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Nawal Mustafa; M.A.



The Self-Actualization Journal

The Self-Actualization Journal

I want to see your progress! Record yourself and tag @thebraincoach

with what day of journaling you are on (i.e. Day 1 or Day 16 or Day 60)

This is an Evidence-Based Practice

Journaling is a powerful evidence-based tool that allows us

to regulate our emotions and stay mindful about our

actions. Neuroscience research shows that physically writing

down our thoughts enhances our ability to encode and

remember the information, thus keeping us focused on our

goals and future vision.

It Will Take Time and Patience. Repetition is Key.

In order to notice the benefits of this practice, it is

important to make it into a habit. Set aside 15 minutes every

day for 2 months to write. I recommend to choose one of

the 3 pages based on what you need that day: daily

accountabilty, mood and thought, or future vision. Research

shows that it takes 66 days on average to form a new habit,

but it also depends on how resistant you are. if you miss a

day here and there, it will not derail your process; however,

try to stay consistent.

This is not EASY

Sticking to journaling every day will not be easy. It is very

difficult for us to adopt a new habit. Set realistic goals for

yourself. For example, start with writing 5 minutes every day

if you feel that 15 minutes is a lot. Also, it is very important

to reward yourself with something small right after (i.e. a

piece of dark chocolate or a cup of your favorite

tea/coffee). This will keep you encouraged to pursue this

new habit.
The Self-Actualization Journal
Nawal Mustafa; M.A. MOOD AND THOUGHT

Today I Feel: Why do I feel this way?:

(i.e. I haven't been productive today)
Happy Grateful Anxious Guilty Irritated __________________________
Confused Angry Sad Confident Jealous

What happened? Describe the situation (i.e. I kept getting distracted because...)

What thought comes to mind right now? (i.e. I can never do anything right. I am a failure)

Is this thought true? 

Is there anything I can think of that does NOT make this thought absolutely


What would I tell a friend who had the same thought or feeling?

The Self-Actualization Journal

A habit or behavior that I want to work on is...

(Be specific - i.e. I want to stop constantly looking for reassurance/ I want to work on setting boundaries with... )


Making this change matters to me because...

(i.e. I want to feel more confident and learn to trust myself)

What can I do today to work on changing this behavior?
(i.e. I will practice writing out my thoughts or meditating when I feel the need to seek external validation)

How can I affirm myself when I am regressing back to the behavior/habit? 
(Keep it simple - i.e. I don't need other people's approval / I can trust my own opinion on this matter)

How can I practice self-compassion when I face failure
(i.e. I am trying my best to unlearn something I have been practicing for so long. It is okay if I am not perfect at it)

The Self-Actualization Journal
Nawal Mustafa; M.A. FUTURE VISION

 Note: Try to be very specific when answering these questions.

 When I think of the person I want to become, I see myself as...


What does my life look like in this future?


As I envision myself in the future, I feel...


What new goal can I set today that aligns me with this future? Where will

this goal take me in 6 months?


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