress. Thus the speeds
of sound are well defined at a given state of stress. The same
(a) When b = 0 the second-order elastic constants vanish, cannot be said of third or higher-order elastic constants; in
and the third-order constants diverge, in the limit p ~ 0. general, the change in sound speeds due to an incremental

46 / Vol. 64, MARCH 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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5- 400 -


: b=O
- b/R = 0.02
b/R = 0.05

, , , , ~ .... 110 ' , , , 115 . . . . 210 ' , , , 215 . . . . 310

-•" 200.
p (MPa)
Fig. 3 ( a )


25. /
',\ ~\
/- -
b/R = 0.02
I.=:_: b/R = o.o5
\\ 0
I 0 5 10 15 20
I \\
I p (MPa)
F Fig. 3(c)
v 15-
m Fig. 3 Calculated elastic properties of granular media within the context
of the Digby model. Same values of input parameters as in Fig. 2 with
f = 0.38. (a) Second-order elastic constant Cll as a function of pressure,
/ (b) Third-order elastic constant, B , as a function of confining pressure.
/ (c) p*(dV~/dp) as a function of confining pressure, Note the differing
10 scales.
/' order constants. This theory can be extended to other states
/' of stress, as well as to other models of the contact forces.

0 We are grateful to J. G. Berryman and L. M. Schwartz for
5 10 15 20 stimulating our interest in this problem and for several useful
discussions along the way. We are grateful to B. Sinha for
p (MPa) several insightful clarifications and to K. Winkler and D. Elata
for help with the exposition of the manuscript.
Fig, 3 ( b )

Bernal, J.D., and Mason, J., 1960, "Coordination of Randomly Packed
change in state of stress is dependent on the history in which Spheres," Nature, Vol. 188, pp. 910-911.
that change is applied. The exceptions occur for models of Christensen, N. I., and Wang, H. F., 1985, "The influence of pore pressure and
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Here, the third-order elastic constants are well defined, as are moduli in a deforming granular assembly," Powders and Grains, J. Biarez and
all higher order constants, independent of the path of the defor- R. Gourves, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 319-322.
mation. Deresiewicz, H., 1958a, "Stress-Strain Relations for a Simple Model of a
We have illustrated our results with some calculations rele- Granular Medium," ASME JOURNALOF APPLIEDMECHANICS, Wol. 25, pp. 402-
vant to glass beads under confining pressure. The calculated Deresiewicz, H., 1958b, "Mechanics of granular media," Adv. Appl. Mech.,
speeds of sound are in semi-quantitative agreement with the Vol. 5, pp. 233-306.
existing data of Domenico (1977), as has been noted before Digby, P.J., 1981, "The effective elastic rnoduli of porous granular rock,"
by others. For such a system we believe this lends credence Domenico, S. N., 1977, "Elastic properties of unconsolidated porous sand reser-
to the approximate Validity of our calculations of the third- voirs," Geophysics, Vol. 42, pp. 1339-1368.

