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10 DINO sized IDEAS for more play

1) Mix & Match - how many different combinations can

you make?

2) Add other building block parts to them

3) Replace their arms for legs - hey get crazy!

4) Create mini worlds for them with building blocks -

jungle, city, theme park - what ever you want! Get

5) Set them up in different scenes and take photos - can

you make them look really BIG? Hint: place them closer
to the camera with the other objects far away

6) Have Minifigures ride them

7) Take them outside! Dinos in the grass, the snow, the

sand. Create scenes and take pics. Or just in the scene
you created. Use items you have on hand - other toys,
sticks, leaves and more!
8) Get them wet! Fill a bowl or big container with water
- WATER WORLD! If you do it indoors place a towel
underneath the bowl of water to keep the "mess" from
getting too wet. Create some islands to live on, add
other building block pieces - again ramp up that

9) Play hide and seek! Hide a dino and have someone

find it - use the HOT/COLD game - cold if they are far
away - HOT if they are getting close

1 0) Play tic tac toe with DINOS! Draw out a grid

and use the dinos for X's and maybe some
mini figures or other building blocks for the O's.

BONUS IDEA: Create a "lego masters" challenge for

yourself and get someone else involved! Have you
seen that Lego Master TV show? They give them a
challenge each episode and a timeline to create it in.
So choose a challenge theme - set a timer and get to
work creating something with your DINO's and
building blocks.

Snap, tag and share your ideas so we can see & SHARE
YOUR imagination and Creativity! @saltedavenue

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