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Duffy, J., and Mindlin, R.D., 1957, "Stress-Strain Relations and Vibrations of action is constant, and it lies outside the friction cone, that
of a Granular Medium," ASME JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 24, pp.
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Jenkins, J. T., 1991, "Anisotropic elasticity for random arrays of identical where 13 is constant and f is the coefficient of friction between
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T. C. T. Ting, and D. M. Barnett, eds., SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 3 6 8 -
377. a = (N/No)l/3ao = (1 + OL)lt3ao, (A4)
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tions," Powders" and Grains, J. Biarez and R. Gourves, eds., pp. 257-264. Bal-
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Johnson, D. L., and Plona, T. J., 1982, "Acoustic Slow Waves and the Consoli-
dation Transition," Z Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 72, pp. 556-565. infinite roughness at the contact, and hence no slip. As the
Landau, L. D., and Lifshitz, E. M., 1986, Themy of Elasticity, 3rd ed., Pergamon contact zone grows a slip zone in the shape of a circular annulus
Press, Oxford, pp. 106-107. also grows inward, so that the adhered region is of radius c
Mindlin, R.D., 1949, "Compliance of Elastic Bodies in Contact," ASME where
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Schwartz, L. M., Johnson, D.L., and Feng, S., 1984, "Vibrational Modes in Thus, c < ao, as expected, with equality only for infinitely
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tion Geophysicists, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 23-27, 1081- ment between the two spheres, 2s, is related to the applied load
1085. by the differential relation (Eq. (82) of Mindlin and Deresie-
Spence, D. A., 1968, "Self similar solutions to adhesive contact problems with wicz (1953))
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elastic materials. Acoustoelastic effect," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 33, pp. 216- dT Ct(!+ 1-0)-~. (A7)
225. ds c
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Walton, K., 1987, "The effective elastic moduli of a random packing of There are three limits of this general relation that are of
spheres," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol. 35, pp. 213-226. interest.
Winkler, K. W., 1983, "Contact stiffness in granular porous materials: Compar-
ison between theory and experiment," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 10, pp. 1073- (i) First, if the surfaces are frictionless, then c ~- 0 identi-
cally (there is no adhered region) and case Ia of Table 1 is
APPENDIX (ii) Second, if the friction is infinite, or 0 = 1, then T
satisfies ( 1)2 with an = a0. If we integrate this relation with the
Alternative Theories for Intergranular Forces initial condition that No = 0 (which only makes sense for infinite
roughness), we recover Walton's result (Eq. (2.5)1 of Walton
Oblique Loading on a Pair of Spheres. In a series of (1987))
papers Mindlin and Deresiewicz (Mindlin, 1949; Mindlin
and Deresiewicz, 1953; Deresiewicz, 1958) provided an ex- W = ~C, as. (A8)
haustive analysis of the mechanics near the contact region of
two elastic spheres. This work extended the classical analysis Thus, Walton's model corresponds to homothetic loading from
of Hertz (who verified his contact theory by experiment) to zero confining stress. This is model Ib in Table 1. The more
account for tangential forces and oblique loading. Mindlin general relation in Eq. (A7) allows us to consider different load
and Deresiewicz (1953) showed that the relation between paths and finite friction. However, we will use Walton's formula
the tangential force and the tangential displacement depends in practice.
upon the loading history. (iii) Alternatively, if the normal load is kept fixed as the
Consider two spheres forced together under a load N. This tangential force is applied, then 0 = 0, and we have instead
results in a circular contact zone of radius a and a normal
displacement w, d T = Ctcds. (A9)
{ 3 R N ~ ~'3 This is the case considered by Mindlin in Eq. (103) of Mindlin
a: \-~-j , w=a2/R. (A1) (1949), and is model IV in Table 1.

Normal Loading o f a Pair of Spheres in Contact. The

That is, the spheres approach twice the distance achieved by models of the previous subsection can be generalized to account
slicing off caps of radius a on each. Equations (A1) imply that for initial contact. Digby ( 1981 ) considered the case of a circu-
lar zone of radius b of initial contact between the spheres at
N = 2-C
3 ,,RI/2w 3/2• (A2) zero confining force. He showed that the contact zone for a
compressive normal force N is a circular region of radius a
given by the formula
Let a0 be the initial contact radius for applied force No.
An oblique compressive force is now applied, resulting in a a ( a 2 -- b 2 ) 1/2 = Rw. (A10)
tangential force T and total normal force N. The additional
force is applied incrementally in such a manner that its line This gives the formula for an = a in Table 1, for model II.

48 / Vol. 64, MARCH 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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The Spence/Goddard Contact Model. An ogival in-
denter, composed of a sphere with a conical tip of interior angle N=C,, 7 o--SB,- B2 , (All)
7r - 2a, 0 -< c~ ~ 1, is pressed into a sphere of the same
radius. This type of contact geometry was discussed by Goddard where a is the contact radius, w = Boa, B0 = (Tr/2)B~ + 2B2,
(1990), and is based on a class of solutions generated by Spence and Bi = o~,B2 = a/2R. These follow from Appendix D of Spence
(1968) for frictionless indentation of self-similar shapes on (1968). The analogous force for the ogive/sphere contact is ob-
planar surfaces. Thus, the normal force required to press the tained simply by the replacement B2 = a/R, which combined with
ogival body a distance w against a planar surface of the same ( A l l ) leads to the incremental form of the force equation, (1)1
material is and (2)~, where a,, is given in Table 1 under model III.

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1997, Vol. 64 / 49

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